Hearing what Jiang Lin said, Lan Ling felt speechless. She even wondered if Jiang Lin was a castration like the high priest.

A normal man, facing a cute and beautiful girl like Chun Shisan Shao, can he say such a thing?

"You spit out what you eat and drink. If it's a big deal, I don't want the treasure. If you fall out with her...my sister, I have to teach you a lesson."

Young Master Chun Shisan pointed at Jiang Lin angrily. Anyway, she wouldn't let Jiang Lin know how powerful Young Master Chun Shisan was today. If she didn't show Jiang Lin a little color, her liver could be hurt by anger.

After all, she went to catch the gray rabbit that ran past her feet.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin rushed over and blocked the thirteenth young master with a foot. At the same time, he also said, "I'll tell you the truth, I've endured you for a long time since you yelled before now. Don't mess with me. Get angry, I am angry, I am afraid even myself. I just saved this little guy, you have to catch him."

"Are you going to fight me for a hare?"

Young Master Chun Thirteen felt that her liver was aching, and her anger was completely provoked by Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin wanted to fight her for a hare that was everywhere.

Well, I was fed and drank by her, kissed by her, and then punched her for the sake of a hare that can only be eaten for dinner.

He also said that he had tolerated her for a long time.

Is this what you call masculinity?

Why so bad?

"I just want to catch it!"

Young Master Chun Shisan stretched out his hand and grabbed Jiang Lin's wrist. With a ring of his arm, Jiang Lin's body turned around and was locked in his arms by Young Master Chun Shisan.

Jiang Lin and Young Master Chun Shisan had their backs pressed against their chests, and their arms were also hooped by Young Master Chun Shisan.

After that, Young Master Chun Shisan slipped a walnut-sized copper bell out of the sleeve of his other hand and shot it towards the gray rabbit.

However, she didn't intend to harm the gray rabbit. In fact, as long as someone said that the little guy should be released, she would not disagree. Even if Jiang Lin said that, she didn't care about eating less game.

It was because something happened between her and Jiang Lin before that made her feel that Jiang Lin's attitude towards her was too unreasonable, so she didn't want to teach Jiang Lin Ruyi.

Although the copper bell didn't hit the gray rabbit, it hit the front of the gray rabbit's running. Then the gray rabbit was so frightened that it stretched its limbs and its belly turned to the sky.

It was purely frightened cramps.

"You have to make me mad, don't you?"

Seeing this, Jiang Lin propped up his arms and broke free from the arms of the young master Chun Shisan. Then he turned around and punched him, stabbing the young master Chun Shisan in the abdomen.

This girl interrupted his thoughts one after another just now, but now he saves a hare and is disturbed by this girl again.

Really untidy.

One punch knocked Chun Shisan Shao down, and Jiang Lin made another knee hit, hitting Chun Shisan Shao's dantian directly.

Spring Thirteenth Young Master was hit and flew up, Jiang Lin turned around with a high whip leg and kicked the girl's ass.

Soft and doesn't hurt your feet.

The body of Chun Shisan Shao drew a large arc in mid-air and fell into the river eight or nine feet away.

After kicking Chun Shisan, Jiang Lin clapped his hands and said, "I warned you a long time ago, don't make me angry, you can't bear my anger."

Lan Ling, who was beside her, was twitching slightly because her facial nerves were out of control. Her phoenix eyes widened and she stared straight at Jiang Lin.

Is this a normal person?

Young Master Chun Shisan was not much worse than her. He was also a cultivator, but Jiang Lin was kicked and kicked nearly ten feet away.

Are you kidding me?

But after watching it for a while, she didn't see anything.

"You... why are you so strong? Are you still a person?"

Lan Ling turned around Jiang Lin, still in disbelief.

"It's nothing, people's physiques can't be generalized. When I was extremely angry, I used a sliding shovel to cut the chest and abdomen of a tiger with just five fingers."

Jiang Lin put on a calm attitude and continued: "I have warned her, don't make me angry, I am angry, I am afraid. If I agree to kiss me, I will have a big opinion on her, and I will make trouble unreasonably. I hugged me again just now, without any girl's restraint, do you think I am used to her?"

Chapter [*] There is nothing that a fist can't solve (Part [*])

Hearing Young Master Chun Shisan's cough not far away, Jiang Lin glanced over there. Young Master Chun Shisan was tumbling like shrimp in the river.

If you keep messing with me, you can't justify it if you don't fix it.

Jiang Lin shook his head slightly, originally, under normal circumstances, he would not hit women, but after entering the country of Qianji, where women are superior to men, he has killed each other with Red Eagle, so in this ridiculous country, he doesn't want to. The principle of hitting a woman is also an exception.

It's nothing to break it again.

Moreover, this time he was fighting against the thirteenth young master, and this girl really made him angry.

Hit it hard and it's over.

However, although Jiang Lin beat Chun Shisan, he did not cause any harm to her. He did not use any spiritual power, and he retained a lot of strength.

At best, it only made Chun Shisan Shao suffer from abdominal pain for a while, just like his relatives.

