With the help of the power of a country, Jiang Lin can make them die without leaving the scum.

But if he stopped there, judging from Jiang Lin's ruthless means, the reckoning would be a sure thing.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Director Guo could only ask Liu Gongshi to follow up the investigation progress of Jiang Lin and Yan Li secretly. Once Jiang Lin caught the silver fox demon, he would immediately kill the real culprit. .

Anyway, what Jiang Lin reported in the early morning was just speculation. When they forcibly tied the corpse evil they sent out to the silver fox demon, their crisis would naturally be resolved.

For the next seven or eight days, Jiang Lin was able to use a two-pronged approach, allowing the two ways to obtain extraterrestrial meteorites to go hand in hand.

For him, the progress of things is also a mixed blessing.

The happy thing is that Lingyu's side is really dedicated, and the results obtained are quite satisfactory, but the worry is that there is no progress in tracing the whereabouts of the silver-haired corpse.

During these seven or eight days, the silver-haired corpse did not leave any clues or hints.

Even its traces have completely disappeared.

However, on this day, Jiang Lin and Yan Li made new discoveries when they were investigating the last sarong.

Chapter [-] Voluntary scapegoating, there must be tricks (in)

"Master Jiang, something is not right here."

In a Beijing Shafang in the north of the capital, Yan Li moved his nose and looked at Jiang Lin with his slightly narrowed eyes.

"It's really not right. In this air, in addition to the smell of dye and silk, there is also a faint smell of medicine."

Jiang Lin nodded, and after entering the Jingshafang, he smelled a faint medicinal fragrance.

The strange thing is that he is not unfamiliar with this medicinal fragrance, he has smelled it many times before.

In Wen Zhongzi's Ben Shan Tang, there is a medicinal smell similar to this.

Jiang Lin believed that he had not made a mistake in his judgment. He had gone to Benshantang more than once. Whether he was asking Concubine Xiao or setting up a magic circle around Benshantang, he had stayed there.

"Finally there is a new progress."

With a slight smile, Jiang Lin walked towards the source of the medicinal fragrance.

Although there has been no substantial progress in the past ten days, he has an intuition that it is not far from the day when he harvests the silver-haired corpse.

During this time, Jiang Lin and Yan Li followed the clues provided by the criminal order and went to the Shazhuang where Yunyisha was made to investigate. Unfortunately, nothing was found. In desperation, the two could only Expanding the search scope, this Jingshafang is already the last batch.

If nothing can be found, then the clue of Yunyisha is broken.

Fortunately, today seems to be another village.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin and Yan Li to find a lot of Yun Yisha in the Jingshafang, but there was no such Jingshafang in the list provided by the unfortunate sentence.

In other words, this yarn farm is rich in this extremely rare yarn without authorization.

After a while, Jiang Lin and Yan Li found an inner room full of medicinal herbs in the house stocked by Jingshafang.

"Master Jiang, I didn't expect that there is a pharmacy hidden in the warehouse of this Shazhuang."

When Yan Li saw this, he looked around. On the desk, he also found a notebook.

"What did you find?"

Jiang Lin asked Yan Li with a solemn expression after reading the manuscript.

He didn't know much about the medicinal materials in the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty.

"Mr. Jiang, our guess is correct. These medicinal materials can be combined with the blood of the royal family to achieve the effect of prolonging life. Moreover, the medicinal taste here is exactly the same as that of Wen Zhongzi."

Yan Li turned over the notebook again, and told Jiang Lin what he had found. The notebook in his hand recorded the ratio of the various medicinal materials in the pharmacy.

And the medicinal effect of these formulas is used to stimulate the medicinal power in the blood of the royal family.

Jiang Lin only nodded slightly when he heard the words, and did not express any opinion.

He didn't think Wen Zhongzi had anything to do with the case. The magic circle he had set up at Ben Shantang had not monitored anything at all. After Ning Yesi recruited some people, he also sent some people to be there. Ben Shantang was being monitored day and night, but no matter whether it was the magic circle or the people stalking it, nothing was out of the ordinary.

