Jiang Lin speculated that if Shi Ji was successfully transformed, he would at least have the strength of the peak demon king, and he might even become a demon emperor directly.

A good birth is a fraud.

"Nice barrier, I don't know how many innocent girls' lives have been killed, and countless human tragedies have been created."

After stepping on it, Jiang Lin strengthened the defense on his feet and kicked on the boulder.

The space under the crypt is limited, and Shiji emits radiation all the time, so Jiang Lin can't transform into a human body.

Now he needs to get this Shiji out.

The Shiji that Jiang Lin encountered this time was even more difficult to deal with than the fog demon last time.

A stone becomes a monster, and its body is inherently difficult to destroy. With such a cultivation base, it is really not an easy matter to kill it.

Ordinary methods are not expected to have little effect on this rock.

As long as he does enough damage to Shiji before he leaves the cave, so that it can't radiate radiation, Jiang Lin will be able to entertain him with Taoism.

The cobblestone rolled on the ground, and the whole crypt was rumbling.

"I'm mad at me too!"

Shi Ji jumped like thunder, and its body became a red-hot humanoid sculpture, and the light shone on Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin put all the yang flames in his body on the surface, adding an extra layer of protection to his body, even if this would make the corpse poison in his body quickly deplete.

With the strengthened corpse, Jiang Lin completely turned into Iron Man and smashed the cobblestone with his limbs.

The most powerful means of Shiji is its radiation, almost no one can approach it, but its reliance has no effect on Jiang Lin.

In fact, as long as it can withstand the radiation carried by this rocky rock, it is not very threatening.

As long as he has enough means, a Taoist priest at the Celestial Master level can still deal with it.

The strongest means failed, and Shi Ji couldn't help Jiang Lin for a while, and could only be bombarded by him with one punch and one kick.

Now Shiji is in the process of transformation, and its body has become a shackle, just like a person's hands and feet are chained to a big stone, and the whole back is close to the boulder.

Jiang Lin disliked Shi Ji for being too noisy, so he pushed Shi Ji with his hands, and directly let Shi Ji gnaw at the ground with one kick. The boulder slid a certain distance on the ground and then rolled, and it wasn't particularly laborious.

"I'm going to crush you!"

Shi Ji felt an unprecedented humiliation, but it still had nothing to do with this human being.

Rolling the boulder, Shi Ji slammed into Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin's heart was not disturbed, and he even wanted to laugh a little. He didn't have to dodge, he swept his legs over, and plucked two stones the size of a cow's head from the stone wall.

Two stones blocked Shiji's way, so it stopped.


Jiang Lin kicked his feet violently, leaving two deep footprints on the boulder.

He originally followed Shi Ji's head and heart, but now Shi Ji has mastered his skills, he has moved to the other side of the cobblestone.

"It's not that easy to deal with me!"

Although Shi Ji couldn't help Jiang Lin, he thought that Jiang Lin had nothing to do with him, so he shouted proudly.

"It's not that easy? You think too highly of yourself."

Jiang Lin put his hands on the round stone, the Yang Yan in his body was forced by him, and instantly wrapped the entire ball.

I didn't show the means, you just screamed there, do you really think you can't be cured?

No need to oil the river, the evil energy on the cobblestone is the best fuel.

This time, Shi Ji finally screamed, and the whole crypt resounded with sharp screams.

Jiang Lin never thought that his Yang Yan could make Shi Ji so fearful.

Shiji is an extraterrestrial meteorite, and it must have been baptized by excessive heat during the fall, but at that time, this extraterrestrial meteorite had not yet produced spirituality, and I don’t know what kind of experience that suffering was.

In the end, Shi Ji couldn't take it anymore, so he hid in the boulder and continued to shout.

"So confident in your turtle shell?"

Jiang Lin sneered, letting Shi Ji know that the tortoise shell was not as hard as his iron arm.

Punching his fist into the meteorite, Jiang Lin opened his palm and sprayed Yang Yan inside, continuing to torture Shi Ji.

During Shiji's torture, Jiang Lin discovered that the radiation emitted by the cobblestone would be much stronger.

In this case, Jiang Lin is ready to consume Shiji well, and after this method fails, he can use the thunder method to kill it.

Jiang Lin kept adding holes and flames to the boulder, and continued to roll it towards the entrance of the hole.

In fact, this crypt is a closed environment. If you want to go out, I am afraid you need to make a space jump.

But since Jiang Lin pushed Shi Ji out now, it shouldn't be difficult to get out.

Gradually, Jiang Lin discovered that the cobblestone would be hardened after being roasted by Yang Yan, and after the meteorite was hardened, he could cause more serious damage to the cobblestone as long as he exerted enough strength.

Every time his iron arm rammed on the boulder, Shi Ji, who was hiding inside, let out a muffled groan.

"Nie Zhan, open the exit."

"Lowly human, let this god open the door for you, don't even think about it!"

