It turned out that the snake demon that brought the town to this field was actually released by two of his "good" apprentices.

Doesn't this mean that the culprit behind all this is their Fuxi Hall?

Chapter [-]: The place that is least afraid of thieves

"Daoist friend, since there is such a cause and effect, I also believe that the snake demon is in the hands of Daoist friend. This kind of thing will not happen again. It, Daoist friend, you can take it away."

Mao Xiaofang forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and nodded to Jiang Lin.

He really had nothing to say about Jiang Lin's actions. In truth, they couldn't account for Fuxitang, but Jiang Lin let him break the center of the snake demon, and the snake demon had already paid the price.

If Jiang Lin was the kind of unreasonable person, he would take away the snake demon as soon as he came up, then shoved the pot to their Fuxi Hall, slapped his butt and left without saying a word.

"Miss Axiu, I'm very sorry, my two apprentices are ignorant, and I will teach them a good lesson when I go back."

Mao Xiaofang was quite embarrassed when he looked at Axiu, who had tears on his face. It was estimated that when he dealt with the snake demon, this girl had been watching.

Mao Xiaofang has never been so embarrassed since he left the school.

Just now, Ah Chu was still pouring sewage on Jianglin with peace of mind and buckled his hat.

Two villains!

"Master Mao, don't bother you anymore."

Jiang Lin turned to leave, the snake demon was broken, and he still needed to heal it, so he couldn't let it die.

After Jiang Lin left, Mao Xiaofang's face seemed to be stained with frost.

"You two did a good job!"

He was so angry that he whipped A Chu and A Hai with the snake-beating cane in his hand.

Since accepting the apprentice, Mao Xiaofang has never directly punished his apprentice, and this time he couldn't bear it any longer.

Jiang Lin followed Axiu to a cave, which was Axiu's residence.

In this age, still people live in caves?

Jiang Lin looked around the cave and said, "Do you usually live in this cave?"

"There are a lot of bad people outside, but it's good here. Hurry up and save Xiaobai, or you'll be a bad person too."

Axiu pouted and lost her temper like a child.

There are many bad people outside, so there is no need to live in caves all the time, right?

Jiang Lin shook his head and said, "Since I said it's fine, it will be fine. I hope you don't forget what you promised me."

Then he cut the belly of his finger with his fingernail, refined the corpse poison essence in his body, dripped some into the black snake's abdominal wound, and rubbed it on its wound.

Jiang Lin put the black snake on the ground and said to it, "I know you already have spirituality, and you must understand what I said before. You are about to break through now. If you need food, go to a place away from the crowd to find it. , can't hurt people, otherwise even a Taoist priest with cultivation can accept you, and I won't save you a second time."

"The blood that was sent into your body just now has the Qi of a unicorn, which is useful for your cultivation. Of course, this is not free. I will borrow you from you in the future and ask you to find something for me. This is a magic talisman, as long as you generate it If you want to hurt people, or do things that endanger the world, you will taste it."

Jiang Lin also pointed to the magic talisman in his opponent's hand and put it into the black snake's mouth.

"It will be fine in seven days, and I will come to you then."

Leaving these words, Jiang Lin left the cave.

What the hell!Qilin Qi!

The colorful tiger king behind Jiang Lin had a look of envy, jealousy and hatred on his face. Is this Master Nima Aiwu Jiwu?

The unicorn is the head of the caterpillar, and the colorful tiger king is the king of the beasts, but compared with the unicorn, it is still far behind. The Qi of the unicorn is also very useful for its cultivation.

"Behave well, cultivate hard, not to mention Qilin Qi, Dragon Qi is not without. There are many little monsters near Gantian Town. Now that your mistresses haven't come, you don't have to watch the house during the day."

The two demon kings had followed him for so long, and he could guess anything in his mind.

"Master, Tom will definitely practice hard!"

The Tiger King Panlan immediately set a target. Not only did he possess the Qi of a unicorn, but he also possessed the spirit of a dragon. Following his master was indeed the wisest choice in his life as a tiger!

After Jiang Lin returned to Li Yangju, he continued to set up the magic circle in the yard. The next day, Captain Song and Zhou Yuan sent the reward.

To his surprise, Mao Xiaofang put the credit for conquering the snake demon on him.

Therefore, many townspeople crowded in front of the store with chickens, ducks, geese or vegetables and eggs.

"My aunt said that the main thing to conquer the snake demon is Master Mao's strength. We have already received ten oceans. Folks, please send these gifts to Fuxi Hall. We Li Yangju will not receive gifts after receiving the payment. so."

Uncle Ping followed Jiang Lin's instructions and invited all the townspeople away. After Mao Xiaofang knew about this, he was very grateful to Jiang Lin.

The matter was caused by their Fuxi Hall, and Jiang Lin had not lost their Fuxi Hall's reputation.

"Brother, why do you look like you've eaten a dead mouse? Lost the bet again?"

In the Hexing Building, Sixi saw his brother put on a bad face, and couldn't help but wonder. Last night, her brother said that he was about to be promoted, shouldn't he be happy?

"Oh, I'm really mad at me! There is a very powerful thief in the town. Last night, the three big households were patronized. I was about to be promoted. I blame this dead skin thief, Black Rose, if I catch it. , you must strip him alive!"

