I have two cheeks, I only kissed one side just now, this side will be filled for me.

Hongjiu pursed his cherry lips lightly, then walked to Jiang Lin and gave him a sip—two rows of silver teeth bit his cheeks, leaving two rows of shallow teeth marks on half of his face .

Of course, it is impossible for the red eagle to really bite, and there is no force at all.

"Are you a dog?"

The black line on Jiang Lin's face, he let the red eagle slap on the other side of his face, but the red eagle bites directly.

Hongji was still like nothing had happened. If she didn't want to give it away, Jiang Lin wouldn't even think about taking advantage of it.

Seeing Red Eagle's attitude, Jiang Lin didn't bother about this issue. He could be considered to have figured out Red Eagle's temper. It is estimated that Red Eagle will really become his hostess in the future, and most of them have this kind of personality.

Jiang Lin was not unhappy about this. Anyway, he had a lot of wives of Xiaoniaoyiren at home, and he really didn't have the temperament of Red Eagle.

After that, Jiang Lin went to the place where Taotao died and disposed of Taotao's body.

Coincidentally, when he was about to go back, he heard the sound of fighting not far away.

Moreover, he also felt quite familiar with these two voices.

Following the direction of the voice, Jiang Lin rushed over.

"Are these two fighting again?"

Standing on a tree, Jiang Lin found it quite interesting to see the two sides fighting in the open space not far away.

Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao.

This is not the first time these two girls have pinched each other.

"Stop, stop, I came to you, not to fight with you."

Chun Shisan rarely saw that she really couldn't take advantage of Lan Ling, so she took the initiative to stop, and then she said: "What are you doing here this time? When you were in Fengcheng, if it wasn't for you, I would It’s not like you can’t even do it back.”

This time, Young Master Chun Shisan came to Lan Ling, but he didn't have any malicious intentions. He just wanted to know if Lan Ling would delay her affairs.

When Lan Ling and Jiang Lin met each other before, she also saw it, so she felt a little drum in her heart.

The last time she fought with this mysterious wizard for a target, but she didn't get anything.

This time, if the previous incident happened again, she would lose a lot. Not only would she not be in debt, but she would also be in big trouble.

"none of your business?"

Lan Ling's tone was not very good. If it weren't for the fact that she still had a task pressing down on her, let the bell boss know why the flowers were so red.

"It's none of my business, but I just want to remind you. The man who is particularly masculine, the one you always looked at before, is my goal. This time, you'd better not hurt me again. I'm not afraid to tell you that it was General Doman who asked me to come to him. General Doman likes this type of man. You are both officials in the same dynasty. If you fight for a man with me again, I can only Tell the truth to General Doman. You can't see it when you look up, and if it's because a man makes trouble, it's not worth it, do you think so or not?"

Chun Shisan Shao then expressed his meaning in his words, what Lan Ling came to do and what official duties she performed had nothing to do with her.

But if she was obstructed again, she would not give up.

"Much... General Doman?"

After listening to the words of Chun Shisan Shao, Lan Ling seemed to be choking on food, and her expression was quite exaggerated.

"Yes, it is General Doman. She specially ordered me to come and find that man back. When I come here this time, I plan to catch him and sell him to General Doman, so that I can get back to the original."

Young Master Chun Shisan nodded slightly, it seemed that Lan Ling still took General Doman seriously.

At this time, Jiang Lin was puzzled.

It turned out that the girl Chun Shisan, who came here, was entrusted by someone, or a general named Doman.

It sounds like it should be a woman, and she has a crush on him.

I like a man like him.

Who is General Doman?

I have never met a general.

Jiang Lin, like the monk Zhang Er, was at a loss.

However, Jiang Lin's face became the same as the bottom of the pot, because he heard what Lan Ling said.

Lan Ling asked, "Could that General Doman you're talking about be the super fat woman who weighs more than [*] kilograms? Do you do her business? Sell her bells?"

"That's right. I'm here to warn you."

Chun Shisan Shao nodded again and again, she was doing errands for the official family this time, so there was no need to rush to the Dragon King Temple with Lan Ling flood.

Damn, I want to kill.

At this moment, Jiang Lin felt that his hands were a little out of control.

This Spring Thirteenth Young Master wants to arrest him and sell him as a commodity, so that's fine.

His grandmother's, his seventh uncle's grandfather's, this girl is going to sell him to a fat woman who weighs more than [*] kilograms.

It's time to hold the day!I vomited!

Jiang Lin had never felt like this before - he wanted to vomit.

Thinking about it a little bit, his stomach felt like it was overturned.

This girl is poisonous!

