Pan Xuemei has already died once, and now she is a ghost. If there is another danger, it may disappear. Even if he can deceive Tianji and possess more immortal treasures, he can only lose Pan Xuemei forever.

After two or three minutes, Jiang Lin returned to the Pan Mansion and rushed into the Pan Mansion compound.

But to his astonishment, the one who appeared in Pan Mansion was not a mud demon, but Wang Dianshi.

At this moment, Wang Dianshi is fighting against Gu Shulan, Hong Ma and some other ghosts.

How is he?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, but then he ignored Zi Chouyinmao, because he had seen Pan Xuemei lying on the ground and vomiting blood.

"you wanna die!"

Jiang Lin's whole body's killing intent erupted uncontrollably, and he rushed in front of Wang Dianshi in an instant. The courtyard walls collapsed.

"Xuemei, how are you?"

After kicking Wang Dianshi, Jiang Lin rushed to Pan Xuemei's side, and hugged Pan Xuemei in his arms.

"Jiang Lang, it's great that you're fine. I saw that the dog thief became like this, and I thought... I thought..."

Pan Xuemei was in tears with excitement. She had seen Wang Dianshi coming, and she also showed a completely different demon power than before. She thought that what Jiang Lin and the others were trying to stop failed, and they might even have been killed.

At that time, she was about to go crazy, and she wished to die with Wang Dianshi who killed her husband.

That's why she was seriously injured.

But now that Jiang Lin was safe and sound, the despair in her heart finally disappeared.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Xuemei, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you."

Jiang Lin held Pan Xuemei in his arms and felt remorse in his heart.

Now he has a general understanding of what is going on. A large formation has been arranged around the cave of the mud demon. Whether it is the mud demon inside who wants to come out, or Wang Dianshi outside who wants to enter, it is impossible in a short time. .

Therefore, Wang Dianshi possessed the demon power of this body, it must be before his formation.

Because after those great formations, even if Wang Dianshi was not blocked by the boulders blocking the road, he could not see the mud demon.

And the thing that caused Wang Dianshi to possess these terrifying demon powers can be said to have more than half of his credit.

It was he who let Wang Dianshi meet the mud demon, so that Wang Dianshi was able to deal with Pan Xuemei and Hongma.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin's heart filled with apology.

If it wasn't for his idea of ​​attacking Wang Dianshi's demonic aura, and he wanted to figure out the monster he was relying on, but if he directly kept Wang Dianshi and the mud demon out of reach, there would not be the matter of Pan Xuemei being injured now.

Moreover, Pan Xuemei was injured, and she was still concerned about his safety after seeing him, which really made his heart feel like being stabbed by a silver needle.

"Quick, take this over."

Jiang Lin took a small medicine bottle with cold marrow from his arms and poured the cold marrow directly into Pan Xuemei's mouth.

"All of you are going to die, especially you whore!"

After Wang Dianshi got up, he looked at Hong Ma and Gu Shulan fiercely. Originally, he just wanted to beat up these ghosts, but now he wants to temper these little ghosts, especially Gu Shulan.

"You bastard, can't you imagine that after I die, I will not only kill you, but also shame your ancestors for the eighteenth generation. I am willing to be a ghost prostitute as much as possible, and I will also make you shameless to see yourself after you die. My ancestors. How, occupied me, married me, your Wang family is very honorable now? Not only that, whoever wants to kill you, I will sleep with whoever, even if a mangy dog ​​can kill you, I will also serve it! "

Gu Shulan's handsome face was filled with endless hatred, and she was extremely ferocious. Over the years, in addition to wanting to take revenge on herself, she did everything she could to get rid of her enemy.

As she said, as long as it is a capable ghost, she is willing to sacrifice herself, as long as the other party promises to avenge her.

"Don't say anything to him, just kill him!"

Hongma's eyes are also red now. In the past, she had many scruples, so she didn't really help Pan Xuemei and Gu Shulan to take revenge.

But now Wang Dianshi has come to the Pan Mansion himself, so she doesn't have to worry about being exposed, and she has been with these ghosts in the Pan Mansion for so many years, and she also has family affection. Now many of them have been beaten up by Wang Dianshi, and she also I can't wait to kill this beast immediately.

"Jiang Lang, I'm much better, I... I want revenge!"

Although Pan Xuemei didn't know what Jiang Lin was taking for her, after the cold serum entered her stomach, she felt that her injuries had recovered a lot. look aside.

"Xuemei, you can rest, just leave it to me."

Jiang Lin shook his head and held down Pan Xuemei.

This Wang Dianshi hurt his wife, how could he watch from the side?

Originally, he just planned to absorb Wang Dianshi's demonic energy, and then let Pan Xuemei and the others kill the enemy themselves.

But now, he has changed his mind.

He wants this Wang Dianshi to survive and not to die.

Just now, he had seen the oil stain on Wang Dianshi's body, and it was at that time that he recognized that the oil stain on this cargo was the tung oil on those boulders blocking the road.

That is to say, after Wang Dianshi left the mud demon cave, he went back again.

Regardless of whether this guy climbed over those boulders blocking the road, the result was that this guy never saw the mud demon again.

Although the result was like this, Jiang Lin was really afraid the more he thought about it. If he didn't make a plan in time to isolate the mud demon, then this time, it might not only be Wang Dianshi, but also the mud demon.

