Jiang Lin explained to Lan Ling and jumped up to kill the high priest together with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Lan Ling.

Lan Ling pursed her lips, and felt a little envious of Hong Ji in her heart. Jiang Lin didn't leave any means of protecting her on her body.

In this way, Jiang Lin still cares more about Red Eagle than her.

In fact, Lan Ling has wronged Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin just has no chance and no time.

If Jiang Lin wanted to draw a bodyguard pattern on her body, he would have to explain the function and reason, and he would definitely mention that she would have to deal with the high priest or betray the queen.

Therefore, Jiang Lin didn't think about it.

Moreover, before the red eagle appeared, even if Jiang Lin wanted to do this, Lan Ling would not agree.

After the appearance of the red eagle, things happened one after another, and Jiang Lin really didn't have that time.

"Sister, we have to contribute."

After suppressing the unimportant thoughts in his heart, Lan Ling decided to work together with Jiang Lin and Hong Ji to kill the high priest here.

"You...you are actually a group."

With blood dripping from his eyes, the high priest faced Jiang Lin and Hongji. Now that his eyes are blind, he can only use his spiritual sense to replace his eyes. That's why he realized something was wrong. It's not the blue plume, but the red eagle.

It's just that Red Eagle's face was reversed with Lan Ling's for some reason, so his eyes were deceived.

The reason for this is that the high priest feels that it is meaningless to investigate, because when such a thing occurs, it must be that the red eagle and the blue ling cooperated with each other, and also formed an alliance with the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, taking advantage of his eagerness to get the Divine Sword. , against his army.

Chapter [*] Is this a sunflower collection? (Down)

Thinking of the current situation that went against his expectations, the high priest let out an extremely ugly laugh.

Not long ago, he was still thinking that he was about to obtain the Divine Sword, and the plan for many years was about to come true, but it didn't take long, and he didn't know if he could live this time.

Fall short for Shan Jiuren.

The high priest is now not only hated, but also fearful. Everything is due to the young man with good temperament.

Yes, it's called Jiang Lin.

Previously, he had received a report from Lan Ling, and the report said that this young man named Jiang Lin was likely to be the Emperor Star, and he had a weird temper. Under his anger, he could only beat Lan Ling's cultivation base with a single punch. Chun Shisan, who was on the front line, suffered from abdominal pain for a few days.

The high priest knew this information for a long time, but when he came here, saw Divine Sword, and listened to Lan Ling, who was pretending to be a red eagle, he subconsciously ignored Jiang Lin.

This ignorance completely made him fall into a big trouble.

The high priest re-arranged what happened before in his mind, and found that Jiang Lin was the key person among these people.

He will recognize the red eagle as the blue ling, definitely because of Jiang Lin, and he killed the red eagle without any effect, or because of this Jiang Lin.

Just now, some of the words of the conversation between Hongji and Lan Ling, he heard part of the content when he was fighting with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

It was because this Jiang Lin had left a means of protection on Hong Jiu's body.

In addition to these, it was the same Jiang Lin who caused him the greatest trauma and blinded his eyes.

This little-known young man is definitely more terrifying than Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

The high priest actually wanted to know what happened to Lan Ling during this period of time, so that Lan Ling cooperated with outsiders to betray him, and Lan Ling actually became so good with Red Eagle.

These two girls can be regarded as the ones he has grown up with. The contradiction between the two cannot be easily resolved. At least on Hongji's side, Lan Ling should not be taken seriously by any means.

But the current situation, the current facts, could not help but doubt him.

However, the high priest also knows that now is not the time to pay attention to the doubts in his heart. As long as he destroys all the people who surrounded him, things will still turn around.

"Brother Jiang, this fellow is really hiding a lot. Even if he has suffered heavy losses, he cannot be underestimated."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon reminded Jiang Lin that he originally thought that the high priest had crippled eyes and crushed heart. It shouldn't be difficult to deal with, but unfortunately, he was wrong.

Just now, he was almost injured by the high priest several times.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is also fortunate that he has a cooperative relationship with Jiang Lin. If Jiang Lin had not learned from Hongji that the cultivation of the high priest might not be weaker than that of the queen, then even if their former dynasties revolted, they would definitely fail.

It is their limit to be able to deal with the queen. After overthrowing the queen, there will be another high priest. What they do can only be a wedding dress.

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes and said, "This guy is hiding so deeply, maybe even the Queen doesn't know what he wants to do in his heart. It must not be so easy to deal with."

As he said that, Jiang Lin called out the gods on the passenger ship, and then drew out flying swords one after another from the ancient mirror, and commanded them with his mind.

At the same time, he also took out the Tianyun Sword and held it in his hand, and the Moon Blade in his body also flew out, hovering above Lan Ling's head.

After that, the two sisters Jiang Lin, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Red Eagle and Lan Ling fought fiercely with the high priest.

The high priest is indeed difficult to deal with. Even if this guy becomes blind and has three more blood holes in his chest and back, he can still show great power.

Although there are no weapons in the hands of the high priest, this guy's palm can condense spiritual power into an air blade, and can switch between virtual and real at will, and even parry and block have no effect.

He blocked the attack a moment ago, but the qi blade was blurred and formed again after passing over the weapon. Even Jiang Lin almost got hit a few times.

Of course, that's why the High Priest made him his main target.

In addition to this method, the speed of the high priest's movement is almost like a ghost, and it is unbelievably fast.

If Jiang Lin didn't use the teleportation ability of the corpse, he wouldn't be able to catch up with this guy at all.

