Jiang Lin looked at Jiang Chengzi, and found that the latter's body was as hard as steel, and with his eyesight, even an axe and a sword might not be able to hurt this Jiang Chengzi.

"Brother Jiang, there is something to discuss, don't...don't be impulsive."

Seeing such a battle, Ni Kongkong told Jiang Lin to calm down and not be so impulsive.

Hei Yu also looked at Jiang Lin and said, "Jiang Lin, put him down first."

Jiang Lin threw his arm out, and Jiang Chengzi took a few turns to stabilize his body after landing on both feet.

If he insisted on doing it, he might have no problem, but Kuroba and the others would have no guarantee, and it might even affect the old ape-man in the black iron cocoon.

"Forget it, it's better to resolve the enemy than to end it. It's for the sake of seeing that you all have such personalities, especially you."

Jiang Chengzi straightened his clothes and pointed to Jiang Lin, then said, "I made you a friend, but you still have to convince people with reason and morality. Let's go, what happened just now, I'll take it as if it didn't happen. , You are still very welcome in the Nightmarsh Crypt."

Hei Yu was relieved to see Jiang Chengzi's intention to calm down, but she still pointed to the old ape man in the black iron cocoon and said, "We will go, but we have to take him too."

"Okay, he designed these institutions for me, and I gave him a lot of rewards, but after he has nothing to do, he either gambles or drinks, not only squandering all the rewards, but also owes me a lot of money. A debt. I didn't even calculate the smaller accounts, if you can help him repay the debt, take it with you."

Jiang Chengzi nodded, as long as he paid off the debt, he was not willing to keep holding an old ape-man.

Ni Kongkong looked at the old ape-man and said, "It's convenient to ask, how much does he owe?"

"Not much, even the principal with interest, [*] gold beads, this is already a fraction of the amount. I can bring you the ledger and let you calculate it one by one."

Jiang Chengzi opened his fingers and gave Ni Kongkong an integer.

At this time, Hei Yu and Ni Kongkong looked at Heli who was not far away, and Jiang Lin's eyes moved to the past. Although he had a lot of treasures that he could cash in, in this night marsh crypt, if he put that Duohanzhu or other treasures are lit up, so it is estimated that it will not be easy to leave.

Once he is put on the hat of the mobile treasure house, even if he can get the shark bead, it is almost impossible to leave the sky city later.

"Look at what I do? Who goes out with so many gold beads, is it sick? Besides, that's [*]!"

He was so angry that his nose was smoking. He was rich and powerful, and he also had the status of a prince, but with [*] gold beads, did he carry gold mines with him?

"It doesn't matter if it's not up yet, I'll open the door to do business and welcome you at any time."

Jiang Chengzi blinked at Hei Yu, and then he let his subordinates withdraw the mechanism, raised the steel gate, and left the underground prison.

Hei Yu was suddenly angry, but for a while there was nothing good to do.

"Unfortunate! Now the box can't be opened, and I have to bleed a lot. It's useless to find someone, go drink!"

At this time, Heli snorted and walked out.

Jiang Lin looked at Heli and said to Hei Yu, "Anyway, the key person has been found, the big deal is to think of other ways. Heli's behavior is a little suspicious. have a look."

After explaining, Jiang Lin also left the prison and followed behind He Li, wanting to see what medicine this kid was selling in the gourd.

After Jiang Lin left, Ni Kongkong rolled his eyes and said to Hei Yu, "If you want to rescue that old ape-man, I have a plan."


"That's it……"

Mui Kongkong said what was in his mind, and Hei Yu's face suddenly turned cold after hearing this.

The plan that Big Mouth came up with was actually to let her learn from the women in the square above, put on an eye-catching outfit, and then go to Jiang Chengzi for a drink.

When Jiang Chengzi was drunk, they would be able to find out the whereabouts of the key. When Jiang Chengzi sobered up, they had already obtained the key and took the old ape-man away, not knowing where it went.

