Jiang Lin couldn't help but admire the heritage of Miao Village, and even a Celestial Master would not dare to underestimate such a Gu.

Seeing the smug expression on Badi's face, Jiang Lin laughed in his heart, which brought him warmth again.

If he had not used the corpse-eating horned turtle and phoenix stone for cultivation before, I am afraid that this time he will really be planted.

Ice and Fire Double Heaven is no joke.

Even without the golden seal on the top of his head, the ice and fire alone would probably kill a Celestial Master at the level of Daoist Chunhua.

Half of Jiang Lin's body is cold poison and half is fire poison. Cold poison is beneficial to his corpse poison, while fire poison can supplement the Yang flame in his body.

This Buddy simply thinks of him when he has good things.

A good thing delivered to your door.

Jiang Lin was half-kneeling, the corpse poison in his body occupied half of his body, and the other half was filled with Yang's spiritual energy and Yang Yan.

Between the two, Jiang Lin was separated by yin fire.

There were more and more ice silkworms, and one of the ice silkworm mothers, the size of a shoe, gradually climbed over, and the ground that the ice silkworm mother passed through was instantly covered with thick frost.

Opposite the ice silkworm, there was also a fire ladybug the size of a baby's fist flapping its wings and flying over.

"This kid may be a Celestial Master. With his body as nutrients, the ice silkworms and fire ladybugs in our Miao Village can become stronger."

Badi smiled with satisfaction. He estimated that Jiang Lin was now fighting the two strange poisons of ice and fire with the spiritual power in his body, and it would not be long before he was sucked dry.

Jiang Lin is now absorbing cold poison and fire poison. It really won't take long before the strange poison on the ice silkworm and fire ladybug will be absorbed by him.

Pacing, Badi never looked at Jiang Lin again, and turned his attention to the chess formation not far away.

An open space there was divided into a huge chessboard, and their clansmen and Gu insects were blocked on one side of the chessboard.

If you don't know how to play Netherworld chess, you can only be separated like this, and no one can do anything about it.

This is also the reason why Jiang Lin is relieved to practice in the Ice and Fire.

On the side of the chess formation, Tang Xiaorong and Tianji's mother and daughter had already cried to tears.

For Tang Xiaorong, Jiang Lin was like a very good junior. Although she kept saying that Zhang Han was a stinky man, in her heart, she already regarded Jiang Lin as a disciple or even a relative.

Now that Jiang Lin is covered with ice silkworms and fire ladybugs, there is no hope of living.

Tang Xiaorong felt that it was their mother and daughter who had implicated Jiang Lin.

Tian Ji even washed her face in tears, she asked Jiang Lin to save people, but now Jiang Lin took his life.

And just as she was in love, her lover died unexpectedly, and she also wanted to marry the ethereal cave god and finally died, she couldn't help sighing to herself.

"This array is a good thing."

After Badi entered the chess formation, he glanced around and set his eyes on the formation plate in front of Tang Xiaorong's mother and daughter.

Even if he is proficient in Taoism, there is no way to crack this chess formation for a while.

But he was not in a hurry. Although the chess formation protected Tang Xiaorong and Tian Ji, it also imprisoned them inside.

After a few hours, it's good to say that if one or two days pass, they will die inside if they don't come out.

Moreover, this chess formation will definitely not be sustainable for a long time. When the chess formation is withdrawn, the mother and daughter will not be able to escape.

"The rules of the ancestors are unbreakable. One of your mother and daughter is a sinner in the clan, and the other is a cave girl who was chosen to be dedicated to the cave god. If you accept your fate earlier, you don't have to sacrifice a young man's life in vain."

Badi looked at Tang Xiaorong and Tian Ji with a stern expression.

The mother and daughter seem to have been exhausted now, slumped on the ground, leaning against each other, waiting for the power of the formation to disappear.

Jiang Lin's body was still outside, and they could not escape death no matter what, so there was no thought of suicide.

At least after being captured by the clansmen, they could still beg Badai to send Jiang Lin's body back to Chenzhou.

Everyone present thought that Jiang Lin had been poisoned to death. As for him still carrying the golden seal, they also believed that the ice silkworm froze Jiang Lin's body.

But Jiang Lin didn't have any major problems now. At this time, his body was completely rigid. Half of his body on the left was covered with ice silkworms, and the right side was covered with fire ladybugs.

The teeth of these two kinds of Gu worms were stronger than steel, and even Jiang Lin's body strength could not resist their repeated bites.

Every time the ice silkworm and the fire ladybug bite on Jiang Lin's body, they will inject the cold poison and fire poison in them.

As time passed, some of the ice silkworms gradually turned black and fell from Jiang Lin's body, and the same happened to the fire ladybugs, the flames on their bodies became thinner and thinner.

However, because there were too many, after one batch fell from Jiang Lin's body, another batch rushed up.

This phenomenon didn't attract Badi's attention. He thought it was the ice silkworm and the fire ladybug that had eaten Jianglin's flesh and blood and needed to fall asleep.

In the end, the Ice Silkworm Mother and the Fire Ladybug King also climbed onto Jiang Lin's body and stung him on the neck.

The existence of these two insect kings almost made Jiang Lin unable to hold it for a while. He gritted his teeth and persisted for a while before Jiang Lin began to use his body to absorb their toxins in reverse.

Two hours later, the chess formation began to show signs of instability.

"Come here, take back the ice silkworm and the fire ladybug. Tomorrow we will go to worship the cave god and send the cave girl there."

Badi looked at the ice silkworm and the fire ladybug who were motionless on the ground, and the satisfaction color on his face was quite strong.

