
Cicada Demon took Jiang Lin's punch with his chest, clasped Jiang Lin's wrists with both claws, and stabbed Jiang Lin's neck like a scorpion.


Caiyi screamed out, and Bai Miner's heart almost jumped out when she saw this scene.


Jiang Lin turned his fist into his palm, and the bone sword jumped out from his palm, and then brought out a Yang Yan whip.

Using the whip to control the sword, Jiang Lin blocked the Cicada Demon's needle.

"How is it possible that there are still people who can practice swordsmanship, impossible!"

The cicada demon shouted, Jiang Lin broke free from its claws, turned a knife with one hand, and penetrated into the crack in its chest.

Covering his chest, Chan Yao rolled over and stepped back, stopping in mid-air ten meters away.

There was a pool of green blood on the ground.

"Hey, with this ability, what other appetizers and main meals do you want to eat. Master, today we eat fried rice, so we can make up for the two mistresses."

Seeing Chan Yao didn't take any advantage of it, King Panlan smiled while making up for the knife, Jiang Lin's knife pierced his heart, and its exit pierced his heart.

"Aren't you proud of your speed? You can catch my blow, and it's okay to let you go today."

Jiang Lin's wrists converged, and his spiritual power surged wildly.

He felt that the demon cicada might have the intention of escaping, so he used an aggressive method.

"Hohohoho... It's ridiculous, I admit that I can't help you, but you haven't moved much from the beginning to the end, I'm afraid you can't move fast. You want to kill me, can you catch me? You can Hit?"

Being so provoked by Jiang Lin, Chan Yao laughed in mid-air. It attacked Jiang Lin, but many methods didn't work. It even got counterattacked by Jiang Lin's defense. What an effort.


The corners of Jiang Lin's mouth raised slightly, and he sighed in his heart, "Eat me a teleport-shift-turtle-pai-qi-gong!"

Jiang Lin quickly turned into a corpse just before [-]% of the Yang flames and spiritual energy in his body reached his palms.



The Cicada Demon has been fully prepared, and it also wants to see what means Jiang Lin has.

According to its estimation, if there is anyone in this world who can kill it, it may be the Taoist priest in front of him.

But it never imagined that Jiang Lin's "speed" was so fast that it disappeared.


This sound was the last sound that the cicada demon heard.

A black pillar of fire came from the top of the Cicada Demon's head.

He looks like Sharu, and his encounters are also like Sharu, and he was bombarded by the qigong of the teleportation turtle school.

Chapter five hundred and fortieth snake demon that can sense dragon energy

The Cicada Demon didn't know how Jiang Lin appeared on top of its head until it died. By the time it knew it, it was too late. This was a super kill that Jiang Lin specially prepared for it.

Before the Chan Yao's body fell to the ground, more than half of it was blasted into ashes. After that, Jiang Lin poured out all his spiritual power, and the Chan Yao was smashed into slag.

God knows if this cicada demon is the kind that can be resurrected infinitely with a little wreckage.

"Pop! Kill the demon king and get [-] points of anger."

After hearing the system's prompt, Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and the Shalu-like Cicada was finally destroyed in his hands.

my girl~

The eyes of the colorful tiger king are open like dog eyes. When did the owner learn such a spell? ?

This is simply impossible to guard against!

The "bass" disappeared in an instant.

Not to mention the colorful tiger king, even Caiyi, who slept in the same bed with Jiang Lin, did not know that Jiang Lin had such abilities.

"Senior is really amazing, Senior Sister, please don't let the senior go away, okay? We want to learn too."

Several girls shook Bai Min'er's arm, arguing that they wanted to learn Jiang Lin's skills.


Bai Min'er directly rejected it in her heart. Jiang Lin had lived in their microwave sect for more than three months, and asked her and two junior sisters. If she stayed there, it would be possible that all the female disciples of a sect would be with her men.

Absolutely not!

Jiang Lin coughed a few times after he landed. After he was corpse, a part of his spiritual power was running around in his body, causing him to feel pain everywhere.

Combining Taoism with supernatural powers, he still can't control it freely, especially the use of such powerful means has relatively large side effects.

I can't use it more in the future, I need to improve the compatibility of corpse and spiritual power to use it.

"Alas, the attack is too ruthless, not even the inner alchemy is left."

Jiang Lin felt a little pity that this cicada demon had already transformed its demon power in advance, so it could be very powerful even after transforming into shape, and its inner core was more valuable than an ordinary demon king.

The thought of permanently destroying this demon king made Jiang Lin feel less regretful.

"I'm sorry, it's gone after deep-frying, but this cicada monster looks disgusting, I guess no one likes it."

Jiang Lin walked to Caiyi and Bai Miner's side and said with a smile.

After everyone returned to the ancient tomb, Caiyi and Ayan helped to deal with the injuries of the younger sisters. Jiang Lin went back to his room and sat cross-legged to recover his spiritual power.

