Now Pan Xuemei can clearly feel that she is about to reach her limit, she wrongly underestimated the effect of her obsession with revenge on herself.

She didn't expect this kind of obsession to be so important to her.

In fact, Pan Xuemei didn't dissipate immediately, all because she had a special destiny.

Without the support of cultivation, there is no remnant soul that can last for nearly twenty years.

Moreover, this is still under the condition that the rest of her souls have already been reincarnated.

She is still there until this moment, which is a miracle of miracles.

If it wasn't for her meeting Jiang Lin, the love for Jiang Lin that she couldn't give up in her heart, I'm afraid things would have been even worse.

Therefore, Pan Xuemei now needs a lot of ghost energy to replenish herself, which requires Gu Shulan's help.

Otherwise, Jiang Lin would be able to find out that she was abnormal without her having to say it.

Now, her whole body looks like it's been rinsed with bleach.

However, even with Gu Shulan's help, it only temporarily postponed the time for her to dissipate.

In Pan Xuemei's situation, even Jiang Lin had nothing to do.

Even if Jiang Lin gave Pan Xuemei the treasures of heaven and earth such as Immortal Treasure and Cold Marrow at all costs, it would not fundamentally change the result.

If it is the remnant of other ghosts, he can still have some solutions. After all, those fairy treasures have the medicinal effects of the sky.

But Pan Xuemei's fate was inherently intolerant. In this case, it was impossible for him to use the immortal treasure to extend the life of Pan Xuemei's remnant soul.

Pan Xuemei still exists, although the rest of her souls have been reincarnated, but because the karma of the remnant soul has not yet been completed, in a sense, the reincarnators of her souls are still her continuation, which means that she and Her new individual is not entirely independent.

Even if she had the opportunity to be one with the rest of the souls, she would still be the six thieves of the earth. The individuals of this kind of life did not completely change into two, but they were separated, and neither of them was complete.

If Jiang Lin wanted to take a measure, it would be to use immortal treasures to fill Pan Xuemei's soul out of thin air. At that time, Pan Xuemei became a completely independent and complete individual, and there would inevitably be a catastrophe.

One person with this kind of destiny is already at the limit, and the world cannot tolerate it. If you want to cause more than one situation, how can it be so easy.

"Sister Mei, I regard you as an elder sister and will definitely help you, but... how did you become like this?"

Seeing the pleading look on Pan Xuemei's face, Gu Shulan nodded and agreed, but she didn't know why Pan Xuemei became like this.

Although Pan Xuemei was injured before, but the injury was not serious, not to the point of being devastated.

Moreover, Pan Xuemei was fine just now, how could it suddenly be like this.

"Shulan, to tell you the truth, I'm actually just a remnant soul. You must have already discovered that I was sent by ghosts to reincarnate back then..."

Pan Xuemei told Gu Shulan her true situation. Now that she doesn't have much time, there is no need for her to hide such a thing.

"I've always known that people and ghosts have different paths, but Jiang Lang said before that he was masculine, and ghosts couldn't do him any harm, and I also thought that if I could take revenge sooner, I would be able to free up some time to find the rest of my soul. The reincarnated person. Therefore, driven by love, I no longer had any scruples and became husband and wife with him, but I didn't expect to kill that dog thief Wang Dianshi with my own hands today, which made my heart knot, and it will soon dissipate, there is no such thing at all. It's time."

Pan Xuemei's eyes were hazy with tears, and her face was full of reluctance. She felt that she had no blessings after all. She finally met a man who loved her, but couldn't be with him forever.

"So it is."

After listening to Pan Xuemei's words, Gu Shulan realized that Pan Xuemei had no chance of reincarnation. At the same time, she was also very embarrassed. Originally, she thought that Pan Xuemei's hard life was over. She is willing to help with revenge, and she still cares very much about her hard-working older sister.

Everything was fine until just now, and the development of things was gratifying, but who could have expected that Pan Xuemei's situation would turn so drastically.

"Sister Mei, don't worry, I will definitely help you."

