Originally, she wanted to nod her head and say that was enough, but then she thought about it, Jiang Lin took out so many gold bricks so easily, there must be more.

She still has to take a big advantage, anyway, Jiang Lin is her man, she has to entrust her body and mind and her whole life, and at this moment, she will give it again, she can take advantage of anything.

Okay, greed for money, any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.

Jiang Lin smiled. If the grievances in An Ge's heart could be eliminated, none of this would matter.

After that, it was like a large vault in his arms, and he took out a piece of gold ingots, jewelry, and even spirit stones.

Gradually, An Ge felt that the golden bricks in her arms were no longer fragrant. She looked at the spiritual stones Jiang Lin took out, and her eyes began to shine.

The spirit stones that Jiang Lin took out can be used in place of spirit power. As long as they have these spirit stones, even if they are found by the Yu family, they can still have a lot of confidence to fight.

"Xianggong, let me tell you, don't think that I will forgive you if you take these out. These are all material things, and they are not enough to prove your sincerity. What kind of compensation is this? Only these, you don't want to be beautiful. , imagine that I will marry you."

"Okay, I'll make up for it."

Jiang Lin almost didn't laugh, An Ge said that he didn't want to be beautiful, and he didn't want to marry him, but he called him a husband at the beginning of the sentence.

Now this wife of his is really open to seeing money.

In the past, the grievances became like that, and the tears became a gas bag like breaking the embankment, but now when I see the gold brick jewelry and precious spiritual stones, I recognize my husband faster than anyone else.

After that, Jiang Lin recruited many charms in the ancient mirror: "In addition to betrothal gifts, people also give servants and housekeepers when they marry. I don't have them, but these charms are more advanced than puppets. The body itself is a powerful Rakshasa ghost. It can hide in the shadows and will not be affected during the day. They will do whatever they ask. It can be regarded as a dowry gift for you. I forgot to tell you, in When you left Anyang City, I released them and followed you in secret to prevent you from any danger."

Jiang Lin intends to give these charms to An Ge. If the next thing goes well, he will leave Anyang City, but he doesn't know how much danger lies ahead, so he does not plan to bring An Ge with him.

Of course, if An Ge is left behind, he will leave many backhands to avoid possible dangers.

Even in that case, An Ge is not by his side, and there is still a small chance that unexpected situations will occur, but if it is compared with the way he is going, it is still relatively safe.

Therefore, these charms were the means by which he stayed to protect An Ge.

"All close to the level of a ghost king?"

I have to say that Jiang Lin's surprise to An Ge is repeated one after another. If these charms are united and desperate, it may be difficult for even her aunt to deal with it.

At the same time, she also knew that what Jiang Lin said was absolutely not false.

Even if Jiang Lin didn't do it himself and gave orders to these charming spirits, the Moon Blade would have changed hands long ago.

Moreover, Jiang Lin also said that when she left, he released these charms to protect her all the way.

If you don't care about her words, how could this happen.

Chapter two thousand and forty-five see the money eyes open, see treasure heart open (below)

"Xianggong, did you really not radiate spiritual sense in front of us? You really didn't know what I looked like before? When you were with me, it was very hard, right?"

An Ge put the golden brick in his arms on the table, walked to Jiang Lin, and took his hand.

What else is there to make, stop making trouble, it would be better to live a good life, wouldn't it be better if the husband was not blind.

Now, An Ge no longer doubts what Jiang Lin said. If she thinks from her perspective, she feels that Jiang Lin has no reason to lie to her.

This also means that Jiang Lin is not greedy for her appearance at all, whether she is pretty or ordinary, Jiang Lin is willing to marry her and treat her well.

Recalling the previous events, An Ge could feel Jiang Lin's deep love for her.

She felt wronged, but Jiang Lin really worked hard in order to pursue her.

Although Jiang Lin has a whole body of cultivation, but after his eyes are blind, he still has to rely on his spiritual sense to be busy.If she was blindfolded, it would not be bad if she could find things without relying on her own telepathy.

"It's very hard work, but I've earned such a handsome wife."

Jiang Lin smiled lightly, took An Ge into his arms, and sipped on his lips.

An Ge didn't push Jiang Lin away, she was already from Jiang Lin, what would she care about kissing her, but after a while, she broke away from Jiang Lin's arms and said angrily, "You have something to do with other women. , I... I don't care about you for the time being, but you still have to tell me honestly whether you have anything else to hide."


Jiang Lin nodded honestly, he did have a lot of things to hide from An Ge.

"and also?!"

An Ge was suddenly unhappy, and aggrieved again.

Jiang Lin spread his hands and said, "I have a lot of things that I didn't tell you, so I'm hiding them all. If you don't ask me, would it be possible for me to tell you everything? "

"Well, these are some extremely rare treasures of heaven and earth, many of which have the effect of refining the body. Also, this is the cold essence of ten thousand years, and ten thousand gold is hard to buy, so I will compensate you."

Jiang Lin took out a lot of forbidden medicinal materials and cold marrow from the ancient mirror. Since An Ge's eyes were opened by seeing money, he wanted to make An Ge's heart be happy when he saw Bao.

Be broad-minded and generous.

Since he has decided to confess his past to An Ge, there must be some things that An Ge may find difficult to accept, such as his identity as a zombie.

Jiang Lin also doesn't want An Ge's situation like today's to happen again in the future. He doesn't have much time for An Ge for the time being. After a while sweetly, is it better than anything else?

Jiang Lin felt that An Ge didn't pay much attention to what he said before, so he never mentioned it.

Besides, how many wives he has in his family, he must also talk about it.

However, Jiang Lin didn't have to think about it to know that An Ge was going to be upset again.

