"Don't worry, uncle."

Jiang Lin waved to Qiusheng and Wencai, and went back to Daotang to hug his daughter-in-law to sleep.

At the same time, Shi Jian in the inn was looking for his precious son in a panic.

Just now he slept until the middle of the night, and suddenly his heart throbbed, his eyelids twitched wildly, and he was fine, so he guessed that something had happened to his son.

"Shao Jian, Shao Jian!"

Shi Jian broke out in a cold sweat, not knowing what danger his son encountered.

Although Shaojian's strength is good, he will definitely not provoke some evil things. Now that people are gone, and there is danger, he must have encountered the same person.

Could it be Lin Jiu and the others?

Thinking of the conflict between himself, Uncle Jiu and Jiang Lin during this period of time, Shi Jian didn't care about the [-], he just put his hat on the heads of Uncle Jiu and Jiang Lin.

"Even if you didn't do it, help me find my son!"

Today in the western restaurant, Shi Jian was so angry that he lost so much money, and he acted in a show. The most unbearable thing for him was that Ninth Uncle and Jiang Lin still watched him laugh.

Now that there is a chance, how can Shi Jian make Ninth Uncle and Jiang Lin sleep peacefully.

"Junior Brother, Junior Brother, open the door!"

It didn't take long for Shi Jian to come to the door of Yizhuang, and patted the door indiscriminately.

He just wanted Ninth Uncle and Jiang Lin not to sleep well.


Jiang Lin and Ren Tingting were exercising, and the sound of the old things outside was so loud that it was so loud.

"Husband, don't go, Tingting still wants."

The confused Ren Tingting hugged Jiang Lin, causing Jiang Lin to scold Shi Jian for being immortal.

Jiu Shu also just closed his eyes and fell asleep when he was woken up by the sound outside.

Big Brother?

Could it be that Shi Shaojian came to trouble Jiang Lin?

Jiu Shu frowned slightly, put on his clothes and opened the door.

"Big Brother."

"Junior brother, Shaojian is missing, and his life may be in danger. I can't find him anywhere. I want to ask junior brother a favor."

Shi Jian had a sad expression on his face, and his face was full of pleading. He went up and took Ninth Uncle's hand. If outsiders saw it, they would definitely think how good the relationship between the two brothers is.

"what's up?"

When Jiang Lin came out of the Taoist hall, he saw Shi Jian's acting skills exploded.

What does this old thing mean?In the daytime, I wish I could use my teeth to bite off my ninth uncle's waist, and now come here to sell miserably?

Ninth Uncle also scolded Shi Jian for being shameless, can he be thicker?

Stealing my business, making trouble on my chassis, now my apprentice is missing, let me help you?

Can't you find your apprentice yourself?

"Junior brother, I live in an inn, and I don't have enough equipment. I want to borrow your Kongming lantern."

A Kongming lantern costs at least [-] oceans. Shi Jian was eaten by [-] oceans in the western restaurant today, and now he wants Jiu Shu to pay it back.

Jiang Lin looked at Shi Jian as if he were watching a play. The Taoist temple of this old man was in Wuliu Village, not far from here, so he would just go back and raise the Kongming Lantern.

Have to come here to borrow?

Did you pay it back?

"Uncle Master, Senior Brother Shaojian is also an adult. Maybe he went to practice somewhere, not necessarily because of danger."

Since Shi Jian was acting there, Jiang Lin chose to act.

If you don't come here looking for something, your son can still find you. If you come here looking for something, then we will drag it.

You can collect the body of your son until dawn.

There was a flash of coldness in Shi Jian's old eyes, his son was in danger, what happened to him as a father?

However, Shi Jian couldn't shake this matter out. He ignored Jiang Lin, with a sad look on his face, and said to Uncle Jiu: "Junior brother, I know that there is grievance between you and me, and Kong Mingdeng still asks junior brother to borrow it. Come to Japan, senior brother will return you two!"

"Senior brother, your words are serious, but it's just a Kongming lantern."

Ninth Uncle's heart is relatively soft, thinking that it is always in the same class, and it is too much to say if he doesn't give him a Kongming lantern.

"Junior brother, you help people to the end, I can't find my brother when I look for it alone. I also know that Shaojian is not good. I made my junior brother angry last time. If I find him, I will teach him again in front of my junior brother. stunned."

Shi Jian's old face wrinkled into a chrysanthemum, and he took the opportunity to hit the snake with a stick and let the ninth uncle help him again.

Damn, it's faceless and skinless, it's simply invincible.

Jiang Lin sneered in his heart, since you are shameless again and again, don't blame me for walking you.

Chapter [-] Shi Jian, who was taken as a dog

Jiang Lin gave Jiu Shu a wink from behind.

