Chapter [-] It should have been smooth sailing, but I met Tai Sui

Jiang Lin calmed down his excitement, and his face became serious again.

Based on the previous performance of Zombie King, Jiang Lin has roughly deduced its risk factor.

It is more dangerous than the Zombie King in Teng Teng Town.

But no matter how powerful this zombie king is, Jiang Lin has to take it off!

Before discovering the mystery in the dragon robe, Jiang Lin just wanted to act recklessly.

He also knew that the Nine-Five Corpse Raising Array could change the fortunes of zombies. If the effect of the formation was not solved, it would be very difficult to win the zombie king.

However, the effect of the formation method is not so easy to be eliminated.

The good news is that the power of the Nine-Five Corpse Raising Formation is condensed on the dragon robe, which has a physical medium and also provides the possibility for Jiang Lin to transfer the effect of the Corpse Raising Formation.

"Boldly harassing people, how dare you despise me!"

The Zombie King couldn't stand Jiang Lin's constant sizing of its body and rushed towards Jiang Lin.

"Despise you? You look down on yourself too much, I'm the contempt of the red glutinous rice fruit!"

Jiang Lin released the corpse poison in his bones and greeted the rushing zombie king.

He wants to retain his own spiritual power and wait until the right time to shoot.

"Jerry, you go back and let the commander prepare these materials, which must be gathered within two days."

During the battle, Jiang Lin informed the Flying Rat King of the materials for the formation, and let him go out and collect it.

If you want to pass on the effect of the corpse raising array, it is not enough to get the dragon robe, and you need a huge magic array.

"Master, are you okay?"

Although Jiang Lin's strength is very strong and can subdue the Demon King, the Flying Rat King still has doubts about Jiang Lin's ability. I am afraid that even the Celestial Master will find it difficult to deal with this strange zombie king.

"Don't talk nonsense there, hurry up!"

Jiang Lin hates people saying he can't do it or asking him if he can do it. If it hadn't been for this mouse boy, he wouldn't mind beating him up.

If you want to know if the master can do it, you will know if you experience a beating.

The Flying Rat King didn't dare to neglect, and quickly transformed into a little mouse, which disappeared after a few moments.

The sound of bodies colliding was frequently heard in the underground palace. Jiang Lin completely turned into a zombie king, colliding fiercely with another king.

In terms of strength, Jiang Lin and this Zombie King are on a par, but in terms of defense, he has no advantage. Not only that, the Zombie King he faced was also the most flexible one of the zombies he had ever seen.

"I am the honor of ninety-five, and the emperor cannot be humiliated!"

Also the Zombie King, this Dreaming Zombie was not Jiang Lin's opponent at all.

If it wasn't for the protection of the dragon robe, it would have been beaten down by Jiang Lin now.

Even if there is no harm, the humiliation in the heart makes it more difficult to accept than the external injury.

"It's almost as if you are yellow shit! You can't humiliate the emperor, so I will humiliate you. Come and bite me!"

Jiang Lin kicked him in the face when he lifted his foot, and fantasized about being the emperor when he died. If this dream zombie fell into his hands, he would have to be pulled out to be whipped by the poor people.

The Qing Dynasty forgot all about it, and dreamed of an emperor!

There is a huge fluorite lighting on the top wall of the underground palace. There is no day and night in this underground world. Jiang Lin and Zombie King have been fighting for some time. The ground of the underground palace is full of pits and cracks.

Although the Zombie King couldn't defeat Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin couldn't do anything about it. Jiang Lin was just delaying the time. After the materials for the big formation arrived, he could cause substantial damage to the Zombie King.

If Jiang Lin chooses to use the ultimate move, he can also hurt the zombie king, but correspondingly, the dragon robe that provides shelter for the zombie king may be damaged, which is not what Jiang Lin wants to see.

In the case of not eliminating or transferring the effect, it is useless to take off the dragon robe of the zombie king first.

The Zombie King's eyes were filled with green corpse aura, and he was extremely angry.

He grabbed the palm of his hand into the tree palace, and a sheathed long sword appeared in the hands of the zombie king.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Shangfang Sword?

Jiang Lin laughed, "Having a sword is amazing?"Thought he didn't?

"Bone sword unsheathed!"

Even if the Zombie King took a Shangfang sword, it would bring shame upon itself.

Jiang Lin looked at the Zombie King who was no longer speaking, and shook his head slightly.

This zombie king tried to subvert the imperial power during his lifetime, but failed. After his death, he put on a dragon robe and turned into a zombie. He thought he could make all the corpses bow his head, but when he woke up, he met Jiang Lin.

