Corpse Level: Green Zombie

  Exercise: Yang Mian Jue (Level [-])

  Body Refinement: Green Stiffness (Level [-])

  Swordsmanship: Bone Sword (fourth stage - five layers)

  Charms: Inducing Yang Talisman (Perfect), Yang Finger Sword (Perfect), Lightning Magic Talisman (Perfect), Secret Poison Slave Mantra (Perfect), Fire Collection Talisman (Perfect), Breathing Talisman (Level [-]), Antidote Talisman ( Level [-]), Fire Talisman (Level [-]), Voice Transmission (Level [-]), Wish-breaking Talisman (Level [-]) +

  Violence value: [-]

  I don't know if I don't see it, but when I saw it, I was startled. Jiang Lin didn't expect that the Violence Point that he had acquired during this period of time was almost [-].

  "Yes, I killed a lot of Dianbai demons, ghost soldiers, and golden shrouds while exploring the ancient tomb of the Corpse Emperor, plus the three big demons and the fog demon this time."

  Jiang Lin felt a little nervous in his heart. If he had a little more anger, he would be able to obtain the corpse-like attribute of absolute self-healing.

  Turn around and don't die, it's too arrogant.

  But now that the visit to Jin's tomb is imminent, Jiang Lin has no way to get more hostility.

  Level up or get corpse attributes?

  Jiang Lin is now able to obtain the attribute of strengthening defense, which requires [-] points of hostility, but in this case, he will not be able to upgrade the cultivation technique and body refining technique.

  As for the other corpse attributes, Jiang Lin wanted to put them aside first. He could barely do it using Taoism to shoot objects in the air. The freshness was not very great, and the suspension was not very helpful for this tomb exploration, so he passed it directly. .

  After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin still decided to obtain the corpse attribute that strengthens the defense, which is a powerful means for him to remain invincible.

  Even if there are really hairy or flying zombies in Jin's tomb, with this attribute, he can fight across levels in a short period of time.

"Pop! Get the Enhanced Defense attribute and consume [-] points of Violence."

Chapter [-] Are hands and feet so precious?

The remaining suffocation points were less than [-] points, and neither the exercises nor the body-refinement tactics could be upgraded. Jiang Lin thought about it for a while and saved it. This way, as long as he encounters any evil ghost, he will take it away. Then, you can upgrade the Yang Mian Jue or the Heavenly Corpse Transformation.

"Try the defensive effect."

Jiang Lin took the Zhengbone Sword into his hand, and after the corpse was turned into a corpse, he strengthened the defense of his left arm. He swiped the blade upward, leaving only a slight white mark.

With the sharpness of the Zhengbone Sword now, even if it is scratched on the Zombie King's body, it can leave a scar, but after he has strengthened his defense, the Zhengbone Sword can't be scratched.

This effect is really worth it!

Two days later, the smoke in the pill room had almost dissipated, and Jiang Lin and the commander entered it again.

In the past two days, the commander has already shipped all the things in the army, including human-powered searchlights.

Jiang Lin asked the Flying Rat King to hang the searchlight ten meters above the mountain wall.

Looking at the overall layout and area of ​​the Dan room, Jiang Lin felt that the place called the Dan room was definitely low, and it was a Dan palace!

In front of the square is a city, and there are several palaces in and behind the city.

The city is built on the inner wall of the low mountain, and there are many cracks on the inner wall of the mountain it relies on. Among them, three cracks are particularly huge, which should be the shelters of the three big demons.

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes and stared at the city, but there were many trees planted in the city, obscuring his sight.

After landing, Jiang Lin frowned and looked around the Dan Palace. Before his eyelids hadn't twitched, he didn't notice anything wrong with the Dan Palace.

But now, adhering to the principle of being careful and not making a big mistake, Jiang Lin really found something strange here.

The people who died in the square have been dead for more than seven days, and the number has reached seven or eight hundred, but there is no trace of ghosts here.

"Brother, can you come in?"

