"Brother Hangu, what should I do? Could it be that it is really a dragon, and a dragon is not something we can deal with."

"It's not a dragon or a river god like this, it's no longer a warning, let's withdraw!"

"I guess we can't handle this."

Although these Taoist priests had seen the dragon head before, they had not seen its body that was nearly [*] meters tall. Now that they saw the whole picture of the water monster, the group of people began to retreat.

"Dad, this is the dragon, we can't provoke it anymore, this time it directly swallowed people."

Yang Zi'e was frightened by the faucet before, but now that half of the water monster's body is about ten meters long, how dare he stop here.

"Hehe, if it's a dragon, I'm Nezha."

Jiang Lin couldn't help but feel amused. The water monster was wearing a dragon-head-shaped helmet, which scared these people to their core.

"Lin Zi, what is this thing?"

After listening to Jiang Lin's words, Zhang Han also began to look carefully at the water monster who was glaring at them.

"It's just a loach that has become a fine. The dragon head should be the head of the bronze statue of the Dragon King after the Dragon King Temple on the shore fell into the water in the early years. The bronze statue is hollow inside and was crowned as a dragon by this evil animal."

loach? ? ?

After listening to Jiang Lin's words, everyone looked at the body of the water monster again, and it was really a loach that was magnified several hundred times.

"Take a loach as a dragon, you are really..."

This loach was only wearing a helmet. If he wore a vest, Jiang Lin wondered if this group of people would kneel on the spot.

"Master, watch the disciples get you some high-quality loach soup for aphrodisiac."

Jiang Lin jumped up and flew to the big loach again. Since this guy likes to pretend to be a dragon, he will pull the dragon's tendons and strip the dragon's skin today.

Chapter [*] Loach, never a dish!

"Don't be reckless!"

Zhang Han didn't expect Jiang Lin to return to the shore and go to the lake again. Even if Jiang Lin's swordsmanship is extraordinary, from the current point of view, he has no way to borrow power from the void. What if he was dragged into the lake by the loach demon Not a hassle anymore.

Even a strong man would lose his strength after entering the water and tossing for a while.

What's more, Jianglin's methods are restricted in the water, and there is no effective method to check and balance the loach monster. It is really unwise to be so reckless with it.

Zhang Han was anxious for Jiang Lin, but he ignored that although Jiang Lin could not borrow strength from the void, he had Yang Yan whip in his hand.

While relying on the two abilities of gliding and hanging in the air, Jiang Lin used the fire whip in his hand, even if he faced the loach demon in mid-air, he would not become an immobile target.

Even if he was very anxious, Zhang Han had nothing to do. Except for Jiang Lin, no one could get close to the loach demon in the lake.

"Brother Hangu, even if your disciple is quite accomplished in sword-fighting, it would be extremely dangerous to pass like this."

"Yes, even if this loach monster is not a dragon, it is still a big water monster. Even if he has the cultivation of the Taoist level, it is difficult to say that he is not dangerous."

Many of the people present had a good relationship with Zhang Han. Seeing Jiang Lin facing the loach demon alone, he couldn't help but worry.

Hehe, even if he is stronger than me, he is not foolhardy.

Yang Zi'e did admit that Jiang Lin was stronger than him now, but Jiang Lin's reckless behavior made him not take Jiang Lin to heart.

So what if he is strong, he thinks that he has a long life, and he does not know how to restrain himself, and it is difficult to become a great weapon.

Jiang Lin gliding to ten meters in front of the loach demon, the loach demon let out a roar, and the huge dragon head slammed into Jiang Lin.

"I'll make you soup tonight!"

Clenching the bone sword in both hands, Jiang Lin slashed at the dragon head.

The loach demon was so angry that it used twelve points of strength, and now it can understand human speech.

This little human wants to make soup with it?

It is bearable, uncle can't bear it, uncle can bear it, auntie can't bear it!

Originally, it found a helmet and wanted to experience the taste of being a dragon. As it expected, when it appeared, it scared the **** humans into two wars, and some even worshiped it as a river god, but this refreshing feeling Before it has passed, someone will cook it.

Killed, must be killed!

The loach demon's tail fin exerted force, like a train carriage, and slammed into Jiang Lin.

However, the loach demon still underestimated the bone sword reflecting Hanmang in Jiang Lin's hand.

With a sound of "Dang", the huge dragon head full of verdigris was split into a large hole by Jiang Lin's sword, and the crack spread along the hole, almost splitting the loach demon's helmet in half at once.

Bright red blood spurted out from the cracks, leaving the loach demon with only its fierceness.

But the power of the loach demon should not be underestimated, Jiang Lin was shaken out, and his chest was also hit.

"Cough, yay, your head is so iron, let you make tofu the size of a mountain, loach drills tofu!"

Jiang Lin swallowed a mouthful of blood, shook out the Yang Yan whip with his left hand, and sprayed a flame to the side with his right hand. With the help of the force of the recoil and the tension of the whip, it went around the back of the Loach Demon's neck. A terrifying wound was cut on the loach demon's neck one or two meters wide.

