What made Hei Rose want to raise her stinky feet and kick people in the face was that at this juncture, Master Li did not allow his subordinates to shoot.

God special zombie is a first-class cultural relic!

"You think you have a long life, don't you? There are zombies outside!"

Black Rose wanted to take the time to sneak out while the zombies were chasing Mr. Li and the others. There must be zombies in the hotel, and there might be zombies outside. Of course, smart people choose to run out.

But just two steps away, she screamed, and there was an army of zombies outside!

Chapter Five hundred and seventy-ninth face can be lost, life can not be denied!

There were twenty or thirty zombies around the Lailai Hotel, all surrounding it.

Not only Black Rose, but several soldiers also wanted to run outside through the window, but before they jumped off the window, they were blocked by zombies.

These soldiers don't have any amulets on them. When they are caught by zombies, their necks are twisted.

It's like screwing a chicken.

"If you don't shoot, you will die here! You stupid teacher!"

Black Rose was yelled at, and Xiao Xiami's voice was hoarse, and she was largely frightened.

Yesterday's zombies weren't half as many as they were here.

"I declare that zombies are unwelcome artifacts, shoot, shoot!"

Seeing his subordinates die one by one, Master Li can no longer care about any cultural relics or cultural relics. In these days, what is more important than life.


A burst of gunshots rang out, but those zombies were just knocked down. Even if some of them were at the level of white zombies and were shot, it would be harmless.

"It's terrible, guns are useless!"

"Father, mother, I don't want to die yet."

"There are old and young in my family."

Seeing that dozens of muskets were useless, the soldiers were terrified.


Master Li was completely dumbfounded this time. Although the appearance of zombies was beyond his expectations, he was only frightened, but now he has gone directly from fright to despair.

Guns are useless, do you want to use cannons?But where are the cannons, he didn't bring them in at all.

He now regrets not listening to Mao Xiaofang, these zombies are not only powerful, they are simply invincible!

At this moment, Master Li completely forgot who had never had zombies before. Zombies are ridiculous, they are all rumors to confuse the public.

I don't believe in evil. When evil things happen, I know that some strange things really exist.

But when they found out, they almost could only cry for their father and mother.

Like now.


Master Li's legs were completely soft this time, and he was running around with a pair of looped legs.

The division seat was so frightened that Luo circled his legs, and those soldiers were instantly defeated.

Thirty-six strategies, running is the best strategy.

But the front door was blocked, and more and more zombies gathered here, and many soldiers burped in a few seconds.

These zombies don't suck blood, they only kill people. They don't bite their necks. Otherwise, the entire Lailai Hotel would have fallen.

"Sister Gui, there's another batch coming from outside!"

This time, not only the black roses, but even the little shrimps felt something was wrong. Last night and tonight, these zombies were staring at Lailai Hotel and chasing after them.

Must have come to find them.

The merciful and merciful Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, we just took a broken bead, and at most one ocean is lost, I beg you to let them go quickly!

Xiao Xiami prayed in his heart that the soldiers killed by the zombies died so tragically that he was terrified.

The priceless treasure is lost, and Xiao Xiami wants to pay a big ocean and it will be done.

Children are indeed more naive.

"Go upstairs! Go upstairs, you can jump off the second floor!"

Hei Rose remembered that when they robbed at night, they all walked to the second floor to other people's roofs. She was so frightened just now that she was like a headless fly for a while.

"Yes, yes, go upstairs!"

Black Rose's words also woke up Teacher Li, who was fleeing everywhere. On the second floor, he could jump directly to the roofs of the surrounding residents.

"Go down, go down, who asked you to come up! Do you have a face? Didn't you say that your army was protecting the townspeople? The sticky rice and ink bucket lines were all torn down, so let me die to stop the zombies!"

On the stairs, Black Rose stomped on the face of Master Li's horse with a stinky foot. Damn, didn't you say that the safety of the townspeople has your army?

Now, one by one is like a dog.

"Go down and stop the zombies! It is your responsibility to protect the lives of the townspeople. You are the regular army!"

Master Li climbed up again, and was kicked by Xiao Xiami as well.

The bridge of the nose almost collapsed.


The wicked have their own grind.

