Are you just thinking about boxing?

"Yes, I am always a scholar."

Jiang Lin nodded, and then said: "However, I am the most capable scholar. In the past, I had a nickname, do you know what it is called? It's called Jiang Shi! If you ask me how many people I can beat , ten or eight is not a problem, one hundred and eighty is just fine, and one thousand eight hundred is just as good."

"Jiang...Ten Jiang? You can blow it up! The scholar who can beat the most, if a scholar can fight again, he is still a scholar."

Gu Shulan was amused by Jiang Lin.

Look, listen, what is this all about?

The scholar who can hit the most, okay, if you can hit, ten or eight, you can do it, it's not outrageous, but what about [*], what [*], why are you making trouble there?

"Okay, don't do anything, I'll give you a million, and then change your nickname to a louder one called Jiang Wanchui, um, that's it, the most famous scholar Jiang Wan blow."

Gu Shulan laughed when she said that, she had never seen such a good scholar.

And he still blows himself.

"No, I won't change. I just can fight. As a person, especially as a scholar, I should be humble, and ten Jiang will do. Hundreds and thousands of things are too low-key."

Jiang Lin waved his hand and responded to Gu Shulan seriously.

In fact, he really didn't brag about it, and what he said didn't leave the realm of ordinary people at all.

Back then, the overlord of Chu was still beheading thousands of people. At that time, the other party was holding weapons. I don't know how many soldiers who have seen life and death scenes.

He punched [*], how could it be considered a blow?

Chapter [*] How Many Disabilities Come (Part [*])

"Okay, Mr. Jiang, you can fight, you can fight the best. You are a student, you don't know whether it is illegal to beat people, right? And you still beat those officials and officials, what about your future fame? What about your future life? You Don't you want to be the best scholar who can escape?"

Gu Shulan didn't argue with Jiang Lin about what and how much to fight. She also followed Jiang Lin's way and analyzed the consequences for him.

Pan Xuemei also looked at Jiang Lin, she was the same as Gu Shulan and Feng Yunting, worried that Jiang Lin would not be able to remedy the consequences by doing this.

Whether it is Wang Dianshi, a wealthy businessman or a yamen, these goods are either officials or wealthy businessmen. After being beaten and broken, can they give up?

Jiang Lin is a scholar, no matter how hard he can fight, no matter how ruthless he is, how can someone with money, power and power be so afraid?

Unfortunately, Jiang Lin would really be a fugitive running around in the future, as Gu Shulan said.

Of course, these assumptions are based on the premise that Jiang Lin can temporarily solve the problem with his own fists.

"You don't have to worry about this, since I decided to clean them up, where will they recognize me and arrest me?"

"Young Master Jiang, do you mean that you changed your face? But there are only the three of you in the Pan Mansion. Young Master Han can't take care of himself when he is beaten by the board, and Young Master Feng doesn't look like a powerful person at all, you just cover it up. Face, they also know it's you, even if there is no evidence, can't they just treat Han Gongzi directly without reasoning?"

Pan Xuemei shook her head again and again. She didn't understand why Jiang Lin had always been so wise before, but now he is just like a common man who only does things according to his own ideas and doesn't think about other things at all.

"What you thought about, can't I think about it? Don't worry, you can rest assured for the time being and wait for things to develop. This time there will be no problem with Pan Mansion, everything is covered by me."

Jiang Lin gave Pan Xuemei a reassuring look. He insisted so much that in addition to not wanting Pan Xuemei and the others to show up to disrupt his plans, he also wanted these ghosts to share his love.

It is estimated that it will not be long before he and Pan Xuemei will have further development. By then, they have already established their relationship, so he will no longer hide some things from Pan Xuemei.

Therefore, even if his true identity is known to Gu Shulan and the others, they will not make it difficult for him.

Seeing Jiang Lin's insistence, Pan Xuemei could only press her own objection.

After a while, she asked again: "By the way, Mr. Jiang, have you seen the burnt brush that was on the wall before. I saw it last night. Your friend Mr. Feng said that it started here before. When the fire broke out, I was worried that if they saw the brush, they would find something, for fear of scaring them."