This also shows that, at least during this period of time, Wen Zhongzi and Yin Mao Zhan have nothing to do with each other.

If Yan Li's inference is correct, it shouldn't be like this.

Jiang Lin didn't think much about it. Since the clues pointed to Wen Neutron, he would directly add to the flames.

Now, more and more clues are pointing to Yin Mao Zhai's crime of committing the crime and blaming Wen Zhongzi, but he wants to see why Yin Mao Zhe is trying to embarrass a frail scholar.

"You go to Benshan Street first, and I will take a trip to the palace."

Jiang Lin was indeed going to add fuel to the flames, but before that, he wanted to inform Lingyu about it.

During this time, Lingyu was busy with his affairs, and Wen Zhongzi was the benefactor of Lingyu and all the monsters on Benshan Street. If he didn't say hello in advance, he would embarrass Wen Zhongzi. It's going to make a fuss.

After Jiang Lin left, Yan Li continued to read the manuscript. To his surprise, there was a portrait of Concubine Xiao in the manuscript.

When he saw Concubine Xiao's portrait, a memory suddenly appeared in Yan Li's mind. When he was looking for clues in Concubine Xiao's cold palace, he had an illusion that he seemed to have been there before.

But now, the memory that emerged in his mind was even more outrageous-he remembered that when he was young, he even called Concubine Xiao as his mother.

Jiang Lin was not present at this time, so he didn't know about this episode.

What he didn't even expect was that the real purpose of Yinmao Corpse had a lot to do with Yan Li, a famous detective with high IQ and low EQ.

At the same time, Wen Zhongzi from Benshan Street walked out of Benshan Hall leaning on a cane.

He looked into the distance and said to himself, "Calculate the time, it should be almost the same."

The direction that Wen Zhongzi was looking at was actually the location of Jingshafang. There was a pharmacy in Jingshafang, and he knew from beginning to end.

In fact, he arranged the pharmacy there.

And his purpose is to wait for Jiang Lin and Yan Li to come to the door.

"Night patrol agent? Back then, revenge for kindness and revenge for virtue, but after more than [-] years, this incumbent night patrol agent will also stage a show of revenge for kindness and revenge. Haha..."

Wen Zhongzi coughed twice before laughing in a low voice. Ning Yesi's night patrol, who received the emperor's favor, if the night patrol turned against him and killed the royal family with his own hands, it would be a reward for a reward. .

"Blood for blood, tooth for tooth, that's how it should be."

The expression on Wen Zhongzi's face became hideous, and then he walked back to the yard with a cane tremblingly. It is estimated that some special guests should come to him in the past few days.

And for him, just wait quietly.

None of those who waited to see kindness and vengeance avenged would end well.

The night watchman is like this, and the royal family of the Tianyun Dynasty should be like this.

Chapter [-] Voluntary scapegoating, there must be tricks (below)

Jiang Lin and Yan Li did not expect Wen Zhongzi from Benshan Street to be waiting for them to pass by.

The two of them couldn't even imagine what would happen next, far beyond their expectations.

"Lingyu, come out and tell you something."

When Jiang Lin arrived at the Imperial History Supervisor in the palace, he saw Lingyu who was reviewing documents with others, and shouted.

Lingyu looked up to see Jiang Lin, put down the document in her hand, and walked over to Jiang Lin with a look of joy.

Since Jiang Lin entrusted her with such a task, she seldom had time to spend with Jiang Lin. Compared with her mental fatigue, the yearnings that flowed out of her heart made her more tired.

"It's hard work, you little rabbit, come here and reward you with a carrot."

Seeing the slight bloodshot in Lingyu's beautiful eyes, Jiang Lin took a purple tassels ginseng from his arms and handed it over.

Lingyu was not polite. After she took it, she nibbled at it and asked, "Aren't you tracking down the silver fox demon? Is there anything else to tell me?"

