Ah Chu didn't care, and went straight back to Fuxi Hall.

In the Hexing Building, Boss He saw that the meal time had passed, and Zhou Yuan came to brag again, and put the radiant town house talisman on the beam of the house.

It didn't take long for the Hexing Building to be a mess, and many insects and ants seemed to be frightened and fled together.

The ants moved the snake aisle, Zhou Yuan jumped on the stool in fright, and the other guests were frightened and ran out.

Master Jiang's talisman is so magical?

After listening to Boss He's explanation, Zhou Yuan and the others were shocked.

I posted a talisman, and there was not even a single ant on the ground, and they all ran away.

Mao Xiaofang also sent the talisman paper for the townspeople to use in the town house, but the effect is incomparable to this.

What Boss He didn't know was that because he posted the town house talisman in time, his kitchen was not looted by the snake demon.

After the snake demon left Hexing Building, it left the town. Although it was a demon, it was not very hostile to people because it was always by Axiu's side.

Now it is transitioning from a small demon to a big demon, and it needs a lot of energy. The intuitive performance is that the amount of food to be ingested is very large.

"Oh, why are there so many snakes in the fields, and the rent is about to be paid. If they were bitten during the harvest, wouldn't they delay work?"

The tenant farmer Zhang Bo cut a snake into two pieces with a hoe.

There are many snakes, worms, rats and ants around Gantian Town. In the past years, there were also snakes in the fields, but there were absolutely not so many. When Zhang Bo was scratching his head, he suddenly felt a darkness above his head.

"Snake, snake!"

Turning around, a giant snake appeared behind him, with vertical pupils staring at him.

As soon as the snake's eyes moved, the giant snake saw two snake bodies that were still struggling on the ground.

The giant snake hissed and bumped into Uncle Zhang, but Uncle Zhang's amulet lit up and shook it.


Zhang Bo was so scared that his pants were wet, and he only hated that his parents had lost two legs.

Because when he attacked just now, he was shocked, and the snake demon did not chase Zhang Bo.

It climbed into the field, arched out everything like green vegetables and sweet potatoes, and swallowed it.

"What? Snake demon? Uncle Zhang, are you drinking too much?"

In the police station, Zhou Yuan had a look like you said, and he didn't believe there was any snake demon at all.

Although there are many snakes in Gantian Town, they are all small snakes, the longest is only four meters, and there are not even larger pythons, how can there be snake demons.

"We pay taxes every year, and we raise you people who eat public food, but if you want to rely on you, you will lose your life. If it weren't for Master Jiang's amulet, I would be swallowed by the snake monster now."

Zhou Yuan didn't believe his own words at all. He also said that he was drinking too much. Zhang Bo was so angry that he yelled at the police station door.

It didn't take long for someone to ask Zhang Un what happened.

"Master Jiang's amulet is really so powerful?"

Not far from the police station, Mr. Jin from the jade shop quickly ran out to ask Uncle Zhang.

Although he has heard that Jiang Lin sells amulets, he doesn't know the specific function, and he plans to ask the person who bought it in two days about the effect.

"That's not it, that snake demon is at least ten meters long, and it raised its neck and rushed towards me, but the amulet on my body shook it back, otherwise, how could I stand here and curse. "

After listening to Uncle Zhang's words, Master Jin ran away with a swoosh.

The matter of Boss He's town house, and the matter of Uncle Zhang's escape from the dead have been passed on from the dead, and everyone knows that there are snakes and demons around the town, and the magic charms sold by Jiang Lin have extraordinary effects.

Especially the amulets, which can resist the attacks of zombies and monsters, the more expensive ones are better.

After Mao Xiaofang learned the news, he and Ahai Achu rushed to Zhenkou to check the dragon vein tree.

"It's broken, the longan of the dragon vein tree is full of worms, and Gantian Town will no longer be peaceful."

"Master, the dragon vein tree used to have worms on its roots. How come the dragon's eye of the dragon vein stone is full of worms this time?"

Ah Hai was also taken aback, this was something that had never happened before.

Mao Xiaofang sighed slightly and said, "This is an ominous sign. This year, Gantian Town will not be peaceful. There will be disasters."

At this time, Jiang Lin was arranging the magic circle in the yard. Hearing the noise outside, he came out to take a look. The front of the shop was crowded with people.

Buy talisman, buy talisman, buy, buy, buy!

The most wealthy and powerful is Mr. Jin, who bought more than [*] copies in one go, and bought five copies of those with Fu Yun.

Master Jin is the richest group in Gantian Town, and he doesn't know how much he can collect for his farm rent every year.

The richer you are, the more you are afraid of death. In addition, there are many strange things around Gantian Town, and now there are snake demons, so after learning that the amulet sold by Jiang Lin has a strong effect, he specially brought a few large yellow croakers here, just for the sake of it. buy character.

"Snake demon?"

Jiang Lin raised eyebrows when he heard the news from the townspeople. The first thing he suspected was the black snake raised by A Xiu.