This kind of abdominal pain is estimated to last for two or three days, because when Jiang Lin shot just now, he sent out two tyrannical forces, which impacted the dantian of the [*]th Chun Chun, so even if the [*] Chun Chun went ashore I was so angry that I wanted to settle accounts with him, but I couldn't do it for a while.

If this girl insists on looking for another fight, he doesn't mind another punch.

Of course, even if Spring Thirteen no longer had abdominal pain, Jiang Lin wouldn't care. Before finding the Divine Sword, this girl would not be able to turn the waves.

"You...are you a man?"

Lan Ling didn't even know what the expression on her face was now. She felt that in Jiang Lin's eyes, there was no concept of a woman.

In the current country of Qianji, Jiang Lin dared to beat a woman.

And the reason for this is that he was kissed and hugged by a very cute girl.

Not to mention Lan Ling is a woman, even Chai Tou and Tan Tou are also suspicious of Jiang Lin's gender.

It is not surprising that Jiang Lin is a foreigner and is not influenced by the idea of ​​women being superior to men.

However, because of a little thing, he hit a girl hard, which really made them incomprehensible.

Don't know what Lianxiangxiyu is?

Moreover, next, they all have to follow these two girls to do big things, Jiang Lin will start the fight directly, and he will rebel.

Also no one.

"Of course I'm a man, pure man."

After Jiang Lin responded, he squatted down and grabbed the gray rabbit in his hands, helping him move his limbs, and then let the gray rabbit go.

At this time, Young Master Chun Thirteen, who had become a chicken in soup, had already climbed up from the river. If the river was not clear, her stomach would be filled with dirty water.

"Jiang Lin! Oh, it hurts!"

As soon as Young Master Chun Shisan stood up straight and glared at Jiang Lin, the pain in her abdomen made her squat down.

Only then did she realize that she couldn't mobilize the spiritual power in her dantian. Jiang Lin's punch and an iron knee actually hurt the golden core in her dantian.

How could such a coincidence happen?

Young Master Chun Shisan was completely speechless, and the spiritual power in her body was sluggish, causing her to be similar to an ordinary girl in a short period of time. Now she was asked to carry a bucket of water, and it could even make her tired.

"It's getting late, and we can still travel a little further to find a place to stay as soon as possible."

Jiang Lin didn't pay any attention to the thirteenth young master, he jumped up on the girl's horse, and proposed to Lan Ling to continue on the road.

"You...you beat her and rode her horse?"

For the first time, Lan Ling wanted to give a thumbs up to a man. What Jiang Lin did was to subvert her understanding of men.

There is such a strange thing.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "She can't stand up right now. Is it possible that so many of us are still waiting for her? This horse is idle."

"You're not afraid that she will trouble you, she...cough, she is my sister anyway, I just want to treasure, and I won't turn my elbows out. It's okay for you to anger her once or twice, and now you beat her, She makes a fuss, and I can't help it."

Lan Ling didn't know that Jiang Lin released a ray of dark energy when he attacked with a heavy punch, so in her opinion, the Spring Thirteenth Young Master will definitely explode in a while. To turn against her on the spot.

After all, if this kind of thing happened to her Lan Ling, it would be equally difficult for the Emperor to come down and talk.

"I'm not afraid or worried. Actually, in my opinion, there is nothing in this world that can't be solved with a fist. If there is, then two."

Jiang Lin laughed and continued: "We originally went to find treasure together, but the one who has to find me is unhappy, typical of the five elements. You can see, if I can beat her once, I can beat her a second time. It's okay if she doesn't have much to do, and no matter how much, I'll hit it hard and it'll be over."

After saying that, Jiang Lin moved the reins and rode his horse forward.

Although Lan Ling couldn't understand Jiang Lin's brain circuit, she didn't say much.

Jiang Lin didn't provoke her now, and there was no need for her to complain for Chun Shisan Shao.

Lan Ling still didn't know that Young Master Chun Shisan was really her sister. Now they just lied to Jiang Lin and others that they were sisters, and they didn't have any affection for each other. Therefore, when such a thing happened, she would just turn a blind eye. only eyes.

Of course, if Young Master Chun Shisan can't hold back her anger for a while, she will also watch as appropriate for a while.

"Wait...wait for me!"

After Jiang Lin and the others set off, Young Master Chun Shisan clutched her stomach and rushed over. She was really about to cry.

All her life, she never thought that she would be beaten by a man who beat her up and then went to ride her horse.

Could it be because of this that the fat woman Doman fell in love with Jiang Lin?

There is no woman like this man at all!

While chasing, Young Master Chun Shisan was thinking about why Doman asked her to come to Jiang Lin.

Could it be that Doman likes to control and conquer such a man?

Or is it because Doman wants to lose weight and likes to be beaten by Jiang Lin like her?

No, this time, I won't be able to swallow Domanzai's bleeding in this business!

The more Chun Shisan thought about it, the more resentful he felt, and he was especially aggrieved.

She had sold men as bells for so many years, and this was the first time she had encountered such an outrageous thing.

But even if she is not angry or wronged, she has nothing to do.

Spring Thirteen's Jin Dan was hit by the dark force, and he couldn't recover for a while. Now if she finds Jiang Lin again, then Jiang Lin will continue to beat her, and she has nothing to do.

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