And once the mud demon came, Hong Ma and the others couldn't resist at all, and the Charming Spirit might also be killed by the mud demon in one fell swoop. In that case, he didn't even know what happened to Pan Xuemei.

This time, Jiang Lin was really frightened.

Never before had he been so scared.

This guy, Wang Dianshi, actually wanted to inform the mud demon, and this guy really went too.

Just not notified of success.

Once the things he did before were a little bit ill-considered, he would lose a wife completely.

Chapter [*] scare me, you have to pay a great price (below)

"Jiang Lang, this dog thief is different now, don't be brave."

Pan Xuemei held Jiang Lin. She thought she was going to lose her husband, but fortunately, she was not so miserable, Jiang Lin was safe and sound, but now Jiang Lin was going to deal with Wang Dianshi.

The head iron is not so iron.

Jiang Lin shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I'll be fine. This old dog hurt my precious wife, I can't just let it go."

Pan Xuemei didn't know how sweet she was when she heard Jiang Lin's words. Although she had already committed herself to Jiang Lin, she didn't have any status yet, but Jiang Lin still regarded her as his wife, even if Wang Dianshi was now With the ability to terrify, Jiang Lin still has to rush forward without fear, which has confirmed her position in Jiang Lin's heart.

"Jiang Lang, that dog thief now not only has a body-protecting demonic energy, but also has mana. Even Hongma can't do anything about him. He is different from those yamen and servants yesterday."

Although she was very moved, Pan Xuemei was still reluctant to let Jiang Lin go. Although Jiang Lin had shocked her and Gu Shulan before, in her opinion, Jiang Lin was still an ordinary person, and it was absolutely impossible to deal with the current situation. of.

"You forgot again, your man, I am not a reckless person. Don't worry, I will let you take revenge yourself today."

Jiang Lin patted the back of Pan Xuemei's hand, then turned and rushed out.

Now he wants to abuse people, and he doesn't want to delay even a moment.

Over the years, he has also been angry because his wife was in danger, although it was very rare, but there were also times.

But there has never been a time when he thought about it for a while, and he felt a chill all over his body.

This time, Pan Xuemei really disappeared a little bit, or completely disappeared.

If Wang Dianshi called the mud demon over, even if Charming Ling could find him, he wouldn't be here in time to save Pan Xuemei.

With a "whoosh", Jiang Lin arrived in front of Wang Dianshi.

His speed was still very fast, as before, he kicked Wang Dianshi in the face, and the other half of his face was branded with a shoe sole print.

Then this thing rolled wildly on the ground like a dog.

Although Wang Dianshi has the power of a mud demon, he has no experience in fighting, so how can he keep up with Jiang Lin's speed.


After being kicked in the dog's face twice in a row, when Wang Dianshi got up, the expression on his face was as if he was going to eat a person.

Jiang Lin's two kicks did not cause any substantial damage to Wang Dianshi. The first time he kicked Wang Dianshi, it was because he didn't think much about it, and he didn't use the power beyond his own physical ability.

And this time, he just kept it on purpose.

The attacks he unleashes do little damage, but are extremely insulting.

It is to kick Wang Dianshi's dog face.

He didn't want to make Wang Dianshi unable to move so quickly.

Under normal circumstances, like Wang Dianshi, who was originally an ordinary person but used chicken feathers as an arrow, he would not take it seriously, and he would not have any thoughts of humiliation.

That would cost him too much.

But now it's different, if you don't entertain Wang Dianshi well, how can you be worthy of Wang Dianshi's fear of scaring him.

He fights wild geese every year, and today he was almost pecked in the eye by a wild goose. How could Wang Dianshi be finished so quickly.

Wang Dianshi glared at Jiang Lin fiercely. Although Jiang Lin's two attacks failed to do anything to him, his anger exploded to the extreme.

Even the ghosts here Gu Shulan and Hong Ma couldn't do anything to him, but this young man gave him a big kick in the face again and again.

Can this be tolerated?

"Although I don't know who you are, you are definitely going to be the worst one to die today!"

Wang Dianshi narrowed his eyes, then looked at Pan Xuemei again.

Now Pan Xuemei has a woman's hairstyle, which means that Pan Xuemei has become someone else's wife, and he also saw the scene of Jiang Lin hugging Pan Xuemei just now.

This makes him want to use all means to such a young man who is courting death.

Pan Xuemei was a flower in the southern area of ​​Gaoping County, and when he was a county official, he was not without ideas.

Gu Shulan's appearance was not as good as Pan Xuemei's, and he was forcibly occupied and married as his wife. Naturally, he would not turn a blind eye to such a beautiful woman as Pan Xuemei.

It's just that at that time he didn't have anything, and he was not accepted by the mud demon, so he could only watch such a delicate flower.

After all, the Pan family was also a big family back then, so it was impossible for him and Pan Xuemei to have anything to do with each other.

Later, Pan Xuemei caught the thief, and because Wang Dianshi couldn't get Pan Xuemei at all, he simply accepted the bribes from the thieves, made a fool of it, and ruined his reputation.

But after so many years, he saw this great beauty Pan Xuemei again, and the latter had become someone else's wife, which made him very unhappy.

And Pan Xuemei's man was this little white face who kicked his face twice, he was so angry that he wanted to laugh.


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