The commander leaned up and rubbed his hands together to ask.He and Jiang Lin had the sweetness, and he felt a little impatient, but he really didn't dare to act without Jiang Lin's permission.

In case there is another group of poisonous snakes and centipedes, it can directly kill him.

"Take protective measures and open the door. Don't tamper with anything inside, and don't relax."

Even though the Dan Palace was a little unusual, Jiang Lin decided to go in and have a look.

"Listen to my brother!"

With Jiang Lin's permission, the commander immediately passed the order on.

The large group crossed the square to push open the gate of the city.

As soon as the city gate was opened, there was a sound of ghost crying and wolf howling.

However, this sound did not frighten the soldiers behind Jiang Lin, and their eyes were fixed on the city.

Jinshan, Yinshan, Yushan and a large number of porcelain jewelry are displayed on the main street in the city.

Even Jiang Lin was shocked by the sight in the city. When he was overlooking from a high place, he only saw some outlines because of the distance, and he did not expect that all of them were treasures.

After the city gate was opened, the air flowed in the city, and a burst of air rushed toward the face.

It doesn't taste right!

Jiang Lin just wanted the commander to lead his men to retreat, but many of the commander's men rushed in like hungry wolves when they saw the food, and Jiang Lin was also squeezed into the city gate.

"Idiot! Don't move around!"

Jiang Lin drank, are all these people out of their minds?

Where there are mausoleums that display gold and silver treasures directly on the ground, it is clear that they want people to snatch them.

But Jiang Lin's shouts were of no use, and even the commander fired a gun, these people turned a deaf ear.

The soldiers also seemed to be stunned by magic, going to snatch gold and silver treasures, and some of them swooped on the golden mountain five or six meters high with red eyes.

"Master, you don't blame me for courting death."

Jiang Lin had no intention of saving people. He came to visit the tomb, and was not obliged to be a full-time nanny for the commander's subordinates.

The commander clearly told these people to take protective measures, but they didn't listen.

The people behind him who didn't get hit were all people who had a piece of anti-virus gauze hanging on their face.

This anti-virus gauze is one for everyone, but these people are unwilling to bring it.

"Master, it seems that they think that following you, everything will be fine, just wait and count the money."

The Flying Rat King on Jiang Lin's shoulder glanced at the handsome man and couldn't help teasing.

He was so handsome that he blushed and had a thick neck. These bastards looking for death made him lose his prestige in front of Jiang Lin several times.

"Master, something is wrong. After a burst of air just now rushed over, even a demon king of mine had the urge to hunt for treasures."

Jiang Lin nodded, took out a few fire talismans in his hand, and threw them to the trees next to each other not far away. There was definitely something wrong with these trees.

Even if the handsome and their faces have anti-virus gauze on their faces, maybe they will still be recruited after a while.

At the moment when a few trees caught fire, the city gate behind him slammed shut, and there was a sound of organs on the surrounding city walls.

This city is a trap!


The sky-filled eagle-like arrows flew down from the three city walls, and each arrow could pierce a person's body.

"Brother, what can I do? I don't want to."

The commander had a bitter look on his face, and when he saw the dense arrows in the sky, his face turned pale with fright.

It's all these bastards who are disobedient, and next time, they will be shot directly!

This time I was hurt badly by these bastards.

Jiang Lin glanced at the surrounding city walls and formed a seal in his hand, causing Yang Yan to turn into a three-legged golden crow.

The Golden Crow spread its wings, and arrows with eagle feathers fell into it, and the shafts of the arrows turned to ashes in an instant.

But the soldiers who rushed into the street before were all skewered.


"Don't be afraid if there is a Daoist!"

When the soldiers saw the cold arrows in the air were burned to ashes, they gasped and even cheered.

Jiang Lin glanced at these people, watching them both happy and sad.

There were not many people lost in the tomb exploration before, so that they did not take their own lives seriously.

Although the shaft of the eagle-like arrow turned to ashes, the arrow still had speed, like a stray bullet, and continued to fly.

It didn't take long for the soldiers' mourning to be heard from the ground.

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