Jiang Lin touched his nose. After all, it had been six or seven days since he and Hongji fell off the cliff. Hongji had been occupied by him, so it was no wonder he was angry.

"Hey, you'd better prepare with both hands. Although I am very trusted by the Queen to outsiders, the Queen is a woman who only believes in herself. Whether it's people from Qianji Nation leaving the border or outsiders coming in, it's extremely dangerous, so, Those old minions who want to overthrow the queen must use some strength, and climbing to the sky is also a gateway, so the queen must have kept the token extremely safe."

Looking at Jiang Lin's face, Hong Ji said some of his views.

Jiang Lin asked her to steal the token to activate the Qianji Tiantai, which might not go well.

Moreover, before the sword-seeking stone slabs in the palace were stolen, the queen must have kept some important objects more closely.

She doesn't necessarily gain anything.

"Prepare with both hands, or do you want to do things together with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?"

Jiang Lin frowned slightly. He knew the meaning of Hong Jiu's words. The so-called two-handed preparation was to let Hong Jiu try to steal on the one hand, and to overthrow the Queen on the other. token.

Since the red eagle said it, it will not exaggerate the difficulty of stealing.

In terms of the personality of the red eagle to face difficulties, it will definitely not be aimless.

It seems that he needs to find Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and fulfill his promise.

Jiang Linshen pointed at his eyebrows. Before Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon asked sincerely, he did not agree, but now, it is estimated that he will not be able to agree.

His original intention was not to get involved in the whirlpool of the battle, but since the Red Eagle had woken up, he didn't say it because he was urged or forced, which means that the Red Eagle was indeed unsure.

At the same time, it also means that if he does not make preparations to help Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the old part of Qianji Kingdom to restore the country, he will probably stare blankly at the back.

This vortex of rebellion, he has to enter if he does not enter.

Chapter [*] Prepare with both hands (Part [*])

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin also felt a bit of a headache. If it was an easy thing to do, he might as well keep it as a second-hand preparation.

But what he is about to participate in is a major event planned by Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and others.

Maybe he has to become a general, commanding the tribes of the old country with millions of people to form tigers and lions.

Think big.

Moreover, in this case, he is likely to have a head-on conflict with the Queen. In this Thousand Machine Country, he was already suppressed by the yin and yang rebellious environment. Under such circumstances, it is not easy to deal with an Queen who is comparable to an incarnation of a cultivator.

But there is no better way to do this.

Red Eagle is indeed very alert, calm and composed, but the queen of Huadu is not an ordinary person.

What's more, there is an unfathomable high priest beside the queen.

Even if Red Eagle tried his best not to, it might not be possible.

After suppressing the emotions in his heart, Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief. Now he only hoped that the Red Eagle could gain something.

"I think you may be the God of Jiang mentioned in the prophecy. In this country of thousands of machines, I am afraid that you are the only one who can directly threaten the queen. Therefore, if you work with the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon of the Zhengyang Clan, the chances of success will be yours. big."

After getting some of Jiang Lin's memories, Hongjiu was already doubting whether the "rumours" that appeared and circulated among the people not long ago were true.

Moreover, she also connected Jiang Lin with the prophecy.

If there is a force that can directly influence the balance between the two sides of the Thousand Machines Nation, then Jiang Lin is most likely to become this force.

Hong Ji was even thinking that if Jiang Lin hadn't had a physical problem, the queen might not be able to win if she fought the queen one-on-one.

"I'll do it both ways. If things don't go well in your place, don't rush in and protect yourself."

Jiang Lin didn't take Hongji's words seriously, he still didn't think he was a Jiang Shen.

However, in his words, he also reminded Hongji that although Hongji didn't personally promise to do things for him, the woman he had asked him to do before had already expressed his intentions.

Red Eagle has such a heart, and he does not want to see Red Eagle have an accident because he has to complete this task.

Is this caring about me?

The red eagle glanced at Jiang Lin secretly. She already had a protective rune on her body, which should be enough to ensure her safety, but Jiang Lin still said that if she felt embarrassed, she would retreat and protect herself.

"Give me your arm."

After taking off to the cliff, Hongji grabbed Jiang Lin's left arm and tucked his cuff up.

"doing what?"

"It's inconvenient for you to travel outside like this. Even wearing a cloak and a hat is too conspicuous. I'll leave some marks on your arm. If someone troubles you, you can just show the mark."

Speaking of which, the red eagle split the bow knife on his waist in two, and swiped its tip on the skin of Jiang Lin's arm.

Jiang Lin frowned, but he didn't move when he saw Red Eagle engraved his name on his arm.

After a while, blood oozes out of his arm, and a picture of an eagle appears, with the name of the red eagle below the pattern.

"I'm leaving, don't bandage it. If anyone censors, they will know that you are mine when they show their arms."

Leaving this sentence, the red eagle drove the free futon and flew towards the direction of Fengcheng.

As for whether the situation is what she told her, only she knows - only the pattern is her logo, not the name.

She did this to avoid trouble for Jiang Lin, but there was a small part of the reason, because she didn't want to suffer like this.

She already belongs to Jiang Lin, which cannot be changed, but at least she wants to let some people know that Jiang Lin belongs to her Red Eagle.

"This girl is really a strong woman."