"Have you asked me if you want to send the girl to the cave?"

The corpse on Jiang Lin's body was shaken from his body by his explosive momentum, revealing a body full of scars.

"You... how could you, how could you not die??"

Buddy let out a scream, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Jiang...Jiang Lin?"

Tang Xiaorong and Tian Ji were stunned, Jiang Lin didn't die?

Ice silkworm and fire ladybug are the two most powerful Gu insects in their Phoenix Miao Village, so there is no way they can take Jiang Lin?

The surrounding Miao people were also petrified in place one by one. They had never heard of anyone who was devoured by a large number of ice silkworms and fire ladybugs and survived.

Jiang Lin exerted all his strength to carry Jinyin up, and then he pushed it abruptly, and he pushed the weight of seven or eight thousand catties into the air by nearly two meters.

With his arms together, Jiang Lin condensed the Yang flame and spiritual energy in his body, and a pillar of fire with a diameter of one meter spurted out, blasting the golden seal into the air and returning to its original size.

"Pin Dao has already said that he wants to take them away, so why should he die? Thank you Miao friends for their hospitality. These ice silkworms and fire ladybugs are of great benefit to Pin Dao, but these guys bite a lot."

Thank you for the hospitality? ? ?


Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Badi looked at the ice silkworms and fire ladybugs all over the ground, and spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Chapter [*]: The Mystery of Falling into the Cave

It turns out that the toxins in these ice silkworms and fire ladybugs have been sucked dry, so... all dead?

Badai felt a regret in his heart. These ice silkworms and fire ladybugs were raised by the efforts of their Miao village from generation to generation, and they have reached this scale, but now they have been completely defeated by him.

Ah ~

Badi was going mad, and the people's efforts for so many years were destroyed in his hands.


Several young people went up to support the unsteady wizard. If something happened to their spiritual leader, then their Miao village would become a mess.

Jiang Lin moved his muscles, went to put away the array, and helped Tang Xiaorong and Tian Ji, who were still sluggish.

"Pin Dao has no intention of making trouble with the nobles, but these two are a poor teacher and a sister. It is not difficult to make Miao Village bleed all over the place by means of the poor."

Jiang Lin looked at Badi with a look of hatred, and warned coldly.

If it wasn't for this time he just wanted to take people away, he would have destroyed the Miao Village long ago.

Even the ice silkworm mother and the fire ladybug king, Jiang Lin also saved their lives, and did not let the two kinds of Gu insects raised by the Miao people go extinct.

After confronting Badi from the front, Jiang Lin has repeatedly given in. If he still doesn't know how to advance or retreat, he will be blamed for being rude.

Executing Tang Xiaorong and sacrificing Tian Ji were unreasonable rules among the Miao people, and Jiang Lin had no plans to talk about science and reasoning with Badai or the Miao people.

Each ethnic group has its own culture, whether it is dross or essence, the consciousness of the Miao people here cannot be changed in a moment.

Jiang Lin didn't have the time to let them realize the pedantic nature of those rules.

As for taking people away, it would break the rules here, Jiang Lin ignored it, and the other rules were casual, but if he wanted to waste people's lives, or the lives of his wife and sister, he wouldn't agree.

"Badai, how many girls in our family died because of the cave god, don't you count?"

Tang Xiaorong asked with tears in her eyes. Badai was at a loss for words, and the other Miao people also lowered their heads.

Some of them also saw that their daughter who was like a flower and jade became a flower-like cave girl. In the end, she couldn't have a funeral. They wanted to have a wedding to celebrate their daughter's marriage to the cave god.

As long as the heart is not iron, are they really willing to do that?

"The cave god is not the patron saint of our Miao people, it is a demon!"

"No! The cave god is not a demon, the cave god has always guarded our Miao Village! Every time foreign enemies invaded, it was the cave god who eliminated them!"

When Badi heard Tang Xiaorong's words, he growled hysterically as if his tail had been stepped on.

"It is right for us to sacrifice to the cave god. He blesses our Phoenix Miao Village!"

There were bloodshot eyes in Badai's old eyes, the eyeballs were congested and red, and he had strange handprints in his hands, and he was chanting witchcraft.

Throwing away the clansmen who were supporting him, Badi turned his body, and finally bowed down reverently, clapping his palms on the ground.

"Great cave god, now the clan has been invaded by foreign enemies, please destroy the enemy."

The ground where Jiang Lin was located suddenly collapsed, and a huge hole appeared. Jiang Lin responded quickly, grabbing Tian Ji's waist and holding Tang Xiaorong's wrist with one hand, and jumped up.

As soon as the three of them landed on the edge of the cave, a strange force and a huge suction force erupted from the cave.

Jiang Lin could only throw Tang Xiaorong and Tianji mother and daughter away suddenly.

"I don't know what's wrong!"

Jiang Lin snorted angrily, and then formed a seal in his hand, and three strands of life spirit appeared in front of him: the colorful tiger king, the flying rat king, and the black-faced god who looked like a unicorn corpse.

"The colorful tiger king, the flying rat king, the unicorn corpse, if there is any accident between Tang Xiaorong and the mother and daughter of Tianji, wash the Phoenix Miao Village with blood!"

Jiang Lin gave orders to two demon kings and a zombie king. He estimated that he was going to fall into the cave. Without her protection, Tang Xiaorong and Tian Ji might be unpredictable.At this juncture, Jiang Lin could only use this to frighten Badai and the Miao people here.

If there is really a problem with his wife and sister, he will make Badai pay a bloody price.

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