"It doesn't make sense, it must be too comfortable in the ancient tomb and refused to come back."

The front suddenly lit up, and two Kongming lanterns rose up.

"The body is indeed here."

Bai Min'er and the others looked at Qiu Chunan in front of them, and made no secret of their contempt and disgust.

"Master Bai, you haven't slept all night, and you came to see me specially."

As he spoke, Qiu Chunan looked like he was holding a bucket with plasticine behind his hands.

This group of women looked like they were asking for guilt, and they also carried a bucket. They didn't have to think about it to know that his apprentice was caught.

"Qiu Chunan! Deng Tianguang broke into the forbidden area of ​​ancient tombs, how do you explain this?"

"Sect Master Bai, it's very simple. If you hand me the bucket, we'll write it off."

"Miss Bai, is this your neighbor?"

Jiang Lin came out from behind and looked at Qiu Chunan, the head of the Fax Sect.

At the age of [-] or [-], in addition to a wretched face, it is also wretched.

"Tell him what to do, tell him, and let Deng Tianguang soak in the toilet for three months."

"What kind of onion are you? How can you interrupt when I talk to Sect Master Bai? Who are you?"

Qiu Chunan looked at Jiang Lin coldly, his mouth like a cannonball.

This kid actually stood with his Min'er.


Jiang Lin flicked his hand and a yin fire whip hit Qiu Chunan's face.

Hit people without slaps in the face?Sorry, some people have to slap their face.

As the head of a sect, who condone the use of Daoism by his disciples to be unethical, who would he not beat him?

Jiang Lin heard Qiu Chunan's earlier words clearly, and he went to the ancient tomb to wipe the oil of the disciples of the Microwave Sect and said it calmly.

Master Changmei and Master Baimei both contributed to the people of the world, but their descendants were wiped out?

Bai Min'er opened her mouth slightly, but Jiang Lin actually drew Qiu Chunan's face.

Caiyi and Ayan also covered their mouths lightly, this senior is really domineering.

"You dare to beat me?"

Qiu Chunan was stunned for two seconds, and then jumped like thunder.

"I'll kick you, what's the matter?"


Jiang Lin rewarded him with another whip and slapped him in the face.

"I fucking..."

Qiu Chunan made a seal with both hands and wanted to fight Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin's wrist flicked, and the yin fire whip wrapped directly around Qiu Chunan's neck, and then with a force on his hand, Qiu Chunan was immediately pulled over and rolled in front of Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin squatted on the ground and asked, "Let me ask you, do you know Master Bai Mei?"

"I know."

"So you know him."

Jiang Lin lifted Qiu Chunan up and slapped his palm wildly on the latter's face.

Knowing Shitai Baimei, he also let his disciples wipe the oil, and I owe it!

Chapter [-] Millennium Evil Princess

Although Qiu Chunan was the head of the Fax Sect, his cultivation was too weak, so he was a little higher than the average Taoist.

Whether it was strength or Taoism, he was no match for Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin's hand holding his collar was like a pair of iron pliers, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free.

Qiu Chunan almost turned into a pig's head and was thrown to the ground by Jiang Lin.

Seeing the rubber bucket on the ground, Jiang Lin said, "Do you still want to save your apprentice? Come and give you a chance to save his soul."

Qiu Chunan's pig head shook, let alone saving his apprentice. If he really used magic, he would probably be killed by Jiang Lin.

The one in front of me is so terrifying!

When did the microwave pie come to such a stubborn stubble?

Qiu Chunan could not wait to beat Deng Tianguang violently. With such an expert around, he would use magic to wipe the oil. Isn't he just courting death?

Jiang Lin kicked the bucket on the ground, and Deng Tianguang's soul returned to his place, half-dead and drenched in stinky water.

"If you dare to approach the ancient tomb again in the future, believe it or not I have abolished your Taoist foundation?"

"Don't dare, don't dare."

Qiu Chunan tucked his tail, picked up Deng Tianguang and ran to his school.

Seeing Qiu Chunan flee, a group of girls cheered Jiang Lin.

They won't have to be entangled by these dead perverts again in the future.

"Senior, thank you so much this time."

"That's right, thanks to the seniors, or else how will I meet people in the future."

Jiang Lin was a little strange, Bai Min'er's cultivation was a level higher than Qiu Chunan, so it shouldn't be difficult to teach them a lesson.

But looking at Qiu Chunan's performance at the beginning, he didn't seem to be afraid of them.

"Miss Bai, Qiu Chunan's cultivation is just average, why didn't you teach them a lesson before?"

Bai Min'er bit her lip and explained, "Actually, it's because Qiu Chunan's late master had an old relationship with our master, and we just tolerated it again and again."

It turned out to be the case.

"You don't have to endure it any longer. If Master Qiu Chunan doesn't die, I will teach him the same lesson."

