In the middle of the night, the Yin Demon hid in a mansion and was absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon to heal his wounds. He said gloomily, "He must be lying, he must be lying!"

If Jiang Lin had killed the Old Monster Youquan and the Gorefiend, it would have no chance of escaping.

"Hey, the most dangerous place is the safest place. As long as I take shape completely, I will definitely make you go away!"

When it was almost dawn, the Yin Demon came out of the mansion, followed the previous route, and escaped back to Fusheng Village.

Now it needs to fight for a period of time to prepare for the formation of its own demon body. Once it succeeds, it will no longer fear anyone.

As soon as he came to this village, the Yin Demon began to absorb the souls of the villagers wantonly, and then isolated his own breath with a great magic formation.

Jiang Lin, who is far away in Zhoutai County, is still searching for the whereabouts of the Yin Demon. He has a fire in his heart. Originally, the Xuantian Sword was in his hand, and the Yin Demon was banned in the cave. A sloppy one.

Four days later, Jiang Lin and Ma Daochang returned to Fusheng Village. As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the village, Jiang Lin felt something was wrong.

It was sunny and bright, and there was no one in the whole village.

"After searching for so long, it turned out to be hiding here."

Jiang Lin found out that they had been tricked by Yin Demons. They had been looking for traces of Yin Demons in the county town, but they did not expect that Yin Demons would return to Fusheng Village not far from Yin Demon Mountain.

"This this……"

Ma Daochang almost collapsed, and the people in the village only had a body, and even the soul was gone.

It was his reckless release of the Yin Demon that brought about such a result.

"The Yin Demon is born, and the poison spreads thousands of miles."

Jiang Lin's face turned gloomy. In just a few days, all the people in a village were wiped out. Daochang Ma said in the letter that the poison is a thousand miles away, and it really wasn't a joke.

"Master, will Miss Yuemei also be recruited?"

The Flying Rat King thought of Yuemei, she managed to make that beautiful little girl like her pet, but she couldn't do it in vain.

"Go and see."

Jiang Lin hurried to Yue Mei's residence, and as soon as he got to the door, he heard the voice of Yin Demon from inside.

"Hey, I didn't expect that there would be fish that slipped through the net, yo, it's still a virgin born in a cloudy year, a cloudy moon, a cloudy day, and a cloudy day, so this Demon King can be nourished."

"Help, don't come here! Jiang Lin, where are you!"

There was Yue Mei's desperate cry from the room, and just as she was desperately waiting to die, a figure flashed over.

Jiang Lin pushed with both palms, hitting the back of the Yin Demon who had just broken the magic warding formation.

Now the Yin Demon was no longer a faint green light, but a human-shaped monster with indigo-blue skin and strange magic patterns on it.

The Yin Demon spat out a mouthful of black blood, and flew towards Yue Mei. Before Jiang Lin could act, it attached to Yue Mei.

"You little bastard, you hurt me badly by teasing me before."

There was a hideous expression on Yue Mei's pretty face, and then she said proudly, "Now there is only this innocent person left in the whole village, what are you going to do with me, if you want to kill me, you must kill this girl first. Hehe...Yo, I didn't expect her to have a very good impression of you. Can you do it? Show me the trick."

The Yin Demon approached Jiang Lin step by step, and the smug look on his face became stronger and stronger.

Jiang Lin's wrist flicked, and the yin fire whip jumped out, wrapping around Yue Mei's waist, then he pulled hard, backed up, and dragged the yin demon and Yue Mei to the open space outside.

The Yin Demon is no longer afraid of Jiang Lin this time, its demon body has already taken shape.

Jiang Lin shook his head lightly, looking coldly at the Yin Demon with a smug look on his face.

Play with possession and think he can't do anything about it?Really naive to poor.

Playing with possession and seizing the house, compared to the unicorn corpse he had seen, this Yin Demon was a younger brother.

"Jerry, wrap it around me, let it run away, and you'll be laid off."

Jiang Lin gave instructions to the Flying Mouse King, but as for Daochang Ma, he simply ignored it.

The Flying Rat King immediately turned into a giant rat, blocking the back of the Yin Demon, and the rat tail like a steel whip wrapped around the Yin Demon's body.

"If you don't show up, I really can't do anything about you. Then you will know what it means to be happy and sad!"

Jiang Lin quickly formed a seal in his hand, shouted loudly, and a three-legged golden crow about the size of a zhang appeared behind him.


After the three-legged golden crow roared, it rushed towards the Yin Demon.

"how is this possible!"

When the Yin Demon reacted, it was already grasped by the three-legged Golden Crow that passed through Yuemei's body.

The third leg of the three-legged Golden Crow clamped on its upper body, and the other two legs clasped its legs, and then spread its wings and hugged it together.

Now the Yin Demons have no chance to fly away.

"What's the point of being blind?"

Jiang Lin made a seal in his hand again, ready to send the Yin Demon a beautiful firework.

Chapter [*] Teleport!


