After the water prison was set up, Jiang Lin threw the corpse over his shoulder and finally threw it into the water prison.

"seal up!"

Bai Daochang pressed his palm on the water prison, and the entire water prison suddenly became an icehouse.He chanted the soul-inducing spell and drew out the soul of the black-faced god.

However, just after the soul of the black-faced god fell, cracks began to appear in the icehouse.

"You go down."

Now that the soul of the black-faced god has been released, Jiang Lin can use his methods with confidence and boldness. If the three-legged golden crow can blow up the corpse to the last breath, he can devour the corpse here.

It was inconvenient for Daoist Bai and Hei Mian Shen to see this, so Jiang Lin simply let them go to the wooden formation below.

Bai Daochang started the wooden formation, a big hole appeared on the ground, and then he took the black-faced god into a huge wooden box.

After seeing the big hole closed, Jiang Lin licked his lips again, fantasizing about the benefits of devouring the corpse.

Corpse Soul: "..."

"Senior brother, are you okay? We need to work together to destroy the unicorn corpse."

"My body is already a corpse, and I don't need your help."

The black-faced god waved his hand, and he is now probably hopeless.

"Senior brother, I know that you have always been brooding about what happened in the past. In fact, Master passed the position of head to me because this generation of head will have a death catastrophe. Master really loves you."

Saying that, Bai Daochang opened his palm, a shadow talisman appeared in his palm, and two poems appeared between the two.

The position of headmaster cannot be fought, and life and death cannot be opened.

Seeing the handwriting of his biological father, the black-faced god was stunned for a long time.

"What have I done over the years."

Now his real body has been eliminated due to the effect of the Five Elements Pagoda, and now he knows that the knot in his heart over the years was originally a misunderstanding of the good intentions of his biological father, and the black-faced god knelt down on his knees.

"Senior brother, it's good if you can understand. Now Daoist Li Yang is fighting the corpse soul of the unicorn corpse outside. Your soul is related to the corpse soul. We need your participation to counteract it and destroy the corpse soul. With the help of Daoist Li Yang. , you can still recover."

Daoist Bai helped the black-faced god up, and the prodigal son turned his head back, and his master and wife could finally rest in peace under Jiuquan.

"Daoist Li Yang?"

"It's the daoist brother who broke your Netherworld chess formation. He was seriously injured in order to save you."

"He...he came to save me regardless of his previous suspicions."

The black-faced god was full of guilt, and he felt ashamed for a while when he thought of his attitude towards Jiang Lin.

"Okay, my black-faced god has gone astray for half my life. Even if I die with the corpse and soul today, it can be regarded as atonement for the sins of the past."

With the soul-suppressing seal in his hand, the black-faced god relied on the connection between his own soul and the corpse soul to attack the corpse soul.

In the space of the water array, the corpse soul suddenly felt the severe pain in the soul body. It ignored the sword chopped down by Jiang Lin and concentrated its own Qilin Qi.


Jiang Lin spat out a mouthful of blood with a wow, and the corpse chose to self-destruct.

A big hole was blown out at the bottom of the space, and the corpse jumped down and landed on the huge wooden box.

With a punch, the wooden box was immediately smashed, and the black-faced god and the white Taoist fell into the void.

The corpse soul condensed its own evil energy into a sword and chased after the black-faced god.

Fuck his grandma.

Jiang Lin scolded, fortunately, he was not in a hurry to devour the corpse soul, otherwise such an explosion would be enough to make him crippled, and even the soul would be blown away.

After wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth, Jiang Lin also jumped down. The Yin Huo whip in his hand entangled Daochang Bai and yanked it abruptly. With the help of the reaction force, he rushed towards the corpse soul.

Just when the qi sword in the corpse soul stabbed into the heart of the black-faced god, Jiang Lin knocked the black-faced god away, and the qi sword pierced his flank.

After throwing out two light-shielding talismans, Jiang Lin tightly clasped the shoulders of the corpse soul with both hands, condensing the spiritual power in his body.

"See how you escape this time!"

Ru Yang Xuanguang!


The corpse's soul was exposed to the mysterious light, and the whole body was covered in thick smoke.

Blow yourself up in front of me?

Jiang Lin kicked the corpse away with one kick, and a much smaller three-legged Golden Crow pounced on the corpse.


After squeezing all the spiritual power in his body, Jiang Lin released the three-legged Golden Crow again.

Blast again!

"I have always been the only one who bombed people, and no one has bombed me!"

