But it felt that Jiang Lin was obviously not easy to mess with, so it rushed towards the crowd in the square.

It now needs a lot of essence to heal its injuries, and there seem to be a few cultivators in the crowd, which will be more helpful to its recovery.

"Damn it! The long worm dares to steal Lao Tzu's reward!"

The Flying Rat King saw that the snake demon wanted to attack Abe Yewang's idea, regardless of whether it was his natural enemy, let alone the burns on his body, and went up to grab the head with the snake demon.

King Abe Ye has never been humiliated so much. Even if he was abolished by Jiang Lin and beat him so much that his own mother didn't even know him, it was still in the hands of people.

But now, a big snake and a big mouse treat him as food, and they fight for him.

Ah puff!

Up to now, Abe Yewang can't do anything except vomit blood.

Just as the snake demon was madly swallowing people, a huge black centipede eight or nine meters long and a black poisonous spider five or six meters wide appeared in the depths of the Dan room.

"Wow day!"

The Flying Rat King immediately persuaded, it chose to change shape without hesitation, turned into a little mouse and got into the crowd.

A figure flew out from the crowd, Abe Yewang was thrown out by the little mouse and fell in front of Jiang Lin.

When the snake demon found King Abe Ye, he was already lying in front of Jiang Lin, who was covered in flames. Xinzi spat twice, and the snake demon looked at the three magicians.

It didn't dare to approach Jianglin. Since there is still food, don't mess with that terrifying guy.

Abe Ye Wang still remembered, but was stepped on the head by the little mouse who ran back

The dignified Japanese yin and yang Taoist Daoist was trampled on the head by Jiang Lin's pet.



The magician and the soldiers desperately tried to rescue their adults, but were blocked by three big monsters.

"I didn't expect that the thing I regret most in my life is to invade China."

King Abe Ye raised his head with difficulty, looking at Jiang Lin who was like a fire god, his face was full of resentment.

"Go to hell, little Japan!"

Jiang Lin just glanced at Qiu Wang, picked up a bullet beside him, and pierced his eyebrows.

"Bite him."

"Thank you master!"

The Flying Rat King changed back to his body again, holding Abe Yewang's body and sending it to his mouth.


When the three magicians saw that their Taoist master was eaten by a mouse, they were furious and spitting blood.

"The meat is so fucking stinky, forget it, eat it like stinky tofu."

The Flying Rat King commented on the meat quality of Abe Yewang while nibbling.

King Abe Ye was about to find a chance to escape in the hidden soul, but after hearing the comments of the mouse, he suddenly failed to control his mentality, and there were mistakes in hiding.

"Want to leave? Borrowing a corpse to bring back the soul?"

Jiang Lin roared, opened his fangs-like mouth, and sucked in his soul.

Half an hour later, the square was covered with corpses and pus.

All the Japanese who came in to steal the national treasure, along with the traitors, all died.

Chapter [*] This leader is so cruel

Jiang Lin didn't expect Jin's tomb to be so dangerous. Seven or eight hundred people came in with guns to explore the tomb, and all of them went back and forth.

However, the poisons did not take much advantage, and it is estimated that [*] to [*]% of the dead.

The square is full of the bodies of black snakes and centipedes, most of which were hit by guns. As for black spiders, most of them were burned to death.

In addition to the three big demons being seriously injured, the spider demon ate a lot of peanuts, and the back shell of the big centipede was very hard and was basically uninjured.

Jiang Lin walked to the pile of supplies by the gate of the Dan room and found a camera. He took a few pictures of the square, and even three big demons were photographed by him.

So many Japanese died in Dashuai's jurisdiction. If the things from Jin's tomb were taken away by Dashuai, Dashuai would not be able to shirk.

With these photos, you can directly toss it to the top.

"Go back first."

Jiang Lin didn't plan to move these three big monsters. Now he needs to completely assimilate the fire spirit in his body, and if he wants to enter the tomb of Jin, he needs to make a lot of preparations, so there is no point in staying here.

He alone and the Flying Rat King couldn't get rid of these thousands of poisonous insects and poisonous snakes.

"It was a great harvest."

Jiang Lin looked at the eight-foot Qionggou jade in his hand, smiling brightly, this time the equipment was finally exploded and shipped!

Glittering jewelry outfit.

Although he didn't go into the depths of the pill room, and he didn't see the clues or the shadow of the pill, Jiang Lin didn't feel that it was a pity. To him, Huo Ling and Gouyu were much more precious than the ethereal pill.

The fly in the ointment is that King Abe Ye's Sky Cong Cloud Sword was not brought with him, and his other two holding spirits were not summoned, otherwise Jiang Lin would gain more.

After Jiang Lin left, he first went to the village where Abe Yewang settled down, and searched their camp, but there was no trace of the cloud sword in the sky.

"Brother, you can be considered back, how is the situation?"

"Master, a photo was taken here. Let's go back to the county seat and develop the photo. I'll tell you what to do when the time comes. I need to practice, don't let anyone disturb me."