Originally, Jiang Lin thought that he was going to make Chun Shisan a free labor force later, and he was willing to count the money, which was already higher than Chun Shisan at a higher level.

At least in terms of being a seller, he considers himself to be better than Chun Shisan.

But now it seems that he, a black-hearted seller, is still not black enough.

Not good enough.

No, it's not enough to let this girl work hard willingly, she has to work hard.

Chapter [*] to see who is an excellent seller (below)

After some reflection, Jiang Lin felt that he was still too kind.

A girl who was going to sell him to a fat woman of more than [*] kilograms as a male pet, he actually just deceived the other party and made people willing to work hard to find the divine sword.

Even if he is free to eat and drink along the way, what is it?

Far from enough.

Looking at the young Chun Shisan, who seemed to be harmless to humans and animals not far away, Jiang Lin was a little convinced.

This cute looking girl can put a black question mark on the face of a ruthless man who has experienced strong winds and waves.

What he had to do made him sick.

He was going to be arrested and sold to a fat woman with more than [*] catties for money.

Jiang Lin had never seen a fat woman weighing more than [*] pounds.

It's bloody outrageous.

Even if it was the previous Red Eagle, who wanted to kill him without any grudge against him, it just made him feel incomprehensible.

It definitely won't make his face as black as Zhang Fei's black face.

In some respects, this Spring Thirteen Young Master is even more talented than Red Eagle.

Not accept it.

Although he was obsessed with Chun Shisan Shao in his heart, Jiang Lin did not take action. The account could be settled later in the fall. Now there are more important things to arrange.

Now, he can't find Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and it's even more impossible for him to spend this time looking for a wanted criminal in this unfamiliar country of Qianji. Therefore, he will first find the Divine Sword with a slate and a charcoal head. Don't waste time.

If Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon wants to succeed, he has to find Emperor Star and Divine Sword, so he will naturally find him.

And, it's not too difficult.

He couldn't find Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but if Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon wanted to find him, it would be much easier.

However, if you want to find the Divine Sword, you can't rely on him, nor can you rely on Chai Tou and Charcoal Tou. Since Lan Ling has a mission, then he will use his strength. Young Master Chun Shisan is greedy for money and wants to sell people, so he will take one instead. Jun, let this bell boss show his worth.

Of course, if Chun Shisan Shao has anything to do with his mentality, he can slowly settle the account during this process.

He worked hard and gave full play to his residual heat.

If the value of this girl is not squeezed out, all the wool on her body will be removed, and the account will not be settled.

After that, Jiang Lin didn't listen to the conversation between Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao again, lest he hear any more information about the fat woman and make him feel uncomfortable.

Back in the woods he had agreed with Taotao, Jiang Lin jumped onto the thick branch of the ancient tree where the red eagle was lying, and stretched out.

"You want to rest here? There are still trees over there. You want to sleep and find other trees."

When the red eagle lying on the two branches of the big tree saw Jiang Lin approaching, he pointed to the ancient tree next to him and told Jiang Lin to go there.

"I really have you. I've only heard of sleeping in a room, but I haven't heard of sleeping in a tree."

Jiang Lin ignored Hong Ji's words and walked towards Hong Ji.

"What do you want to do? You are not allowed to occupy me any more."

The red eagle suddenly became vigilant, got up and put the bow sword in front of him to guard against it.

Okay, we've already got married. We even took the initiative to send a kiss before, but now it's like preventing me from being a wolf.

You wait for me in the future, don't be carried into the quilt by me.

Otherwise, see how I fix you.

Giving Hongji a special look, Jiang Lin rolled over and jumped over, sitting at the root of the branch with his back against the trunk.

"Come here and sleep in my arms."

After Jiang Lin took out the ancient mirror in his arms, he hooked his fingers at Hongji, who could sleep more comfortably in his arms.

But the red eagle seemed not to hear, and turned a deaf ear, Jiang Lin said lightly: "I just want you to sleep more peacefully, nothing else. If you don't come, I have some in my hand that can make people sleep deeply. The treasure of resting spirits, after being penetrated into your body, you can sleep without a shock. If that's the case, you won't know what I've done to you. Let's get married, you are so smart, you should understand me the meaning of."

When Hong Jiu heard Jiang Lin's words, he hesitated for a while, and after thinking about it, he finally walked obediently in front of Jiang Lin.

After giving Jiang Lin a warning look, Hong Ji lay down in Jiang Lin's arms. After a while, her breathing became even and long - she fell asleep.

you woman...

The faint moonlight cast on Hong Jiu's sleeping face, Jiang Lin looked at Hong Jiu's extremely beautiful yet hazy face, and kissed her on the forehead, and then sipped on Hong Jiu's cherry lips.

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