Having said that, Gu Shulan passed her own ghost qi to Pan Xuemei, and Pan Xuemei herself also mobilized the vitality hidden in her body, so as not to show her decadent appearance.

"Shulan, take care of your own situation, don't hurt yourself. Jiang Lang and I have a lot of yin in the room, and I can use those yin qi to supplement it."

After a while, Pan Xuemei didn't let Gu Shulan continue. If this continues, Gu Shulan will lose too much ghost energy, which will be harmful to herself.

"Okay, Sister Mei, go back first. I'll go to Hong Ma now, tell her about the situation, and see if she has any good solutions."

Gu Shulan nodded, then flew out and went directly to find the red mother who was chasing Wang Dianshi's soul.

After a stick of incense had passed, Jiang Lin outside the hospital had completely taken away the demonic energy on Wang Dianshi's body, and then threw the corpse out into the street.

The next thing to consider is the mud monster.

After Jiang Lin temporarily suppressed the demon air he had collected, he returned to the Pan Mansion compound. Taking advantage of the fact that the mud demon might be going into seclusion, he did not want to miss this opportunity.

"Xuemei, there are some things I need to tell you."

After returning to the room, Jiang Lin frowned slightly when he saw Pan Xuemei. He vaguely felt that there was something wrong with Pan Xuemei now.

"Is there any discomfort? The previous injury is not good?"

"Jiang Lang, don't worry, it's all done."

Pan Xuemei suppressed all her emotions, showed a smile, and walked towards Jiang Lin.

Just as Jiang Lin was about to speak, Pan Xuemei raised his hand and pressed his lips, saying, "Jiang Lang, if it's not some sweet talk, Xuemei doesn't want to hear it."

Since she was about to disappear from the world, Pan Xuemei wanted to cherish every minute and second she had by Jiang Lin's side, not to mention that she thought Jiang Lin was going to confess to him about his wife and children, even if it was Jiang Lin. There is something important to tell her, but she doesn't want to listen.

She just wanted to be with Jiang Lin greasy and let Jiang Lin tell her something sweet as honey.

"Good good."

Since Pan Xuemei didn't want to listen, Jiang Lin didn't say anything, and temporarily suppressed the matter of the mud demon.

This time, because of his mistake, he almost lost his good wife, so he was willing to meet Pan Xuemei's request.

Jiang Lin still didn't know that Pan Xuemei had something to hide from him, or that it was something that needed to be dealt with urgently.

Although he has also concealed many things from Pan Xuemei, but now the time has come, he is willing to tell everything that Pan Xuemei can know without reservation.

But Pan Xuemei, no matter what, just followed her own thoughts, preferring to disappear out of thin air, and not to tell the truth.

He was just going to hide it from him until he was gone.

Moreover, the most unacceptable thing for Jiang Lin is that Pan Xuemei's situation is not without any solution, but it can't be delayed.

As long as Pan Xuemei knew his true identity and explained the facts, things would turn around.

But Jiang Lin was willing to confess, but Pan Xuemei wouldn't let him.

He felt guilty and distressed for Pan Xuemei again, and of course it was what his wife wanted, so he would rely on her.

Chapter [*] Who do you think I am? (superior)

Pan Xuemei snuggled up in Jiang Lin's arms, feeling extremely happy in her heart. Jiang Lin recited ten love poems to her in one breath just now, but her ears were filled with honey.

Jiang Lin still borrowed flowers to offer Buddha, and recited all the poems he had memorized. Among the many wives in his family, there is Yuemei who likes literature, so he really has some ink in his stomach.

It wasn't that he had to show off his literary talent that didn't belong to him, but that Pan Xuemei asked him to say sweet words, and where would he go to search for those sweet words.

Instead of saying some earthy words, such as "Are you tired last night, because you ran in my heart for a long time" and the like that made him shiver, it would be better to recite a few songs that are so wet (poem) Woolen cloth.

Not long after, Hong Ma and all the ghosts in Pan's house returned happily with their foreheads and hands in celebration. Pan Xuemei couldn't help but shed tears when she heard the cheers outside.

