"Red Eagle, you misunderstood me."

Jiang Lin took Hong Ji's hand, and even if Hong Ji tried to pull it back, he still held it tightly.

Holding Red Eagle in his arms, Jiang Lin put his forehead against Red Eagle's forehead, and passed on the memory of how he and Lan Ling had an accident.

Hongji struggled for a moment, and after a scene appeared in her mind, she was stunned for a moment. From Jiang Lin's perspective, she saw the scene of Palu splashing psychedelic incense in the stone room.

It was even discovered that Jiang Lin regarded Lan Ling as another beautiful girl at that time, and regarded her as his wife at home.


The expression on Hong Jiu's face was a little speechless, she never thought such a thing happened.

an accident.

"Although I have a lot of women, I'm not the kind of man who takes possession of beautiful girls when he sees them, and he still has business to do. How can I have such thoughts. Even if I take a step back, I I really want to enjoy the tender time, can't I just find you?"

Jiang Lin Haosheng explained to Hongjiu, he really didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Moreover, if he hadn't been affected by the geomagnetism at that time, and received magnetic therapy, which led to apathy, the psychedelic fragrance of the [*]th Young Master of Spring might not have had an effect on him.

At this time, the resentment in Hongjiu's heart gradually began to subside. It turned out that Jiang Lin did not take her feelings into consideration at all. This time, there was indeed an emergency.

However, even so, Hong Ji still felt uncomfortable.

An accident is indeed an accident, but what happens after the accident?

Jiang Lin is a man, she can be regarded as a relatively understanding, very possessive, can you pretend that nothing happened?

Not to mention Lan Ling, she was the one who was chasing Jiang Lin and wanted to take this man's life.

However, after living together in the cave for a while, does Jiang Lin still have her place in his heart?

Lan Ling didn't want to kill Jiang Lin, and he didn't have much malice towards Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin could give her the opportunity to become a regular and be promoted, how could she not give Lan Ling such a chance.

"I... I'm not on the right track with her, and we can't get along at all."

"But now, isn't there me between you? You are mine, she is mine, and there is no deep hatred between you, and you have grown up together since childhood. Just try to accept her for my own good or not. You should also see my attitude towards you. If you had an accident here before, I would be heartbroken like a knife."

Jiang Lin comforted Hongji with kind words, and then said some facts about profit and loss: "What's more, as you said just now, Lan Ling can help you in Huadu. The queen is here all over the place. Digging a big hole that is difficult for outsiders to detect, and the dead person is not discussed. In Huadu, you and her are company, but you can't ignore it at all. With Lan Ling, the situation will be much better. It's not that I don't believe you. The ability to do things, but now, I can't bear to let you be in any danger."

Hongji bit her lip and didn't say anything for a while. She still resisted, but if she really resisted, she would make Jiang Lin's position very difficult.

Moreover, what Jiang Lin said was not wrong.

Now she finds that the queen is getting more and more terrifying, and the risk factor is not small for her alone.

In the end, Hongji let his eyes fall elsewhere, he was so angry that he didn't respond to Jiang Lin anymore.

Seeing Hong Ji's appearance, Jiang Lin knew that she should not be in trouble anymore, so he asked softly, "Just now you said that I doubted your ability, so I lost my temper because of this, is the real reason for being jealous? "

"Whoever is free to be jealous, I...I...I just don't like you questioning my ability, that's all."

Glancing at Jiang Lin, Hong Jiu had no silver at all.

Jiang Lin didn't pierce Hongjiu's arrogant words, just smiled lightly.

"Looks like, you haven't told her about your relationship with me, have you? You're not allowed to tell her, when I tell her personally, this annoying girl will have to teach her how to do... how to do Jiang Family. Otherwise, or I will absolutely not obey."

Leaving this sentence, the red eagle left without turning his head.

It's up to you, it's all up to you.

Jiang Lin shook his head helplessly. It seems that it won't be long before the elder sister, Hong Ji, will discuss with Lan Ling how to be a qualified and obedient sister.

Still, it's always a good thing.

Multiple sisters, it is also good to take care of each other.

If Red Eagle and Lan Ling can accept each other, like sisters, he can rest assured.

Of course, after being jealous of the Queen, Jiang Lin will certainly minimize the risks of Hongji and the others.

In fact, if possible, Jiang Lin would rather act on his own rather than let Red Eagle and Lan Ling be in danger.

But in the current situation, he also had to rely on his own woman.

Chapter [*] is too strong, willing to bow down (on)

When he carried Lan Ling on his back in the past, Jiang Lin left the source of the geomagnetism. Now that the metallic spiritual power he used to shield the geomagnetism has been used by him, if he continued to stay near the geomagnetism, his situation would not be good.

Moreover, he also needs to get to the ground as soon as possible, and let the Dundi people lead them to find the Qianjun Tomb as soon as possible.

During this period, he also needed to contact Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon to discuss the specific details of ambush and kill the high priest.

Since the high priest hid it deeply, the high priest may not know that the queen found the ghost town.

And there is a geomagnetic matter around the ghost town. If this guy also knows something, once he borrows the national fortune here, it will be very difficult to deal with.

Therefore, if the high priest was attracted, Jiang Lin was prepared to immediately ambush him without giving him much time to react.

