But if he is regarded as a man, the meaning of this sentence is too crooked.

Seeing that Bai Min'er didn't want to explain further, Jiang Lin twitched the corner of his mouth.

you are vicious!

However, throw the pot to me, you don't regret it!

"It's quite reluctant."

Jiang Lin directly embraced Bai Min'er's shoulders and let her snuggle into his arms.

If you don't explain it, then let Zhuge Kongping understand it according to ambiguity.

Zhuge Kongping: "..."

No wonder Bai Min'er has followed the Taoist brother's advice until now.

This Daoist brother really enjoys the blessings of everyone.


Bai Min'er was frightened by Jiang Lin's actions, why did she hold her in his arms?

Senior, I didn't mean that!

It was only at this time that Bai Miner realized that her words were ambiguous. She wanted to break free, but how could her strength compare to Jiang Lin's.

"Since that's the case, then I won't mention it in the future."

Hearing that Zhuge Kongping no longer insisted, Bai Min'er did not struggle any more.

What she had always wanted was Zhuge Kongping's words.

Although the marriage didn't come to fruition, Zhuge Kongping was still enthusiastic, entertained Jiang Lin and Bai Min'er well, and invited Bai Min'er to catch the bronze corpse together at night.

"Are you a dog?"

There were several rows of teeth marks on Jiang Lin's shoulders, which were bitten by Bai Min'er.

"It's disrespectful to the old man, I'll bite you to death!"

Chapter [-] Xishuangbanna Bronze Armor Corpse

At night, the mass grave in Chencun was gloomy, and a huge coffin was erected on the ground. Inside was the Xishuangbanna bronze-armored corpse.

The costume of this bronze-armored corpse is not in the style of the Qing Dynasty, like a Tartar in the Yuan Dynasty.

The Taoist Wang, who broke the news to Zhuge Kongping, as well as a sorcerer and a lama were plotting how to harm Zhuge Kongping.

"Kong Ping has succeeded this time! There is Zhuge Kongping in the south, and the number one in the world in the north. The two of them won't get us any business at all. We will use this copper-armored corpse to kill them."

"Yes, kill them. For the sake of safety, let's make this bronze-armored corpse more fierce."

The sorcerer and the lama nodded in unison, indicating that the two guys who were blocking their business must be turned into bad boys.

After that, the three of them began to plan to die. The lama of the black sect first used a secret technique to tap the forehead of the bronze corpse, and then the wizard poured the five poisonous water into the stomach of the bronze corpse.

In the end, Taoist Wang fed the blood of the three monks to the bronze-armored corpse.

"Look, this bronze armored corpse is getting more and more powerful, it's stable now!"

"It's so fierce, this time it's like a dog!"

"Kong Ping is going to be unlucky, haha..."

Before the three laughed a few times, the copper-armored corpse in the coffin broke free because of its soaring strength.

"Alas! It's true that you won't die if you don't die."

Jiang Lin followed Zhuge Kongping to the mass grave. After he let go of his spiritual sense, he happened to see Daoshi Wang and the others, and witnessed how the three of them worked to death.

The three were thrown into the coffin by the bronze-armored corpse, and they threw themselves into the coffin, and the bronze-armored corpse and the three of them rolled up the coffin.

"I've heard of rolling sheets, but it's the first time I've seen coffin rolling."

Jiang Lin withdrew his spiritual sense and followed Zhuge Kongping.

He also had no intention of saving those three people, and he would not save those who were dying.

On the way, Jiang Lin also reminded Zhuge Kongping that the bronze-armored corpse was more evil, but Zhuge Kongping did not take his words seriously at all.

Jiang Lin stopped talking too much.

"Wow! No wonder everyone praises it, saying that the bronze armored corpse is worthy of the best quality."

Seeing Xishuangbanna's bronze armored corpse from a distance, Zhuge Kong's saliva flowed out.

This thing is ice muscle jade bone?

Are you sure you're not kidding?

Jiang Lin almost stumbled, this bronze-armored corpse had dead flesh on its face, uglier than the royal zombies he had ever seen.

Bai Min'er was also speechless. To describe a zombie with ice muscles and jade bones, there is no one else!

Jiang Lin glanced at Bai Min'er, the one beside him was ice muscle and jade bone.

"Look at what?"

Aware of Jiang Lin's scrutinizing eyes, Bai Min'er frowned slightly.

"I think you are more like an ice muscle and jade bone."

