When the other yamen saw this scene, they hurriedly ran behind the black-faced man, also drew out their sabres, and huddled together to keep warm.

As for those servants, they originally planned to withdraw first, but now their master is here, if they run away privately, they will end up with their legs broken, so they put those on the ground screaming. The Pu Dao from the yamen was robbed, and it also went to the black-faced man's side.

Jiang Lin was not in a hurry to take care of these guys. Even if a yamen ran out, he didn't stop him.

There are always many unbelievers.

Those yamen in the county government office who did not come, follow Wang Dianshi to eat and drink spicy food, it can be said that there will not be a good bird.

Those goods are used to fighting people, and lawlessness is the norm. This can be seen by Wang Dianshi's ability to seize the property of the common people.

Few of those who have their immovable assets seized are poor people, and they are still riding on their heads like this. It is conceivable that [-]% of the ordinary yamen treat the poor people like this.

Such people, who have not experienced some things personally, do not know to be afraid at all, because they have long been used to being domineering.

Therefore, even if this group of yamen came back with crippled hands and feet, it would not have much deterrent effect, and there would still be unbelieving dog legs coming over.

In this case, Jiang Lin intends to make this group of scoundrels completely frightened, and he will shudder when they talk about the Pan House.

As for whether the people who went back to report the letter would call Wang Dianshi together, Jiang Lin didn't care either.

Now that he has fully revealed that he has the matter of cooking Pan's house being forcibly taken, Pan Xuemei and Gu Shulan are naturally not too busy, and he has given Pan Xuemei better revenge advice before.

Under such circumstances, even if Wang Dianshi came over, Pan Xuemei and the others would not act rashly.

"Brothers who are not injured, give me twelve points of spirit, our reinforcements are coming soon."

The black-faced man stared at Jiang Lin, but he didn't dare to act rashly. Fortunately, the "monster" they were facing now stopped attacking frantically.

"It's broken, it's broken, Brother Jiang must have used up too much physical strength before, and now he's resting there. How could he let that bastard go back to report the news?"

Han Jizu, who was watching the situation in the hospital in the room, saw that Jiang Lin had stopped at the same place and stopped moving, so he thought that Jiang Lin was at the end of the fight.

After all, in his opinion, no matter how strong Jiang Lin is and how good his kung fu is, there are limits. The abilities that Jiang Lin showed before are simply not something that one person can do, so seeing Jiang Lin like this now, he I thought that Jiang Lin was dying.

Even if it can be done, it has to be a good rest.

In this case, he had better accept it, otherwise he would really feel that Jiang Lin was not human at all.

Live ghosts, monsters, evil spirits, in short, they are not like people.

When Han Jizu said this, Pan Xuemei also became anxious, because the black robe and cloak that Jiang Lin was wearing was completely covered with ghosts, and even she couldn't see Jiang Lin's face, so she didn't know Jiang Lin. What is the current state.

Seeing the eager look on Pan Xuemei's face, Gu Shulan persuaded: "Sister Mei, don't worry, since Young Master Jiang can do this, he will definitely not be a stubborn person. And we're still here, don't worry about it or you'll mess up."

"He did it for us, why don't I worry about it?"

Pan Xuemei sighed resentfully. Only now did she realize that she knew too little about Jiang Lin, because she didn't know what the upper limit of Jiang Lin's ability was, so she was so anxious.

It didn't take long for the black-faced man to see that Jiang Lin was still motionless, so he asked the people under his hands to help the wealthy businessman, preparing to send him out for treatment.

But as soon as the two yamen helped the rich businessman up, they fell down in an instant, and like the rich businessman, they screamed like killing pigs.

In this way, how dare the black-faced man dare to act rashly, so he can only continue to stand by and wait for the arrival of help.

About half a quarter of an hour later, there were loud footsteps outside the walls of the Pan Mansion.

"Brothers, help is here, cheer up, let's destroy this monster!"

The black-faced man's heart was finally no longer tense. He shouted loudly, and asked his yamen and wealthy merchants to prepare to cooperate with the colleagues who were about to come in to capture or kill the "monster" Jiang Lin.

Moments later, more than a hundred policemen in uniforms of yamen and prison guards filed in through the gate of Pan Mansion.

"Grandma's, is this monster that knows whether it's a ghost or a ghost that hurt so many of our brothers?"

"Kill it to hell!"

The yamen and guards who came here were not afraid at all, even if they saw the tragic situation of the yamen and servants in the hospital, they were not afraid.

What these guys are talking about better are the yamen and jailers, but in fact, they are just like mountain bandits and horse thieves.

If you don't see yourself lying in the coffin, you won't cry.

Coupled with the large number of them, they all began to sharpen their knives.

are these all?

Jiang Lin sneered, he was a little impatient to wait.

However, what he didn't expect was that Wang Dianshi still didn't come.

In fact, at this moment, Wang Dianshi is giving the girl's heart to the mud demon, not in the county office at all.

On the other side, Han Jizu and Feng Yunting didn't dare to speak anymore. Almost all of the hundreds of people were vicious, and even held a knife and an axe.