Jiang Lin shook his head, and then said: "Nothing, just found some clues, and the clues point to Wen Zhongzi. Although I don't think he is suspicious, but the current situation seems to be that the silver fox demon deliberately framed and married. Damn. Therefore, in order to catch it, I can only act according to the clues I have now. Wen Zhongzi is kind to you, I will come to say hello to you, so as not to make you misunderstood. "

"The silver fox demon wants to frame and blame Young Master Wen? Why is this?"

"I don't know this, I'm only responsible for finding out that thing."

Jiang Lin spread his hands, how could he know what kind of nerves the silver-haired corpse had.

"I know what to do, don't worry, I won't blame you for it."

Lingyu pursed her lips, and then nodded slightly, feeling quite warm that Jiang Lin came to greet her this time.

As far as the matter is concerned, Jiang Lin doesn't need to make a special trip to explain to her that Jiang Lin will do this because he has taken into account her feelings.

"What kind of ginseng did you give me this time? The medicine is so powerful that I can't take it anymore."

At this time, Lingyu suddenly felt a little hot all over her body, and the medicinal power spread out from her body made her feel a little uncomfortable.

During this time, Jiang Lin occasionally gave her some spiritual medicine, which caused a lot of medicinal power to accumulate in her body. Even if these medicinal powers were relatively mild and accumulated together, they had almost reached the upper limit that her demon body could bear.

"You little rabbit, you really can't even enjoy the blessings. If I have a chance, I will let you mention your cultivation. Go to work. I will go to Benshan Street."

With that said, Jiang Lin grabbed Lingyu's half-eaten ginseng and stuffed it into his mouth.

Since he absorbed Lingyu's demon blood last time, the corpse poison in his body seemed to be suppressed very honestly, and because of this, he could still accept a small amount of medicinal power.

It just so happened that the source of the flame in his body had never recovered to its peak.

After that, Jiang Lin waved his hand and asked Lingyu to continue to review the documents submitted by the state shepherds and county magistrates, and turned away himself.

Lingyu stared at Jiang Lin's back in a daze, and her pretty face gradually turned red.Jiang Lin ate half of what she had eaten, and he didn't dislike it at all.

She patted her cheek slightly, and Lingyu planned to continue her work. If she didn't find the meteorite that Jiang Lin was looking for sooner, I'm afraid she and Jiang Lin would have to see each other sooner or later.

Jiang Lin didn't know what Lingyu was thinking. After leaving the palace, he went straight to Benshan Street.

After a quarter of an hour, Jiang Lin met Yan Li at the intersection of Benshan Street, and the two went directly to Benshantang where Wen Zhongzi was located.

"Wen Zhongzi, you are hiding really deep."

After seeing Wen Zhongzi, Yan Li smiled coldly. Now, all the evidence shows that Wen Zhongzi was the direct beneficiary of the murder case. It is impossible to say that this scholar did not know the truth of the matter.

But that's it, this neutron deliberately asks his subordinates to assist them in investigating the case, which is really funny.

There was a wry smile on Wen Zhongzi's face, and then he said: "You are wrong, I didn't want to hide. I knew from a long time that you would find me."

Jiang Lin and Yan Li were stunned when they heard Wen Zhongzi's words, because they didn't expect Wen Zhongzi to say such a thing at all.

Wen Zhongzi walked with a wooden stick in his hand and said to himself, "I wonder if the two adults remember that Wen once said that he was rescued by the good demon and about the painting of Begonia? Actually, I was not The demon has been rescued by the good demon, and there are other people. More than [-] years ago, a banshee in a monster village saved a human being. Later, the banshee fell in love with that person and left the monster village. , the man who revenge for his love learned that his lover was a monster, so he sent his subordinates and bloodbathed the monster village. Not only that, the thief, for his royal face, disregarded the relationship between husband and wife, let alone the children born by the banshee, and was cruel. Murder your wife and children."

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