Judge Lu, I am going to find you in Jiangkeng again, are you ready?

In the underworld, in Judge Lu's hall, Judge Lu sneezed for no reason.

"Left-eyed jumping for money, who the hell wants me to go bankrupt?"

Chapter [*] Can't pick it up, let me pick it up?

"Jiang Lin, our Miao Village is holding a party, and you are the protagonist tonight."

In the evening, Tian Ji came to the sacrificial hall and invited Jiang Lin to attend the evening party in Fenghuang Miao Village.

Hmong party?

Jiang Lin had only seen an alien bonfire party in a previous life's video or TV series, but he didn't expect to have the opportunity to experience it this time.

"Okay, you go first, I'll be there in a while."

After Jiang Lin put away the molten copper and molten iron that had solidified on the ground, he took Commander Yin to open the gate of hell.

"Judge Lu."

"Hey, why are you here again? Could it be that things are finished? It happened that some phantom rakshasas appeared in the place of the old black mountain before, which is more difficult..."

How much do you want to assign me a task, damn it!

Also Phantom Rakshasa, that thing is a tough one!

Phantom Rakshasa is a kind of ghost, the female is the ghost and the male is the shadow.

Even if a Taoist opens his eyes, he may not be able to spot them.

Jiang Lin put his palm forward: stop.

"I haven't finished my work in the world, I just came down and chatted with the judge."

"roll roll roll."

Judge Lu rolled his eyes in anger. No wonder his left ghost eye was twitching non-stop just now, and this pit god wanted to pit the treasure in his hand again.

For ghosts, if the left eye twitches, they will lose money.

Judge Lu had a hunch that if he drove Jiang Lin out, the fortune would probably be ruined.

"Oh, it's hard for me to think of others when I have good things, and forget it if I don't appreciate it."

Jiang Lin shook his head, turned around with his hands behind his back, and strode out of the hall.

"Wait, what's the matter?"

Judge Lu thought for a moment and stopped Jiang Lin. Although he and Jiang Lin had known each other for a while, he also knew that this person was the master of the Three Treasures Hall.

Could it be something good?

"Judge Lu, prepare for me..."

Jiang Lin said a lot of things, either the materials that are helpful for cultivation, or the medicinal herbs that have the effect of prolonging life.

Judge Lu's red beard began to flutter, and his face was blushing. Is this a good thing the fuck?

Originally, Judge Lu was about to have a seizure, but Jiang Lin's words directly broke his brain circuit.

"Rahu's stump??"

Skull pain.

Jiang Lin blocked his ears, this Judge Lu's roar was really sharp.

"Don't be so excited, [*]% of the time. The things I said are ready for me, and I'll tell you the exact location. Don't haggle for me, the stump is still a treasure even though I don't know how many years it has been. , after you take it away, leave me a bone fragment, at least the size of a washbasin."

"Come on you, I can't keep everything I have, I have to turn it all over. And Rahu's skeleton, do you think you can knock it off with a hammer?"

Hearing that Jiang Lin wanted to keep his bones, Judge Lu wanted to spray Jiang Lin with salt and soda.

For a creature of that level, the remnants of the body and bones will be burned in the sea of ​​hell fire for an unknown number of years before they become brittle.

Jiang Lin touched his nose, as he guessed, that thing is not something they can touch.

"Other conditions are promised to you, tell me where?"

Judge Lu rubbed his hands. If he got this thing down, he could get a promotion and a raise again.

Looks like this kid will have to feed him later.

Judge Lu had a lewd smile on his face. Since he pulled Jiang Lin down, he has been promoted continuously since he took Jiang Lin down. He has been promoted continuously. , isn't there a god left?

"Sure. The location is underground in Fenghuang Miao Village. I don't know the specific depth. Prepare the things for me and take them when I come next time."

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, he took a cloth bag and put away the medicinal fruits and incense candles on Judge Lu's coffee table and chairs.

Even the ambergris lit on the incense burner of Judge Lu passed away.



After Jiang Lin returned to Miao Village, Tian Ji was already looking for him in front of the temple.

"Jiang Lin, where have you been?"

"Go to the underworld for a walk, go and see your Miao Village gatherings, and gain insights."

went to hell?

Tian Ji's eyes were wide open. Seeing that Jiang Lin didn't mean to explain, she didn't ask any more questions.

When they arrived at the square of Miao Village, Jiang Lin was regarded as the most honored guest by Miao Village.

Drinking Miao wine, eating brazier barbecue, watching young men and women singing and dancing, Jiang Lin felt that he seemed to be much younger.

Since he learned Taoism, he has rarely had the time and opportunity to relax, eat, drink, and laugh with his "peers".

At Jiang Lin's request, these Miao talents no longer called him divine envoys, but called him Taoist priests.

"Jiang Lin, can you sing? Sing one!"

"Sing one!"

"Yes, sing one!"

Tian Ji pushed Jiang Lin out while he was not paying attention and asked him to sing, and the young men and women around him also clapped their hands.


Jiang Lin rolled his eyes at Tian Ji, he is not the kind of person who can speak and sing.

In the previous life, he liked to listen to music, but he didn't know how to sing very much.

However, so many Miao people's eyes fell on him, and he could only recall the melody deep in his memory.

Do the math, it's been more than a thousand years since I haven't tried a K song.

"I saw the scenery of the sunset and your shadow, and sang loneliness into a song~ My blood that boils like fire is like the reddest flower, blooming and not afraid of anything..."

This "Forgotten in Jianghu" is the only song Jiang Lin can sing.

"Mother, it turns out that Jiang Lin sings so well."

Tian Ji held the Miao Embroidery in her hand and felt a little coy for a while.


Tang Xiaorong grabbed Tian Ji's wrist and threw Miao Xiu out of her hand with a flick.


Tian Ji didn't expect her mother to help her throw the flower embroidery out.

"Since he called me Shi Niang, I can't make the decision for you?"

"But my daughter doesn't know if he has a wife or not. We Miao people are monogamous."

Tang Xiaorong touched Tian Ji's hair and said, "Silly child, your father is not from the Miao ethnic group. Although you grew up in the Miao ethnic group, you are not a Miao girl."

"what is this?"

Jiang Lin didn't know what it meant by throwing Miao embroidery among the Miao women in western Hunan, and subconsciously grabbed the flower embroidery in his hand.

"It's a token of love, I don't like what others can't pick up."

"It turns out that Tian Ji likes Taoist priests."

"Together with!"

Several Miao girls who had a good relationship with Tian Ji pushed Tian Ji out at once, and Jiang Lin and Tian Ji were standing in the square.

Set... a token of love?

Jiang Lin was a little confused, this thing is a token of love, how could his wife call him to pick it up?

I can't pick it up, Mistress, why are you calling me to pick it up!

Looking at Tian Ji with a shy face, Jiang Lin felt a bit of a headache.

I am your brother-in-law!

But Jiang Lin can't explain it yet. He told Tang Xiaorong that Zhang Han has never had a partner. If he is a helper now, it is estimated that this teacher will not be willing to leave.

Before Jiang Lin could speak, Tian Ji stood on tiptoe and gave her a sweet kiss.

Are Miao girls so bold?

Looking at Tian Ji, who covered his face and ran away, Jiang Lin touched his forehead and didn't even ask if he had a family?

The thought of bringing the mother and daughter back to Chenzhou made Jiang Lin's expression a little unnatural.

He brought back his wife and daughter to the master, and then kidnapped his daughter.

I really have a relationship with my master's daughter...

Jiang Lin estimated that when Zhang Han saw him again, he would call him a daughter dealer.

Chapter four hundred and sixty-ninth battle for husband

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