After all, he was a local emperor in this remote place, and he was obedient to what was ordered from above, and he must keep some eyeliners for snooping about some attitudes of the ghost city.

When the ghost town comes, he has to do a good job of face.

It was because he knew the inside story that the black judge would laugh wildly.

He doesn't want to think about anything now, he just wants to be black and black.

Jiang Lin blacked all the fairy treasures in Heaven, and he now has the opportunity to eat black.

He secretly made Jiang Lin, and then unknowingly turned so many immortal treasures on him into his own treasures.

Anyway, the sand sea in the northern region is very closed here, as long as he does it neatly, no one can find out what's tricky in it.

"Find it, I must find it!"

The black judge was not sitting or standing in excitement. He even wanted to put aside the matter of someone in the world disrupting the order of reincarnation, and focus all his energy on the matter of searching for Jianglin's traces.

Anyway, Jiang Lin was with the spirit master of Wangchuan. Even if he used human and material resources, there would be nothing wrong with him.

This is equivalent to completing the task entrusted by his superiors.

It's just that the black judge never imagined that Jiang Lin was nowhere else at all, just in the territory of the Ermao Kingdom under his control.

This is really what Jiang Lin sent to his bowl.

Chapter [*] Just wait and see a good show

The matter of resurrecting Chunhua would cause such trouble was not only unexpected for Qiurong, but Jiang Lin also did not expect it.

At this time, he was still absorbing the evil spirit in the side room of Jiangjiabiyuan.

Because Liu Sheng is still not awake, and Jiang Lin's body is not in a state, and his actions are blocked, which makes him not very familiar with Ermao Kingdom.

He did not expect that this place happened to be governed by the branch of the ghost town in the northern region of the sand sea.

When he resurrected Chunhua, he didn't think too much. What he thought was that the power of the ghost city should not spread to the sand sea in the northern region, so he didn't take it seriously.

But if he didn't take it seriously, it caused him a lot of trouble.

Jiang Lin didn't even expect that now he is guilty of guilt, and the person who is eyeing him is the famous sake star, and the gold is moved.

Once his identity is recognized, even if he has a good relationship with Zhong Kui, it will not be very easy.

"Why is there a vague unease?"

Jiang Lin opened his eyes and pondered for a moment, then he thought it was the corpse poison in his body that there might be a problem, so he didn't care.

At the same time, in the main room of the haunted house, Qiu Rong was reminded by Xiao Xie that she knew that even if she had gotten her revenge, she could go to Jiang Lin again in the name of asking for advice on how to practice cultivation, so her mood became inexplicably changed. Lighten up.

Moreover, from time to time, she looked at her hand held by Jiang Lin, and a knowing smile appeared on her face.

"Sister Qiurong, what's wrong with you? Is there anything wrong with your hand?"

Xiao Xie was a little confused when he saw that Qiu Rong was like no one else, and occasionally chuckled at his plain hand.

"It's nothing, he just took his hand."

Because Qiu Rong was immersed in the memories of holding hands with Jiang Lin before, she said the words without thinking.

"He? He holds your hand? Who is he? Young Master Jiang?"

When Xiao Xie heard Qiu Rong's words, his nerves suddenly became tense.

This is not right!

It was only at this time that Qiurong came back to his senses and said, "Ah? What? Young Master Jiang? He's in the side room. What did you ask me just now?"

"Why did he hold your hand, I'll go find him!"

Xiao Xie felt like he had knocked over the five-flavor bottle, and wanted to go to Jiang Lin to ask what happened.

Now that Jiang Lin is here, who Qiu Rong is talking about, you don't need to ask any more.

She didn't dare to let Qiurong know anything here, because she was afraid that her lover was in danger, but it turned out that Jiang Lin and Qiurong were holding hands when they were outside.

"Xiao Xie, what are you doing with him? He wants to take away my grievances. Don't worry, your sister Qiurong can still be taken advantage of."

Qiurong quickly went over and grabbed Xiao Xie's wrist, preventing Xiao Xie from going over.

At the same time, she is also complaining about herself. She didn't dare to let others know about it, but she accidentally said it.

As for why Xiao Xie became angry, she thought it was because Xiao Xie thought she was being taken advantage of.

It's not cheap at all!

Xiao Xie now understands that her sister Qiurong is in love with her man.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be smirking here because his hand was held by others, which is really sweet.

Xiao Xie said whatever, saying that she just wanted to ask Jiang Lin, and now she wanted to know how Jiang Lin explained it and whether she had feelings for Qiurong.

But Qiu Rong didn't let her leave no matter what, and Qiu Rong now had a taste of it, and she seemed to have a crush on Jiang Lin.

In this case, Xiao Xie couldn't ask Jiang Lin to ask.

