He also didn't expect that Wang Dianshi would make such a request when he came to look for the reliance behind this time.

Moreover, the mud demon actually agreed.

If things went this way, it wasn't in his plan.

In his plan, he never considered that Wang Dianshi would be a variable.

After all, Wang Dianshi has never encountered danger in the past, but the demonic energy on his body has always only served as a body protector. This time he appeared in the Pan Mansion, and he had nothing to do with Wang Dianshi, nor did he threaten Wang Dianshi, so naturally he would not Thinking of Wang Dianshi, he would think of ways to ask for benefits from the mud demon.

Although Jiang Lin is good at planning layouts, he is not always guaranteed to be foolproof.

Wang Dianshi was endowed with mana by the mud demon, and even if he didn't cultivate it by himself, it was enough to fight against the red mother at the level of ghost emperor.

And Pan Xuemei and Gu Shulan, who were far inferior to Hong Ma, could not survive a few rounds under the current Wang Dianshi.

If Pan Xuemei was really in danger, Jiang Lin would almost regret it.

Because this time, if he wasn't looking for the monster behind him, he didn't need to let Wang Dianshi meet the mud monster, just block it outside the mountain road.

After all, he had such brute force, and he reached the cliff before Wang Dianshi and the others, and he could completely block the road with a few punches and kicks.

And he let Wang Dianshi and the mud demon meet just because he wanted to find out the monster behind Wang Dianshi, but he never imagined that after this meeting, Wang Dianshi would have the ability to threaten Pan Xuemei and their lives.

Wang Dianshi sat in the sedan chair, returned the same way, and left the mountain road. After they left, Han Jizu and Feng Yunting followed Jiang Lin's instructions and went to a mountain village about ten miles away to find some utensils, and finally went to the cliff again. Above, began to hammer and chisel the huge boulders above.

Although the two of them are both scholars, the structure of the cliff and the terrain of the mountain are quite easy to modify. With a little effort, the boulder can fall off.

Otherwise, Jiang Lin wouldn't let the two scholars who didn't have much energy do these things.

Interestingly, in addition to following Jiang Lin's instructions, Han Jizu also prepared to add some ingredients. He and Feng Yunting bought two carts of tung oil from the mountain village and pulled it over. They planned to pour another layer of oil after the mountain road was blocked. , so that Wang Dianshi and the others couldn't even crawl.

When Han Jizu and the others were busy, Jiang Lin was also busy.

Now that he knew that Pan Xuemei encountered this mud demon, he must be prepared.

He had also made some guesses before, and the mud demon let Pan Xuemei go, most likely because he didn't find anything special about her fate.

If the mud demon knew about it, it would not lead Pan Xuemei to hang himself anyway.

If this guy finds out that Pan Xuemei didn't reincarnate, or learns that Pan Xuemei is actually the life of the Six Thieves, then this guy might snatch Pan Xuemei at any cost.

Therefore, in order to prevent it before it happens, and to make it easier for him to absorb the mud demon's qi behind him, he needs to leave a big gift for this mud demon.

At dusk, after Jiang Lin unknowingly arranged a lot of great formations, he was ready to join Han Jizu and Feng Yunting.

"Oh, brother Jiang, we trapped you over there."

When Han Jizu on the cliff saw Jiang Lin, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

They did what Jiang Lin said. Although Wang Dianshi and the others could not cross this road, Jiang Lin was also locked in.

This is how to do?

Chapter [-]: The Plan Can't Keep Up With Changes (Part [-])

"What's so difficult about this?"

Jiang Lin didn't take it seriously, he directly used the corner of the boulder blocking the road as a place to take advantage. After jumping several times, he jumped up the cliff with three jumps and five divisions, and stood with Han Jizu and the others. .

"Brother Jiang, you are really not a person, you are more agile than an ape."

Seeing this, Han Jizu had nothing to say except giving Jiang Lin a thumbs up.

Jiang Lin smiled. He looked at the mountain road below which was blocked by huge stones, and nodded with satisfaction: "You guys are moving very fast."

"The rocks on this mountain are not strong, so we just put in some effort, but Brother Jiang, we also prepared some other things."

There was a smirk on Han Jizu's face, and then he pointed to the iron oil drum not far away.


"That's right, this time, I'll let that Wang Dianshi get over it at all, even if he's like a monkey, he won't get over it!"

Han Jizu nodded, and then let Jiang Lin act with them.

Jiang Lin didn't expect Han Jizu's mind to be very flexible, so he poured the tung oil in the oil drums of the two trucks with them.

In this way, even Jiang Lin himself, without using his own sharp claws, would not be able to overcome it at all if he did not use some special abilities.

After working for half an hour, the three people were completely finished. Jiang Lin didn't let Han Jizu and the others go back to the Pan Mansion. He himself had no problem, but Han Jizu and Feng Yunting were two ordinary people. They have been busy until now. The chest sticks to the back.

Therefore, they went back to the south of the city together, went to the restaurant in the busy city, and went to fill their stomachs first.

As for the Pan Mansion, Jiang Lin was not too worried.

It was almost night now, and Pan Xuemei was not affected by the sunlight. Even if there was an accident, with Hong Ma and the others, there would be no problem.

Moreover, before he left, he also left a paper crane in the gap of the door shaft, and he could quickly know what happened there.

When Jiang Lin and the others arrived at the restaurant, Wang Dianshi, who had already returned to his residence, had already absorbed the mana from the mud pills given by the mud demon.