Pan Xuemei and Gu Shulan didn't expect so many people to come, they were all ready to dispatch, and they didn't plan to let Jiang Lin face this group of villains.

But before they could act, Jiang Lin in the yard continued to work as a disabled professional.

To deal with such a group of people, no matter how many people there are, to him, they are all idiots.

Even if his various abilities are limited now, these quasi-crippled people are all doing the same thing.

Jiang Lin is like a mad wolf entering a flock of sheep. Any yamen, jailer, or servant, as long as he is next to him, he will be disabled, and if he touches it, he will be useless.

And the speed of disability is much faster than before.

After a few blinks of an eye, the group of yamen and jailers who were still swearing all screamed in shock, crying for their father and mother.

At this moment, Jiang Lin rushed to the firewood house not far away, waving his arms repeatedly, the wooden stakes flew out, directly blocking the empty door of Pan Mansion.

Shut the dog down.

Afterwards, all kinds of wooden piles were flying around in the yard. Jiang Lin didn't need to do it himself. These wooden piles with the thickness of buckets knocked or pressed all the dog's legs in the yard, breaking them one by one.

Or a comminuted fracture.

"My father, my mother!"

Han Jizu sat on the ground again, holding his head, and kept shouting that Jiang Lin was not a human being.

Simply not human.

Not human at all.

If Jiang Lin was rampaging in the yard before, it can be explained by Jiang Lin's high attainments in boxing and kung fu.

But what's the matter with the piles flying around now?

What a fat West!

At least that one stake weighs three or four hundred pounds!

Jiang Lin waved his hand a little and let them fly out.

In addition to this, there is another reason for Han Jizu to judge that Jiang Lin is not human.

That is, too bad, really too bad.

After Jiang Lin used those wooden stakes, the limbs of those dog-legs in the yard either turned into meat patties or were directly crushed.

The whole yard of the Pan House is similar to the pig slaughtering farm and the meat pie farm.

Not to mention Han Jizu and Feng Yunting, at this time, even Pan Xuemei and Gu Shulan began to wonder what kind of monster Jiang Lin was.

Jiang Lin said that he could fight, and they believed it. Jiang Lin said that he was strong, and they believed it.

But how is this flying, rampant wooden stake adjusted?

Even Pan Xuemei, who is the ghost king, does not have the ability to control so many heavy stakes at one time.

Chapter [-] I work hard, will you report it to me in the next life? (superior)

Originally, Jiang Lin had regained his bravery before, which made them feel incredible. After all, when Han Jizu said that Jiang Lin was at the end of the shot, they believed it, but the fact was that Jiang Lin was tired and at the end of the shot.

It was obvious that Jiang Lin was waiting for these dog-legged yamen to come.

And after these dogs came over, Jiang Lin became even more fierce.

Until now, Jiang Lin was no longer able to describe the fierceness.



"Immortal Bodhisattva! Help!"

In the yard, everyone including the black-faced man shouted for help. Now that they saw the coffin, they finally burst into tears.

The matter of capturing and killing this monster in Pan Mansion, and the idea of ​​receiving merit and reward, have long been thrown into the clouds by them.

Nothing is more important than life now, and nothing is better than being able to cut off your hands and feet.

It's a pity that letting them scream and scream has no effect at all, even if they want to climb the wall and escape, it is also useless.

There are unlucky people who want to escape, almost all of them are stuck on the courtyard wall like a piece of paper.

Now Jiang Lin is no longer holding hands. Previously, he didn't kill these bastards because he needed the bullshit of these goods to publicize what happened in Pan's house, so that any wealthy businessman or Wang Dianshi knew that he wanted to beat Pan. The government's idea has to pay the price.

But for now, there's enough dog-mouth here.

Of course he doesn't need to hold back.

Which dog's leg dies, that's bad luck.

"Hey, no! Sister Mei, look, Young Master Jiang seems to have some steel wire in his hand."

At this moment, the dumbfounded Gu Shulan suddenly discovered that Jiang Lin in the firewood room seemed to have something like a long wire in his hand.

Pan Xuemei hurriedly looked over to Jiang Lin, only to find that Jiang Lin's hand was indeed as Gu Shulan said, it seemed to have a steel wire.

Jiang Lin was indeed holding steel wire.

He didn't intend to show his ability far beyond ordinary people in front of Pan Xuemei and the others, how could he use the power of mind control in such an upright manner.

Those wooden stakes were entangled by two wires he threw out, and then they were thrown out by pulling them.

Yesterday, he had clearly told Han Jizu and Pan Xuemei that he was very strong. This was already a greeting. As long as he came forward to explain it later, such a thing would naturally be outrageous.

The reason why Jiang Lin chose to use steel wire to control these stakes instead of throwing them directly is to let these yamen know that there are monsters in the Pan House that are not easy to mess with.

There are monsters here, and it is monsters who maim people, not people.

In this way, it can not only solve the problem of the government coming to take over the Pan Mansion in the future, but also ensure that the ghosts in the Pan Mansion will not be exposed.

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