The ancient tomb is full of spiritual energy, and Jiang Lin has refined a lot of corpse poison. After two days and one night, it returned to its peak state.

With the improvement of his cultivation, the time to recover spiritual power has gradually increased. After all, the upper limit of the spiritual power he can hold has been raised a lot.

At night, Bai Min'er came in with the food. After putting down the food table, she sat next to Jiang Lin and said, "Husband, you are not allowed to hook up with my other junior sisters."

Jiang Lin glanced at Bai Min'er, then kissed her fiercely, then squeezed her face lightly, and said, "Which of the three of you did I hook up with?"

"Don't worry, although a few junior sisters are cute, they can't compare to you. Your husband has a very high vision now. Come, give me your hand, and I will pass the refining charm to you. Tingting and the others have Tom and Jie. Rui's protection, you are not by my side, I am most worried about you."

Hearing Jiang Lin's caring words, Bai Min'er felt like a pool of honey was poured into her heart.

"Husband, it's time to eat."

"Don't worry, be happy first."

Bai Min'er half pushed and said softly, "No, the junior sisters and they are all back."

At this time, Caiyi and Ayan also pushed the door and came in. Their junior sisters were all asleep, so they didn't hinder their work.

Three women shared a bed, and the bed was creaky until dawn, and it was quite crowded.

After two days of rest, Jiang Lin slept on the treetops all night, absorbing the yin energy of the full moon to replenish the body. After dawn, he took the colorful tiger king and set off.

It took half a month for Jiang Lin to ride the colorful tiger king to travel around the land of Shu again, but there was still no message from Fei Zong and Daoist Chunhua.

He did a divination and found that Fei Zong was in Shu, but he couldn't find it.

Since he took the initiative to search twice and couldn't find it, Jiang Lin was going to wait for it to appear.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin went to the Zhuge family, and used the principle of the ghost chess array to exchange for the eight diagrams of the gods and ghosts kept by Zhuge Kongping.

When she left the land of Shu, Bai Min'er was reluctant to part with her. She couldn't go with Jiang Lin yet. After another year or two, someone from Microwave sent her cultivation base to reach the peak of Taoism and she would resign.

"Husband, during your absence, a Mr. Fu came to visit, but he left without waiting for you. Qiusheng and Feibao also wrote to say that the construction of the new house is coming to an end, and my uncle heard that we To move, I sold all the property and handed it over to Zhuzhu. He went back to the countryside to retire. The uncle's confidant was invited by Zhuzhu and now lives in the town. We will pay them wages as usual, and we will move when the time comes. Now, there is no need to find a servant."

After returning to the Taoist Church, Ren Tingting told Jiang Lin a few things.

"Okay, I'll go to Gantian Town in two days to arrange the new house. It is estimated that it will take a month or two to pick you up. What's the matter with that Mr. Fu, and what does he look like?"

Jiang Lin remembered that he didn't seem to know Fu. After listening to Ren Tingting's description, he didn't have any impression and didn't take it to heart.

Two days later, Jiang Lin took King Panlan and Uncle Ping, the housekeeper, to Gantian Town.

Ten kilometers away from Gantian Town, Jiang Lin was drinking water by a small stream when he suddenly felt a thin demonic and dragon energy not far away.

"Uncle Ping, Tom, you go to Gantian Town first."

After Jiang Lin showed Uncle Ping the way, he went to the location of the demon.

"This... this snake demon has the potential to transform into a Jiao!"

Jiang Lin saw from a distance a small black snake coiled on the ground in the clearing in the forest, and there was a strong dragon energy around it.

The black snake led the snake's neck to make a slight noise. Jiang Lin's ears were much more sensitive to the sound than ordinary people, and he could hear the slight dragon roar.

An hour later, the black snake zigzagged forward, Jiang Lin quietly followed behind, and after the black snake climbed three miles, it suddenly became bigger, and then it used its tail to drill down on the ground.

With a "puff" sound, a dragon qi spurted out from the cave, and the black snake shrank again, coiled at the entrance of the hole, and absorbed the dragon qi leisurely.

Good guy, this snake monster can find the underground dragon energy!

Jiang Lin bit his finger and drew a demon-suppressing talisman. He approached the black snake in three steps, and threw the demon-suppressing talisman on its body.

"What do you really want."

Jiang Lin was overjoyed. With this snake demon, he no longer had to worry about finding the dragon energy near Gantian Town.

"Little White~"

At this moment, a young boy's voice came from not far away.

Then, a [-]- or [-]-year-old girl walked out of the woods. The girl was dressed in a rather strange and revealing style.

It's just that this kind of exposure was not intentionally worn, and the workmanship of the girl's gown and shorts was very rough.

"Bad man, you return my little white!"

Seeing the black snake in Jiang Lin's hands, a look of anger appeared on the girl's face.

Chapter [-]: Li Yangju

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