After Jiang Lin shouted loudly, another [*]-meter-tall three-legged Golden Crow flew over.

"They all came out to mix, don't be so dragged in the future, I told you that Youquan and Gorefiend are dragging in front of me, and the dead can't die anymore."

Jiang Lin really didn't understand the brain circuit of this Yin Demon, and he didn't understand the opponent's strength at all, so he was confident, proud, and pretentious.

I've said it before, don't think no one can cure it, but I don't listen.

"When the demon body is formed, you can continue to talk? Why are you a talk show host?"

Jiang Lin snapped his fingers and uttered a slogan: "Destroy it!"

The Yin Demon was held like an egg by the three-legged Golden Crow. The blazing flames burned his demon body and consciousness. This time, he panicked again, and his soul trembled. However, he had already committed suicide and fell to Jiang Lin's lore. Bureau.

There is no regret medicine in the world. With a loud "bang", two large and small three-legged golden crows exploded at the same time, the ground trembled, and the surrounding houses were hit by the shock wave and collapsed a lot.

The Yin Demon was blown into ashes, and a large amount of injustice wafted into the air, gradually rising, covering the entire village.

"Pop! Kill the Yin Demon and get [*] points of anger."

[*] ah [*], really delivered.

Jiang Lin felt sad for this yin demon. If he hadn't relied on his ability to possess Yue Mei's body and use Yue Mei's body to fight in front of him, Jiang Lin estimated that he would have to rely on the power of Xuantian's sword. Strength can kill this thing.

"Yin... the yin demon is gone?"

Chief Daoist Ma had been sitting on the ground for a long time, and was frightened by Jiang Lin's methods. An explosion of this magnitude could only have been caused by the red-clothed cannons during the war.

Not only Ma Daochang, but also the Flying Rat King was shocked. Its owner seemed to be much stronger than before.

Yue Mei, who was held by the giant mouse, was also quite frightened. If she hadn't woken up and witnessed all this, she would have thought that some natural disaster had occurred.

"Well, it's gone. Unfortunately, in a village, it is estimated that you are the only two alive, Yuemei and Ma Daochang."

When Jiang Lin entered the room before, he found that the village chief Qiu had been poisoned and died.

Almost all the people in the village were dead, and Dr. Lang Zhong and Dr. Qiu were not spared. It was also helpless for Village Chief Qiu to die of poisoning.

In fact, compared to more than [*] years ago, the casualties this time have been very small.

Daochang Ma felt that his face was hot and went to apologize to Yue Mei.

"Daoist Li Yang, Yue Mei seems to have been poisoned by Yin Demons. Is there any way for Daoist Brother to heal her? I can pay for it."

Ma Daochang looked at Yue Mei's expression of death, and asked Jiang Lin for help. Because of his own reasons, a village was killed. If he was the only one left to die, he really didn't have any face to face his master. .

Jiang Lin went up to check on Yue Mei's situation and said, "I can handle it, but it's more troublesome, but I'm afraid there is no material here."

Most of the blood and yin qi in Yue Mei's body were sucked away, resulting in an imbalance between yin and yang.

Jiang Lin used some medicinal herbs for Yue Mei, and then stayed here for three days, setting up some magic circles to eliminate the injustice over the village.

This Fusheng Village is considered a waste, and it will not be suitable for living in five or six years.

Ma Daochang went to the county seat and reported the incident. Many soldiers came and burned the bodies in the village collectively.

In the carriage, Jiang Lin helped Yue Mei up, gave her medicine, and asked, "How is it? Are you feeling better?"

"Sir, it's better. Sir, is Yue Mei helpless? Please save me, Mr. Yue Mei, Yue Mei is willing to promise her. Yue Mei is now homeless. I don't know if Mr. will want me."

Yue Mei not only lost her family, but also lost her villagers and relatives. Now she has no support, and her life is at stake. If Jiang Lin saves her, she is willing to give herself to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "If you say that, I won't be a repayment of kindness? Daochang Ma has already paid me, and I will save you. As for the things that you promised each other, I don't think you said anything. ."

"Master, maybe people are just being euphemistic. Didn't Master listen to Yin Demon, Miss Yuemei likes Master."

The Flying Rat King smiled and climbed out of the car after he finished speaking.

Yuemei listened to the words of the mouse, her face was like an autumn maple leaf, and she murmured: "Sir, is Yuemei being too euphemistic, in fact, Yuemei likes what you like. Apart from Mr., I have nothing to rely on. now..."

Whispering softly, Yue Mei quietly leaned her body into Jiang Lin's arms.

At night, Jiang Lin helped Yue Mei, who was leaning in his arms, who was dreaming, to lie down, and got out of the carriage by herself.

On the top of the mountain, Jiang Lin called out the system.

Jiang Lin (code-named zero): the [*]th generation disciple of the Chen Dao School

Physique: Brutal body

Cultivation Realm: Celestial Master

Corpse Level: Green Zombie

Exercise: Yang Mian Jue (Consummation)

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