"That's...that's the Yang Finger Sword!"

When Yang Shan saw the Yang Finger Sword used by Jiang Lin, his eyes suddenly bulged. There are several of them in the Chen Dao faction who have practiced the Yang Finger Sword in history, but there is absolutely no one who can practice the Yang Finger Sword to this level. of.

"What? Yang Finger Sword?"

Yang Zi'e stared at the seven-to-eight-meter-long Guangyan Sword in Jiang Lin's hand, with jealousy written all over his face.

This grandfather's famous stunt, he couldn't even learn it if he wanted to.

"Brother Hangu, senior Yanzhi back then, the Yanzhi sword in his hand is not as powerful as his disciple, right?"

The Yang Zhijian is quite famous in the Western Hunan realm. Back then, the Daoist Master Yan Zhi killed many ghosts and witches with his one-handed Yan Zhijian.

"It's the Yang Finger Sword."

Now that Jiang Lin is fighting against the loach demon, Zhang Han doesn't even have Xuantu's mind.

It's really a posture of the sky, the Chen Dao faction generation is probably going to rejuvenate.

Several Taoist priests on the shore looked at each other, and looked at Zhang Han with envy in their eyes.

To accept such a disciple, his face is really bright.

As for their disciples, every one of them sucked in the cold air. A human being less than two meters tall was fighting a twenty-meter-long water monster on the lake. Is this Nima still human?


On the lake, Jiang Lin, with his corpse attributes, Yang Yan whip and Yang Finger Sword, went around the loach demon's neck. It didn't take long for the loach demon to be covered with wounds caused by sharp blades.

However, because the loach demon had a layer of grease-like mucus on its body, which removed part of the power of slashing and stabbing, Jiang Lin did not cause fatal damage to the loach demon.


The loach demon now has a certain amount of intelligence. With a wave of its tail, a layer of water waves is heading towards Jianglingai.

Damn, I even want to use it to make the dish of loach drilled tofu. This time, it must let this stupid human taste the rage of loach.

Loach is never a dish!

Now that the lake water has been muddy, Jiang Lin's vision is blocked by the muddy water, and Yang Yanbian has lost his aim.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the loach demon jumped out of the water, opened its mouth and swallowed it towards Jiang Lin.

The rows of shark-like teeth in its mouth snapped at Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin put his hands on the sky, his hands and feet against the loach demon's jaws, and let out a groan. Even if he is now a corpse, the bite force against the loach demon is almost not supported.


Ten meters of high waves rose on the lake surface. After the wind calmed down, the loach demon and Jiang Lin sank into the water together.

Now the loach demon wants to let Jiang Lin know the power of the loach to drill tofu.

The average small loach drills very fast in the mud, let alone the loach monster with a body length of more than [*] meters.

Underwater, the river forest is pressed into the mud and the riverbed is rubbed. Even the reefs at the bottom of the lake do not know how much it has been smashed.

However, this level of rubbing was nothing to Jiang Lin. He gathered his strength and slammed up to get rid of the loach demon's teeth. He was tied to this loach demon.

Iron head?

Holding the bone sword upside down, Jiang Lin stabbed the loach demon's head and neck wildly, and the bronze helmet was pierced one by one by Jiang Lin.

Arch, let you arch it!Damn, don't go to the tofu, the mud.

Four hundred and seventieth chapters shameless

Large swaths of blood spread out on the lake. There was no wind and three meters of waves on the lake, and the waves came one after another.

Zhang Han's heart was already beating in his throat now, and he was afraid that the blood belonged to Jiang Lin.

Now time is extremely cruel to him, Jiang Lin has been underwater for ten minutes.

Lin Zi, Tian Ji hasn't come through the door yet, you must not be in trouble!

It's dead now.

Yang Zi'e shook his head slightly. From his point of view, Jiang Lin probably only had severed limbs left.

Another huge wave slammed on the shore, and Jiang Lin, who was covered in mud, became a one-word horse with his legs on the upper and lower jaws of the loach demon.

Now the dragon-shaped bronze statue on the head of the loach demon has disappeared, revealing a huge loach fish head.

Jiang Lin probed with both hands, two yang-fingered swords stretched into the belly of the loach demon, and one arm, the huge body of the loach demon was cut by one-third by Jiang Lin.

The huge tail slapped over, and Jiang Lin was smashed by a huge force, causing water to float on the lake.

After stabilizing his body, Jiang Lin aimed at a rock behind him, kicked his feet, and rotated his body. The Yang Finger Sword on his arms, a total of sixteen meters, flew towards the loach monster like a giant bamboo dragonfly.


The loach demon's body was chopped into two sections by Jiang Lin, and the two sections of the body struggled violently for a while, and then there was no movement.

"Crack! Kill the demon king and get [*] points of anger."

Jiang Lin didn't pay attention to how much ill-will this loach demon contributed. He stood on the lake with his bone sword, cut out the loach's body hanging on the reef into pieces, and threw it towards the fishing reef on the shore.

This thing is a rare seafood, and a piece can be sold for thousands of oceans. It is extremely nutritious and must not be wasted.

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