Except for Jiang Lin, no one else could handle this staring effort.

"This evil girl will talk big, and I really think who is pregnant."

"Yes, yes."

Qiu Chunan and Deng Tianguang originally had the idea of ​​running away, but seeing that Xie Ji's attack didn't hurt Jiang Lin at all, they turned on the mocking mode.

"Asura Demon Flame!"

Xie Ji became angry with shame, and the Shura fire seal on her forehead emitted a bright red light, and the fire seal was like the nozzle of a flamethrower.

"Playing with fire with me? Guns are not as much as mine, and fire is not as strong as mine!"

Jiang Lin put his wrists together, put them on his waist, and pushed them out suddenly.

The spiritual power and Yang flames in his body continuously gathered into his palms, and a golden fire column was sprayed out.

"Super Turtle School Qigong!"

Since Jiang Lin was able to use the Paiyang Palm, he has never had the experience of dealing with waves, which is a small regret for him.

Today his regret is finally gone.

The golden pillar of fire faced the Asura Demon Flame that was sprayed out.

Xie Ji's Asura Demon Flame doesn't know how many Taoist monks and monks have been burned to death, and monks have also been burned to death by demonic flames.

For her own magic flame, Xie Ji is very confident.

It was definitely a surprise that what she said just now became big words.

However, the truth gave her a slap in the face, and only after seeing Jiang Lin's methods did she know what playing with fire was.

"This is impossible!"

Xie Ji widened her eyes, unable to believe what she saw.

She has also seen the natural fire spirit body, but it is absolutely impossible to control the flame to such a degree.

Under the attack of Jiang Lin's Yang Yan, the Asura Demon Flame retreated steadily, and within a few blinks of an eye, the pillar of fire fell on Xie Ji's face.

Yang Yan contained the true fire of the sun, as well as the blue heart ice flame absorbed by Jiang Lin before.

Xie Ji was first frozen into an ice sculpture from top to bottom, and finally the high-heat flames wrapped the ice cubes.


The hairy screams resounded in the four fields, and Xie Ji's body was burned into a piece of coke.


Caiyi and Ayan hugged excitedly when they saw their man defeated Xie Ji.

Bai Min'er also breathed a sigh of relief.

"This is the end?"

Jiang Lin frowned. Although the Yang Pai Palm was considered his super kill, it was not enough to use this method to kill Xie Ji who was close to the level of the Demon Emperor.

"No, the system didn't remind Xie Ji to be eliminated."

Chapter [*] The evil princess whose plug-in expired

Although Jiang Lin had confidence in his own strength, he did not underestimate Xie Ji because of this.

Xie Ji was burned like this, she was too confident in herself and didn't take Jiang Lin seriously.

She thought that her Asura Demon Flame could burn Jiang Lin into a stick, but she did not expect that she would become a living target and was directly killed by Jiang Lin.

Naked super kills.

When Xie Ji reacted, it was too late, and Yang Yan rushed to her.

"Huh? Sure enough, he didn't die."

Jiang Lin discovered that Xie Ji had only been burned with flesh and bones, and there were many skulls in that piece of coke.

The barbecue on Xie Ji gradually wriggled and began to change to the color of her skin.

"I am going to kill you!"

This time, Xie Ji's voice was no longer as sharp as a woman's, but a man's voice.

I am!

The veins on Jiang Lin's forehead came out.

Xie Ji is not a woman!

Thinking of what Xie Ji said before, as well as her possessiveness towards Caiyi, Jiang Lin felt a fire in his chest.

I really want to grab a woman from him.

Perhaps it was because he underestimated Jiang Lin before and suffered a big loss, this time Xie Ji rushed directly to kill Jiang Lin.

"You shemale, you still want to be a third party, I will kill you!"

Jiang Lin is not to be outdone, he is not afraid of Taoism, and he is not afraid of fighting.

During the close combat with Xie Ji, Jiang Lin thoroughly understood the strength of Xie Ji, and his strength and defense were higher than him.

Right now, his body refining technique has not yet reached the full limit. If he does not choose to corpse, his strength and defense will not reach the limit.

Even if he confronts Xie Ji with a corpse incarnation, it will be a little worse.

Xie Ji has more than a thousand years of cultivation, and in the past thousand years, she has grown by mutilating living beings, and Jiang Lin's corpse incarnation is still in the stage of malnutrition, so there will naturally be some gaps between the two.

However, the hardware is not enough. Jiang Lin uses technology to make it up. Xie Ji wants to kill him, but he is still far from it.

Xie Ji roared again and again, she couldn't beat Jiang Lin.