Although Bai Min'er was still puffed up, she blushed when she heard Jiang Lin's praise.

During the time she spent with Jiang Lin, she knew that Jiang Lin seldom praised girls, but at this time, she suddenly heard a compliment, which caught her off guard.

However, after seeing Jiang Lin pursed his lips and snickered, Bai Min'er reacted. Zhuge Kongping said that she was a zombie with ice muscles and jade bones, and Jiang Lin also said that she was ice muscles and jade bones. After careful consideration, it was not right at all.

Turning the corner, she said she looked just like this zombie.

Bai Min'er raised her foot and stepped on Jiang Lin's feet, you are like a zombie!

"Brother, Xiaoming and I have brought the guy together this time, you can see how I collect this Xishuangbanna bronze armored corpse!"

Zhuge Kongping had already speculated on Jiang Lin's cultivation, and it was very likely that he was a Celestial Master, otherwise he would not be in charge of the Microwave School.

Before, because he had no guy, he was caught off guard and made a big embarrassment in front of Jiang Lin. Now, he wants to save his face.

Show a good hand in front of Jiang Lin, lest Jiang Lin look down on their Zhuge family.

"Okay, Daoist brother be careful, this seems to be a thousand-year-old corpse."

Since Zhuge Kongping has a good face, Jiang Lin is also happy to relax.

This bronze-armored corpse is estimated that he can't kill it, and Jiang Lin's enthusiasm is indeed not very high.

Just look at the methods of the Zhuge family.

Although this Xishuangbanna bronze-armored corpse has a thousand years of life, it has only become an elite, and has not reached the level of a zombie king. Zhuge Kongping should be able to deal with it.

Jiang Lin decided to wait for Zhuge Kongping to call for help, and then he would take another shot.

"Baby, here I come!"

Zhuge Kongping was fully equipped, like a wolf. (Like a wolf, he rushed towards the bronze armored corpse.

Jiang Lin had to wonder if Zhuge Kongping wanted to give the copper-armored corpse.

"It seems that the tonnage of two or three hundred catties can't affect his speed. Is the temptation of bronze armor really so great?"

Jiang Lin looked at Zhuge Kongping with admiration. Although he weighed two or three hundred pounds, this fat man was not clumsy at all.

Even a carp can do such a difficult action.

In order to bring the bronze-armored corpse home, Zhuge Kongping also fought hard.

"Min'er, come here."

Jiang Lin carefully observed the bronze armored corpse, and wanted to explain to Bai Min'er what was so special about this corpse.

However, Bai Min'er didn't seem to accept his affection, and stared at him with clear eyes.

"Don't listen."

In the end, Bai Min'er obediently came to Jiang Lin's side.

"This bronze-armored corpse is very evil. In addition to the corpse energy, there seems to be a kind of potential in the body, like a feng shui pattern that can move around. Anyone who catches it will be unlucky..."

Bai Min'er listened to Jiang Lin's explanation, her eyes involuntarily fell on his side face.

She thought of Jiang Lin's teaching and taking care of them during this period, as well as the tempering of Jiang Lin when she and her two junior sisters accompanied Jiang Lin to find the Immortal Castle.

"Why did my face get hot..."

Bai Min'er touched her noodle, which was a little hot.


At this time, Zhuge Kongping's screams attracted the attention of the two.

The culture of Xishuangbanna is quite different from that of Zhongtu. This bronze-armored corpse in Xishuangbanna has greater immunity to traditional Taoism, and it is not the master of jumping, it is much more flexible than ordinary zombies. After being raised by a dead ghost, the royal zombie that Jiang Lin once killed was even worse than this one.

Even if Zhuge Kongping brought all the equipment, he could not subdue this bronze-armored corpse.

Zhuge Kongping was kicked flying by the bronze armored corpse, and a mass of meat mountain flew directly six or seven meters away.

The bronze-armored corpse chased Zhuge Xiaoming, chasing him in embarrassment.

Zhuge Kongping took a talisman and arrows, pulled the arrows, and shouted at the same time, "Xiao Ming, run towards me."

When Zhuge Xiaoming heard the news, he rushed towards his father in a hurry.

"Able to draw a carved bow like a full moon..."

Zhuge Kongping's personal aura has changed, and it seems that he can nail the bronze armored corpse to the ground with one arrow.

"Dad, you are so mighty!"

"Get down!"

Zhuge Xiaoming fell down directly according to his father's order, exposing the bronze armored corpse behind him.

Just give it an arrow, and it will suffer.

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