Pan Xuemei was almost bewildered when she tried to find a mirror, so Jiang Lin could only think of this method.

"Young Master Jiang, you are..."

Originally, Pan Xuemei's cheeks were hugged by Jiang Lin's hands. She didn't know what Jiang Lin was going to do, but Jiang Lin made her react.

Human eyes are also two mirrors, but much smaller.

So, Pan Xuemei stared at Jiang Lin's pupils, and looked at her own mirror image inside.

recovered!Really recovered!

Looking at her face in the mirror image, Pan Xuemei smiled brightly, she was finally no longer an ugly hanged ghost!

"I know what I look like now, so I shouldn't make a fuss?"

Seeing Pan Xuemei's extremely happy smile, Jiang Lin was ready to let go.

Now that Pan Xuemei has calmed down, there is no need for him to do so.

"Don't, don't move. Let me see again."

Pan Xuemei hurriedly raised her hands and hugged Jiang Lin's head. She hadn't seen enough of her beauty in a prosperous age.

After being an ugly female ghost for so many years, now that she has regained her appearance, she can't wait to look in the mirror all the time.

As long as she is a good-looking girl, there are not many who are not narcissistic, and the same is true of Pan Xuemei.

There is no mirror now. She finally managed to use Jiang Lin's eyes as a mirror, so she would let Jiang Lin retreat.

At this time, Pan Xuemei's sister Gu Shulan suddenly came out of the closet in the room, and she was a little dumbfounded.

Pan Xuemei's long tongue actually disappeared, and she also turned into a beautiful beauty.

However, this is not the point. The point is that Jiang Lin and Pan Xuemei have such an ambiguous scene at this moment.

One is held by the other's face, and the other is held by the other's head.

They also looked at each other silently, and at this moment, the silent is better than the sound.

Especially Pan Xuemei, the smile on her face is still happy now, just like a young daughter-in-law who just got married.

Therefore, Gu Shulan had absolutely no idea what was going on.

" are... oops, I didn't see anything!"

Gu Shulan felt that the timing of her appearance was too wrong, disturbing Jiang Lin and Pan Xuemei, and even said that she did not see anything.

In fact, the reason why she appeared was because Pan Xuemei kept making her voice.

Gu Shulan knew that Pan Xuemei didn't want Han Jizu and Feng Yunting to know the existence of these ghosts, so she came out to ask Pan Xuemei which play she was singing.

If you keep talking like this, doesn't everyone know that there is a ghost in the Pan Mansion?


Pan Xuemei heard Gu Shulan's voice and turned to look.

Seeing that Gu Shulan covered her eyes with her palm, she turned her head to look at Jiang Lin again.


Only now did Pan Xuemei realize that she and Jiang Lin...what are they doing!

At this moment, she didn't have much distance from Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin was holding her face, and she was holding Jiang Lin's head with both hands.

Just one mouthful for the two of them.


Realizing the embarrassment at this time, Pan Xuemei screamed and quickly pushed Jiang Lin away.

In fact, when Jiang Lin pressed his palms against her temples, she was a little resistant, but only after Jiang Lin told her to look into each other's eyes did she understand what Jiang Lin meant.

Because she really wanted to see what she had become now, she ignored other things.

At this moment, Pan Xuemei felt extremely embarrassed and ashamed when she thought about it, and her cheeks turned bright red.

"Shulan, you...don't get me wrong, Young Master Jiang and I...I have nothing to do with him."

After that, Pan Xuemei explained to Gu Shulan repeatedly, and at the same time she felt that she should introduce her ghost sister to Jiang Lin first, and said to Jiang Lin incoherently, "Young Master Jiang, Shulan... Her name is Shulan, she is my sister, She's a ghost, yes, a ghost too. But... but she doesn't have any ill will towards you, son."


Jiang Lin nodded, just now he had discovered that the woman who had just appeared was also a ghost.

There was more than one ghost hiding in the Pan Mansion, and he didn't feel any surprise about it.

Pan Xuemei felt relieved when she saw that Jiang Lin still showed no signs of fear, and then she looked at Gu Shulan with an embarrassed expression and continued to explain to him.

But now she was embarrassed and embarrassed, and she couldn't even speak fluently, how could she explain why.

It's just getting darker and darker.

Moreover, that female ghost Gu Shulan seemed to want to see her jokes and tease her, making her look like a capital 囧 for a while.

What's the explanation for this?

Jiang Lin saw that Pan Xuemei was in a hurry like the ants on the hot pot, and felt a little incomprehensible. There was nothing between him and Pan Xuemei.

At best, it's like getting sand in your eyes, getting closer to each other, blowing like that.

Chapter [-] What is there to explain? (Down)

"Sister Mei, I just wanted to tell you that you are quiet, you are disturbing the people. I didn't know what was wrong with you, but now it seems that Jiang Gongzi of your family changed the beam for you before letting you go. You're back to normal."

After Gu Shulan reminded Pan Xuemei, she looked at Pan Xuemei with a smile on her face.During the day, she felt that Pan Xuemei was a little tricky in maintaining this Young Master Jiang.

Unexpectedly, Pan Xuemei had just recovered her appearance and was about to kiss someone.