This requires Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon to know in advance how to cooperate.

Moreover, if Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon came to the ghost town, he would also lose his way. Jiang Lin was not prepared to let the Dundi clansmen lead the way. Although the Dundi clansmen had become his Jiang family army, did everyone in the group feel the same way? Working together, it is unknown.

To be cautious, Jiang Lin decided not to let the Dundi people know that he had an alliance with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

This requires him to use the gods and earth puppets to lead the way for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

"Where's the red eagle?"

Jiang Lin was walking in the tunnel of the burrow, and Lan Ling, who was behind him, woke up.

"I ran away, and I beat him again."

Jiang Lin smiled lightly, and lied before him.

Red Eagle didn't want him to tell Lan Ling about the relationship between the two of them, so he fulfilled Red Eagle's wish.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin carried Lan Ling to the place where the Dundi tribe lived. At the same time, Red Eagle had already reached the ground and used the bone whistle to gather his team.

When she reached a high place, the red vulture continued to blow the bone whistle, but at this moment, she noticed a soaring figure in the distance.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon also arrived near the ghost town.

After thinking for a while, the red vulture moved among the dense forests and headed to the location of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Jiang Lin are cooperative and allied, but the Dundi people here have been taken under Jiang Lin’s command. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon doesn’t know yet. Red Eagle, like Jiang Lin, is worried that there are rebellions among the Dundi people. So, she felt that she should let Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon know some information.

In their alliance camp, the strength of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is second only to Jiang Lin. If you want to ambush and kill the Great Priest, then Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is best as a surprise power.

It's best not to let the Dundi people find out.

"Red Eagle?"

When Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon saw the appearance of the Red Eagle, he immediately clenched the eyebrow-raising stick in his hand, and there was hostility on his face.

Now, it can be said that he hates the mysterious envoy to the extreme.

Before, when he found Jiang Lin, Heimu, who was a man disguised as a woman, was there. The mysterious messenger who was with Jiang Lin and the others at that time was Lan Ling.

But later, when he wanted to convince Lord Heimu, he was actually put together by Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling, and he was intoxicated with psychedelic incense.

If you are in the psychedelic incense, that's fine. The second uncle, his seventh uncle's grandfather, the Heimu who made his stomach turn upside down, is also fascinated by the psychedelic incense just like him.

Then, the two of them regarded each other as their dream lovers and hugged each other together.


Looking back on this unbearable memory, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon felt like he was going to spit out the New Year's Eve dinner.

Before that, he didn't know how many times he vomited, and he couldn't even eat for several days.

God knows how he feels like a dignified seven-footed man holding a disgusting uncle kiss.

Therefore, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon really wants to beat Chun Shisan Shao and Lan Ling to death with a stick, and then mash them into meat sauce to vent the anger in his heart.

Although Red Eagle is not Lan Ling, but like Lan Ling, he is also a mysterious messenger. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is naturally an evil house.

"There's no need to be so hostile to me, I'm not your enemy."

The red eagle stood a few feet in front of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, looking at Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon with arms crossed.

"Not my enemy? Is it still my friend or ally? I have long heard that the Red Eagle in the Mystery Envoy has objections. Are you planning to cooperate with me?"

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon didn't take Red Eagle's words seriously, and was still hostile.

"You're working with Jiang Lin, right? Don't ask how I know, I'm her woman. I used to be interested in the queen's seat, but now I focus on my man."

Red Eagle directly revealed his identity to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was stunned for a moment. When did the most trusted envoy around the Queen become Jiang Lin's woman?

These words of Red Eagle made Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon bewildered for a while. He subconsciously asked to question, because Jiang Lin was a foreigner, and he had not been in the country of Thousand Machines for a long time. What is the intersection of red vultures?

However, if what Hongji said was false, it would not explain why this mysterious envoy knew that he had a cooperative relationship with Jiang Lin.

Apart from him and Jiang Lin, the only ones who knew about this were the dead Taotao.

"You...you are Brother Jiang's woman?"

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon looked at Red Eagle with a suspicious look. In the ears of outsiders, Red Eagle, who was also an envoy of mystery, had a better reputation than Lan Ling. This woman was cruel and shrewd, and she wanted to achieve her goals. , Unscrupulous, like a copy of the current queen, and also has a coveted heart for the throne.

But now, such a heroic woman has become Jiang Lin's wife.

is it possible?

"Is it weird? He's already my man, and I love him."

"It turned out to be my younger brother and sister. I almost beat my own family."

Only then did Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon suppress the doubts in his heart. After that, he admired Jiang Lin a little. Such a woman was accepted by Jiang Lin in such a short period of time, so he must give him a thumbs up.

Brother Jiang, he is too strong.

Immediately, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon thought that the Red Eagle appeared here, probably as a means of Jiang Lin to deal with the high priest.

This made him admire Jiang Lin even more.

"I don't need to explain to you about other things for the time being. You just need to know that the queen found this ghost town early in the morning, and also arrested the Dundi people and placed it here to protect it. The ghost town has the influence of geomagnetism, and you can't tell the direction. Who is coming? There will be heavy casualties.”

"The Queen found the ghost town and Qianjun Tomb early in the morning?"

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