Afterwards, Jiang Lin told Uncle Jiu about Loujia Village. Uncle Jiu was also very emotional, and was very pleased that Jiang Lin helped the villagers of Loujia Village for free.

"Uncle Shi, Senior Brother, come up and take a ride. The car is big enough. Uncle Shi, I'll tell you one more thing when I go back. It may be a disaster for us cultivators."

Seeing that Jiang Lin was speaking solemnly, and knowing that he had something to tell him urgently, Jiu Shu boarded the carriage with Qiu Sheng.

Qiu Sheng was very depressed. Being able to sit in the same car with the three beauties was a very happy thing, but he didn't dare to look around at all.

Ninth Uncle was a little embarrassed to ride in the same car with the three beauties, and Qiusheng was even more uncomfortable, so as soon as they reached the door of Yizhuang, the two quickly got out of the car.

"Wencai, I was abused by my junior brother again."

When Qiusheng entered Yizhuang, he cried with Wen Cai, who came back first, that he was too hurt. His junior brother could bring his wife back once he went out, but he and Wen Cai did not know how long it would take to completely snatch the woman of God.

"Ow, master is back!"

The colorful tiger king, who was enjoying the cool air at the entrance of the Taoist temple, saw Jiang Lin, and immediately went up to him, nodding and bowing.

"Demon... Demon King?"

Bai Min'er and two junior sisters were frightened by the demonic aura of the colorful tiger king. Although they looked like a house cat, they were indeed a demon king.

"This is Tom, the janitor of my house."

The three girls stared at each other, and let a demon king be the gatekeeper?Their microwave pies are not so high profile.

When King Panlan saw the three beauties get out of the car, he instantly felt that his master was really too good.

"Hello, mistresses!"

Bai Min'er frowned, her face flushed.

"Don't yell, these two are you Caiyi and Mistress Ayan. That is their senior sister, Miss Min'er, not the mistress."

Not yet?

After that for sure!

The King Panlan Tiger respectfully saluted the three girls, and then helped them take their luggage.


The four daughters-in-law of the family came to the door together. When they saw the three beauties behind Jiang Lin, they were all stunned.


The Flying Mouse King in Ren Zhuzhu's pocket suddenly even wanted to die, and making the four mistresses happy has already made him tired, so there are three more?

"Caiyi, Ayan, these are your four sisters, Chili, Tingting, Zhuzhu and Jingjing."

"Hello sisters!"

Although Bai Min'er was a little embarrassed, she still greeted them, calling them sister as well.

She originally wanted to call her senior, but she couldn't say it. These four girls looked like seventeen or eighteen years old. Calling senior would make people angry.

Caiyi saw Ren Tingting and the others, and exchanged glances with Ayan, why is your husband over a thousand years old and only five women?

"Why are there so few sisters?"

Ayan couldn't hold back, and asked, making everyone stunned.

Jiang Lin: "..."

The four daughters-in-law looked at Jiang Lin with delightful expressions, and then welcomed the three younger sisters into the house.

"Husband, with so few elder sisters, what kind of little law is that?"

"Yes, husband, now there are three more sisters, isn't there still less?"

Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu walked side by side with Jiang Lin, looking at him resentfully.

I haven't come back for more than three months, and I'm getting better with my sister outside.

"Have you slept too much these past few months?"

Jiang Lin pinched the two sisters' flowers, patpat. He used to shout about going to sleep, but now he dares to feel jealous.

The two women let out a soft snort, and Xiaofen punched Jiang Lin's chest.

Zhang Han, who was taking a nap, came out of the room and fell down when he saw three more charming girls beside the four disciples-in-law.

Now the three wives and four concubines are all together!No, more than three wives and four concubines!

"Master, this is Caiyi and Ayan, your disciple-in-law, this is their senior sister."

After the three girls saluted Zhang Han, Jiang Lin asked Ren Tingting to arrange accommodation for them.

"Lin Zi, is it two or three? That Senior Sister is an alchemist and should have a good baby."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, Master, can we not give birth?

"Master, my uncle just came back today. I have something to tell you. Master, prepare yourself. I'm afraid I'll make you jump up."

Zhang Han's face was full of disbelief, what could make him jump up?When he is scared big?

"Uncle Shi, I originally wrote to you a month ago to inform you, but you were out."

In Yizhuang, Jiang Lin took the letter he sent to Jiu Shu and put it on the table.

Seeing Jiang Lin's solemn expression, Jiu Shu asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

"I saw Fei Zong and had a fight."

"Flying stiff???"

Uncle Jiu was stunned in place for a moment, while Zhang Han jumped up directly from the chair.

Chapter [*] The world is about to be in chaos

Freeze?Is there still a fly in this world?

