It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to reach the street, and he heard a familiar voice from the medical hall not far away.

Han Jizu?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. The voice he heard belonged to Han Jizu, but what was strange was that Han Jizu was making a pig-slaughtering cry right now in the medical hall.

Really, it's no different than the sound a pig makes when it's being slaughtered.

What's the situation, why did Han Jizu go to the hospital?

After pressing down the doubts in his heart, Jiang Lin walked into the medical hall, and then he confirmed that he had heard it right before.

Because Feng Yunting is also here.

"Brother Feng, what's going on? How did Brother Han run into this hospital?"

Jiang Lin asked about Feng Yunting when he saw Han Jizu's butt was bloody and lying on the hospital bed.

"Brother Jiang, I hate it, it hurts! I'm going to die!"

Before Feng Yunting could speak, Han Jizu started howling again.

Still crying.

He really felt so wronged.

Spending money to fight, is this something that people can encounter?

"Brother Jiang, it's like this..."

Feng Yunting told Jiang Lin that Han Jizu was so angry that he went to the county government office to find an explanation. Those government officials received orders from the county magistrate to beat Han Jizu to death.

"I saw that the step-grandfather was beaten like this, so I had to bring him here to the hospital first. It's too much, too much!"

After explaining the whole story to Jiang Lin, Feng Yunting was also very angry. If he hadn't arrived in time after receiving the notice, I'm afraid Han Jizu would have passed out.

"No god, no god! I spent fifty taels, and they beat me fifty big boards!"

Han Jizu slapped the bed with his fists and complained to Jiang Lin with snot and tears.

Too unreasonable.

"Cough cough..."

Jiang Lin coughed twice and muffled his laughter.

Originally, if Han Jizu didn't say a word, he wouldn't laugh, after all, he also regarded Han Jizu as a friend.

But this funny guy said that he spent fifty taels but got fifty boards, and he was crying wow wow, which made him a little unable to hold back.

Paid to be beaten, clearly marked price, no bullying.

A board and a coin or two.

"Brother Han, don't worry, Jiang Lin eats and lodging at your place. This time you are in trouble as the master. I will never stand by and watch."

Jiang Lin patted Han Jizu on the shoulder in the past. The oolong incident of Han Jizu paying for a beating this time really made him laugh, but it was one thing. His temporary owner was beaten like this, as a guest. Of course, he will never sit idly by.

Even if he didn't know about Wang Dianshi at all before, it wouldn't end like this, not to mention that the target of this time was the dead Wang Dianshi.

The most capable scholar in chapter [*], Jiang Shi! (superior)

"Brother Jiang, I am so relieved that you have this kind of heart. Woohoo~"

When Han Jizu heard what Jiang Lin said, his whole person was moved like a Q-version emoji, and the tears in his eyes were like two wells.

That's not all, what made Jiang Lin's face dark was that this funny guy actually hugged his hand and wiped his snot with his sleeve.

I'm so...

Jiang Lin was really speechless.

However, seeing that Han Jizu had just paid for the beating, he had to endure it.

"Hey! Brother Jiang, don't be impulsive anymore. The ancestor went to the county office impulsive, and he was beaten like this. If you are impulsive, you probably won't have any good fruit to eat. People don't fight against officials, Wang Dianshi They are local local snakes, what can we do if we are not reconciled?"

Feng Yunting sighed and persuaded Jiang Lin not to take matters into his own hands, not to act on his own accord.

The current situation is that they have to eat even if they are not dumb.

The corrupt officials here are colluding with the wealthy businessmen in the imperial city, that is, they are clearly seizing the property of the common people.

"Hey, Brother Feng, did you forget that someone from Jiang once said that I have been practicing boxing and kick kung fu for a few years? If you dare to come, I will break their legs. One team, one column of twenty, and I will follow suit."

Jiang Lin didn't care about Feng Yunting's words. Although Wang Dianshi's side is not ready to move for the time being, he will let them break their legs if they dare to come.

Even if the magistrates were to transfer troops, they would still have their legs broken.

But would this small county magistrate dare to do this?

When things got bigger, did a small magistrate get up?

Will the superior of the magistrate transfer the army because of an abandoned house?

It's simply impossible.

"Brother Jiang, you are brave enough to act recklessly. If you do it, they will be able to put the charge of rebellion on your head, won't you still be unable to get any benefits?"

Feng Yunting thought that what Jiang Lin was saying was angry. Of course, he had seen Jiang Lin's skills. When the three of them met a bandit not long ago, it was Jiang Lin who solved the trouble at that time.

But what about this?

If you hit someone, what will happen after that?

Those are all yamen servants with two official characters.

If people directly complete the arrest warrant, don't say anything and try it, even if they go back to their hometown, they may not be able to live in peace, and they will be locked up in prison, and they will be full of food.

If you can fight again, will you still be invincible?