Jiang Lin didn't say much to the commander, and it was meaningless to say it.

"Don't worry, brother, the owner of this family has been sent away by me with the money to travel to the town for three days."

Jiang Lin gave the camera to the commander, and went back to the house to continue refining the fire spirit.

A day later, Jiang Lin and Dashuai came to the photo studio in the county town and developed the negatives.

The handsome man was so frightened that he scratched his body when he saw the situation in the photo. There were snakes, centipedes and spiders all over the floor. Even a man's resistance was a bit unbearable.

"Brother, this...how do we explore this Jin tomb?"

The commander's face was still a little stiff. Even though Jiang Lin's ability was great, he was still able to deal with demons and monsters. In the face of this dense number of poisonous insects, his ability to subdue demons and eliminate demons was useless.

"How to detect? Isn't it just some long-worm poisonous spiders."

Although there are a lot of poisons in the pill room, Jiang Lin is not helpless, especially when he can mobilize the soldiers under the commander, it is not difficult to find the right way to push it horizontally.

After listening to Jiang Lin's words, the commander wanted to roll his eyes, but he didn't dare.

Just worm poison?

That's in thousands, not to mention foreign guns and artillery, it's useless to pull all the gasoline in the army.

If he hadn't really known that Jiang Lin's skills were outrageous, the commander would have thought he was bragging.

Seeing the cold sweat on the handsome man's head, Jiang Lin shook his head and said, "Master, let the people under your command catch toads and mongooses. We have quite a few crab-eating mongooses and red-cheeked mongooses here. Let people look for roosters. The number of each is no less than a thousand, otherwise, trying to enter this Jin tomb is purely courting death."

Not only do the five elements have the ability to generate and control each other, but living beings also control each other. Although these poisonous insects and poisonous spiders are extremely poisonous and numerous, as long as there are a sufficient number of natural enemies, they can be eliminated in the pill room.

The mountain where Jin's tomb is located has been opened. After the poison in the pill room has eaten up the corpses inside, it will go out. Once such a large number of poisons are scattered, the surrounding villagers are likely to be poisoned.

These poisons may have swallowed some herbs and poisonous residues in the pill room. The toxicity on the body is not comparable to that of ordinary snakes and insects. If there is an outbreak of snakes and insects, it will be a small disaster.

Seven days later, the army set out, bringing several carts of meerkat, toad, and chicken coops to the tomb of Jin.

Jiang Lin did not let the army enter the Dan room first, but let them send the meerkat, the toad, and thousands of roosters into the robbery cave.

These beasts don't have to go out deliberately at all. They smell the food and rush into the pill room.

Jiang Lin and the Flying Rat King also entered the robbery cave. There were three big demons inside, and they couldn't let them deal with these toads and roosters.

Everyone followed Jiang Lin to the square in the Dan room, and the scene in front of them made their hands with guns tremble.

There were corpses and broken limbs everywhere, and countless poisonous snakes and centipedes rushed over like a tide.

The commander bit the bullet and let his subordinates sprinkle sulfur powder around and set it on fire to avoid being attacked by snakes and insects.

"Brother, I really have you."

When the commander saw the natural enemy battle in the square, he really admired Jiang Lin.

If it weren't for Jiang Lin's idea, I'm afraid he has thousands of soldiers, and they can't do anything about this Jin tomb.

"Jerry, go help."

There are many big guys in the snake group and the centipede group. Even the natural enemies will be killed by them. If this goes on, it will take some time to clean up these poisons.

Half an hour later, the three big demons reappeared on the square, perhaps because they devoured the pill slag in the pill room. These big demons were not cultivated normally, so they couldn't compare to other big demons spiritually.

Seeing thousands of natural enemies in the square, their first reaction was to go up and destroy the natural enemies.

The commander's subordinates are all dead gray. They have never seen such a big snake and centipede since they grew up. Although the size of the big spider is not too scary, its horror level is not low at all.

"If you want to bully the small, pass me first."

Jiang Lin took out the Yang Finger Sword and rushed up. It was difficult for him to deal with groups of small poisons by himself, but it was not a problem to deal with three old poisons.

"Master, it's okay for the Taoist priest to catch ghosts and zombies. Can he handle these three giant beasts?"

"Idiot, if it doesn't work, will my brother die?"

Just as the commander was swearing, Jiang Lin had already cut off the neck of the snake demon bucket, leaving only the headless snake body twisted on the ground.

After beheading the snake demon, Jiang Lin picked up the spider demon, and a few yang-fingered swords left his hand and inserted it into its spider belly. After an explosion, the spider demon also went to the west.

The most troublesome of the three big demons is the centipede demon. Its back shell is as hard as the corpse of a zombie. Jiang Lin took a lot of effort to pierce the gap between its arthropods with the Yang Finger Sword before removing it. Cut into eight pieces.

This master is so cruel.

The commander's men looked at Jiang Lin in the square, eager to put down the foreign guns in their hands and follow Jiang Lin to learn Taoism.

Chapter [*] Bad Omen!

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