Jiang Lin waited for the corpse to be bombed to the point where he suspected the corpse.

But before the power of the explosion was fully unfolded, one person and three souls were controlled by a strong force, turning into four streamers and returning to the square.

The five-element tower in the square has been smashed by the swarming zombies.

Jiang Lin didn't care to rest, he ducked in front of the unicorn corpse, bit his middle finger and drew a talisman on his forehead, then made a Sanqing fingerprint with his hand and pressed it on the unicorn corpse's forehead.

"Get me out!"

The corpse howled and was forcibly dragged out of its corpse by Jiang Lin.

A trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, and the corpse immediately gave up the corpse and got into Jiang Lin's mouth and nose.

"Brother Dao!"

The black-faced god screamed, because his body was taken away by the unicorn corpse, and his soul did not return.

"Save the Daoist brother!"

Daoist Bai didn't expect that the corpse soul would repeat the old trick, to seize the Jianglin.

"Don't come here! You deal with those zombies."

Jiang Lin drank and sat up cross-legged.

He was going to devour this corpse soul, but now the corpse soul entered his body actively, which just saved him a lot of effort.

Do you think anyone can get away with it?

After being absorbed by the corpse soul, Jiang Lin chose corpse transformation without hesitation. Now, no matter how strong the corpse aura on his body is, nothing abnormal will be found.

Close the door and train the soul!

Chapter [*] The brightest star in the night sky

In Jianglin's Dantian, the corona around the spiritual force liquid ball was fully adjusted by him.

Void fire, yin fire, and strange fire filled every part of his body.

At this time, in Jiang Lin's body, the real fire of the sun took the lead, and all the flames surrounded the corpse in one place.

After Jiang Lin's corpse was turned into a corpse, he locked his own soul, and at the same time locked the corpse soul of the unicorn corpse.

The corpse soul can fly in the void, so Jiang Lin trapped it as soon as he came back, lest it use other zombies as a relay to escape, but the corpse soul entered the prison by itself.


The corpse's soul made a hair-raising cry in Jiang Lin's body.

At the same time, Jiang Lin's body also appeared bulging, and the corpse's soul exploded inside.

But now the corpse soul is very weak, and Jiang Lin can still hold on to the power of self-destruction.

The Taoist priest is refining the soul of the unicorn corpse? ? ?

Hearing the screams of the unicorn corpse, the white priest and the black-faced god in the state of soul were stunned.

Is there anyone who dares to refine the soul of the thousand-year-old zombie king?

Are you still using your body to practice?

Jiang Lin's clothes were stained red by the blood spitting out from the corners of his mouth, but the roar of the corpse in his body gradually became quieter.

"Crack! Kill the corpse and get [*] points of suffocation."

Jiang Lin didn't bother to think about how much hostile energy he had transferred from the unicorn corpse, and released his own corpse poison, refining it with Yang Yan, and recuperating his internal injuries.

"Heiyue, hurry up, take the medicine and give it to Daoist brother."

Seeing that Jiang Lin seemed to have solved the problem of the corpse soul, Heiyue let Heiyue take care of Jianglin regardless of the gradual thinning of his soul.

In the world of magic, if Jiang Lin hadn't fought to get hurt and pushed him away, I'm afraid he would have lost his mind by now.


With tears in Hei Yue's eyes, her master was finally no longer as ruthless and ruthless as before.

But the black-faced god was about to lose his mind.

Under the urging of the Black Faced God, Heiyue handed over the medicinal materials to Jiang Lin, and then went to help Daochang Bai and his disciples to deal with zombies and ghosts.

Jiang Lin swallowed a handful of medicinal herbs, then tore off the corner of the lotus petal in the bag and swallowed it.

Looking at the swarms of corpses, Jiang Lin frowned. Although he killed the souls of the corpses, these thousands of zombies could not be killed in a short time.

"Brother Dao, how is it?"

With a look of concern on his face, the black-faced god helped Jiang Lin up.

"You're about to lose your mind."

"There are too many sins in my life, and it should be rewarded."

The black-faced God smiled bitterly, but fortunately, although his half-body was violent, he still did not have any casualties.

However, this time the unicorn corpse was provoked, and he was not to blame for the catastrophe in Chenjia Village.

Jiang Lin's gaze turned to the center of the great formation. Although he had tempered the corpse of the unicorn corpse, the black-faced god's body was completely turned into a corpse and could no longer be restored to its original state.

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