Xiao Xie was anxious and annoyed. She couldn't tell Qiu Rong frankly yet. Now Qiu Rong would not be bad for Jiang Lin, but if she explained what happened before, then the two sisters might become rivals in a blink of an eye. The relationship between the sisters breaks down.

It wasn't until late at night, when Qiu Rong rested, that Xiao Xie tiptoed out of the main room and went directly to the side room.


Seeing Jiang Lin sitting cross-legged, Xiao Xie put his hands on his hips and looked at him angrily.

"Xiao Xie, what's wrong?"

After Jiang Lin was alarmed, he smiled slightly, got up and took Xiao Xie into his arms.

"You...Tell me well, are you playing on my sister Qiurong's mind? still hold her hand, she is like a hysterical person, and from time to time she is facing the hand that you held. Silly."

Xiao Xie earned his money and questioned Jiang Lin angrily.

So she is like this?

A smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face again, and it seemed that Qiu Rong should have opened up.

Seeing Xiao Xie's jealous appearance, Jiang Lin bit his lip and said, "I'll answer your question later. Tell me first, is I worth your trust?"

"of course."

Xiao Xie's answer was very straightforward. If it wasn't for Jiang Lin, she would have vanished long ago.

"Then do you and your sister Qiurong have a good relationship?"

"It is a must."

"That's fine, why are you asking so much?"

Jiang Lin shrugged, letting Xiao Xie understand.

"No Wei'er, what do you mean? Do you want me, Sister Qiurong, to entrust you, a person worthy of entrustment?"

When Xiao Xie thought about it, he felt that Jiang Lin had something to say.

"Don't keep asking this and that. Little Biesheng is newly married. I haven't seen you for a few days."

Jiang Lin ignored Xiao Xie's question, and hugged her horizontally and went to the inner room of the side room.

Seeing Jiang Lin intentionally avoiding and not answering, Xiao Xie also knew that her guess was true, so she was reluctant to get up, but with Jiang Lin around, she couldn't make a fuss.

After the cock crowing at the fifth watch, Xiao Xie looked at Jiang Lin resentfully.


"Your sister Qiurong has suffered so much in the past. Someone is willing to treat her well, just like you, so don't make trouble. When you come to my house in the future, your ghost sisters will not be like you."

Jiang Lin tidied up Xiao Xie's disheveled hair, tidied up her clothes, and patted her on the head, Qiu Rong was already getting up.

When Xiao Xie thought of the persecution Qiu Rong suffered in those years, and Jiang Lin's doting, he pouted and left the side room.

If her sister Qiurong is like her in the future, then it can be regarded as making up for the hardships she has endured in the past.

And now Qiurong has fallen in love with Jiang Lin, and she can be a long-term sister with Qiurong in the future, so she doesn't plan to pursue it any more.

"Mr. Jiang, whether it can be done depends on the situation today. Now, don't you tell me what your plans are?"

Shortly after Xiao Xie left, Qiu Rong came to Jiang Lin's side. She still wanted to know how Jiang Lin would deal with the situation that might arise today.

"You, just wait and watch the show."

Jiang Lin smiled, then took the green bamboo umbrella from Qiurong's hand and opened it, motioning Qiurong to go to the county office with him.

He didn't worry about Mr. Jiang's refusal at all, and he didn't need any other means. Mr. Jiang would just admit it. If he didn't, then wait for his good show.

Seeing Qiurong and wanting to ask, he said, "Let's go, no matter how much Master Jiang wants to die, he can't help him."

Chapter [*] Not to mention the county magistrate, even the emperor can't protect him

"I'll see what good show you can put on me."

Qiu Rong snorted softly, it's already now, Jiang Lin didn't explain it to her, so he just sold off there.

Jiang Lin looked at Qiu Rong's puffed up appearance, chuckled lightly, and said, "You don't have to worry if I'm here. Even if there are some twists and turns in today's affairs, it will not change the outcome. You got up so early because of Anxious, what will happen today?"

"It's not that you have grievances. My resentment for so many years is finally starting to be liberated. Of course, I am more concerned about this matter. Could it be that I disturbed your sleep?"

Qiurong listened to the meaning in Jiang Lin's tone, and seemed to be a little dissatisfied with her getting up so early, so she snorted.

You didn't disturb me, but you did disturb Xiao Xie.

Jiang Lin pouted, but didn't say anything after that, and took Qiurong straight to the county office.

It's still early, and the county government hasn't opened the door yet.

Qiurong followed Jiang Lin to the morgue and found that the maid Chunhua was guarded by Taoist Tian, ​​and there was no problem, and she was relieved.

"Okay, since there's nothing to do all night, if the Jiang family wants to do something small, they won't choose now, it's almost dawn."

Jiang Lin looked at Qiu Rong helplessly. Qiu Rong's grievances needed to be made public through Chunhua, so she was worried about what would happen in the morgue.

This is also the reason why Qiu Rong found him so early.

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