"I've dealt with that pen, but now I don't think it's necessary to hide them. Otherwise, if I hold a person on a drawing paper and behave strangely after a while, they might think I'm crazy. It's over."

Saying that, Jiang Lin winked at Pan Xuemei.

He had already found that the drawing paper he had left on the table was gone, and Pan Xuemei had always kept one hand behind his back, so he guessed that the portrait was in Pan Xuemei's hand.

In a few days, if he and Pan Xuemei really made any progress, there would definitely be some hugs or intimacy, and he didn't want Pan Xuemei to hide all the time.

Love between men and women is not a shameful thing.

Besides, it's not that he didn't think about what Pan Xuemei and Gu Shulan said just now. Although he has plans in his heart, there are Han Jizu and Feng Yunting here. Pan Xuemei and Gu Shulan used the abilities of some ghosts to hide them.

In this way, it is better for Han Jizu and Feng Yunting to know that there is a ghost in the Pan House, and at least they can cooperate a little.


Jiang Lin's hint, Pan Xuemei suddenly remembered the drawing paper she had hidden behind her, and her cheeks flushed instantly.

"What is the person in the painting? What kind of riddle are you playing, Young Master Jiang? Also, Sister Mei, why are you blushing?"

Gu Shulan looked at Jiang Lin and Pan Xuemei in confusion. What secret codes were these two using in front of her?

"What's the matter, hurry up, that Mr. Han was beaten because of this Pan Mansion. Now he's still there wailing non-stop. You go and blow the ghost wind for him to make him feel better."

Pan Xuemei pushed Gu Shulan. Anyway, Jiang Lin had already said that there was no need to hide their existence from Han Jizu and Feng Yunting. Now she asked Gu Shulan to help Han Jizu.

"makes sense."

Gu Shulan nodded slightly, and didn't ask any more questions about what was going on between Jiang Lin and Pan Xuemei.

After that, she said, "Mr. Jiang, you go over and explain to them first, so as not to scare them, Sister Mei and I will go over here."

After that, Gu Shulan walked through the wall and went to Han Jizu's room not far away.

"Is the painting still similar?"

After Gu Shulan left, Jiang Lin looked at Pan Xuemei and asked this deliberately.

"Xuemei doesn't know what Jiang Gongzi is talking about."

Pan Xuemei hurriedly put the drawing paper behind her into her sleeve and deliberately pretended not to know anything, but the crimson on her face still proved that she was not sincere.

Jiang Lin smiled slightly, and without teasing Pan Xuemei, he walked out of the room and went to Han Jizu's side.

"Brother Jiang, isn't that right? It turns out that the fire or something is real, and the hanged ghost is also real?"

"There are really ghosts, my God! I actually live under the same roof with a bunch of ghosts!"

When Jiang Lin arrived at Han Jizu's house, he explained the previous situation to Han Jizu and Feng Yunting.

When the two scholars learned that there was a ghost in the Pan Mansion, their faces turned green.

Chapter [*] How Many Disabilities Come to Come (Part [*])

"Brother Han, Brother Feng, you can rest assured. They have no ill will towards us. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to live for a while and have nothing to do. People don't commit ghosts, and ghosts don't commit crimes. The general situation is that That's it. The reason why I didn't say it before was because I was worried that after you two knew about it, you would be frightened all day long, and it wasn't that you deliberately concealed it."

Jiang Lin asked Han Jizu and Feng Yunting to relax, and told them that even if they were ghosts, they didn't want to kill people when they saw them.

After that, Jiang Lin continued: "Also, Brother Han, you also said that you live under the same roof with the ghosts here, so if that's the case, you can't look up and see. Now Wang Dianshi and that rich businessman are going to take it forcibly. Pan Mansion, they are also very angry, just like you and me. These are secondary, the most important thing is that they really have no ill will towards me, not only that, one of the girls knows that you have been killed for maintaining Pan Mansion. I'm still willing to recuperate for you."


Han Jizu looked at Jiang Lin, and after listening to Jiang Lin's words, his fear of ghosts also dropped a lot, and Feng Yunting, who was beside him, nodded.

Compared with Han Jizu, Feng Yunting knew some things better. Since the ghosts living here have never embarrassed them, it means that there should be nothing.

