Now that the six people are in a group, the strength can be greater. If they are scattered, it will not be good.

Jiang Lin shook his head and said, "Don't worry, uncle, I have my own plans."

Liu Yi and Mrs. Gu didn't ask any further questions, and flew out of the battle circle directly according to Jiang Lin's instructions.

No matter what doubts they had in their hearts, Jiang Lin, who was originally a blind man, was no stranger to them, so he might have a cooperative relationship with the monster corpse who likes to play tricks.

They just listen to the announcement directly.

The old ghost wood's face changed slightly, and he wanted to order those puppet guards to intercept Liu Yi and Mrs. Gu, but after thinking about it, the current situation may not be beneficial to him.

His body does need to be protected, but because the yin locust tree grew out of the thousand-year-old mass grave with a strong yin and evil energy, it is not a matter of a while to destroy it.

Moreover, even if someone wants to destroy the roots of his body, the extremely rich Yin evil spirit in the ground is not a vegetarian.

Under this premise, Jiang Lin on the opposite side is missing two people, so he will save a lot of effort in dealing with them, and it will be easier for him to defeat them one by one.


After figuring this out, the old ghost wood gave an order, and the puppet guards who were eroded by the corpse evil rushed towards Jiang Lin and the others.

At this moment, Jiang Lin let out an extremely loud corpse roar, and at the same time, the sound wave spread out, causing nearly a thousand puppet guards to feel like a corpse, and then all the puppet guards looked at Guimu Lao. The demon, roaring wildly, rushed towards it.


The old ghost wood demon had already prepared to cooperate with these puppet guards to deal with Jiang Lin and the others, but the current situation made him stunned in place.

what happened?

What's the matter?

Jiang Lin smiled lightly and said to the old ghost wood demon, "Can't you think of it? They don't listen to you anymore, and I turned against you."

Now these nearly [*] puppet guards have indeed been taken over by Jiang Lin. No matter how powerful the old ghost wood is, he is only a monster, but Jiang Lin is Mao Zong who has the fortune of the corpse emperor.

It doesn't matter that the number this time is dozens of times more than the corpse soldiers formed by the ghost wood old demon condensed corpses last time.

No matter how much you come, Jiang Lin can rebel.

Chapter [*] Let you die obediently, are you deaf! (superior)

Not to mention the ghost wood old demon, even An Ge and Yu Qingping and his wife beside Jiang Lin didn't know what was going on.

Although An Ge and Yu Qingping knew that Jiang Lin had the identity of a monster corpse, they never thought that he could order a group of corpses.

Even if he thinks that Jiang Lin can do this, these guards are not real corpses, they are controlled by the old ghost wood demon.

Does this work too?

An Ge and Yu Qingping, who knew Jianglin's roots, were like this, and the Bamboo Demon who didn't know Jianglin was even more confused.

He really couldn't see what means Jiang Lin used.

"What's the situation, what's the situation?"

After the old ghost wood was stunned for a while, he cast a spell to regain control of these puppet guards, but he couldn't change the result at all.

These puppet guards, like the corpse soldiers formed by the corpse, have the same characteristics as spirit refining. Before they became puppets, these people were still alive and naturally possessed spirituality.

That's why Jiang Lin didn't have to work hard to seize control.

The old ghost wood was a little panicked, and this situation reminded him of the incident when he was stabbed by the monster corpse that day.

It made him think that the monster corpse that he was quite afraid of was around again, and just now he had used his own Nascent Soul to investigate carefully, but found nothing.

That is to say, the monster corpse is probably hiding in the surrounding dark place, and he has no ability to detect it.

It's easy to hide with a gun, and it's hard to guard against an arrow. This situation is bad enough, and now the puppet guards that I have created are turning against their mothers.

Fuck his grandma!

The ghost wood old demon just wants to spit feces, and there is nothing to make him happy.

Because the previous incident of nearly a thousand puppet guards being turned against by Jiang Lin was a big surprise to the old ghost wood, he didn't notice that the roar that Jiang Lin burst out was a corpse roar.

In fact, this is not because the old ghost wood is not thoughtful enough, it is because Jiang Lin appeared in front of him as a person, so that he subconsciously regarded Jiang Lin as a cultivator.

A practitioner still has the identity of a monster corpse, at least in his cognition, it has never been there.

"Punch him for me!"

At this time, Jiang Lin learned from the old ghost wood demon before and ordered the group of puppet guards.

Then these guards rushed directly to the tower just like the dead soldiers.

On the other hand, Jiang Lin himself called out the golden wheel of the sun and the sword of the moon wheel, so that the two wheel blades surrounded An Ge's body.

"Ange, you control my golden sun wheel to protect yourself, and you can drive the moon wheel knife at will."

Jiang Lin drew a spiritual light amulet in his palm and printed it on An Ge's forehead.

Now he doesn't let An Ge participate in the war, and it is estimated that An Ge is not willing, so he sent out his own golden wheel to protect An Ge.

An Ge's cultivation base is the lowest. If the ghost wood old demon desperately wants to capture him and use it to reverse the situation, there is still a certain risk. He doesn't want to see such a thing.

"Master, what about you?"

An Ge looked at Jiang Lin and was a little worried. She had seen the old ghost wood demon's methods before, and it was quite difficult for her to deal with those corpse soldiers when she had no spiritual tools to use. If Jiang Lin gave up in order to protect her She is not worried about the means of attack.

