But it was nothing before, Qiu Rong gradually became sunny, and her smiles became more and more.

But now that Qiurong had just handed over the person to him, he let Qiurong cry like this, full of grievances.

Chapter [*] How did you lose money? (Down)

"I told Xiao Xie some things, and I'll tell you again. I made up your mind, but it wasn't just for the ghosts in you. When I had that thought, I was ready. Let you be my bride in a wedding dress and hijab in the future."

Jiang Lin told Qiu Rong the words clearly. At the beginning, Xiao Xie had a misunderstanding, thinking that the object of his idea was just the ghost in his body, so Qiu Rong probably fell into such a misunderstanding of thinking.

He had to explain it clearly.

He really needs it, but he also wants to beg a wife.

Otherwise, what would he do with so much effort and energy?

Although he had an agreement with Qiu Rong, if he really hit the clock as a monk, it wouldn't be impossible.

In that case, Qiu Rong wouldn't have gained so much happiness from being with him.

Wiping away the tears on Qiurong's face, Jiang Lin continued: "It's okay if you think that what I'm thinking about you is bad or bad, whatever you say is what you say. I also made you fall in love with me, just because I didn't know anything. I'm here to apologize to you, but you can't leave me. Not only that, you have to keep my love and dote on you for a hundred years. , a thousand years, and forever."

Listening to Jiang Lin's words, Qiu Rong was still sobbing and did not answer Jiang Lin's words.

The grievances in her heart have not dissipated.

"Hey, I'll give you an account. After I made your mind up, I'd take you out on the street to look for your memories. What do you want to buy, what do you want to eat, I don't even frown at all. Now You are my wife, I will naturally be more generous than then. I don't care about yellow and white things, and you don't care, but I also don't begrudge anything like natural treasures, rare fairy treasures, etc. I will give it to you in the future. If you use the fairy treasure as your meal, you will be able to take off your belt and eat it just like you did in Zuixianlou."

Jiang Lin straightened Qiurong's hair and gave her some calculations.

His wife always said that if she lost money, she had to stop the loss, and the grievances were mostly the reason for this.

As long as you feel that you didn't lose at all, but instead made a lot of money, naturally you won't be wronged any more.

He didn't really want to settle accounts with Qiu Rong, the reason why he said that was because he wanted to coax Qiu Rong well.

"Who... who is rare."

Jiang Lin's words reminded Qiu Rong of how indecent she was when she was eating and drinking in Zuixianlou. I have to say, what Jiang Lin said really made her feel a little bit tempted. It is so extravagant that even the fairies envy it.

However, she was still a bit petty, and after muttering, she went silent.

Jiang Lin continued: "These are all items, in addition, there are still unseen accounts. In the future, you and Xiao Xie will break through to become ghosts with my help, and I will definitely protect the law for you. In the future, you will be just like her, you can always enjoy the life of taking fairy treasures as snacks without reincarnation. And if you are in trouble, as long as I have a breath, I will not let you go before me. I am not Blow, this has happened a few times before. In the years to come, you will not suffer any more grievances. You always say that you are losing money, then I will keep you like this and let you lose your family. You still have to put in the energy, time and love to keep you happy all the time, you feel your own conscience and say, am I a loss to my grandma's house?"


Qiu Rong was still sobbing at first, but was amused by Jiang Lin's sentence to her grandmother's house.

"How's it going? Tell me, why are you losing money? You definitely think you've made a profit, otherwise you wouldn't be laughing. You, you want to make a fortune in silence, but your laughter But betrayed you, I have seen it."


Qiu Rong glanced at Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin didn't tease her anymore, just smiled knowingly and looked at her.

After a while, Jiang Lin said: "Qiu Rong, you will marry me. This is a business that is sure to make no loss, even if you have never been in business before, you know that it can make a lot of money. Besides, you even married a phoenix crown before. You already like it, so you don't want to wear it?"

Listening to Jiang Lin's soft whisper, Qiu Rong lowered her face, and finally put her cheek against Jiang Lin's chest, leaning into his arms.

Jiang Lin has already said it for this sake, but still coaxing her with kind words, can she still walk away?

She had no doubts about what Jiang Lin said.

Yesterday, when Jiang Lin wanted to save Xiao Xie and her other female ghost sisters, he sent a lot of fairy treasures to the black judge's ghost collection bag.

Her female ghost sisters are not too involved with Jiang Lin. Even Jiang Lin is willing to use Xianbao directly to save their lives. Now Jiang Lin regards her as his wife and proposes to her. Xianbao, it must be that she doesn't feel bad about how much Jiang Lin wants.

However, these material things are secondary, and the most important thing is the other things that Jiang Lin promised - to give her happiness and never let her be wronged.

That's what she cares about the most.

Although Qiurong was still stubborn and said Jiang Lin was rhetoric, she also knew that Jiang Lin would definitely do what he said.

It is impossible for a man who has been desperate to save her life several times to not cherish her as a treasure.

In fact, the reason for this is that as long as Qiu Rong thinks about it more, he will not have trouble with Jiang Lin.

But she only knew before that Jiang Lin had deceived her, so how could she find out what Jiang Lin was trying to figure out on her own?

"Xiang... Xianggong."

After a while, Qiu Rong raised her head and called Jiang Lin timidly.

"In the past, your fate was poor, and the heavens did not treat you well. The murderer who murdered you has been free for so many years, and you have suffered so much. In the future, I will make good compensation for you."

Jiang Lin kissed Qiu Rong's forehead, and then asked if there was anything wrong with Qiu Rong's failed breakthrough after taking Xianbao after being unconscious. At the same time, he also asked if something happened in Weinan County. abnormal situation.