However, Axiu said that she has a purple gold ring to control the snake demon, and the magic talisman on the bamboo cage has been sticking to it, so Jiang Lin is not sure.

Until the evening, the farmers in the entire Gantian Town were shocked. Many of their fields were turned into a mess, with no particles left.

Chapter [*] Do I look like a thief?

"I said Sanyuan, can you do something serious? When Zhang Bo said there was a snake demon, why didn't you report it?"

In the police station, Captain Song was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. Now many farmers in Gantian Town have lost their food out of thin air, and the crops in the fields are even more miserable.

It was all caused by not paying attention to the snake demon in time.

"Captain, Zhang Bo said that snake monsters eat crops, and snakes are not vegetarian. How could snake monsters eat crops? He must have been drinking too much."

Zhou Yuan immediately excused himself. In fact, he just didn't want to be busy. He took one vote and vetoed it. In this case, he didn't need to be dispatched.

"Uncle Zhang drank too much, okay, what about Uncle Niu and Aunt Wang? They also drank too much?"

Captain Song slapped his palm on the table in annoyance. Originally, if Zhou Yuan had informed him of the incident in time and brought someone to check it, he would have reduced a lot of losses. Now many townspeople are crying to the point of no tears.

Now that Mao Xiaofang has gone to the farmland to check for clues, Captain Song can only hope that the snake demon will be subdued as soon as possible.

"Uncle, in fact, I think here, we can also do some retail business. The charms made by my uncle are so good, someone will definitely buy them."

In the shop, Uncle Ping suggested that Jiang Lin should not only focus on wholesale. A large amount of money is wealth, but if money comes in every day, it will also be a lot of income over time.

On this day, many townspeople came to buy talismans, and they spent a lot of money. All the magic talismans such as town house amulet in the shops were sold out.

"Since Uncle Ping said so, let's do retail sales, but even if you do retail sales, you won't have talismans every day. I'll make up for it once a month."

Jiang Lin thought about it, and what Uncle Ping said made sense. He took a little time to make up for this kind of town house talisman and amulets. After retailing, he would have money for his daughter-in-law's dress.

On the second day, because the story of the snake demon had completely spread, and all the farmers who had the town house talisman kept their food in good condition, many townspeople rushed up.

"Everyone, these charms will be replenished once a month, and I will notify you at the shop door when they are in stock."

Uncle Ping explained to the townspeople in the store that in the future, they will buy first, first serve, and the goods will be shipped once a month.

After a group of people knew that the talisman had been sold out, none of them did not regret it. Next time there is stock, they must come to line up to buy it earlier!

Jiang Lin didn't go to the shop today. He had been arranging a corpse formation in the yard, and the mountain foundations and source water were buried.

After being busy for most of the day, Jiang Lin walked out of the house and rested for a while.


As soon as he came out, Jiang Lin saw Axiu walking over angrily.

"Miss Axiu, what's the matter? And I don't call you 'you'."

Jiang Lin frowned. He ate together yesterday. Why is this girl looking at him with a fierce look today, and she didn't even call her a name.

"Did you steal Xiaobai, you return my Xiaobai!"

Ah Xiu's eyes were a little red with anger. She thought that Jiang Lin invited her to dinner yesterday because he approached her to steal her bamboo cage.

Did this snake demon really run away?

Jiang Lin is now certain, most of the snake monsters the villagers are talking about is the one raised by A Xiu, but the bamboo cage has always been on A Xiu's body, how could it be lost?

"I said that you are a man, but I'm still inviting you to dinner. Come here, look carefully, and see if I look like a thief?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, pointed at his face, and let this girl with a somewhat eccentric personality take a good look.

"If I really want to, I can just grab it from you, but do I need to steal it?"

"Isn't it the little white you stole?"

Axiu feels that what Jiang Lin said is quite reasonable, but if Jiang Lin didn't steal it, where would her Xiaobai go?

Then Axiu stepped forward and tiptoed in front of Jiang Lin's face, and sniffed a few times with her crystal-clear nose.


"You almost kissed my face!"

Jiang Lin took a step back and looked at Axiu with a speechless expression. It was so funny. Looking at his face, he could really tell where the snake demon went?

"You don't have the smell of Xiaobai. You didn't steal it. Can you help me find Xiaobai?"

"No help."

Jiang Lin responded directly with two words, wronged him, without a word of apology, and wanted him to help?

unless he agrees to his terms.


What made Jiang Lin speechless was that Axiu cried right in front of him, and squatted down, hugging her knees and crying, calling Xiaobai all the time.

Do you cry, don't squat in front of me and cry?Makes me like the kind of scumbag who plays irresponsible.

"Whose little girl did Master Jiang bully?"

"No, that's Master Jiang."

"What's wrong with Master Jiang? He's also a young man in his twenties. Maybe he's impulsive."

"No, they seem to be from the same family. They were eating together in Hexing Building yesterday."

Hearing a few people talking at the door, Uncle Ping stuck his head out of the shop.

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