"I didn't even notice it, and now I don't have to force myself to speak."

When Gu Shulan mentioned this, Pan Xuemei realized that her voice was indeed much louder than that of Gu Shulan and Jiang Lin.

"It's really that Young Master Jiang helped me, and I was relieved. Young Master Jiang, the little girl is not ready to thank you yet."

Pan Xuemei bowed to Jiang Lin again and again. It was also because of Gu Shulan's words that she realized that since she came out to the present, she only cared about her own happiness, but forgot to thank Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin smiled slightly and said, "No thanks, this is what I promised you."

Gu Shulan took a look at Jiang Lin, and her evaluation of Jiang Lin's image was not bad. No wonder she was attracted to a once-beautiful female ghost like Pan Xuemei.

Although Pan Xuemei has become ugly, she has at least once been beautiful. Ordinary men, she really doesn't necessarily look down on her.

"Young Master Jiang, Gu Shulan from the slave family, is Sister Mei's sister. She wanted to take revenge and became a ghost prostitute. She also hopes that Young Master Jiang will not dislike or dislike her. Shulan regards Sister Mei as her sister, and now she can regain her freedom and regain her ownership. Shulan is also very happy with her previous appearance."

Gu Shulan smiled and bowed to Jiang Lin. Although she had never seen Jiang Lin before, when Pan Xuemei looked like a hanged ghost before, Jiang Lin was not afraid, and she was willing to help, which showed that this man was indeed what Pan Xuemei said. , with a good heart.

In character it is passable.

Therefore, she also expressed goodwill to Jiang Lin.

"Girl Gu is serious, everyone has a choice, and it is inconvenient for others to speak up."

Although Jiang Lin does not agree with this kind of revenge by berating himself, he has never experienced that kind of hatred without suffering from others, and he is not ready to label people at will.

"Sister Mei, Young Master Jiang from your family is really good."

Jiang Lin's words instantly made Gu Shulan feel good about him, so she touched Pan Xuemei next to her and cast a different look at him.

Your lover, it's not bad.

"What my son Jiang, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Pan Xuemei was blushed by Gu Shulan's words, and she felt a little ashamed.

"Okay, I'm just here to remind you not to make such a big noise. I'll go back if I have nothing to do, so I won't disturb you."

Gu Shulan smiled and then floated into the closet.

"Shulan, don't go, I haven't explained it to you yet."

Pan Xuemei immediately chased after her. Originally, she and Jiang Lin had nothing to do with her, but now she was so mixed up by Gu Shulan that she was embarrassed to return to Hongmei.

"Miss Pan, don't go."

Jiang Lin stopped Pan Xuemei. He had already freed Pan Xuemei, and he no longer had to suffer the crime of being hanged by the neck. Moreover, it also allowed him to regain his appearance before his death. Now Pan Xuemei can stay in the room for a long time, allowing him to absorb some Vitality recuperates the viscera in the body.

But this female ghost is good. As soon as she is free, she will go for a walk.

He would not agree.

"Young Master Jiang, I... I have to explain it to her. This makes me... so embarrassed."

Pan Xuemei looked at Jiang Lin with some embarrassment, she was really ashamed, her good sister directly thought that she and Jiang Lin were already a couple.

"What's the explanation for that?"

Jiang Lin looked at Pan Xuemei with a bit of a laugh, and continued: "There is nothing between you and me, and I, Jiang Lin, think I'm sitting upright and doing well, but I never thought of taking advantage of you, Miss Pan. Even if Miss Gu has misunderstood, it didn't cost you anything."


Pan Xuemei pondered what Jiang Lin said, and found that it was really like that. The current situation was not because Gu Shulan misunderstood her, and it would affect the relationship between their sisters.

She has nothing to do with Jiang Lin, and it has nothing to do with others, and does not affect others, why does she have to chase after explaining this and that?

However, even though this is the principle, Pan Xuemei still felt a little embarrassed and said, "But... if you don't make it clear to Shulan, doesn't she think there is something unusual between the little girl and you, Young Master Jiang? "

Jiang Lindao: "It's just something unusual, so what's the matter? Could it be that you're committing a crime? Of course, if you have a crush on Miss Pan, and you're afraid that people will misunderstand, then treat it as if I didn't say it, and you go. To be clear, there is nothing wrong with that.”

"No...No, the little girl has never had a sweetheart."

Pan Xuemei shook her head repeatedly in denial. She was so ugly before, how could she still think about her sweetheart.

Moreover, over the years, the only thing she wanted to do was to take revenge on the enemy, and she didn't have that thought at all.

After talking to Jiang Linming, Pan Xuemei didn't know what it was like.

Jiang Lin said just now, even if there is an unusual relationship between her and Jiang Lin, what can be done.

This shows that Jiang Lin doesn't mind that she is a female ghost at all, even if they have a relationship between a man and a woman, he won't care.

"Then... Young Master Jiang, stop the little girl, do you have anything to order?"

Pan Xuemei looked at Jiang Lin. In fact, even if she didn't go after Gu Shulan to explain what happened before, she would probably return to Hongmei. Since Jiang Lin stopped her, she should have something to explain.

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