Jiu Shu and Zhang Han looked at each other, unable to believe what they heard.

"Really fly stiff?"

The news was too shocking, even if Uncle Jiu was mentally prepared, he was extremely shocked.

"It's a flying stiffness. Although it is weaker than a normal flying stiffness, what I have encountered is indeed a flying stiffness."

After that, Jiang Lin informed Jiu Shu about the Yaochi Immortal Castle, and he also said about the disappearance of Daoist Chunhua and Fei Zong.

"Flying in the sky, it's really flying stiff."

Jiu Shu's eyebrows have become a Sichuan character.

Jiang Lin was right. For the cultivators, this was a disaster.

Jiu Shu and Zhang Han fell silent. The news was too shocking and needed to be digested.

"Lin Zi, you... are you all right?"

After listening to Jiang Lin's words, Zhang Han felt fearful for a while, and when he encountered Fei Zong, even the Celestial Master was not enough to watch.

Without sharp instruments, Tianshi could not escape death when he encountered Fei Zong.

"It's alright, fortunately I met Daoist Chunhua. Otherwise, if I face it alone, whether I can come back is another matter. Now that Fei Zong and Daoist Chunhua are gone together, I think it may be the same as before. In the same way, Daoist Chunhua and his disciples used some places of miracles to trap Fei Zong. So let's not spread the word for now, so as not to cause panic."

As soon as the news of Fei Zong got out, it would definitely cause an uproar.

Panic is not the patent of ordinary people. If Fei Zong appears and hurts people everywhere, then the cultivator will take his life, or the kind of death and no life.

If Fei Zong has appeared now, it is necessary to inform all colleagues, but now that Fei Zong is gone, there is not much benefit in revealing the news.

Now that the demons of the East have come to this land, if the news of Fei Zong is leaked, it is estimated that the chaos will increase.

"I agree with what Jiang Lin said. Since he has run for several laps in Shu without any news of the fly, the fly is probably trapped somewhere. I will inform Junior Brother Simu and Junior Brother Qianhe, Sammo Hung. The masters and the Wandering Masters are also worthy of trust."

Ninth Uncle went outside and looked at the sky, sighed and said, "It seems that the world is about to be in chaos."

According to Jiang Lin, the last time Fei Zong appeared in the Jiajing period, when the Ming Dynasty was already under constant foreign invasion, and there were constant intrusions from Tartars and Japanese pirates.

This time, the appearance of the flying zombie may also indicate that there will be a continuous war.

Zhang Han, like Ninth Uncle, has a heavy heart, not only because of the future situation, but also because of Jiang Lin.

If Fei Zong appeared, Jiang Lin might bear the brunt of it. Zombies are very vengeful.

"Master, uncle, don't worry, Fei Zong can't kill me for the first time, so he only gets killed by me."

Jiang Lin was going to get in touch. He has a wide network of connections, so he should know where there are some strong monsters and zombies.

After being busy with the affairs on the commander's side, Jiang Lin can push him all the way on the way to Xiangxi.

Now, whether he wants to obtain the corpse attribute or to deal with the possibility of flying zombies in the future, he must go to subdue demons and eliminate demons.

"Lin Zi, you're not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue."

Zhang Han rolled his eyes at Jiang Lin, it was a flying zombie, the thousand-year-old zombie king had to call out the existence of his grandfather, and it was easier said than done to kill it.

"I think Jiang Lin may have killed the flying zombie. You see, since he learned Taoism with me, his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. He can even use swordsmanship at any time."

"What does it mean that he has been my apprentice since he learned Taoism with you."

Ninth Uncle glanced at Zhang Han and said to Jiang Lin, "Jiang Lin, call Master to listen."

Jiang Lin looked at the two who wanted to adjust the atmosphere, and also smiled slightly, and called the ninth uncle, master.

"Hehe, Yimei, even compared to me. I'm his father-in-law. If you have the ability, you can find a daughter and let him do it."

Jiang Lin: "..."

You two quarrel, I'll go back to my daughter-in-law.

Jiang Lin ignored Zhang Han and Jiu Shu who were arguing, and returned to the Daotang first.

After returning home, Jiang Lin's mood was also relaxed. Caiyi and Ayan got along very well with their sisters.

The two girls were very happy, and Ren Tingting didn't show anything to the two of them, nor did she have any unpleasant expressions.

Bai Min'er also felt the enthusiasm of these sisters, and they didn't treat her as an outsider.

Several of Jiang Lin's daughters-in-law came from the girl's house, from their heart to Jianglin's marriage, so they couldn't be more clear about the girl's eyes when they looked at Jiang Lin.

This one is also a sister.

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