Just when Hei Yu was about to give Mu Kongkong a cold look, a thought appeared in her heart: You can try it.

Of course, Hei Yu's thought was definitely not because she was willing to fight with Jiang Chengzi, but because she thought of her uncle ape.

When her father was murdered as a traitor of the feather clan, this old ape-man rescued her from the feathered man regardless of his life. Now that the old ape-man is locked in a cage, she should have done it as soon as possible. rescue it.

If she just pays some price that she can tolerate, even if it is to repay her kindness back then, she can't just be unwilling.

Moreover, the old ape-man was also a good friend of her father.

In addition, Hei Yu would have such a thought, and it was not abrupt. When she first came to the Night Marsh Crypt, she had imagined how Jiang Lin would react if she dressed a bit more eye-catching.

Just wear it.

With this consideration in mind, Hei Yu didn't feel much resistance in his heart.

Although she knew that there were some things between herself and Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin also said that she was definitely not a heinous person, which meant that Jiang Lin would not do anything that would make her unacceptable.

Perhaps it was because of the woman's intuition that Hei Yu was willing to trust Jiang Lin and give his trust.

Moreover, once a girl's love begins, sometimes some of the choices she makes are not [*]% rational.

So, Hei Yu and Ni Kongkong left the underground prison and went to a shop selling clothes outside the indoor square. It didn't take long for Hei Yu to change into a long red dress, and her hairstyle was deliberately changed by her, with bright eyes. With white teeth and red lips, she stared straight at the proprietress of the shop.

Great beauty.

Ni Kongkong waited for Heiyu to come out, and before he could see Heiyu who had changed clothes, his eyes were slammed by Heiyu's wide sleeves, and tears flowed out.

"I want to save Uncle Ape, not to wear it out for you to see. Find Jiang Lin, and when you hear the whereabouts of the key, you will act immediately."

After leaving those words, Kuroba went straight to the indoor plaza.

Although she is willing to change into eye-catching clothes, if Ni Kongkong dares to see more, she is welcome.

Therefore, as soon as Mu Kongkong turned his head, he was slapped by her.

Close my eyes.

By the time Mu Kongkong rubbed his eyes, Heiyu was gone.

"I didn't even see it, what are you looking for Jiang Lin for? Don't show it to me?"

The corners of Ni Kongkong's mouth twitched. This is really annoying. He came up with the solution, and Hei Yu agreed. When he proposed this plan, he was thinking about Xiao Jiujiu, but now he is blessed. Can't get enough.

Jiang Lin has been kissed by others, and he has taken advantage of such an advantage, and now he can't even take advantage of his eyes.

No matter how resentful he was, Ni Kongkong still went to find Jiang Lin's trace, and it was okay for Heiyu to say anything.

When there was no movement, Ni Kongkong found Jiang Lin and told Jiang Lin about his "perfect plan".

"Perfect your second uncle's legs! Get out of bad ideas! Are there not enough beautiful women for you to see?"

After listening to Ni Kongkong's remarks, Jiang Lin glared at the big mouth. What Ni Kongkong said was to save the old ape-man, but as a man, could he not know what kind of calculus Nikongkong was thinking?

I'm afraid it's true that you want to feast your eyes.

"Why did you get rid of the bad idea? Heoba also accepted it."

Ni Kongkong tried his best to argue, and then he muttered that he didn't even have any good eyes, so he was slapped by Heiyu's sleeve.

"If she accepts it, it means that your idea is not a bad idea? Then Jiang Chengzi is the boss in this night marsh cave, and he doesn't know how much alcohol he drinks on weekdays. Hei Yu is a girl, like someone who has drunk? You? Let her go to drink with others, is there a hole in her brain?"

Jiang Lin looked at Ni Kongkong angrily, but he was also puzzled. Even if Ni Kongkong could come up with such a bad idea, how could Heiyu agree?