"You two, hurry up and go to the household registration department of the county government to find women born over the years, and see if there are any daughters born in the land. If there are, we will dedicate them to Master, and we can get more benefits. Master. The sooner we recover from the injury, we will be able to truly worship him one day earlier, and then we will no longer be like we are now, just ordinary people. This matter must be done carefully for me, and there must be no mistakes! "

After Wang Dianshi felt the surging demon power in his body, he looked at his two followers and explained to them.

This time, he obtained mana from the mud demon that he could use at will, making him feel that if he worked diligently for the mud demon, he would gain more benefits.

Since the mud demon needs a daughter of earth life, he will start looking for it here.

"Boss, master gave you mana, can you open our eyes?"

"Yeah, boss, if you show it, it can be regarded as giving us a little motivation."

Wang Dianshi's two little valet urged Wang Dianshi to use his magic power to open their eyes.

"Okay, don't blink your eyes."

Wang Dianshi smiled, and then pushed out with a palm. A big tree not far away was under his palm, and the trunk broke and fell down.

After Wang Dianshi laughed, he said: "I think my current ability is enough to let that flame monster be captured, but since the master has explained it, I can only do it. Okay, you guys can do it right away. I've done things for Master, and you two can be like me in the future. I'll go to Pan's house and meet that flame monster. "

After all, Wang Dianshi went directly to the Pan Mansion without a moment's delay.

"Jiang Lang, why haven't you come back yet?"

At this time, Pan Xuemei was pacing in the courtyard of the Pan Mansion. She was worried and missed Jiang Lin.

I was worried that Jiang Lin didn't come back so late because of an accident during this trip. As for missing, of course, the bride wanted her husband to come home sooner.

Recalling the spring breeze last night, Pan Xuemei couldn't wait to see Jiang Lin immediately and stick to his side.

She has already made sure that Jiang Lin will not be hindered by becoming a husband and wife with her. Jiang Lin's spirit today shows no signs of sluggishness. Love.

It was also because Pan Xuemei was thinking about Jiang Lin that she didn't notice that there were footsteps outside the Pan Mansion at this moment.

When Wang Dianshi came to the gate, he saw Pan Xuemei pacing in the yard at a glance.

She... Pan... Pan Xuemei? ? ?

When Wang Dianshi saw Pan Xuemei, his face suddenly became extremely surprised.

Although Pan Xuemei had been dead for more than [-] years, he was the one who killed him back then. He would of course be shocked when he saw the victim again.


Wang Dianshi immediately realized something was wrong, Pan Xuemei should have died long ago.

This is Pan Xuemei's soul!

Well, it turns out that Pan Xuemei's soul is still alive.

After thinking about this section, Wang Dianshi immediately became extremely excited.

During the day, the mud demon told him that Pan Xuemei was a rare daughter of the earth.

As a result, when he arrived at the Pan Mansion, he discovered Pan Xuemei's soul.

Chapter [-]: Pan House exposed

This is a godsend for me too!

Wang Dianshi couldn't even control his excitement. Before he came to Pan's house, he explained to his two followers that he was going to find a daughter of earth for the mud demon, but he met him not long after.

This is really easy to get, and even the iron shoes are saved.

Seeing Pan Xuemei looking towards the door, Wang Dianshi immediately stepped aside. After that, he hurried to the big tree not far from the wall of Pan Mansion and jumped onto the tree.

Originally, he planned to take action immediately and capture Pan Xuemei, but he was worried that the mud demon had warned him not to scare the snake, so he temporarily suppressed the impulse in his heart.

Moreover, he was also worried that when he was doing it, some flame monster that appeared in the Pan Mansion suddenly appeared, causing him to suffer a big loss.

After Wang Dianshi reached the tree, he looked at the Pan Mansion, which made him extremely shocked.

The entire Pan Mansion is full of ghosts.

Because Wang Dianshi got the demon power of the mud demon, his eyes were opened, and he naturally discovered the yin qi leaking from the entire Pan residence.

Moreover, the mud demon specially improved his eyesight in order to allow him to detect whether the fire source was born in the body of the flame monster in Pan Mansion.

Therefore, even if the entire Pan Mansion has the disguise of Hong Ma, the real situation is clearly seen by Wang Dianshi.

"This...what's the matter?"

The more Wang Dianshi looked, the more frightened he became, because in addition to discovering Pan Xuemei, he also saw many familiar faces.

Almost all the people who have been killed by him.

Now Jiang Lin and Han Jizu already know that there are a lot of ghosts in the Pan Mansion, and when the Pan Mansion was turned into a flame monster by Jiang Lin, it should be completely peaceful, and now that Jiang Lin and the others are not there, some ghosts here are also No more scruples, take advantage of the night to come out to get some air, which is clearly seen by Wang Dianshi.

Could it be... Could it be that over the years, I have encountered some inexplicable dangers, all caused by these little devils?

They want my life?

Wang Dianshi suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. As the saying goes, he never does anything wrong in his life, and he is not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night. This fellow has done many evil things in the past. It would be stupid not to think about it.

Thinking of this, Wang Dianshi felt that his inference should be correct. For a time, his pig face became extremely hideous.

In the past, he only had the demonic energy to protect his body, but now it is different. The mud demon has endowed him with powerful mana.

He is completely able to disperse these little devils.

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