Under the gaze of so many pairs of eyes, it is impossible for these weird hair zombies to not be bound to the silver hair corpse.

With a sneer, Jiang Lin said: "Liu Gongshi, all the residents of Benshan Street have household registrations, and now he is poisoned by a demon. My deputy Yan Li is helping, but you, Liu Gongshi, are going to kill him indiscriminately. To protect the safety of the people throughout the whole process, could it be that I, Ning Yesi, have no duty to protect the people?"

Afterwards, Jiang Lin flashed his royal gold medal and shouted loudly: "Everyone listen to me, Xianzong bestowed the gold medal and asked Ning Yesi to investigate and deal with the murder case of the capital, there are no taboos. Anyone who dares to intervene is to violate the authority and resist the decree. Seeing the gold medal is like seeing the Xianzong! If there is another person who oversteps his power, he will be killed without mercy! Behead first and then pay."

The reason why Jiang Lin showed the gold medal was to protect Lingyu's neighbors.

Since he had promised Lingyu to protect her family before, he didn't want to break his trust, no, he didn't want to break his trust with Rabbit.

After Jiang Lin's shout fell, everyone in the Imperial City Division, except Liu Gongshi, stopped shooting arrows.

Emperor Xianzong bestowed the gold medal, and when they saw the gold medal, they did not dare to shoot in the direction of Jiang Lin again.

At this time, Lingyu looked at Jiang Lin's profile, and her heart was filled with infinite emotion. Of course, she understood that Jiang Lin did this to protect her monster neighbors.

And the most fundamental reason is because of her.

In other words, Jiang Lin would rather show the gold medal for her, and lied that her neighbors were just poisoned by demons.

If the Xianzong of the Tianyun Dynasty were to be investigated later, Jiang Lin would be using his privileges to seek his own interests.

By that time, Jiang Lin will definitely have a lot of trouble.

"Your Majesty is directly under the Imperial City Division, now we are Wang Fa, let me continue to kill!"

Liu Gongshi couldn't stop just because Jiang Lin showed the imperial gold medal. The success or failure of this matter is related to his head count, and now he is still in charge, so how can he be willing to stop.

However, the surrounding men did not listen to his orders.

Just kidding, Jiang Lin, who has shown the gold medal now, is just like Xianzong himself at the scene. Who dares to continue when he doesn't want to?


Liu Gongshi was so angry that no one could mobilize him.

"Master Liu, this matter is more difficult. I think I should evacuate and report to the sage."

At this time, a slightly fat deputy next to Liu Gongshi bowed his hand to him, and then signaled his subordinates to withdraw.

"Even without them, I can still exercise imperial power and slaughter this street!"

With a gloomy face, Liu Gongshi pulled out his long sword. Now the matter has reached the most important juncture. If the silver fox demon does not die, Jiang Lin has obtained substantial evidence, not only he will be thrown out as a scapegoat, Even his clan will be implicated and wiped out.

"I warn you, whoever stops me will die."

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes and gave Liu Gongshi a warning look.

If Wen Zhongzi hadn't been dragged away by those Mao Zongs, he would have just killed the Liu Gongshi who was obstructing him.

Chapter [*]: Those who stop me die (Part [*])

Jiang Lin really gave Liu Gongshi an ultimatum, and if he blocked him again, he would definitely lose his life.

Anyway, Liu Gongshi and Director Guo sent Mao Zong team and Mao Zong Pai, he already knew, in his heart, they had already been sentenced to death.

Although he came to the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, it was very smooth at first, and he had the credit of Liu Gongshi, but it is obvious that this guy must have ulterior motives, and later he has been involved in danger again and again.

If he thinks about the convenience brought by Liu Gongshi again, it will be a brain watt.

If this Liu Gongshi knew a little, he could still live for a few days, but if he continued to die, he would only die.

Liu Gongshi gritted his teeth, but did not continue to step forward. He was very jealous of the Jiang Zhenren in front of him.

In terms of means and strength, it is estimated that ten of them are not as good as Jiang Lin's one.