She is stronger than Jiang Lin and physically stronger than Jiang Lin, but she is always beaten.

It's so frustrating.

Even if he was beaten, Jiang Lin would throw his hidden weapons from time to time.

Relying on hard power alone, Jiang Lin may not be able to take advantage of it for a while, but he still has many means.

"Elder Sister, should we go up and help?"

Caiyi and Ayan are very worried about Jiang Lin, and now Jiang Lin is in a hard fight.

"Don't go over, the senior can handle it himself. If we go up to distract him, it will cause trouble."

"Holding the sun! I've encountered a guy who doesn't act without acting."

Gradually, Jiang Lin found that the damage he caused to Xie Ji had disappeared.

What's more abhorrent is that Xie Ji's blood bar can gradually recover, and she still doesn't lose blue.

The light cast by the red star in the starry sky seems to be able to help Xie Ji recover from her injuries and supplement her consumption.

"Min'er, the Demon Suppressing Orb on Caiyi's body is Master Liansheng's Relic Orb, right? Give it to Liao Zhen!"

Jiang Lin felt that he couldn't solve Xie Ji by himself, and if he continued like this, even if he was refining corpse poison and replenishing his spiritual power all the time.

"Liansheng Stinking Monk?"

Xie Ji immediately turned her gaze to Liao Zhen's body.

Taking advantage of the moment when the evil princess shifted his attention, Jiang Lin gathered his own spiritual power and Yang Yan, causing the three-legged golden crow and the ruthless Yang Xuanguang to appear at the same time.

Open the lore!

After the explosion subsided, Xie Ji's hands and feet were blown away, and her whole body was cracked. This time she injured the source.

With a loud roar, a bolt of lightning spewed out of Xie Ji's mouth, hitting Jiang Lin's chest with lightning speed.

"Shit, a shemale discharges me."

Jiang Lin screamed in agony, and high voltage currents were all over his body. If it wasn't for his physical strength far exceeding that of ordinary people, he would have been directly shattered by electricity.


"do not come!"

The powerful current has been invading every part of Jiang Lin's body. Anyone who touches him at this time will probably be hit by high-voltage electricity.


Since hard resistance had no effect, Jiang Lin simply released his corpse poison.

The electric current on his body rushes up when it encounters the corpse poison. Yang Yan can refine the corpse poison, and so can thunder and lightning.

Jiang Lin consumed a lot of corpse poison and neutralized the current in his body. Not only that, but the spiritual power in his body was also replenished because the corpse poison was refined.

Just when Jiang Lin was busy solving his own problems, on the other side, Xie Ji's broken arm and stump were merged together and floated into the air.

She was injured at the source, and even if she had the recovery of magic power, it would be greatly damaged.

"Want to go? Min'er, Caiyi, the Three Realms Flying Immortal Formation!"

Bai Min'er and the others were reminded by Jiang Lin and started to activate the formation. The spirit swords of the three of them gathered together, and then separated into a hundred and ten sword shadows.

Sword shadows flew, pinning the evil princess who recovered in mid-air to the ground.

At this moment, golden light bloomed on Liao Zhen's body, who provided spiritual power for the Flying Immortal Array, and the black hair on his head gradually disappeared, becoming a monk.

Just now, the relic orb was submerged in his body due to the irradiation of the mysterious light of the fierce Yang, which allowed him to restore the memory of Master Liansheng.

"Daoist Li Yang, Xie Ji is absorbing Chixing's magic power. She has established a connection between herself and Chixing. As long as Chixing's magic light is still there, it is not easy to kill. Now this seat uses her own Daoguo and Baimei Shitai to stay in ancient times. The large formation in the tomb bombarded the red star together, breaking its magic power."

"Are you Master Liansheng?"

"This seat is the Arhat in front of my Buddha's seat. In the past life, I was a monk who attained the Tao. The Dharma name was Liansheng. In this life, I was reborn as Liao Zhen. I came to settle a grudge with Xie Ji."

Liao Zhen pointed at Qiu Chunan and Deng Tianguang, who were foaming at the mouth, and regained their yang energy, then hovered in mid-air and sat cross-legged, folded his hands, and flew to the top of the ancient tomb.

"Liansheng you are a stinky monk, you have been haunted for thousands of years."

Liao Zhen ignored Xie Ji's insults and held the Demon Seal, echoing the formation in the ancient tomb.

A thunderbolt shot out from the top of the ancient tomb, and Liao Zhen was wrapped by the thunderbolt and turned into a streamer and rushed into the starry sky.

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