Jiang Lin's expression was a little dignified. He had seen many ways to die. Some were drained of blood and only bones were left, but only human skin was left, and he had never seen them.

When Jiang Lin and the others arrived at the place Panlan Tiger King said, Caiyi and Ayan couldn't help but vomit.

This place is even more terrifying than the Shura Field. Pieces of wrinkled human skin fluttered on the ground, and many others were blown in the air by the wind.

Chapter five hundred and thirty seventh emperor cicada

Some of these human skins are covered with clothes, while others are only a piece of skin and a little hair.

If ordinary people suddenly see this kind of scene, it is easy to faint.

But with so many human skins here, there is no smell of blood here.

Jiang Lin went to check it and found that these human skins were not peeled off, but the blood and bones inside seemed to have been melted, removed, or absorbed.

It is very likely that even the soul did not escape.

No wonder there is no resentment here, and the death is clean and complete, except for the horror on the surface, there is nothing else.

What caused this tragedy?

Jiang Lin looked around and found nothing strange.

He squeezed the seal in his hand and drank, "The ghosts are coming!"

Not long after, a ghost appeared in a dark place.

"What happened in your village?"

Jiang Lin showed his Yin Commander, and sometimes the shock and deterrence of strength is not as good as this token.

"My lord, it's a monster, a human-shaped monster. I don't know what kind of monster it is. Its tail is like a wasp, no, it's like a scorpion. When you stab a person, only a piece of skin is left. It's terrible. It's horrible!"

The ghost shadow shivered, and Jiang Lin let it go without asking for any other news.

Insects become monsters?

Jiang Lin tapped his forehead, unable to think of any type of insect-formed fairy that would have such a method.

It seems that this time I came to Shu, and I was busy again.

The spiritual energy of Shuditiandi is relatively strong, and this Kun Yao absorbs the essence of the human body like this, not getting rid of it is always a scourge.

Jiang Lin was prepared to be chaotic in the future, and let his wives stay in Shu. Even if there was a war in the future, Shu was relatively stable due to geographical reasons.

Such a Kun Yao, it would be better to get rid of it early.

"Master, I found something."

Panlan Tiger King ran out of an alley and waved to Jiang Lin.

After Jiang Lin passed by, he saw the remains of a huge insect on the ground, about half a meter in size.

Next to the slaughter, there is a hole in the ground.

"What is this?"

Jiang Lin squatted down to inspect the molting and frowned. He could still recognize quite a few animals, but he could recognize relatively few insects.

It is a pity that it is not easy to find books such as Encyclopedia of Insects in this era.

"Master, I think this thing is a bit like a cicada. When I was in Kunlun, I heard that there was an emperor cicada there. This one may be the shedding of the emperor cicada."

"Emperor cicada?"

"Yes master, creatures like cicadas drink dew and water and eat tree sap. If they are in a place with strong spiritual energy, they may also become demons, but such demons have little evil energy. But the emperor cicada feeds on blood. It's not small. It's just that this kind of cicada is very rare, and I've only heard of it."

Jiang Lin measured the molting on the ground again, feeling a bit like a cicada.

Then Jiang Lin burst into flames, set the molting on fire, and then asked the cat to pack up the skins and take them outside the town to burn.

Caiyi and Ayan were a little reluctant to live in the town's inn, they had human skin inside and looked disgusting.

Jiang Lin walked around the town, found a tent in the leather merchant's shop, and prepared to spend the night outside the town.

On the morning of the third day, the group came to the ancient tomb of the Microwave School.

"Senior Sister! Junior Sisters!"

When Caiyi and Ayan entered the tomb gate, they couldn't wait to shout out. They hadn't come back for several years, and they missed it very much.

"Caiyi, Ayan?"

Bai Miner came to the hall and was surprised to see the two junior sisters.

"Brother Lin... Where's the senior?"

Bai Min'er's heartbeat accelerated, and she quickly looked behind the two junior sisters, but there was no sign of Jiang Lin.

Caiyi and Ayan glanced at each other, then looked at their senior sister with no deep meaning, and said, "Sister~ Husband is behind."

The meanings of senior sister and elder sister are different, Bai Min'er's cheeks immediately flushed after hearing this.


After Jiang Lin entered the tomb gate, his eyes fell on Bai Min'er.

"Senior sister, what about our junior sisters?"

"I let them all go out to practice."

Caiyi and Ayan nodded, and then went to the kitchen outside.

"For more than three years, no one has come except for a letter. Forget me!"