"I said, Brother Jiang, you are not kind enough. You won't let your step-grandfather pick that red plum for the time being. I guess you didn't know that there was a ghost in that red plum at the time. This is equivalent to saving the first step. I'm really aggrieved about the fire, and I even thought that something was wrong with my head."

After Feng Yunting suppressed the fear in his heart, he blamed Jiang Lin.

Of the three of them, Jiang Lin was the only one who understood what was going on. If it wasn't for this stupid incident, he and Han Jizu would have been kept in the dark.

The incident of the fire was concealed by Jiang Lin, and even the replacement of the beams, they all thought that Jiang Lin was simply looking at the disrepair of the room for a long time.

As a result, it turns out that there is a reason.

"Young Master Feng, I'm really sorry, Young Master Jiang is indeed kind. The little girl was a dead face before, and she was shameless."

At this time, Pan Xuemei appeared and explained for Jiang Lin.

"Yeah, Young Master Feng was so frightened that he passed out. Isn't it for you, Young Master Jiang?"

Also appearing at the same time was Gu Shulan, who also said a good word for Jiang Lin.

No matter how she thought Jiang Lin was bragging before, Jiang Lin's starting point was all good, and now Jiang Lin was blamed by Feng Yunting, and she didn't want to see it.

When Feng Yunting and Han Jizu saw two people suddenly appear, they immediately understood that the other party was a ghost, and then their hearts were almost in their throats in an instant.

But after seeing the faces of the two female ghosts, the two scholars were stunned again.


Pan Xuemei is beautiful, but Gu Shulan is not bad either.

"Brother Han, Brother Feng, the reason why I let you know about this is because I have to show my iron fist tomorrow. Of course, I can avoid being suspected by those yamen, but if you were still in the Pan Mansion at that time. It will always cause trouble for you. Those idiots can't find the right master. It is not impossible to find you to vent your anger. So, this requires you to not be in Pan's house tomorrow, let Xuemei He Gu can do this by using the ability of ghosts and ghosts to cover our eyes. After all, it is impossible for us to stay in the Pan Mansion in the future. "

After Jiang Lin explained to Han Jizu and Feng Yunting, he nodded to Gu Shulan.

Gu Shulan walked to the bedside, and a gust of wind blew out from her palms.

Under the influence of this ghost wind, the wound on Han Jizu's body was slowly scabbing, and the pain was relieved a lot.

"Oh! So comfortable~"

Han Jizu could obviously feel that the severe pain caused by the cane on his buttocks was relieved too much, and he couldn't help but scream.

But then, he shouted again, shouting shamelessly.

In his eyes, Gu Shulan is also a very beautiful beauty, but he actually suffered such embarrassing pain in front of such a beauty.

"Brother Jiang, since there are these two girls, do you still use force to deal with this matter?"

Seeing Jiang Lin's attitude, Feng Yunting felt ashamed. He and Han Jizu were classmates and friends growing up, but now Jiang Lin stood up and stood up for Han Jizu.

However, while feeling guilty, he couldn't help worrying about Jiang Lin.

The method Jiang Lin said, in his opinion, is not feasible no matter what.

"That's right, since those dog officials like county magistrates have forced us into a corner, and when the reason doesn't make sense, we can rely on force. Tomorrow, you can just watch, come as many as you want, and I will make them disabled. By the way, beforehand. Let me tell you, not only can I fight, but I'm also very strong, so don't treat me like a monster when that time comes."

Jiang Lin laughed and said hello to Han Jizu and Feng Yunting in advance. If these two scholars saw him show his speed and strength, they regarded him as a living ghost or a monster and prevented him from staying in Pan Mansion, then they would Funny.

"Brother Jiang, don't worry, since you've made up your mind, I support you! If you are arrested or have any disaster in the future, I, Han Jizu, will let my father go bankrupt, and I will definitely not let you have any trouble!"

Because Han Jizu hated Wang Dianshi, the magistrate, and the gang of yamen, he really wanted to see Jiang Lin beat those people into crippled hands and feet.

That's how it should be, whoever comes is disabled, how many disabled people come!

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