Even with teleportation, he is not as flexible as a high priest.

In order to avoid a yin and yang battle in his body, Jiang Lin couldn't switch his Taoist body to a corpse under the premise of using his spiritual power. As a result, he, as the first combat power, was somewhat helpless to the great priest.

too fast.

This is still under the condition that the high priest is blind.

The attack speed is fast, the movement speed is fast, and the means are strange. Jiang Lin now has a clearer understanding of the ability of the high priest.

Considering that the high priest is extremely difficult to catch, Jiang Lin deliberately sold a flaw. When the high priest cast his ultimate move on him, the light source in his body was integrated into the spiritual power, and then his predecessor jumped out. With countless thorn-like rays, the high priest was directly fixed in front of him.

This was Jiang Lin's use of his enhanced version of Li Yang Xuanguang. After the thorns pierced through the body of the high priest, a high temperature broke out in his body.

Jiang Lin's method has a miraculous effect on evil spirits. When dealing with cultivators like the high priest, the power has been weakened a lot, but it does not mean that it has no effect.


After Jiang Lin gave an order, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Red Eagle immediately used their means to attack the high priest who was stopped by Jiang Lin.

But at this moment, the high priest broke the thorn ray on his arm and tore off his priest hat.

Shaking his hair, the high priest turned his hands into claws, grabbed between his hair, and caught ten silver needles between his fingers.

With a few "whoosh" sounds, the silver needles shot out, and there were extremely fine spiritual threads connecting the pinholes and the fingers of the great priest.

In an instant, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Chun Shisan Shao had no protection on their bodies. One was pierced through the chest by a silver needle, and the other was pierced through the shoulder blade.

With a swing of his arms, the high priest threw the two of them out, breaking many trees.

What the hell!

This high priest, why did he practice the Sunflower Collection?

Jiang Lin was also stunned when he saw this, and only then did he realize that the high priest at this time was very similar to a big boss in Jin Lao's book.

Mainly the means are similar.

They are all fast, they are all eunuchs, and they all use silver needles as weapons.

Chapter two thousand two hundred and seventy-four the golden cicada escapes

Jiang Lin wondered if the high priest's surname was Dongfang, as if he was a monk's version of the Dongfang leader.

However, Jiang Lin didn't care what the high priest's surname was, if he didn't kill this fellow as soon as possible, the next ones who were injured would not only be Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Chun Shisan.

Although the high priest only used ordinary silver needles, but the spiritual power was attached to it. If it flew out at the speed of electric shots, I am afraid that the protective rune on Red Eagle's body would also be broken.

The high priest focuses his attack on one point, but it is not so easy to defend.

Although Lan Ling has the protection of the moon knife, the moon knife is also a spiritual tool for An Ge's life to cultivate. Once it is pierced by a silver needle or a crack is pierced, it will also cause damage to An Ge.

"I see how you run!"

Jiang Lin also pointed to the sky, and a long sword immediately drilled out from the ground where the high priest was, and flew towards the high priest's dantian.

Before Jiang Lin noticed that the high priest's methods were strange and elusive, while fighting with the high priest, he used the attack of the gods and the flying sword as a cover to let Tian Yunjian get into the ground, ready to come to the high priest. An unexpected killer move.

This is also the reason why he did not use the decree to attack the doll and flying sword after immobilizing the high priest just now, but instead let the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon besiege them.

His mind is remotely controlling the Tianyun Sword, allowing it to study like a drill in the ground. Even the magic-casting gods, the earth puppet and the flying sword, will have insufficient attack power due to the lack of separate thoughts, and [*]% of them will not be able to kill the effect. .

This is the reason why Jiang Lin used the Tianyun sword hidden in the ground to give the high priest a killing move. This guy is scheming, and the attack on the bright side may not be effective.

If he used the Yang Pai Yang palms to attack the high priest's dantian, [*]% of the time it would be empty.

Now Jiang Lin has raised the risk factor of the high priest in his heart a lot, not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of scheming, the high priest also asked him to treat him with a serious attitude.

Jiang Lin even suspected that the high priest chose to go from the palace, not because he felt ashamed of the queen, but because he wanted to adapt to the changing environment of the Thousand Machines Nation.

He castrated himself, that is, a man who took the initiative to become yin and yang, but such a state would not be affected.

Other male practitioners will be suppressed under this kind of environment, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon can have the current cultivation level because of his special bloodline, and he is a member of the Zhengyang clan.

As for the high priest who slept with the queen's sister, Jiang Lin also deduced that it was probably the high priest pretending to be deaf and dumb, just wanting to be happy for the last time.

Would such a great priest be killed so easily?

Kill can kill, but certainly not so simple.

After Tian Yunjian jumped out of the ground, it was like a auger, and it quickly drilled towards the dantian position of the great priest.

"you wanna die!"

The high priest was startled, once his Nascent Soul was injured, he would no longer have any room for a comeback.

Therefore, the high priest held his hands together and blocked in front of his dantian.

However, at this time, Red Eagle and Lan Ling, who were not injured by the high priest's silver needle, had already moved.

Red Eagle's response was particularly quick. When she drilled out of the Tianyun Sword, she already realized Jiang Lin's true purpose. At the same time, she thought that even if it was, she might not be able to effectively win the Great Priest.

Therefore, she projected half of the bow knife in her hand and wrapped it around the right forearm of the high priest, and Lan Ling also jumped up, smashing the bead stick in her hand at the high priest's heavenly cover.

But even so, the high priest still has a left arm that can be used.

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