Make it completely suspicious of corpses.

Half a day later, the Flying Mouse King dragged a large sack to the entrance of the tunnel. It was a little dazed for a while when he saw the Zombie King below being suppressed by Jiang Lin.

Can you suppress that zombie king with just a sword without Taoism?

"No, two zombie kings!"

The Flying Rat King saw the fangs beside Jiang Lin's mouth, and only felt that his tongue was dry.

It turns out that its owner is a zombie king!

Until now, the Flying Mouse King was fortunate that when he met Jiang Lin, it and the stupid tiger did not choose to fight against Jiang Lin.

Otherwise, there will be absolutely no scum.

"Master, the materials have been brought."

The rat king jumped to the canopy of the huge cypress tree with the big sack and went down the tree.

"If you stop it, you can't let it run away. If you do it this time, it won't take long for you to fly. If you can't complete the mission, hey, I'll change to a useful pet."

Jiang Lin threw the Shang Fang sword he had taken to the Flying Rat King, and gave it a radish and a stick.

"Master, don't worry, Jerry will complete his mission no matter what, even if he sacrifices his life..."

Before the Flying Rat King could finish speaking, he was kicked away by Jiang Lin, and the Zombie King was ready to find a way to escape.

"I not only want to eat chicken, I also want to fly!"

The Flying Rat King gave a strange cry, manifested his own body, controlled Shang Fang's sword with his tail, and waved his claws to chase and intercept the Zombie King.

It didn't dare to use all the power, its master was a zombie king, and if the master was angry because it didn't complete the task, it would not be impossible for it to be drained of blood.

Thinking of how he turned into a mummified corpse, the Flying Rat King was like a bucket of stimulants.

"Seven-star transfer formation!"

Jiang Lin arranged the materials in the sack according to certain rules. Although these materials were very rare and precious, Jiang Lin did not feel much distress.

Using these materials to exchange the effect of the Ninety-five Corpse Raising Array is definitely a profit.

"Fortunately, I am a zombie, otherwise this opportunity will only be wasted."

The dragon robe condenses the power of the formation, which can be used as a medium to eliminate or transfer the effect of the formation on the zombie king, but if it is transferred, it must be transferred to the zombie.

Jiang Lin felt that his trip to the tomb had made a lot of money.

"Raise the corpse in an array and sleep for thousands of years, but it turned out to be a wedding dress for me."

If it hadn't met Jiang Lin, this Dreaming Zombie would have been able to grow up and have smooth sailing, but unfortunately it encountered Jiang Lin, a zombie who was too old.

Chapter [-] Great change in temperament

"It seems that this mouse boy is really struggling."

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin arranged the formation, and when he came to the tree palace, he saw the Flying Rat King with a bald tail.

It now has multiple bowl-sized wounds on its body, and several pieces of flesh with leather straps have been torn off on its back.

"Lord... people, Jerry lives up to the master's entrustment."

The Flying Rat King was about to cry, if Jiang Lin didn't come again, he would be bruised all over his body.

"I want to rule the world!"

The Zombie King has lost his mind, was beaten by Jiang Lin, or was bullied, but was torn and scratched by a mouse, making it completely runaway.

Jiang Lin's figure flashed, and he directly kicked the Zombie King to the ground.

"Hold it down!"

"Ow~ I told you to fight with Lao Tzu!"

With Jiang Lin by his side, the Flying Rat King finally became stubborn, it jumped up, and its four claws held the Zombie King's limbs.

Because the Zombie King was lying on his back, with a large character, and his limbs were crushed by a giant rat that weighed thousands of pounds, it was also difficult to get up for a while without any help.

"Master, what else do you do?"

"Pick it off! Take off its dragon robe."

Flying Rat King: "..."

Master, do you do this, are the mistresses willing?

Before Jiang Lin looked at the Zombie King with his eyes, the Flying Rat King felt strange, but now Jiang Lin was going to strip the Zombie King's clothes again, making it unclear what Jiang Lin wanted to do.

Do you want to play this zombie king?

Seeing the strange look in the big mouse's eyes, Jiang Lin flicked a yang finger and went out, rewarding the stupid mouse with a brain.

The Flying Rat King whimpered, and then used his tail to stick into the collar of the Zombie King.


Jiang Lin originally thought that the Flying Rat King would bite with his teeth, but he didn't expect that it would use its tail, which was very tentacle-like.

This scene is very similar to the island) (the scene in some bad cartoons of the country, there are octopuses and women.

What a ghost touch.

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