An Ge knew that Jiang Lin possessed Yang Yan and the spiritual power of a perfect body, but the old ghost wood demon is not an ordinary monster. He can use a huge amount of yin and evil energy. In terms of attributes, he can get rid of it to a certain extent. A situation where yin and yang go against each other.

"Don't worry, I still have a magic weapon."

Jiang Lin threw the bone sword out of his hand, and then he rushed to the old ghost wood demon, and he also said hello to Yu Qingping and the green bamboo demon: "Aunt, uncle, just bully others and kill him together. ."

Yu Qingping and his wife did not delay at all, they used their own means and followed Jiang Lin.

At this time, the old ghost wood demon has been dodged by the puppet guards.

Naturally, he was not very afraid of these puppets, but as long as he was surrounded, these puppet guards swarmed up and used their hands, feet, and mouth, and he just wanted to use his hands to deal with Jiang Lin and they couldn't do anything.

The old ghost wood demon has not used his own means yet, and just wants to regain control of these puppet guards.

"You run a hammer? These are puppets loyal to you, you run a wool?"

Jiang Lin leaped into the air, and the eight-meter-long Yang Finger Sword instantly stretched out, directly piercing the heart of the old ghost wood, and picked it up.

"What are you running for? If you are in a hurry to die, I will ask you what are you running for? Obediently die for me, run, run, run away from your mother!"

After piercing through the old ghost wood demon's body, Jiang Lin blasted out with one-handed turtle qigong, hitting the old ghost wood demon directly in the face.

This guy made him race against the clock, and he stretched his neck before saying that he was rushing to die, but now he runs faster than anyone else.

How many legs did your parents give you, so you can run?

By the way, I'm sorry, I forgot that you are born and raised here, you have no father, and naturally you have no mother.

A black pillar of fire from Jiang Lin smashed the old ghost wood away, and then the puppet guards slaughtered the old ghost wood like a group of mad dogs.

Open your mouth and bite.

Dozens or hundreds of iron mouths went down, and the old ghost wood demon suddenly made a macho voice.


This guy's crotch was madly bitten by a dozen puppet guards. Although he didn't suffer any injuries, he was still in human form and could still feel the pain.

After that, the old ghost wood demon immediately transformed into a tree man with a face full of bark, and countless vines jumped out from its limbs, stringing the puppet guards into rock candy haws.

Throwing off the puppet guard who bit him, the old ghost wood demon didn't even think about it, he just started to kill.

He originally wanted to disperse the corpses attached to the guards and make these puppet guards lose their power.

However, not only could he not be able to control these puppet guards, but he couldn't do it even if he wanted to withdraw those corpses.

Chapter [*] Let you die obediently, are you deaf! (Down)

Just as the rattan of the old ghost wood pierced the surroundings, Jiang Lin's flying sword arrived.

Cut directly.

At the same time, An Ge also controlled the Moon Blade and flew over.

For a while, the ghost wood old demon burst out with screams, and the broken vines dripping with green liquid flew into the air.

Almost at the same time, the green bamboo demon's palms also slapped on the ground, and countless green jade and green bamboos drilled out from under the position of the ghost wood old demon, interspersed in one place, directly immobilizing the ghost wood old demon's body. in situ.

As for Yu Qingping, she had just met the Nascent Soul who was flying outside the ghost wood old demon, and blocked it with her light whip, so that it could not help the ghost wood old demon.

Jiang Lin's arm was raised, and the yang fingers shot into the sky, gathered in mid-air, and then poured down, covering the Nascent Soul that Yu Qingping was dealing with.

Now that the old ghost wood demon is restricted, and there are many puppet guards dragging him back, he wants to take down the original soul of the old ghost wood first.

The ghost wood old demon has now turned into a tree man form, and the defense on his body is extraordinary. It is still more efficient to deal with this creature's Nascent Soul.

However, with those puppet guards and green bamboo demons, I'm afraid they can't completely restrain the ghost wood old demon, so he will first cause some difficulties to the Nascent Soul, and buy some time to make the ghost wood old demon be honest.

After releasing hundreds of Yang Zhi Qi, Jiang Lin flashed in front of the ghost wood old demon almost instantly.

"Revolt against what? I let you die obediently, are you deaf!"

Jiang Lin grabbed the tree face of the ghost wood old demon with a big hand like a basketball. His palm charged like a cannon and blasted it out.

The current ghost wood old demon is like a tree stump that was blown off, except that rattan like hands and feet grew on both sides of the tree stump.

However, after being blasted by Jiang Lin, the ghost wood old demon lost even a face with a slight outline, and was directly blasted out of a big hole.

After that, a colorful flame appeared in Jiang Lin's palm, sending it directly into the hole.

Then he turned around and turned into afterimages.

Jiang Lin knew that even if he used these means, in terms of the vitality of the old ghost wood, he would not suffer irreversible injuries.

In this way, he was able to imprison the Nascent Soul of this yin-locust tree demon.

Most of the spirit and vitality of the old ghost wood demon should be gathered in his own Nascent Soul. Therefore, the Nascent Soul of the old ghost wood must still be captured alive for Jiang Lin, at most Yang Yansheng. Refinement, on the one hand, caused heavy damage to the old ghost wood demon, and on the other hand, it completely destroyed its spirituality.

If this thing cooperates with the ghost wood old demon's body - the heart of the yin locust tree, it is enough to give Zhan Min a huge amount of vitality.

The ghost wood old demon was frantically struggling, but the puppet guards rushed towards him as if desperate, and directly stacked up into a mountain of people dozens of meters high.

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