"Cai your mother! It's not that the bronze armored corpse is too bad, but the Taoist brother is too strong."

Zhuge Kongping rewarded his son with a brain.

Chapter [*] There are wonderful flowers every year, especially this year

"A son who is not as ugly as you, who is your father, who recognizes his father, should be beaten!"

Jiang Lin punched the bronze-armored corpse's head into the ground, turning it into a bronze-armored ostrich.

Feeling that his muscles and bones were almost moving, Jiang Lin went over to dismantle the coffin that contained the copper-armored corpse, and pulled out the coffin nails.

The bronze-armored corpse pulled out its head and wanted to run, but Jiang Lin's Yang Yan whip was waiting for it.

Then, one by one, coffin nails stained with Jiang Lin's blood essence were pierced into the limbs and joints of the bronze-armored corpse.

In the movie, the coffin nails are stained with rooster blood, but Jiang Lin's blood is much stronger than rooster blood.

The bronze-armored corpse screamed in pain.

"Call me Mao!"

Jiang Lin was upset by the screams of the bronze-armored corpse, and he nailed the last coffin into the heavenly lid of the bronze-armored corpse.

The screaming copper-armored corpse suddenly lost its voice.

"Xishuangbanna bronze armored corpse, I don't know how much hostility it is worth."

Jiang Lin felt it was a pity that he couldn't kill this zombie.

As for whether it would be unlucky to subdue the bronze-armored corpse, he didn't care at all.Others will certainly be affected, but he won't.

Will the Millennium Zombie King be affected by an adult zombie?

"My God~"

Don't be afraid of comparing goods, just be afraid of comparing people.

Zhuge Kongping worked hard for most of the day, and he sweated two jins and was disheartened. As a result, Jiang Lin restrained the bronze armored corpse simply.

I didn't see Jiang Lin using the talisman, let alone what he did, so he beat him violently, and then threw a few coffin nails stained with blood essence, and it was over.

The blood on this Daoist brother is dragon blood, right?

Zhuge Kongping suffered a lot, and he became depressed.

Looking at the embarrassed appearance of himself and his son, and comparing the clean appearance of Jiang Lin and Bai Min'er, Zhuge Kongping felt that his old face had no place to rest.

Jiang Lin looked at Zhuge Kongping and said, "Brother, if you want this bronze armored corpse, I can give it to you. But this thing is very evil, are you sure you want it?"


Zhuge Kongping's voice suddenly increased by an octave. He just wanted to take the bronze-armored corpse home. The matter of the bronze-armored corpse was very evil, and was directly ignored by him.

His Zhuge family does not believe in evil.

Seeing that Zhuge Kongping insisted on wanting it, Jiang Lin told Zhuge Kongping his request. He wanted to exchange the bronze armored corpse for the information he wanted.

"It's useless for me to keep this bronze armored corpse. Even if my brother thinks my request makes you embarrassed, I will give it to you."

Jiang Lin still doesn't need others to teach him how to sell favors.

Originally, Zhuge Kongping was still a little embarrassed, but when he heard Jiang Lin's words, he immediately said that he would definitely help.

No matter whether they help or not, they will give him this bronze armored corpse with ice muscles and jade bones. What will he be like?

Afterwards, Zhuge Kongping happily carried the bronze-armored corpse back, took precautions with Qiankun Mirror and willow branches, and put the bronze-armored corpse in the Ghost Sealing Vault.

Jiang Lin and Bai Min'er stayed at an inn in the county town for one night, and the next day they followed Zhuge Xiaoming to their hometown in the countryside.

The information Jiang Lin wanted to know was in the ancient books in the old house of the Zhuge family, and Jiang Lin needed to find it himself.

After reading some ancient books of the Zhuge family, Jiang Lin got some clues.

"When I came to Shu, I got some clues from Zuo Ci. The Amber Mirror is not here, and there is no news about Qilinyan."

Jiang Lin felt a little melancholy, and it was estimated that he would come here for the second time, and he would have to go back after the Millennium Evil Princess was dealt with.

Originally, Jiang Lin was going to go back to the ancient tomb, but Zhuge Kongping informed his son with the secret technique of thousands of miles fax, and asked Jiang Lin and Bai Min'er to go to the dojo in the county town again.

Someone smashed his place.

Ever since Zhuge Kongping moved the Xishuangbanna copper-armored corpse back to the Fenggui Library, he has been suffering from bad luck.

As soon as the bronze armored corpse was placed that night, he was drenched in the face by the crow. The cable of the elevator was broken early the next morning. When he continued to study the psychic cover of the human corpse, he was controlled by the mind of the zombie. When treating a ghost, he couldn't open his eyes and was smashed to the point of fucking a tree by a ghost.

Zhuge Kongping's skill is now greatly reduced due to being blocked by the corpse of the bronze armor, but at this time his old enemy, the number one in the world, came to him for his bad luck.

That's why he asked Jiang Lin for help.

"I said earlier that the Xishuangbanna copper-armored corpse is evil, but this fat man still doesn't believe it."

Jiang Lin felt that Zhuge Kongping was really uncomfortable.

Do not believe in evil?The price is clearly laid out in front of your eyes.