Reaching out his hand, Jiang Lin let his moon-wheel knife hover around Liu Gongshi. If Liu Gongshi wanted to murder the monsters here, he would be equally welcome.

After that, Jiang Lin didn't delay, he hugged Lingyu beside him as soon as his arms exerted force, and led Lingyu to chase in the direction that Mao Zong had retreated.

At the same time, two yin fire whips slid into his palms, tying the wounded and dying monsters together and taking them together.

As expected, after chasing after [*] meters, in an alley, he found Wen Zhongzi and those Mao Zong.

After Wen Zhongzi was dragged into the depths of this alley, he was surrounded and killed by more than ten Mao Zong.

It is estimated that it will not take long before the neutron will be destroyed.

Speaking of which, Wen Zhongzi is indeed pitiful. This silver-haired corpse thought that his clansmen had been slaughtered, but in fact some of his clansmen were secretly transferred away, and I don’t know what kind of strange means Mr. Guo used to control him. , became a murder tool.

Now the text of the neutron is also equivalent to cannibalism with the same family.

While slightly sympathetic to Wen Zhongzi, Jiang Lin also admired Liu Gongshi a little bit. This is a really good abacus.

As long as Wen Zhongzi was killed, it would be impossible to find out whether these Mao Zongs were Wen Zhongzi's accomplices, and once Wen Zhongzi died, the dozen or so corpses would definitely come to deal with him.

That is basically a situation where only one side can survive, and he is more likely to win.

At that time, Director Guo and Gongshi Liu will transfer the corpse evil under his command, making it impossible to trace the whereabouts. As long as a period of time, it will naturally create the illusion that all the corpse evil has been eliminated.

"Lingyu, protect yourself. There are some life-saving spiritual treasures and some spare water. If you serve the wounded, you can save their lives."

Jiang Lin didn't delay, he put down Lingyu, and left a few medicine bottles at the same time.

After sticking another amulet on Lingyu's heart, Jiang Lin rushed into the alley.

Those Mao Zong sensed Jiang Lin's breath, and naturally rushed towards him.

Just as Jiang Lin and several Mao Zong started a street battle, Lingyu's scream broke out at the fork in the alley.

Jiang Lin was startled and turned to look, just in time to see an arrow in Lingyu's shoulder, and a meteorite iron disc was buckled in the middle of the arrow shaft.

And the strength of the feather arrow also caused Lingyu to spurt blood and fly backwards.


In an instant, Jiang Lin broke out with superhuman speed and turned back. At the same time, he stretched his hands backwards and spurted out one after another of Yang Zhiqi, which smashed more than ten hairy zombies into sieves and forced them to retreat.

After leaving the alley, Jiang Lin chased after Lingyu in the direction that Lingyu flew upside down.

After taking Lingyu's hand, Jiang Lin broke the shaft of the arrow, and the disc buckled on the shaft of the arrow immediately showed a very strong evil-suppressing power, causing the corpse poison in his body to be shaken.

If he hadn't left a protective amulet on Lingyu beforehand, I'm afraid the arrow would have landed on Lingyu's heart, but even with the protective amulet, Lingyu has suffered heavy damage now, and most of her life has almost been lost. Gone.

Jiang Lin couldn't care less, he directly took a bottle of cold marrow and swallowed it in his mouth, lowered his head to seal Lingyu's cherry lips, and put the cold marrow into Lingyu's mouth.

"you wanna die!"

Afterwards, Jiang Lin looked forward with a cold expression on his face.This arrow was sent by Liu Gongshi, and the movement was extremely fast, so that when he was fighting with those Maozong alleys, he did not respond to the thoughts on the moon knife.

But at this moment, Liu Gongshi had already crossed the moon knife and arrived at the fork in the alley where Wen Zhongzi was.

The reason why this guy sent arrows at Lingyu was to transfer Jiang Lin away.

Gathering all the strength in his body, Liu Gongshi shook the long sword in his hand, and when a long sword was released, it shot away like an electric shot, piercing Wen Neutron's throat in an instant.