After all, he killed a judge in the Netherworld, and ten days should have passed now.

Once the black judge's death in the line of duty is exposed, the following things will become extremely troublesome.

Chapter [*] quickly wash the ground

Qiu Rong felt her eyes heat up again. Over the years, few people have paid attention to how she is doing. Is there a lot of pain in her heart? Even some of her sisters don't know about her because they don't ask each other about the past. The heart is often tormented by resentment.

But Jiang Lin was the only one who paid attention to her suffering so much over the years.

Thinking of how much laughter and laughter she had when she was with Jiang Lin, she knew that this was Jiang Lin's pity for her from the very beginning.

She couldn't help but start to blame herself, feeling that she shouldn't be rude to Jiang Lin before.

"No...no, none at all."

After warming her heart for a while, Qiu Rong shook her head and briefly told Jiang Lin about the past two days. After taking Xianbao, she had more cultivation experience than Xiao Xie, and she was able to control it well when she was approaching her breakthrough. There are no surprises.

As for the abnormality in Weinan County, she also did not notice it.

Jiang Lin nodded, and then asked: "By the way, what about Tian Xiaozi? Our wedding still has to be in his Taoist temple."

This kid, Tian Daoshi, was found possessed by the black judge before, and then because the black judge took Xiao Xie and the others into the ghost bag, Jiang Lin didn't care about this little brother at that time.

Now that he is awake, he also wants to know about Tian Daoshi's situation.

"He disappeared when we came back. It is estimated that he went back first. If you are worried about him, Mr. Xiang, should we go to his Taoist Temple to find out?"

Qiu Rong knew that Taoist Tian had helped a lot when she and Xiao Xie got on the red line with Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin also regarded him highly, and now that she has completely established a relationship with Jiang Lin, It is also considered to have accepted the boy's favor.

If Taoist Tian had any accident, she didn't want to see it.

"Go and see, I still need this kid to do something."

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, ready to go with Qiurong to find Taoist Tian.

He really needs to find this little brother to do some work.

Now he has very important things to do, and that is to wash the ground quickly.

Just now, he was only trying to appease Qiu Rong's emotions, and he ignored this matter.

"Did you bring me back directly after I was in a coma?"

"Yeah, you were in danger at the time. Wouldn't it be delayed if I didn't bring you back? Xiao Xie was crying."

Qiurong didn't know why Jiang Lin asked this question. His life was in danger. If he didn't send it over quickly, would he have to delay it?

And it was Jiang Lin who asked Xiao Xie to send him back to Bieyuan.

"Then go over there quickly, there are many things to deal with on the battlefield there."

Jiang Lin frowned. After killing the black judge, he didn't react. The murder scene there left a lot of clues.

For example, the black judge's mourning stick. After he lost consciousness, Xiao Xie and Qiurong couldn't touch it, so they should have stayed there.

In addition to this magic weapon, the fragments of the black judge's ghost collection bag also need to be handled.

If a judge in the Netherworld died in the line of duty, it would definitely not be the end of it. If there are ghosts and ghosts to investigate the whereabouts of the black judge and the final whereabouts, it is likely that the whereabouts of these artifacts can be used to trace the crime scene.

Nothing was found at the scene, but there were many bloodstains of him in the battle circle there.

With this kind of clue, it is not difficult for the Netherworld to find him.

Now Jiang Lin doesn't want to have anything to do with the Netherworld. Although he is familiar with Zhong Kui, he is familiar with it.

If the whereabouts are exposed, the immortal treasures on his body will not be easy to keep.

Even if people from the Netherworld don't come to investigate, those bloodstains must be dealt with.

He has accumulated a lot of medicinal power of immortal treasures in his body. It can be said that at present, the medicinal effect of blood, bone marrow and even flesh in his body is many times stronger than that of Shentong Zhiwa in his family.

It is really refreshing to take a bite, chewing will never get tired, and you may live forever if you eat it.

Those bloodstains are exposed, and the scent of the medicinal herbs will easily attract a large number of ghosts and evil spirits and even monks. If they happen to attract some powerful characters, and they are directly indexed by the bloodstains, he may have nothing to hide.

Seeing Qiu Rong's puzzled look, Jiang Lin explained the reasons to her.

"That's right, then let's hurry over there."

After hearing Jiang Lin's words, Qiu Rong realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately decided to follow Jiang Lin to the place where the battle took place that day.

Now that she has recognized Jiang Lin as her husband, she will naturally care about his safety.

"I'll take Xiao Xie with me. She's in a state of meditation now. I'm afraid if something happens to her."

Before leaving, Jiang Lin went to Xiao Xie's side and put him in a paper crane.

When Qiu Rong saw this, she was completely relieved. Now, like Xiao Xie, she was only one grade away. Before doing things, Jiang Lin still thought of Xiao Xie and put Xiao Xie's safety first. This is enough to explain the importance of Xiao Xie in Jiang Lin's heart.

Jiang Lin treats Xiao Xie like this, so what can be wrong with her?

After leaving Jiangjiabiyuan, Jiang Lin took Qiurong straight to the Taoist temple of Tian Taoist.

"Senior! You finally appeared, the boy has been looking for you for a long time."

Tian Daoshi really had nothing to do, although he was possessed by the black judge after a lesson, but he did not suffer any harm.

Afterwards, Taoist Tian talked to Jiang Lin about the matter of reviving Chunhua and chaotic yin and yang, which was known to the underworld, and a black judge came to him.

As for what happened after being possessed, he didn't remember anything.

"Senior, what can we do?"

"What should I do, cold salad. The black-faced judge has been eliminated by the old man, and he doesn't know whether to live or die when he comes to trouble the old man."

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