In terms of Xiuwei, except for special circumstances, An Ge is one of the few female cultivators among his wives who have formed a golden elixir. With such a cultivation base, Ange must be a woman with high spirits.

Knowing that he had a woman might not be a big deal. If he knew that he had a group of wives, how could An Ge accept it so easily.

Therefore, he wanted to use some treasures, first to expand Ange's heart.

However, Jiang Lin is not ready to say it now, he only learned tonight that An Ge is so beautiful. Wouldn't it be good to go to bed earlier to enhance the relationship between husband and wife?

It will be fine until then.

Sure enough, seeing so many treasures, An Ge's eyes that were as clear as water almost turned into a perfect circle.

She directly grabbed the jade box and jade bottle in Jiang Lin's hand and stuffed it into her pocket.

And her heart was also unknowingly affected by these treasures, and it became a lot bigger.

"You have to wait until I ask you to tell me? Tell me everything, Ma Liu, or you will sleep separately tonight and I will go back to my room."

At this time, An Ge didn't make any trouble at all because he saw Bao's happy heart, and he didn't care about what Jiang Lin had to hide from her, as long as Jiang Lin told her slowly.

It was precisely because of the change in her attitude that she made some mental preparations for herself.

Could it be that there is something too big for her to go back on?

Even if Jiang Lin had a woman, they were all wives who had passed the door, but Jiang Lin had said that he would not go to places like Tianxianglou even if he dragged him.

As long as Jiang Lin is not the kind of person who likes to mess around, she doesn't want to worry about it.

Moreover, Jiang Lin had so many treasures, so she didn't want to leave Jiang Lin.

In the past, she wanted to raise the blind Jiang Lin for the rest of her life, but now she wants Jiang Lin to raise her, to Bai Bai Pang Chuan.

Relying on his own husband, it's over.

"Even if you ask, you may not think of how to ask. Let me tell you. The most recent thing is that I have killed that leader Guo."

"You killed Commander Guo?"

An Ge was stunned for a moment, she didn't know anything about this.

"Why do you want to kill him? He is someone who is very important to General Yu in the General's House, and Mr. Onizuka next to General Yu is the old ghost wood you mentioned. If General Yu asks the old ghost wood to investigate, things will be quite troublesome. of."

An Ge couldn't help worrying about Jiang Lin. If the old ghost wood demon found Jiang Lin, wouldn't the food and drinks made by Jiang Lin be exposed to the sight of the old ghost wood?

Chapter two thousand and forty-six marry the corpse

"That guy died one after another, because he was jealous and angered us and caused us trouble, but he had to bring back those food and drinks, which all contained the talisman water I put in them. Maybe they will find us. Not only that, judging from the performance of the guy at the time, he will never give up easily in the future, and he must find various reasons to trouble us. I will let you go to the restaurant and release it. Those charm spirits came out, and the goods were immediately scattered. You don't have to worry, since I decided to destroy him, naturally there will be no traces left, and all the things he confiscated were destroyed by the charm spirits."

Jiang Lin explained to An Ge that he just killed a commander Guo who was looking for trouble to kill him. Now he doesn't care about any secular laws, and he repeatedly provokes him and causes him trouble.

Just delete it directly.

The problem that An Ge was worried about would not arise either.

After listening to Jiang Lin's explanation, An Ge couldn't help but take a breath. Jiang Lin's city is simply not comparable to her. With limited means, she can still do such an easy thing. Mr. Onizuka, who stayed in Anyang City, is still unaware.

However, although he felt that Jiang Lin's city was deep, An Ge's heart did not alienate him again.

It's good that Jiang Lin has a plan, but he didn't play any tricks on her, nor did he do anything to hurt her and her aunt.

Even in order to achieve the goal, Jiang Lin also considered it very well and did not harm innocent people.

For a practitioner, this is enough.

As for that commander Guo, although he may not be guilty of death, but this guy took the initiative to commit suicide, that's no one else's fault.

"Besides that, there may be another thing you can't remember to ask. I mentioned it before, I guess you didn't pay attention. Hmm... What do you think of monsters?"

"Monster? Just look at it that way, not all monsters should be killed, just like my aunt's husband, he is a green bamboo monster, but he has never harmed anyone. Another example is the fox in Tianxianglou. Yao Yun Duo'er, when my aunt and I were in danger, she even helped out. She saved us once, and she never hurt anyone. What are you asking about this? Are you also a demon?"

An Ge looked at Jiang Lin inexplicably, wondering why Jiang Lin asked that.

"I'm not a monster, let's get along with the monster..."

"It's not a demon, and you are related to a demon? Are you a shemale?"

"Cough cough..."

Jiang Lin almost choked on his own saliva when he heard such a sentence popping out of An Ge's mouth.

I'm your man, and if I were a shemale, wouldn't you marry a hermaphrodite?

However, Jiang Lin didn't tell Ange what a human being is. In this Daluo Immortal Realm, there is no such concept.

"I'm not a monster, but I have the identity of a monster corpse. The spiritual power and corpse poison coexist in my body. It's just that the balance has been broken, so I have to look for the evil spirit."

With that said, Jiang Lin released the corpse poison from his body, revealing two pairs of corpse teeth.

An Ge's phoenix eyes looked at the corpse teeth in Jiang Lin's mouth, and gradually widened, and finally the whole person became stupid.

Jiang Lin did say before that when Liu Yi was chasing Yun Duo'er, he wanted to kill Liu Yi, but An Ge's mood was still relatively chaotic at that time, so he didn't pay attention at all, and because of the large amount of information pouring in later, never recalled.

If she thought about it at the time or later, she would have found that Jiang Lin said that that night, she did not see any trace of Jiang Lin at all, only a terrifying monster corpse.

"You...you are a corpse? You...you suck human blood for a living? Oh my God!"

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