The people in the inn were either scarred faces or one-eyed dragons, none of them had normal faces.

Even the guys at the inn were dressed in scruffy clothes, which looked distasteful.

"Guest officer, what do you want?"

The inn clerk came up to say hello enthusiastically, and glanced at Jing Yuanying without showing any trace.

"Watch your eyes."

Jiang Lin snorted, then looked at the dining table on the side, and said, "Stop beating, stay at the hotel. One room."

Jing Yuanying suddenly misunderstood when Jiang Lin said that he only needed one room, and suddenly turned into a shy look.

She forgot that she could rest when she returned to the bronze mirror.

"Guest officer, the food in our inn tastes very good, why don't you two try it?"

"We are not used to your food here."

Jiang Lin took a deep look at the man. Does it taste good?How good can human flesh taste?

After that, Jiang Lin and Jing Yuanying went upstairs, and the guys below gathered around the guests and whispered, "Hurry up and boil the water, that kid will cook the pot tonight, and the little lady will keep the warm blanket."

"I don't think that kid is an ordinary person. I found all the guys, and Miyan also came."

Scarface spat, and gave an order to the inn clerk.

These rogues and horse thieves were originally dissatisfied with each other, but Scarface knew sorcery, and no one would benefit from his hands, so over time, Scarface took the commanding position in some actions.

Since they came here three years ago, they really haven't missed a beat.

Even officers who passed by were boiled by them.

"Sir, I always feel that something is wrong with this inn, but I can't tell exactly what is wrong."

In the guest room upstairs, Jing Yuanying frowned. The evil spirit in this inn was very strong, and there was a strong Yin evil spirit, which made her feel quite uncomfortable.

"It's really not right here. The people below eat human flesh. Even the lanterns at the entrance of the inn are made of human skin. This is a human skin inn. I'm afraid some people outside are not good birds."

Jiang Lin lifted the quilt on the bed to one side, sat on the top of the bed, and said lightly.Then he pushed open the window, his eyes turned green, and looked at the open space behind the inn.

Sure enough, he guessed it well.

"Humanskin Inn?"

Even though Jing Yuanying was very human now, after hearing Jiang Lin's words, she couldn't help but shudder.

Sometimes people are indeed scarier than ghosts.

Originally, Jing Yuanying wanted to ask if she wanted to leave this place, but seeing Jiang Lin's unconcerned appearance, she dismissed the idea.

The son is not even afraid of poisonous dragons, so would he still be afraid of a black shop?

Jiang Lin set up a soundproof array beside the bed, narrowed his eyes, and fell asleep not long after that, and he slept quite deeply.

If these bandits don't come to court for death, they can live a little longer. If they come to kill, it's none of his business.

Jing Yuanying looked at Jiang Lin, and sat down beside the bed. She put the bronze mirror in her arms beside Jiang Lin's pillow, and then turned into a streamer and entered it.

In the middle of the night, Scarface and a group of bandits released the smoke into Jiang Lin's room.

Jiang Lin didn't notice it at all, and he didn't need to notice it. Even if he slept soundly, it would be hard for anyone in the world to hurt him.

The smoke gradually filled the air, and suddenly a black shadow appeared under Jiang Lin. It was the charismatic spirit that Jiang Lin smelted from the charismatic brakes collected in the forbidden land of the underworld by the method of cultivating spirits. It was only one step away from reaching the level of a ghost king.

Not to mention the bandits in this inn, even if there are ten times as many troops, Jiang Lin should sleep or sleep.

Meiling opened his mouth and took a breath, sucking all the smoke in.

"Kill it!"

"I'll enjoy that little lady first!"

"I'll chew on the kid's thigh!"

A group of bandits rushed into the room with steel knives and pistols. As soon as they entered, they found a dark figure standing in front.

Together with Yin Feng, Meiling opened her mouth and let out a scream. After that, all the bandits, including the scarred face, all choked and fell to the ground with their weapons.

In terms of the level of terror, the ordinary ferocious ghosts and ghosts are a little worse than Rakshasa.

The screams continued for a minute, and then the entire second floor and the stairs were filled with corpses.

Some were killed, while others were frightened to death.

They kill and cannibalize people, and that's still using a pig-killing knife, which is nothing compared to the way Charming Spirit kills.

The next day, it was noon when Jiang Lin woke up.

He got up and looked at the blood on the ground and shrugged, it seemed that the bandits killed themselves.

When he was refining the Charm Spirit, the order he gave was that as long as someone had bad thoughts about the host, he would kill him without mercy.

"Young master, you killed these people?"

Jing Yuanying followed Jiang Lin downstairs and looked at the corpse on the stairs. She was a little stunned. Although she fell asleep, because she was more sensitive to sounds, she would wake up whenever there was any movement.

But she didn't hear anything last night.

"I killed it, but I didn't do it. Let's go and solve a problem."