Although the bronze armored corpse was uniformed by Jiang Lin, it was Zhuge Kongping who took it away.The evil power on the bronze armor corpse could not affect Jiang Lin, but it did not mean that it could not affect Zhuge Kongping.

Before the bronze-armored corpse woke up, Jiang Lin had heard from the sorcerer that the master of the sorcerer caught this bronze-armored corpse in Xishuangbanna hundreds of years ago, but he broke his leg on the third day after he caught it. He broke an arm in four days, and has been unlucky to the point of being crippled.

This bronze armored corpse is really not something that anyone can catch.

Fortunately, Zhuge Kongping was not a bronze-armored corpse caught by his own strength, otherwise he might be short of arms and legs in the past two days.

Jiang Lin was really amused. It was time for him to remind him that Zhuge Kongping did not believe in evil, and now the facts let him know that he did not believe in the evil of the bronze-armored corpse.

"Number one in the world?"

Jiang Lin only remembered that there seemed to be this person in the movie, but he couldn't remember any information about him.

"Senior, the number one Mao in the world is his self-proclaimed name, his real name is Lou Beiguang, he is a disciple of Maoshan, and his cultivation is a little worse than Zhuge Kongping."

After listening to Bai Min'er's introduction, Jiang Lin really wanted to see what kind of frog at the bottom of the well this number one was.

Even with a cultivation like Ninth Uncle's, he would not dare to call himself the first one, but Lou Beiguang, whose cultivation was only at the level of a Taoist, dared to speak up.

Seeing that Zhuge Kongping opened the door for himself, Jiang Lin decided to help Zhuge Kongping.

The first Mao wanted to find Zhuge Kongping's bad luck, but in Zhuge Kongping's current state, it is estimated that he would be dealt with badly.

It was already the second night when Jiang Lin and Bai Miner returned to the Zhuge Family.

As soon as he entered the Taoist hall, Jiang Lin saw the first person dressed in a suit and leather shoes like a magician.

When Maoshan disciples are magicians, they are really not ordinary hot eyes.

"Hey, Kong Ping, you are a lot weaker now. I won our competition this time."

The first Mao looked smug, and he finally stepped on Zhuge Kongping.

"The Xishuangbanna bronze armored corpse is mine."

The first Mao hummed a song and strode out of the yard.

"Senior, he is this?"

Zhuge Kongping was madly stuffing candles into his mouth, Bai Min'er didn't know what this fat man was doing.

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes and said, "It should be the Zhuge family's combination of human and ghost, which can achieve the effect of the upper body of a ghost."

Zhuge Kongping didn't bother to say hello to Jiang Lin, so he hurriedly stuffed the candle, and then a ghostly figure bounced out of his body.

"Brother Dao, I've been unlucky for the past two days, and I lost to the first one today. My Xishuangbanna bronze armor corpse, I lost. You are late."

"Brother Zhuge, I reminded you before that the bronze-armored corpse is what kills whoever touches it. You should think about whether your life is more important than the bronze-armored corpse."

Jiang Lin had never seen Zhuge Kongping, who was so blackened by the bronze armor corpse that he was still thinking about the bronze armored corpse in his heart.

There are wonderful things every year, especially this year.

Not only Zhuge Kongping, but the first Mao was also the stuff of the road.

Chapter [*] A witty one?

Zhuge Kongping was also very frightened when he thought of his unfortunate events in the past two days.

It's really evil, don't believe it.

"Since the Daoist brother said so, let the number one take away the bronze-armored corpse in Xishuangbanna. Daoist brother, who really touched who died? Isn't the number one in danger?"

I am afraid that although Zhuge is the enemy of the first Mao, it is more of an enemy relationship, and he does not want the first Mao to be killed.

"As long as he doesn't touch the coffin nails on the bronze-armored corpse, he won't be killed."

Jiang Lin didn't say much, the first Mao would not be killed in a short time, but after a long time, breaking his hands and feet would be indispensable.

Before Jiang Lin reminded Zhuge Kongping, it was because he needed Zhuge Kongping's help. As for the first one, let him go.

"That's good, I also told him that the coffin nails can't be touched."

Jiang Lin nodded. He thought that unless the first Mao was wholeheartedly courting death, he would probably not touch the coffin nail.

As long as you have a little cultivation, you can see that the coffin nails are the core of the corpse suppression.

However, he still looked at No. [*], and felt uncomfortable if he didn't seek death.

The first Mao came to the Sealing Ghost Library in high spirits, and his heart jumped out of excitement.

"Haha, the Xishuangbanna bronze-armored corpse is really of the highest quality. It is ugly, but it reveals its might, and it is disgusting, but it shows its spirit. Wow, the corpse is so heavy, it will be resurrected at any time."

Looking at the corpse-suppressing instruments arranged by Zhuge Kongping around him, a disdainful expression appeared on the first Mao's face.

"This method of corpse suppression has long been outdated. The lineup is large enough, but it is impractical."

After that, he kicked away all the Xuanyuan mirrors and the wooden fir stakes around him, and even pulled out the coffin nails on the bronze-armored corpse.

"Such a good variety is willing to nail it with nails? I really don't have the heart of pity for Xiangxiangxiyu."

No. [*] Mao ignored the role of the coffin nails and directly nailed the coffin out.

As soon as the coffin nails were pulled out, the bronze-armored corpse suddenly opened his eyes.

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