She has endured for [*] years, and suffers the pain of hanging her neck almost every day. Today, she finally kills her enemy, and her enemy is not only dead, but also completely lost.

"Xuemei, Wang Dianshi's fellow will never appear in the world again, no matter in the yin and yang worlds, there will be no trace of him anymore."

When Hong Ma arrived at the door of Jiang Lin's room, she told Pan Xuemei about Wang Dianshi's fate.

"Young Master Jiang, Xuemei and Shulan are able to take revenge this time, it's really thanks to you, I am here to thank you. That guy before had a whole body of demon power, even I thought something happened to you and Young Master Han. "

Later, Hongma expressed her gratitude to Jiang Lin. This time, she never expected Jiang Lin to play such a big role.

Although Wang Dianshi was killed by Pan Xuemei and Gu Shulan, the reason why they had such a chance was because Jiang Lin beat Wang Dianshi to the point where he only had the gas in but not out.

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin, I'm afraid she couldn't even get Wang Dianshi's goods.

"By the way, what about Young Master Han and the others? Have you been murdered by that dog thief before?"

Later, Hongma asked why Han Jizu and Feng Yunting didn't come back. Before, Han Jizu went to the magistrate in order to keep Pan House and was almost killed, so she had a good impression of Han Jizu.

Jiang Lin explained: "They are all right. Brother Han and I have been following Wang Dianshi's scumbag and found the hiding place of the monster he relies on. After Wang Dianshi left, we also used boulders for the mountain road there. I was blocked, and this was a waste of time. I just didn’t expect that this time Wang Dianshi went to that monster to get such an ability. If there is no such accident, it is estimated that in a few days, the monster on the servant’s body will There is no need to replenish his anger. Actually, there is nothing to be thankful for, since he is Xuemei's enemy, he is also my enemy."

"So this is ah."

Hong Ma nodded, and before Jiang Lin could continue to speak, she looked at Pan Xuemei and asked, "Xuemei, are you okay?"

Gu Shulan had already informed her of Pan Xuemei's situation before, and she did not expect such a situation from Pan Xuemei.

Therefore, now she is still more worried about Pan Xuemei's situation.


"Hong Mom, I'm fine, you go back first."

When Pan Xuemei saw Hong Ma wanted to tell her current situation, she quickly motioned to her and told her to go back.

Seeing this, Hong Ma couldn't bear to make Pan Xuemei embarrassed, so she turned and left.

"Xuemei, I'll talk to Hong Ma about something."

Jiang Lin patted Pan Xuemei on the shoulder. He just wanted to talk to Hong Ma about the mud demon, but Hong Ma went to talk to Pan Xuemei.

"I don't care~ It's late at night, we should rest in peace."

Pan Xuemei shook her head, then stretched out her hands and wrapped her arms around Jiang Lin's neck, not letting him leave.

"It's up to you."

Jiang Lin smiled and shook his head, just as Hong Ma thought, Pan Xuemei also thought that something had happened to him before, so he felt that Pan Xuemei was clinging to him a little abnormally, which was the reason.

Early the next morning, there was a commotion outside the Pan Mansion. Wang Dianshi's body was found by pedestrians, and then these people happily ran around to tell each other, which made the surroundings of the Pan Mansion very lively.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang! That dog official Wang Dianshi is dead!"

It's not a big deal outside the Pan Mansion, Han Jizu came to Jianglin earlier in the morning to pat the door.

I'm so... let no one rest!

Jiang Lin sat up. There were black lines on his forehead. The second uncle belonged to him. He threw Wang Dianshi's body on the street last night. Although he didn't know when Han Jizu and Feng Yunting came back, these two When I came back, I must have seen the dead body.

If you die, you will die, do you need to scream here early in the morning?

Jiang Lin really wanted to beat people. He had sex with Pan Xuemei last night, and he was sleeping soundly right now.

In fact, when Han Jizu and Feng Yunting came back last night, they really saw Wang Dianshi's body, but these two scholars drank too much last night and didn't remember it at all.

Therefore, Han Jizu was so excited when he heard the news of Wang Dianshi's hiccups early in the morning.

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