Jiang Lin did not deny that these people were just like beasts, even if they died, he would not take a second look.

But there's another trouble around here that he needs to deal with.

The Xie Lin Bureau here has long been destroyed by the meteorite outside the sky, but now there are people who want to use it.

Chapter [*] Eat the rest of my food, are you proud?

The son killed it?The son said he didn't do it again?

Jing Yuanying looked confused, but she was not very curious, she just followed the son and asked so much what to do.

Jiang Lin went to the surrounding mountains and looked down. The Evil Lin Bureau had been destroyed before. It can be said that the bones of the unicorn were broken, but now it seems that some people want to renew the bones for this bureau.

Yesterday, he opened the window in the room in the inn to look at the open space behind. The bones that the bandits had eaten were all buried in the back, and the buried place was very strange. Some masters wanted to use fresh human bones to make this evil Lin bureau. resuscitated.

"Yuan Ying, go back to the bronze mirror, I'm afraid you will get hurt outside in a while."

There was an expert hiding underneath, and he could recognize the Xie Lin Bureau. Jiang Lin felt that the other party was definitely not a simple person.

He didn't want to worry about Jing Yuanying's safety when he was dealing with others.

"Master, can Yuan Ying help you?"

When Jing Yuanying heard Jiang Lin say this, she felt that she was a bit of a burden.

"No, go in, don't worry me. You're a baby."

Jiang Lin felt Jing Yuanying's emotional change, so he made a joke.

Glancing at Jiang Lin angrily, Jing Yuanying handed the bronze mirror in her arms to Jiang Lin and flew in by herself.

Jiang Lin came to the heart of the Evil Lin Bureau, sat cross-legged, and felt the flow of the Qilin Qi in the ground.

An hour later, he opened his eyes and went to the location where the Chenjia Village ancestral hall used to be.

Because the ancestral hall of Chenjia Village was built in a mountain, the damage was not very serious.

"Hey, it's really hard to find a place to break through the iron shoes. It took no effort to get it. I didn't expect that the unicorn stone raised by the Evil Lin Bureau would be on your body, and what I didn't expect was that you would come back here again. I found it."

In the cave where the unicorn corpse coffin was originally parked, a man in a black cloak sat cross-legged on the ground, made a hoarse voice, and laughed awkwardly.

Jiang Lin looked at the formation plate in front of the man in the cloak, squinted his eyes slightly, and said, "It seems that this place has changed from ruins to what it is now. You should have planned it. You have the ability to sense the direction of the Qilin Qi. Array, I guess I knew I was here yesterday."

"As expected of a capable person who can get the unicorn stone, it is true. Hand over the unicorn stone, and I can consider letting you go."

The man in the cloak didn't seem to care about Jiang Lin at all, and his words were a threat from Chi Guoguo.

"The unicorn stone... What's the use of you wanting this thing?"

"Haha, what's the use? Of course, I'm looking for your dragon veins in China."

The man in the cloak didn't speak. Behind him, several men in strange costumes appeared and answered Jiang Lin's question.

It is very awkward to speak Chinese.

The clothes of these men, Jiang Lin had seen before, were the same as the clothes on King Abe Ye that he killed.

The demon path of the Japanese onmyo family.

Several magicians seemed to be in a particularly good mood, and continued: "It is said that the Chinese dragon vein is guarded by the mythical beast, the fire unicorn, which means that as long as the fire unicorn is found, the Chinese dragon vein can be found. We finally found out about the legend of the fire unicorn. I've been here before..."

"The Chinese is so poor, and I can't stop beeping."

Jiang Lin didn't allow the magician to continue chattering, and interrupted him aloud.

As long as the distance is right, the unicorn stone can sense the existence of the fire unicorn. Jiang Lin actually knew that there was an Oriental magician behind the man in the cloak, and he had already sensed it.

That's why he wanted to ask to determine the purpose of the man in the cloak and the oriental demon.

It turned out that the key to finding the Huaxia Dragon Vein was actually the Fire Qilin.

"You are japanese?"

Holding his arms, Jiang Lin looked down at the man in the cape.

"You have too many questions. It seems that you are not ready to cooperate well. For the sake of your going to Huangquan, I kindly tell you that I am from the Yinshan faction."

"Sure enough, traitors are not only found in scholars, peasants, industry and commerce, but also in the monastic circle."

Jiang Lin shook his head slightly, then his eyes gradually became colder.

Ordinary evil cultivators helping the Eastern Demon Dao only cause some trouble, but this Yinshan faction actually wants to hand over the dragon veins of China to the Japanese pirates.

Be punished!

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouths! Start the formation!"

Being scolded by Jiang Lin as a traitor, the cloaked man's aura rose suddenly, and then his hands formed a seal.

Seven Star Xuanji Array.

Jiang Lin looked at the seven holes on the top of the cave that looked like the Big Dipper, and a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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