Teaching an apprentice like Qiu Chunan is a real talent.

Jiang Lincai didn't care what the seniority of Qiu Chunan's master was. In terms of seniority, he still knew Master Changmei.

"Also, not everything can be endured. Daughter's family, when it's time to be tough, men should be afraid. This Fax Teaching's Dafa is a bit of a trick. What the body can do can be done with the soul. Wait until they get more and more courageous. When you don't need me to tell you what to expect, this kind of thing cannot be tolerated."

Jiang Lin didn't frighten these girls either. When he was taken advantage of by a man, he didn't show strength, but he would only encourage the other party's arrogance and make them gain an inch.

Color can be overwhelming.

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Bai Min'er and the others' faces turned pale with fright.

If the disciples of the Fax Sect use such a spell to enter their room, then the consequences...

"Go back. In the future, I will teach you some spells and tricks to protect yourself. At least you won't suffer when you encounter similar spells again."

"Thank you senior."

Jiang Lin was willing to teach them Taoism, and Bai Min'er was very grateful.

Over the years, her master has been in seclusion for many years because of the decline of qi and blood, and he has not imparted much knowledge to them.

Ten days later, Master Baimei asked Jiang Lin to see her alone. Because of Jiang Lin's help, she endured for half a month, but the deadline was unavoidable.

"I wonder if senior has ever heard of the Millennium Evil Princess?"

Jiang Lin shook his head. Although his real age is a thousand years old, he has been absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon for more than [-] years. He does not know what is happening in the world.

"When the gate of the devil world opened a thousand years ago, Xie Ji already existed, and she was seriously injured and fell asleep. Five hundred years ago, Xie Ji recovered her demon power and did evil everywhere, and was destroyed by Master Liansheng. The price was suppressed by the power of Brahma, so that she could not do evil for five hundred years."

Jiang Lin frowned when he heard this. Now that the deadline has come, will Xie Ji return to the world?

"Eighteen years ago, the seven stars in the sky gathered, the magic star appeared, and the seven-star witch came into being. At that time, Xie Ji found the seven-star witch who was still in the magic cocoon. As long as she was born and grew up, Xie Ji and her became one. , the demon power will increase greatly, and it is very likely that the door to the demon world will be opened again at that time."

"Master isn't joking with me, is it?"

Jiang Lin's expression was a little stiff. If the gate of the demon world opened again in the end of the law, wouldn't it be a group of demons dancing wildly?

"How dare you joke with the seniors. At that time, I took Min'er, who was a few years old, to steal the Seven-Star Witch, suppressed the demonic qi with the Suppression Pearl, and taught the right way. Caiyi is the Seven-Star Witch. When I was alive, the evil spirits Ji can't sense the trace of Caiyi, but once I die, after [-] days, the town magic pearl can't hide the breath of Caiyi, it is estimated that evil Ji will come to the door."

"Is there any way for the teacher to take Xie Ji?"

Jiang Lin almost held a grass in his heart, he came here to provoke a powerful enchantress.

How to do?Are you going to run?

Wait a minute, let's get to know the strength of the enchantress.

What makes Jiang Lin fortunate is that Xie Ji's strength is not too outrageous, and it can't compare to Master Bai Mei.But this enchantress can run very well, and the cunning rabbit has three caves.

When the Seven-Star Witch was born, Master Baimei's vitality was exhausted, and although he could still deal with Xie Ji, he couldn't escape her at all.

"According to this, the evil princess should be close to the level of the demon emperor, maybe the peak of the demon king, or half a step further."

According to Shitai Baimei's words, Jiang Lin speculated on Xie Ji's strength, but if she and the Seven Star Witch were combined into one, she would probably become the Demon Emperor.

"Caiyi is a seven-star witch. Although it may be a bit of a bastard to say this, why didn't you kill the seven-star witch earlier in the cradle?"

"The Seven-Star Witch will be reborn after being killed, but her demonic nature can only be broken. I estimate that she will be leaving today, and the most important thing now is how to deal with the evil princess who will arrive in a hundred days. I wonder if senior can help me protect Min'er and He. Caiyi and them?"

Master Baimei didn't say anything about the demonic nature of letting Jiang Lin go to break Caiyi, she believed that God's own arrangement.

"I'll try my best."

"Master Liansheng has entered reincarnation. It is estimated that when Xie Ji appears, he will also appear. Seniors don't have to worry."

Master Baimei let out a long sigh. She was very grateful that she met Jiang Lin before she left, which made her regret a lot less.

Jiang Lin promised that Master Baimei would make up for the inheritance of Emei, which was also considered a favor from Master Changmei.

"Miss Bai, your master is leaving soon, go and accompany her."

After returning to the room, Jiang Lin looked at the Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword and the Sun Divine Pearl in his hands and sighed.

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