Bai Min'er pouted, and there was some resentment on her face. She has been heartbroken in the past few years.

Jiang Lin stepped forward and hugged her in his arms, kissing her lips.

"Did you miss me?"

Bai Min'er originally wanted to let go of the little woman's temper, but after seeing the passion in Jiang Lin's eyes, she couldn't bear to be angry anymore.

Jiang Lin hugged Bai Min'er horizontally and said, "Is your room still there? Go get your clothes and take a shower together."

"It hurts! Husband, don't be so rude, you haven't touched anyone for three or four years."

In Bai Min'er's room, the wooden bed made a creaking sound, along with Bai Min'er's pained chirps and Jiang Lin's heavy breathing.

Jiang Lin's offensive was fierce, like a long-running army, invincible, knocking open the enemy's palace gates.

Through to the end.

Two hours later, Bai Min'er surrendered completely, and she scratched the pillow and sheets.

Jiang Lin helped Bai Miner put on clothes, and took her hand out of the room. Now that Caiyi and Ayan both knew about it, he and Bai Miner didn't need to be cautious.

Bai Min'er said angrily, "Husband, you are necrotic, and it hurts to walk."

Jiang Lin smiled lightly and said, "By the way, Min'er, there is a kind of cicada monster in Shu that sucks the essence of human flesh. Have you heard of it? I think it may be difficult to deal with. Please let your junior sisters come back first. , so as not to run into it. I'll find the whereabouts of the Cicada Demon and the Flying Dead in two days."

"Okay, got it."

Bai Min'er and Jiang Lin hadn't seen each other for more than three years. They were tired of being together like newlyweds. Caiyi and Ayan were jealous.

But this kind of life was broken after three days. On this day, Bai Min'er's little sister's clothes were stained with blood, and she rushed back in a panic.

"Senior, you are here? Great! Second Senior Sister Third Senior Sister, you also cough..."

"Little Junior Sister, what happened, please speak slowly?"

When Bai Min'er saw that her junior sister was covered in blood, she was also very anxious.

"We encountered a powerful monster, probably the monster king, and several senior sisters covered me and escaped. Seniors, three senior sisters, go and rescue the fourth senior sisters, even if there are amulets left by seniors, they will also It won't last long."

"Tell us their location, Ayan, take care of her."

After Jiang Lin, Bai Min'er, and Caiyi learned about the places where the female disciples were killed, they rushed over quickly.

When he arrived at the place of the accident, Jiang Lin was stunned. Bai Min'er's junior sisters encountered the cicada he was looking for.

And the shape of the cicada demon shocked him outside and inside.

Is this Nima Sharu from Dragon Ball Z?

Chapter [-] Tiger King VS Cicada Demon

Several girls were attacking the humanoid monster, and the aura on his body was the same as the cicada slough Jiang Lin had found in the town before.

The emperor cicada becomes a demon.

And this cicada demon looks nine-point similar to the cyborg Sharu in Riman Dragon Ball.

It stands like a human, with complete hands and feet, but more like animal claws. Its body is green with black spots, its head is like an upside-down clothes support, its back has two wings like a backboard, and there is a syringe at the end. The same tail pin.

A cicada demon can transform into this appearance, and Jiang Lin will see it for a long time.

At this time, there were bloodstains on the corners of the mouths of several girls. They worked together to cast the Three Realms Flying Immortal Formation. At the same time, the explosive flame talismans and flaming paper cranes in their hands were madly projected on the Cicada Demon. Dozens of explosions exploded together, making it difficult for the Cicada Demon to break through the protection.

But now they have reached the point where their spiritual power is about to be exhausted.

"Dedicate the essence of your life and become one with me."

The cicada demon made a snarling sound, which sounded very uncomfortable.

"Husband, save them quickly."

Bai Min'er was relieved to see that her junior sisters were not in danger. Although she asked them to go out to practice, they all brought a lot of magical charms for body protection. It is impossible for her junior sisters to resist this demon king.

"Don't worry, I'm here."

Jiang Lin turned over and jumped up, and an eight-meter sword of light slashed towards the demon Chan Yao's waist.

Bai Min'er looked at Jiang Lin who was like a rainbow, with a sweet smile on her face. As long as this man appeared, she would feel very safe.

"Sister, don't worry, with my husband here, she won't let us and the junior sisters we care about have an accident."

Caiyi went up and took Bai Min'er's hand. Like Bai Min'er, she was full of confidence in Jiang Lin.

What a strong defense!

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