Feng Yunting is a scholar himself, so when faced with this kind of situation where a scholar encounters a soldier, even if he is angry, it really comes to him, he subconsciously still wants to give in, he can endure it as long as he can.

"Brother Feng, don't worry about this. I broke their legs, and they don't know who did it. Where to go and what charges will I go to."

Jiang Lin smiled, but he didn't explain anything to Feng Yunting, and the facts would naturally be revealed at that time.

"Brother Han, I'm going to find a carriage, you can rest assured to go back to Pan's house to recover, and I'll see who can drive us out. If I, Jiang Lin, were a scholar with no strength, that's all, but I'm not. This kind of thing happens to me. If those goods encounter resistance, they will stop and pay for themselves. Otherwise, I have to let them know what it means to be within five steps, and the enemy will be destroyed. Whoever comes is no good. If you want to eat fruit, if you want to die, just come."

"Brother Jiang, what you said is a little scary."

Han Jizu looked at Jiang Lin in disbelief. He had to say that Jiang Lin's words really scared him.

For a long time, Jiang Lin gave him the impression that he was a scholar who was a half-way monk, that is, he was good at fighting. He didn't feel the arrogance of a literati. He didn't feel it from Jiang Lin.

Therefore, even if he was beaten for payment this time, he just felt angry and aggrieved, and the arrogance in his heart did not drop at all.

But now, Jiang Lin actually behaved more vigorously than him.

Jiang Lin was about to face those corrupt officials who held power, but Jiang Lin actually said that no one would have good fruit to eat.

At this point, he, Han Jizu, could never do it.

Moreover, Jiang Lin actually said that those dog officials were courting death, which was a bit terrifying.

Is it possible to see blood?

Han Jizu really couldn't imagine what Jiang Lin would do.

"What's so scary, isn't it just beating people? It's not like you haven't seen me beating people."

With a slight smile, Jiang Lin left the hospital and went to the street to rent a carriage.

"Young Master Jiang, I forgot one thing."

When Jiang Lin and Feng Yunting sent Han Jizu back to Pan Mansion, Pan Xuemei floated out of the red plum.

Although it is daytime, as long as she is not exposed to sunlight in the room, there is no big problem.

Yesterday, Pan Xuemei was too excited because of her restoration of her appearance, and later she was held back by Jiang Lin and felt resentful. After that, she was hinted by Jiang Lin's words that she was interested in her, which made her panic and return to Hongmei, so She completely forgot about the things she was busy with during the day.

Now that her mood has calmed down, she naturally thinks of what she and Gu Shulan tried to find the burnt brush to no avail, and wanted to ask Jiang Lin if they had seen it.

"Where's Young Master Jiang?"

Pan Xuemei looked at the empty room and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

However, when she saw the drawing paper on the table, her feeling of loss disappeared.

"Young Master Jiang...he actually painted for me?"

Pan Xuemei took the drawing paper in her hand and looked at her smiling and lifelike appearance on it. She really smiled brighter than flowers.

The type of this painting by Jiang Lin, Pan Xuemei has never seen before, Jiang Lin drew it in a sketch, which is very realistic, and there is a love poem on it: The thin shadow is a photo of spring water, you must pity me and I pity sir.

This painting, this poem, and that vigorous and unrestrained handwriting instantly made Pan Xuemei stick the painting paper to her chest and hold her, fascinated by Jiang Lin's talent.

"Really, you left me aside and painted me so beautifully that I thought you were really like a monk."

Pan Xuemei let out a sigh of anger. She also knew that after she regained her appearance, her appearance would definitely not be worse than that of some courtesans. Not to mention everyone's love, at least one man would be very likely to be attracted to her.

Jiang Lin may be no exception.

However, she doesn't care whether Jiang Lin likes her looks now, because when she met Jiang Lin and showed up to meet Jiang Lin, she was still ugly.

At that time, Jiang Lin didn't think she was ugly, but now it's not okay to just adore her face.

On the contrary, she even felt that she was a little unworthy of Jiang Lin. After all, she didn't seem to have any other strengths besides her outstanding appearance.

But Jiang Lin is different. There is absolutely nothing to say about the most important character, and he has both talent and wisdom, and he has a combination of kung fu, both civil and military.

However, after being happy for a while, Pan Xuemei's mood dropped again, and she realized that she was really unworthy of Jiang Lin.

Don't say anything else, just say that Jiang Lin is a human and she is a ghost. This is a different way for people and ghosts. Even if Jiang Lin doesn't mind, that's not enough. She wants to serve Jiang Lin in the future, and she will be a husband and wife. All will be detrimental to Jianglin.

Even if these weren't problems, she still couldn't give Jiang Lin anything.

She is just a remnant soul, because the obsession of revenge has not dissipated, I am afraid that she will dissipate in the world soon.

Chapter [*] The most capable scholar, Jiang Shi! (middle)

Pan Xuemei has always known about these things, but yesterday she was no longer restricted and regained her appearance. Under the excitement, she forgot the information.

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