When he was busy, Han Jizu and Feng Yunting needed some strength.

While Jiang Lin was operating, Wang Dianshi was furious in his own residence.

"What's going on? What's going on!"

Wang Dianshi looked at the wealthy businessman in the living room with one leg tied with a splint, and was so angry that he was almost smoking.

Yesterday, when he took back the Pan Mansion's homestead, he didn't follow him for a while. As a result, such a thing happened. Not only did the rich and wealthy businessman become disabled, but the big gold owner was seriously frightened and even lost his consciousness.

Just freaked out.

It was still a trivial matter that Pan Manor didn't have a harvest. What Wang Dianshi was really angry about was that the rich businessman was no longer a normal person. Like a fool, he couldn't even receive the final payment.

As for the loss of more than [*]% of the county officials and jailers, he didn't care much, but it was a little pity.

"One or two, are you deaf! Ask you what's going on!"

Wang Dianshi yelled at the several yamen standing in the living room. It's fine if the rich businessman didn't speak. After all, he was frightened and stupid, but his gangsters who didn't have any serious problems didn't speak either.

"Ghost, ghost! Fire ghost!"

The black-faced man at the head screamed hysterically. Yesterday, he asked the people under his command to call for help, but it almost disappeared in one wave. As long as the black-faced man thought about it, his whole body trembled. .

Some of his brethren's limbs and even their torso have turned into meat sauce, which is more terrifying than beheading and spitting blood.

Therefore, the black-faced man no longer thought about what kind of monster the other party was, and directly regarded such horror as a ghost.

"It's not a ghost, it's a monster, a monster!"

"It's a monster with flames!"

"It's scary, it's scary."

After the black-faced man made a cry, the rest of the yamen also shouted out, and the emotion of fear was revived.


Wang Dianshi didn't understand what these yamen were saying at all. He slapped this bunch of trash a few times before he figured out what was going on in the Pan Mansion.

"Go away! Go away! A bunch of trash!"

Wang Dianshi was so angry that he kicked several yamen one after another, kicking them all out.

"Brother, what's the situation?"

"How come there are monsters in Pan Mansion?"

At this time, Wang Dianshi's two followers asked Wang Dianshi's opinion.

"I've heard that the Pan Mansion is not clean before. This time there is this man with a lot of money. I thought I could make a fortune from him, but I didn't expect such a foolish thing to happen."

Wang Dianshi was pacing, because he was not there yesterday, so just based on the gossip of a few yamen just now, he couldn't quite judge what the monster that appeared was.

Now, if he wants to receive the final payment, he must take down the Pan House and ask the family of the wealthy businessman to ask for money.

But there is a flame monster in Pan's house that can maim hundreds of people at once, and he doesn't dare to go there easily.

"It's covered in fire, could it be a fire spirit?"

Wang Dianshi frowned. For so many years, he has been a jerk to the mud demon, and he still has some understanding of some information about the cultivation world.

"Let's go, let's go to the master. If the other party is a fire spirit, it may be useful to the master. Among the five elements, fire can create soil, maybe that thing can help the master to recover from his injuries."

After thinking for a moment, Wang Dianshi decided to go to the cave where the mud demon was located and report the situation to the past.

Originally, because of such interests, he did not dare to disturb the mud demon, but now the other party may be the fire spirit among the five elements, so I will talk about it.

Even if the mud demon is inconvenient to be dispatched now, he can still say good things and gain some mana from the mud demon.

Some do more than just protect their own mana.

If the mud demon really benefits from this this time, he can also get a lot of benefits from it.

He was in his prime twenty or thirty years ago. Now that so many years have passed, if he hadn't always had the longevity pill he got from the mud demon, he would have been old.

And once the mud demon has completely recovered, he will officially accept him as a disciple. In that case, he will not grow old and die like ordinary people.

After making up his mind, Wang Dianshi immediately asked the two attendants to make arrangements for the servants to prepare the sedan chair and head to the barren mountains twenty miles away.

At this time, Jiang Lin, Han Jizu and Feng Yunting came to an alley in front of Wang Dianshi's residence.

"Brother Jiang, it turns out that this dog thief Wang Dianshi actually has some evil spirit behind him. No wonder this old thief dares to be so domineering, and even the magistrate has to look at him with three points of thinness."

Han Jizu looked at the door of Wang Dianshi's residence and felt quite uneasy. When he was on the road before, Jiang Lin had already told them about Wang Dianshi, and they realized that this Wang Dianshi had done so many evil things. thing.

Moreover, there is actually such a backstage behind this dog thief.

"What the hell is this world? It doesn't matter if the dog thief becomes a bully, but there is still a demon behind this dog thief. In this way, even if there is a righteous person who wants to do justice for the sky, it will be a lot of money. How much will it end in death?"

The more Han Jizu thought about it, the more angry he became, this is simply unreasonable!

Not to mention being a righteous person, even ghosts like Pan Xuemei and Gu Shulan have nothing to do with Wang Dianshi.

This is not irritating, even ghosts can be angry.

"So, why don't I just bring you two out? Although the guy has some trust, it doesn't mean that we have no way to take him all the time. Brother Han, Brother Feng, you two just follow my instructions. Let's give it to him. Come and save the people."

Jiang Lin smiled, then squinted at the door of Wang Dianshi's house, where several servants were already carrying the sedan chair.

Not long after, Wang Dianshi came out of the door. This guy put his hands in a tent on his forehead and seemed to be very afraid of the sun.

What the hell is this?

Jiang Lin was slightly taken aback. Although he had heard Pan Xumei mention Wang Dianshi many times before, and had also heard Han Jizu swear at him, it was only today that he saw this wicked thief for the first time.