Let's go, let's help.

"Since the big brother said so, and one person can't do it alone, let's help."

Although Ninth Uncle didn't know what Jiang Lin was thinking, he definitely wouldn't make Shi Jian look good, and he might even beat him as a big brother.

Afterwards, Ninth Uncle called Qiusheng and Wen Cai to prepare the Kongming lantern.

Shi Jian used the clothes worn by Shi Shaojian to raise the Kongming lantern, and then he took the lead and followed the Kongming lantern.

Ninth Uncle and Qiu Sheng Wencai also followed in Shi Jian's footsteps. Jiang Lin followed at the back. Seeing that Kong Ming Deng was flying in the right direction, he would release the corpse poison seal from time to time and use the power of his mind to hit Kong Ming Deng in mid-air.

Because Jiang Lin grasped the timing very well, neither Shi Jian nor Jiu Shu found anything unusual.

After walking for more than three hours, Kong Ming Deng never found Shi Shaojian's body and soul.

With Jiang Lin behind him, Shi Jian would be in trouble if he could find his son.

When Shi Jian came to ask them for trouble, Jiang Lin let him eat the consequences and ask for trouble.

If Shi Jian didn't think about it, he would have found Shi Shaojian's soul by other means.


In a forest, Shi Shaojian's soul is no longer walking, but fluttering. His current consciousness is gradually disappearing, and after a while, his soul will disappear.

Shi Shaojian could never have imagined that his father was looking for him like a madman, but Jiang Lin was walking around like a dog.

Ninth Uncle gradually discovered that something was wrong. Kong Mingdeng was looking for someone, and it was impossible to find a clue for so long.

Turning his head to look, Jiu Shu found that Jiang Lin was whistling leisurely.

Seeing Ninth Uncle's gaze, Jiang Lin blinked at Ninth Uncle.

you child...

No wonder Jiang Lin was willing to let them help, it turned out to be a disservice.

Uncle Jiu couldn't help feeling sad for Shi Jian. Every time he wanted to be funny, he met Jiang Lin and was killed by Jiang Link.

This time, he was walked by Jiang Lin like a dog, and he didn't notice it at all.

Shi Jian was sweating profusely, and his eyelids twitched more and more.

Seeing that it was almost dawn, Ninth Uncle coughed lightly. Jiang Lin didn't want to embarrass Ninth Uncle, so he didn't move the Kongming Lantern.

After half an hour, Shi Jian finally found Shi Shaojian's soul that was about to disperse.

"Shao Jian!"

Shi Jian looked at Shi Shaojian, whose soul was about to dissipate, and was shocked.

Now Shi Shaojian doesn't even have half of his ghost life left, and his soul body is full of corroded holes, which looks disgusting.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai covered their mouths directly, afraid that they would vomit.

"Shaojian, what's wrong with you?"

"Someone moved...my body, and someone was fixing me."

Shi Shaojian's speech is not smart now, Shi Jian's face sank, his son is going to have a woman again, and now the ninth uncle and the others are still following, if Shi Shaojian's practice is found out of his body, he will not be able to wash it off.

What is this bastard doing!

You have to do things on Lin Jiu's territory, can't you go farther when playing with women!

Shi Jian was very angry about Shi Shaojian's behavior. If his son was not already like this, he would have to teach him a lesson.

Putting Shi Shaojian's soul into the magic weapon, Shi Jian said to Jiu Shu: "Junior Brother, now that Shaojian's soul has been found, it's not too early, the search for the physical body is done by the senior brother alone."

Afraid that the good deeds your son has done will be known?

Jiang Lin glanced at Shi Jian, but unfortunately this old man didn't know that what his son did was already known by the ninth uncle.

"Master, since you have found the soul of Brother Shaojian, the body must be nearby. You have been busy for so long, and you don't care about the time."

Let us come, let us go, you Shi Jian have a lot of face.

Jiang Lin wasn't someone Shi Jian could come and linger at a whim. This old man was thick-skinned and shameless, so he'd just be embarrassed for a while.

Shi Jian's face sank, but he couldn't say anything, and continued to search for Shi Shaojian's body.

Jiang Lin was still whistling, and under his unknowing control, Kongming Lantern flew to the place where Shi Shaojian was doing.

Half an hour later, Shi Jian's face turned black, and Kong Ming Deng actually took him to the open space where Shi Shaojian's actions were harmful.

Next to those utensils were Shi Shaojian's clothes, which he couldn't get rid of even if he wanted to.

"Eh? Isn't that Senior Brother Shaojian's clothes?"

Jiang Lin pretended to be surprised and pointed to the clothes on the ground, making Shi Jian want to vomit old blood.

"Master, what are these things for?"

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