Jiang Lin just snorted at Shi Ji's disobedience, then smashed into the boulder with his iron arm, and put a ball of true sun fire inside.

Shi Ji was tormented by the high heat, and the energy inside the cobblestone burst out uncontrollably. Jiang Lin felt as if his head had been chiseled with a nail in an instant.

Confused, Jiang Lin saw the light on the stone wall. He kicked on the boulder, then stood up, and slammed into the stone wall one stone at a time.


There was a loud noise in the Miao Village. After Jiang Lin stepped on the boulder to leave the crypt, he came out of a hole in the mountain wall. The hole was about [*] meters above the ground, and below was the sacrifice hall of the Miao Village.

One person and one stone smashed the main hall of Miao Village.

The loud noise alarmed all the Miao people in the Miao village. When they rushed to the vicinity of the sacrificial hall several hundred meters, they saw Jianglin stepping on a large stone.

"He... he didn't die?"

"He was actually able to get out of the cave."

"Quick! Go and call Buddy."

Seeing a large number of Miao people crowding around, Jiang Lin shouted: "They all stopped [*] meters away! This is the cave god that your Miao village has worshipped for generations. It's just a meteorite from the sky, and now it has become a monster."

Chapter [*] Who is the fool

"If you don't want to die, stop for me! This meteorite has a strange energy, and getting too close to it will hurt the brain. It is for this reason that the Luohua Cave Girl in your Miao Village became uncharacteristically and eventually died."

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, the surrounding Miao people stopped walking, and instantly became quiet. Then they looked at each other, and finally there was an uproar.

Cave God turned out to be a stone?

"Bold! This god blesses you for thousands of years, and you don't kneel when you see this god!"

The evil energy on the surface of the cobblestone was burnt dry, and without the envelope of Yang Yan, Shi Ji forgot how to write the word hurt again.

It radiates the energy inside the cobblestone, preparing to create an illusion for these people and let these lowly humans deal with Jiang Lin.

"Give me a dance?"

Jiang Lin expelled Yang Yan from the hole in the boulder, and wanted to be a beggar (ji).

As soon as he was interrupted by Jiang Lin's Yang Yan, Shi Ji let out a terrifying scream.

A few hundred meters away, the Miao people only felt their heads dizzy, and then returned to normal. When they saw the so-called "Dongshen" being grilled by Jianglin, they were all stunned.

At the same time, Badi, who was invited by several young people, came here and knew the cause and effect.

"That's the cave god enshrined in our Miao Village??"

Buddy couldn't believe his eyes.

Tian Ji and Tang Xiaorong also came here. Before someone shouted at the cave god in the village, all the guards left, and the mother and daughter followed the source of the sound.

"Mother, Jiang Lin is really fine, is the huge boulder next to him our cave god?"

"Looks like yes, it's the devil."

Jiang Lin was sent into Luodong, and now he came out again, and brought out an extraterrestrial meteorite. If there really exists a cave god, it should be it.

"This god has blessed you for thousands of years, and now some people take advantage of this god's weakness to make troubles, so why don't you hurry up and chop this lowly human into meat sauce!"

Shi Ji's scream came from inside the cobblestone, but none of the surrounding Miao people moved.

"Since you are a cave god, how could you be ravaged like this by a young Taoist priest? You are not a cave god at all! You are carrying the blood debt of our Miao Village! Jiang Lin, destroy it!"

"Yes, kill it!"

Although the words of Tang Xiaorong and Tianji's mother and daughter did not arouse the approval of the clansmen, they had a considerable effect. At least these people's belief in the cave god collapsed for a while.

And this big stone claimed to be the god, indicating that it was the cave god they had always worshipped.

The cave god is a meteorite, what a ridiculous thing.

"You Miao people in all dynasties don't know how many Badai went to explore the mystery of the cave god, and they all died in the cave. It was because of this rocky rock that the meteorite became fine."

Jiang Lin released Yang Yan in his hand, and at the same time announced the situation in the cave.

When Badi heard Jiang Lin's remarks, his body seemed to be exhausted and collapsed to the ground.

"Destroy it!"

"Yes, kill it!"


Seeing Badai's dejected expression, the Miao people knew that even their faith as a spiritual leader had collapsed. Thinking of so many living lives in the clan for thousands of years, these Miao people could no longer contain their hearts. anger.

"If you don't believe in this god, you must not die..."

Before Shiji's curse was finished, Jiang Lin stuffed a lot of flaming paper cranes and explosive talismans into the holes and cracks in the cobblestone. Now that the cobblestone has been chiseled into a hornet's nest by Jiang Lin's fist, he only needs to give the tortoise shell to him. Once it exploded, there would be no difficulty in dealing with Shiji inside.

Hmph, do you really think I can't take care of you by swallowing my breath?

Shi Ji sneered among the boulders. It had the protection of meteorites, but the same meteorites also became the shackles of its transformation.

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