As Pan Xuemei said, there is indeed a powerful demonic energy in this fellow.

However, when Jiang Lin was surprised, he had never seen this kind of demonic energy.

Although it was a demonic energy, this aura gave him a filthy feeling, which was different from any demonic energy he had seen before.

This made Jiang Lin a little unclear about the situation. With his current cultivation, even if he only saw a demonic energy, he could tell the approximate species of the source of the demonic energy, but the demonic energy in Wang Dianshi's body , but he couldn't see any clues.

Chapter [*]: Mud becomes a demon? (Down)

It seems... a bit like an earth-like demon.

Jiang Lin frowned. He really couldn't identify the demonic energy in Wang Dianshi's body, but fortunately, he didn't get any information either.

In any case, over the years, he has been struggling in the Da Luo Immortal Realm for so long, and his vision is naturally much higher than when he was in the Middle-earth world.

Back then, when he and Baoyi were hunted down by the giant sand sculpture, Pengzu, they could only flee underground. When a humanoid pangolin opened the way, they once encountered a real pangolin monster, and the demonic aura on that monster's body , which is slightly similar to the demonic energy he sees now.

"It seems that they are going to replenish their demon energy. Let's follow, remember, don't startle the snake."

Jiang Lin moved his ears and heard what the two scoundrels behind Wang Dianshi were saying about Master, so he guessed that Wang Dianshi was going to find the evil spirit who was relying on his back.

In this case, he did not make some unnecessary inferences, and directly followed this group of people, and naturally he would know what was going on.

Han Jizu and Feng Yunting immediately competed for a good ending, and after Wang Dianshi and the others hit the road, they followed Jiang Lin in the back.

After Wang Dianshi and the others left the downtown area, they kept going westward. After walking for twenty miles, they reached a mountainous area.

While Jiang Lin followed, he was also observing the surrounding environment. When he saw the rough road entering the mountains, he nodded slightly.

Although Wang Dianshi has a demonic shield on his body, he is still an ordinary person, and some abilities are not too outrageous, and the road leading to the mountains in front of him is only this one, and there are not too high cliffs around. In this case, As long as Han Jizu and Feng Yunting use some brute force to smash the rocks on the cliff and let them fall, they can block the road ahead.

In this way, if Wang Dianshi wants to recharge his demonic energy later, he will have nowhere to go.

Originally, Jiang Lin had this consideration in bringing Han Jizu and Feng Yunting with him.

At the beginning, he also thought about letting these two scholars dig some kind of deep hole in the road, and then make some disguise, and then trap Wang Dianshi in it.

But now, since the terrain here provides convenience, naturally there is no need to dig any traps.

Once the trap is caught by the wrong person, it may fall short.

In fact, Jiang Lin can also choose to directly capture Wang Dianshi, even if he doesn't launch any attack, it is not impossible for him to engage in this Wang Dianshi.

But in that case, unless he used his own Taoism to forcibly break Wang Dianshi's protective demonic energy, let Pan Xuemei and the others take revenge, or else directly trap Wang Dianshi and starve him to death.

But he wouldn't consider this method. Pan Xuemei and the others had such a big grudge with Wang Dianshi, how could it be considered revenge if they didn't kill him personally.

Even if he takes revenge, the resentment in his body does not necessarily dissipate.

This is on the one hand, and on the other hand, Jiang Lin discovered that the demonic energy in Wang Dianshi was alive. As long as the attack he received reached the upper limit, the source of the demonic energy would inevitably be disturbed.

If it is absorbed, the same is true.

Therefore, Jiang Lin did not act rashly, and temporarily put the matter that he wanted to absorb this demonic energy from Wang Dianshi on hold.

He can absorb it, but he has to make some preparations in advance, and he must limit the source of the demon energy.

"Brother Han, Brother Feng, the front should be where Wang Dianshi's reliance is hiding. You two should not follow for the time being. I'll go check it out. Do you see the cliff beside the road over there?"

Jiang Lin asked Han Jizu and Feng Yunting to stop for a while, and then pointed to the cliff beside Wang Dianshi and the trail they had just passed.

"I see, Brother Jiang, if you have any instructions, we can cooperate."

Han Jizu was gearing up and waiting for Jiang Lin's orders. Now he and Feng Yunting have regarded Jiang Lin as the backbone of a think tank.

After all, Jiang Lin had already proved to them that he had that kind of ability.

"You go to find some iron tools such as masonry hammers or iron axes, and prepare at the cliff. Once Wang Dianshi and the others leave, you will start to chisel the stones above, make them fall, and block the road for them. already."

After Jiang Lin instructed Han Jizu and the others, he temporarily separated from the two.

Now he has sensed that there is a faint demonic aura coming from the place two or three miles ahead, and it is of the same origin as the demonic energy in Wang Dianshi.

Therefore, in order to avoid being discovered, he had to go there alone.

After Jiang Lin kept away from Han Jizu and Feng Yunting's sight, he directly used his stealth ability, and took some breath-holding charms from his arms and put them on his body.

Not long after, Wang Dianshi and others stopped in front of a cave. Wang Dianshi walked out of the sedan chair and walked into the cave with his two attendants.

I'm so...

What kind of monster is this?

Jiang Lin also followed him quietly, and after entering the cave, even if he didn't breathe, he could feel an extremely strong bad smell.

Second Uncle's, smells like socks that haven't been washed for more than [*] years, and it stinks to the extreme.

With a glance, Jiang Lin saw the man sitting cross-legged in the cave, covered in cement powder. To be precise, it was a monster.

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