Zhou Yuan was so swearing that his teeth could break the iron bars.

"Hehe, I heard that your police officers were frightened and fled around last night. They thought the thieves came with machine guns. Who knows it's just firecrackers."

On the other side of the teahouse, Master Jin took a grain of peanuts and opened his mouth with a smile.

The whole teahouse burst into laughter.

"Hey! Master Jin, are you glad we fell at the hands of a thief?"

Wednesday Yuan was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck. If it wasn't for seeing that Mr. Jin was rich, he would have gone crazy.

"Cut, there are more than twenty thugs and five dogs in my house. It is impossible for anyone to be stolen from my house."

Master Jin didn't believe that thieves would break into his home. He spent almost a thousand dollars to support thugs in a year. It doesn't matter how much money he spends, his own house is the most secure without burglars.

"Wow! Twenty thugs and a few dogs are amazing. Master Jiang's family has a barrier and a tiger king, and they can't be blasted with a red-clothed cannon. The place in the town that is least afraid of thieves is Master Jiang's. Li Yangju, it's not your house! Master Jin, be careful that your house also attracts thieves, and don't come to our police station!"

In order to attack Master Jin, Zhou Yuan pulled Jiang Lin out. After speaking, he left the teahouse in a rage, losing his appetite at all.

Because there was no one to cook at home, Jiang Lin went to Hexing Building for dinner. He just came in at this time, and he had a general idea of ​​the previous conversation.

Thieves in town?

However, Jiang Lin didn't take this to heart, and it had nothing to do with him.

If Jiang Lin won't think so in two days, the town's thief really has something to do with him, others lose money, he makes money.

Chapter [-] Would you rather give me the money than let the thief steal it?

"Master Jiang, you can't even blast the red-clothed cannon into your house, is that true?"

"Yeah, I heard Sanyuan say that Li Yangju can enter through wind and rain, but outsiders can't enter."

Being stared at by everyone, Jiang Lin smiled and responded, "It's true."

When Master Jin heard Jiang Lin's own admission, he almost choked on peanuts.

He originally thought that Wednesday was bragging.

If I had that enchantment of Master Jiang, I could save a lot of money a year.

Master Jin fantasized about it in his heart, but fortunately, more than a thousand oceans a year were not too painful for him.

As long as you can keep your family safe and your family's property is not lost, the money is worth it.

Not long after Jiang Lin sat down, Axiu also came.

"Do you still eat those delicious chili peppers?"

Axiu was fascinated by the fried peppers concocted by Jiang Lin, and her little white did gradually get better, so Axiu listed Jiang Lin as a good person in her heart, and now she is even more rude to sit on Jiang Lin Lin's desk.

This is what I will eat and what will you eat in the future?

Jiang Lin couldn't help laughing. This girl, Axiu, was different from ordinary girls. She seemed to be very simple, and the people in her eyes were either good or bad.

"Sister Gui, I have already found out that the jade Guanyin of the Han Dynasty that we want to steal is in the Jin family who opened a jade shop. That is a rich man. I just don't know where he hid the jade Guanyin."

When he came to the hotel, Xiao Xiami told Black Rose what he had heard. The two of them were the two thieves who stole in Gantian Town last night.

"It's not easy, we will visit him tonight, we will steal some ocean as an appetizer, and then leave a note stating that he will steal the jade Guanyin from his family in the evening, and then he will pick up the jade Guanyin himself. already."

Black Rose snapped her fingers, they were going to steal something, they didn't need to look for it, the bitter master himself would take it out and let the police protect it.

It is impossible for them to find it, impossible for a lifetime.

"Sister Gui, you have a good mind. Then we will visit a few more tonight. After the fame is established, he will be afraid of us."

Xiao Xiami has a look of excitement, go now) (The rich people in Hai and Tianjin Wei are frightened by their names, and even the police are afraid of them. This small town of Gantian will not let them toss. ?

Master Jin, who was still in the Hexing Building at noon, made a speech, but at night, he was very sad, and the thugs and dogs were useless at all.

"My ocean!"

Early in the morning, Master Jin turned into a golden lion and roared on the street. The [-] oceans he sold jade objects yesterday were all stolen.

What annoyed him most was that there was still a note on the table: Come and steal the jade Guanyin at twelve o'clock in the evening.

"There are thieves! There are thieves!"

Master Jin didn't care how he laughed at Zhou Yuan in Hexing Building yesterday, and ran to the police station and shouted.

"Who is it, screaming!"

Zhou Yuan was worried, he could have been promoted, but because a black rose thief came to town, just in time for the performance appraisal, he couldn't be promoted.

Captain Song was not in a good mood either. Those who stole the goods before were all big taxpayers, and they were under a lot of pressure.

There were snakes and demons who destroyed the harvests of some farmers. Mao Xiaofang finally agreed with the landlords that they could delay the payment of the land rent. Now the rich have been thieves again.

One head and two big.

"Master Jin?"

"Can't you two hear me say there are thieves? Of course something is lost at home! I have lost two thousand oceans!"

Seeing Captain Song and Zhou Yuan still stunned, Master Jin got angry and slapped the note left by Black Rose on the counter.

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