Since these zombies may have come to them, Black Rose and Little Shrimp need Master Li and the others as cannon fodder, otherwise even if they run to the second floor, it will be useless.

Teacher Li just forgot that his face hurts, but now he can't forget it. Grandma's, a girl and a child, and her face really hurts!

But the face can hurt, the face can be lost, and life can't be let go!

These zombies are invulnerable and can't even play a role with muskets. No matter how they protect, their lives are almost gone.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!"

If it weren't for the pain in his face and the loss, Master Li would have drawn his pistol and pointed at Hei Rose.

"Get up, get up!"

The soldier was chased so fast that he jumped over the wall and fired a shot at the side of Hei Rose. Hei Rose didn't dare to ignore him, and climbed up to the second floor with both hands and feet.

After Master Li and the soldiers went to the second floor, they pushed the sofa in the rest area over and down the stairs, blocking the zombie's footsteps a little.

A group of people successfully climbed from the window of the Black Rose's room to the roof of the resident next door, and ran along the roof.

The zombies below all looked up, and the zombies behind also chased after them from the window.

Fortunately, the eaves were not very high from the ground, and Black Rose and Xiao Xiami were strong and jumped to another street.

"Sister Gui, where are we going? Fuxitang?"

After Xiao Xiami jumped down, he hurriedly asked, [*]% of these zombies are chasing them, and if they don't find a safe place to hide, they won't survive tonight.

"Sister Gui, Sister Gui, you are familiar here, where do we go? Where is the safety?"

Master Li then jumped down, keeping his feet, and in a hurry, he could only ask Hei Rose.

"Who is your sister-in-law? Who is your sister-in-law? You are an old man in forty or fifty years old, my mother, I am eighteen years and a few dozen months this year!"

Being called sister by Master Li, Hei Rose almost gave him a stinky foot.

I don't even know what your name is. What happened to other people's names?

Master Li was speechless. You are eighteen years old at your age, and you are a few hundred months old?

"Sister Gui, where are you going! The zombies are coming around!"

Xiao Xiami's scream made Black Rose shudder. She turned her head and saw that a group of zombies at the end of the street had come to chase them from the other side.

"I don't know where I can go! Fuxitang is definitely not allowed to go, and Mao Xiaofang is not there. Going is purely asking for a dead end."

There was Mao Xiaofang last night, and in the end, he was able to escape by learning how to croak. It's useless to go there tonight.

"Yes, Master Mao, Master Mao, let's go to the police department prison."

Master Li seemed to have caught a life-saving straw. Master Mao had to deal with these zombies before, and the police department would definitely be safe.

"Your brain was kicked by a donkey? Mao Xiaofang was taken into prison by you, and you still have the face to go to others? Even if you are shameless, it is useless, Mao Xiaofang has nothing, and the number of zombies tonight is twice as many as yesterday. There are many, there is no way for Mao Xiaofang to go there."

Black Rose gave Mr. Li a middle finger, you just have a hole in your head!There is nothing to pit ourselves to make us miserable!

Deep contempt.

"Where are you going, Miss Gui? Zombies! Zombies are flying!"

Xiao Xiami saw that the zombie general flew directly from the other side of the street, and his legs were kicking like legs.

"Tiger Lord, Tiger Lord! Let's go to worship Tiger Lord! Go to Li Yangju!"

Black Rose thought of Li Yangju, where there is a tiger king in the front yard, which can somewhat deter these zombies.

And Li Yangju is Jianglin's Taoist temple, so it's safe there!

Even if he said that he was going to blow up Li Yangju, it would be shameful to go there, but you can lose your face, but you can't lose your life!

Chapter [*] Can you compare with her?

Black Rose has already decided that even if she is missing an arm or a leg when she arrives at Li Yangju, she will be much better than the zombies who die behind her.

"Yes, yes, Lord Tiger, Li Yangju has Lord Tiger to guard the door, these zombies will definitely not dare to approach."

Xiao Xiami has seen the power of the colorful tiger king. If these zombies dare to approach its territory, they must have no good fruit to eat.

Tiger Lord? ?

Master Li was stunned, what kind of character is this, is he very powerful?

Why didn't he see him when he went to Li Yangju?

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