Jiang Lin looked at her arm, shook her head and smiled. Although Hong Jiu's expression and eyes were well concealed, she always felt that Hong Jiu was labeling him.

He also said that if someone interrogated him, he would know that he was from the Red Eagle.

Jiang Lin flicked the blood from his arm, but did not go to the wound.

Although he knew that Red Eagle had other intentions, this move could indeed save him a lot of trouble.

"Go find Lord Heimu."

Reaching out and knocking twice on the forehead, Jiang Lin planned to fulfill his promise to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon ahead of schedule.

But Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was circulating all over the country of Thousand Machines, and it was not easy for him to find it for a while.However, Tao Tao, a member of the Heimu Ye troupe, is related to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, so as long as he finds Heimu Ye, then finds Tao Tao, or finds out the whereabouts of Tao Tao, he will be able to see Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Now, he didn't know anything about the old part of Qianji Kingdom who wanted to overthrow the Queen. Only by knowing more information about the number and scope of activities of this group of forces to restore the country could he deploy his second-hand preparations.

Besides, Jiang Lin also wanted to mention the Emperor Star in the prophecy to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

The Chai Tou and Tan Tou in the Heimu Ye troupe are both people with imperial luck. When Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon found him before, he didn't mention it because he wasn't ready to get involved in the vortex of struggle.

If Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon wants to succeed, I am afraid that it will have to use the power of folk gossip to win over people's hearts and promote the cohesion and unity of the old ministries.

Then the key figure of Emperor Star seems quite important.

Therefore, for now, it is more important to find the troupe of Lord Heimu.

Chapter [*] is such a fate ([*])

On the other side, after Hongji flew out two or three miles, she felt very sad when she saw the place where she and Jiang Lin were fighting before.

Six or seven days ago, she and Jiang Lin had murdered each other, but now, they became each other's bedside.

After the futon stopped, the red eagle turned to look at the way he came from.

She used to be such an ambitious girl with eyes above the top, but now she has a man.

If she asked herself, Hongjiu felt that Jiang Lin, a man who opened up the immortal treasures he possessed and only talked about his people, also made her have to look at him with a different kind of eyes.

She knew some of Jiang Lin's past, big and small battles, Jiang Lin did not know how much he went through, and even the situation of death and life was broken by him again and again.

Such a strong man with infinite tenderness.

She has both decisive and indomitable spirit, and she is very fond of her women.

Looking for men in the entire Thousand Machines Nation, none of them are like Jiang Lin.

At this time, Jiang Lin suddenly remembered that a few days ago, several flying swords that were destroyed by the morning and evening clock were still in front of him, and he looked forward.

Just happened to see the red eagle looking back at him.

Hong Jiu turned around and flew away after seeing Jiang Lin's gaze. She didn't want Jiang Lin to take away her heart so easily.

The corners of Jiang Lin's mouth were slightly raised, and he smiled softly. It is estimated that it will not be long before the red eagle will give up on him.

At this moment, he should have slowly broken into the heart of Red Eagle.

If this woman of his turns into a positive person later, she can really be regarded as killing each other and falling in love with him.

Then Jiang Lin went to the battlefield a few days ago and collected several flying swords. As for the damaged god general, it was completely scrapped and could not be recovered.

After thinking about it, Jiang Lin was ready to go back to Fucheng to take a look. According to the speed and direction of Lord Heimu and the others, it is estimated that they would not be too far from Fucheng.

If he passes by Fengcheng, he has the token given by Red Eagle, and he can also ask the women on the street about things at will.

However, if they meet Red Eagle again in Fengcheng, they can only temporarily pretend that they don't know each other.

After half an hour, Hongji first arrived at the outskirts of Fengcheng, and after receiving the free futon, she walked into the city.

When she first arrived in Fucheng that day, she once caught a scapegoat, and because of chasing Jiang Lin, this scapegoat was left in the city.

Now that Jiang Lin has become her man, whether or not Jiang Lin is the emperor star in the prophecy, she cannot and will not arrest Jiang Lin again.

When he arrived at the wooden platform where bells were sold in the city, Hongji met Lan Ling, who was also a mysterious messenger.

When Lan Ling saw Hong Ji, she just gave a cold face.

In the past, it was not that Red Eagle never took action because she wanted to compete for merit. She had to report this account to the high priest.

When he walked in front of Hongji, Lan Ling asked, "Where have you been? I've been searching for several days and I've found it. What about that chaotic party?"

Asked by Lan Ling, Hong Ji recalled what he had experienced with Jiang Lin during this time, and his face also had a faint blush due to the accelerated heartbeat.

"Do I need to report to you? That dead ghost has already been killed by me."

Controlling his heartbeat a little, Hong Ji put on an arrogant face and lied that he had killed the man he was chasing.

Anyway, neither Lan Ling nor Chun Shisan had ever seen Jiang Lin's true face, and she was not worried that her lies would be exposed.

Seeing Hongji's attitude, Lan Ling also knew that he couldn't ask anything, so he pointed to the man who was chained not far away, and said, "That man was caught by you to be sent back to Huadu? Multiple bite wounds, it doesn't look like you caused it."

Hong Ji looked at the scapegoat who was caught by her before and was now half-dead, and remembered what Jiang Lin had said - she is not allowed to be cruel and ruthless in the future, and will do anything to achieve her goals.

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