It was also Wen Zhongzi who was attracted by Lingyu's screams. He didn't know what was going on, and Liu Gongshi appeared very abruptly. He was only hit by Liu Gongshi when he was already injured.

Seeing Wen Zhongzi clutching his throat, cracks appearing all over his body and radiating light that was just reaching the sun, Liu Gongshi laughed.

However, before the smile on his face rippled, his neck was tightly grasped by a big hand.

"I remember, I told you, whoever stops me will die!"

Jiang Lin picked up Liu Gongshi, and looked at Wen Zhongzi, who had collapsed and trembled in the alley. There seemed to be two words "kill" written in his pupils.

"I...I have a public office, you...you can't kill me!"

Liu Gongshi looked down at Jiang Lin's furious appearance, and was instantly horrified. Jiang Lin's appearance really looked like he was going to kill someone.

"Whoever stops me will die."

Jiang Lin's strength shot out, directly crushing Liu Gongshi's entire neck, turning it into a ball of fine gluten.

After Liu Gongshi let out a scream, his entire head tilted back, and the back of his head was pressed against his back.

Jiang Lin threw it casually, and Liu Gongshi's body became a ball of fire, burning roaringly.

Chapter [*] The big deal

At this time, Huangchengsi and the others, who had not gone far, all stared at him instantly. Although Jiang Lin held the royal gold medal, he couldn't do whatever he wanted, and there were no taboos.

Liu Gongshi came here for office work, and there was nothing wrong with it, but Jiang Lin directly wiped it out.

Even the corpse was set on fire by Jiang Lin, and no bones were left.

Then these people shivered all over, and quickly accelerated the speed of evacuation.

The night patrol leader, Jiang Zhenren, has a gold medal in hand, and is a complete ruthless person. If they don't leave quickly, they may suffer.

At the same time, Yan Li, who had already stopped the monsters from escaping and causing chaos on the periphery of the street, quickly ran from the end of the street to the fork. When he turned around from the corner just now, he happened to see Jiang Lin killing Liu Gongshi.

When he arrived at the scene, Yan Li was also dumbfounded when he saw Liu Gongshi's fiery corpse.

In terms of official rank, this Imperial City Secretary Liu Gongshi was above Jiang Lin, and this person was highly valued by the empress dowager of the current dynasty, but such an internal envoy of the Imperial City Department was killed by Jiang Lin just like that.

Yan Li looked at Jiang Lin and asked, "Master Jiang, you... how did you kill Liu Gongshi?"

Just at this moment, Lingyu just woke up from a coma and let out a muffled groan. Yan Li turned her gaze to find that Lingyu, who was lying on the ground, had half an arrow shaft tied to her shoulder, and a few people around Lingyu. Only the monster also has feather arrows.

So, Yan Li immediately reacted and said, "Mr. Jiang, you...you are confused, how could you kill Liu Gongshi, who was temporarily a colleague, for a rabbit demon?"

"He kills himself, then I will fulfill him."

Jiang Lin smiled coldly. He didn't take out the soul of Liu Gongshi, who was a big death, and branded it with Yang Yan. He was already showing mercy.

If he hadn't intentionally kept his hand and prepared to use Gongshi Liu's soul as a tainted witness, this Gongshi Liu would have been wiped out now.

After that, Jiang Lin rushed deep into the alley to check on Wen Zhongzi's situation.

At this time, Lingyu, who had regained consciousness, was also extremely shocked. When she woke up just now, she just heard Yan Li's words, and when she saw the burning corpse not far away, she knew that it had just happened. What's up.

Jiang Lin killed Liu Gongshi on the spot.

And for such a thing, Lingyu naturally thought that Jiang Lin was so angry because she was severely injured that she killed Gongshi Liu who hurt her regardless of the consequences.

Recalling the time when she was confused before, it seemed that Jiang Lin personally fed the elixir. For a while, Lingyu didn't know how to deal with herself.

After a while, Jiang Lin walked out of the alley with a calm face, Wen Zhongzi had been completely killed.

Under normal circumstances, it would be almost impossible for a sword cultivator of Liu Gongshi's strength to kill a corpse at the level of Mao Zong.

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