He didn't know that the reason why Hei Yu adopted the plan mentioned by Ni Kongkong was to a certain extent, he wanted to change his image in front of him, so as to confirm some things.

Hearing what Jiang Lin said, Ni Kongkong was dumbfounded, and then he felt bad.

Bad thing, if Hei Yu drank too much, wouldn't he be taken advantage of?

Thinking of this, Ni Kongkong hurriedly urged Jiang Lin to find Heiyu immediately.

Jiang Lin stopped paying attention to He Li and returned with Ni Kongkong.

When he followed Heli before, this stunned young man seemed to have noticed something, so he went to find a place to eat and drink, and if he continued to follow, it was estimated that there would be no result.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to see Hei Yu who was leaning against the wall with his arms folded on his chest outside the square. When Hei Yu saw Jiang Lin's arrival, he put down his arms.

My God, can you wear it any lower?

Jiang Lin frowned. He didn't know whether Hei Yu didn't find a suitable long skirt for women or whether he was wearing it on purpose. Moreover, although it was a long skirt, it was similar to the national cheongsam, with slits on both sides.

In fact, the current appearance of Hei Yu is not outrageous. It is similar to the other women in the Night Swamp Crypt, not only in the Night Marsh Crypt, but also some noble women in Tiandu City are dressed like this.

However, although Jiang Lin had been to Tiandu City, but he had never met any noble women, he naturally felt a little unacceptable.

"Why do you dress like this? He's out of bad ideas, and you dare to listen to him. Change your clothes back, I'll think of another way."

"I want to save Uncle Ape, can you think of an effective way now?"

Hei Yu didn't listen to Jiang Lin's words. If she changed her clothes back now, it would be obvious that she was changing clothes just to give Jiang Lin a glimpse.

It's one thing to have such thoughts in your own heart, and it's another thing to be seen by others.

Chapter [*] Confession After Drinking ([*])

Moreover, Hei Yu had also considered the plan proposed by Ni Kongkong, and it was indeed worth a try.

Although Jiang Chengzi's ability is not high, but this guy has many organs arranged by the old ape-man to rely on. If he uses force, it will not necessarily have any effect. At most, he takes Jiang Chengzi, but it has no effect. .

What's more, the best time to do it was when they were in the underground prison, but at that time, they could only be forced to let Jiang Chengzi go.

Now that Jiang Chengzi is in the square, and if he starts to move again, it is obviously a thankless result, and he may even be the enemy of everyone in the night marsh crypt.

But if they can get the key to open the black iron cocoon, they don't need to conflict with Jiang Chengzi any more. If the old ape-man is released and taken away, they can quickly leave the night marsh crypt.

"What are you looking at?"

At this time, Hei Yu found that Mu Kongkong's pair of eyes were wide and round, and kept looking at it, and gave this big mouth another sleeve.

He covered his eyes with his hands.

Seeing that Hei Yu didn't listen to his advice, Jiang Lin said, "Then how do you feel about your alcohol intake? Did you drink that Jiang Chengzi or what?"

Jiang Lin's words made Hei Yu stunned for a moment. She really didn't think about it. She had never touched a drop of wine before.

"It's always a try."

However, even so, Kuroba chose to persevere, and then she turned around and walked into the square.

Although there is no expression on her face, her heart is like a deer.

It turned out that Jiang Lin reacted in this way.

Hei Yu had already determined in his heart that Jiang Lin really cared about her, and it was the kind of man who cared about his crush.

Under normal circumstances, if Jiang Lin didn't have such a mentality, Jiang Lin would have no reason to judge what she was wearing.

But just now, Jiang Lin just asked her to change her original clothes back, and she didn't want her to dress like this in front of people.

In fact, Hei Yu had always wanted to find an explanation why Jiang Lin had shown kindness to her more than once before, and was willing to protect her regardless of safety.

Now, she finally knew why.

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