The Yin soldiers and Yin generals all looked at Jiang Lin with fierce eyes.

Hehe, use Yin Bing Yin to deal with me in the future, this traitor is really... right again.

"Nine-Rank Palm Killing Si Jianglin is here, who would dare to make a mistake!"

Jiang Lin took a step forward and shouted at the yin soldiers and yin generals who were about to move.

"Nine-Rank Palm Killing Division?"

"Yin Si, it's actually Yin Si!"

"My God, Lord Yin Si!"

Now Jiang Lin's reputation in the underworld is very loud, even Cui Fujun of the four major judges has heard his name, not to mention these ghost soldiers and ghost generals who were invited up from below.

As soon as Jiang Lin reported his identity, these ghosts were even more unbearable than the bull-headed ghost just now.

These ghosts are afraid of ghosts and ghosts. Among them, what they are most afraid of is the division of killing life. A disagreement can make people, no, let the ghosts disappear.

After that, these yin soldiers and yin generals scrambled to drill down, how could they dare to have the idea of ​​dealing with Jiang Lin, if they walked a little slower, maybe their fate would be over.



Mr. Yin and the other magicians were just like eating a piece of Xiangxiang.

Jiang Lin didn't do anything at all, he broke the strongest means of Mr. Yin, who was also a Celestial Master, and still didn't hurt a single hair.

"Don't talk about inviting ghosts today, even if you invite gods, it's just as useless, you have to die!"

Jiang Lin wanted to make a sound to be shocked, but he didn't expect the reaction of these yin soldiers and yin generals to be so big. In the blink of an eye, they all went back down. By the time he reacted, it was too late.

A lot of wealth was scared away by himself.

Hundreds of yin soldiers and yin generals, it is estimated that after brushing them down, they can have [*] to [*] cruelty points!

So heartbroken.

Jiang Lin was in a very bad mood. Those ghosts ran faster than rabbits, so he took his anger on Mr. Yin and the group of magicians.

When Jiang Lin wasn't angry, it was already scary enough, not to mention now that he wanted to find someone to vent his anger.

Find the traitor first.

Without saying a word, Jiang Lin was about to ask for his life.

Mr. Yin's desire to survive is very strong, and there are many ways to protect himself. In the end, he invited the powerful ghost king to get on his body.

But eggs are useless.

Jiang Lin slashed him alive with a sword, and then radiated a mysterious light, wiping out his soul.

The generation of Celestial Masters of Yinshan Sect fell, and died completely.

"The strength is not as good as the Abe forced king he met before, what a weak chicken!"

Mr. Yin was completely lost, but Jiang Lin still sneered.

As for those magicians whose cultivation is not as good as Mr. Yin's, all envoys with spirits, summoning techniques, and various methods will come out, but in front of Jiang Lin, in addition to being vulnerable, they are still vulnerable.

"It's all turkeys and dogs."

Two minutes later, Jiang Lin came out of the cave and brought a magician with him.

"Let me know the value of your use. If I am satisfied, maybe you can save your life."

Jiang Lin glanced at the magician behind him, and he wanted to let this demonic path show off its residual heat before he died.

Stay alive?nonexistent.

He will not use the principle of words to count, he will not use it on the little Japan who has always wanted to fight Huaxia Dragon Vessel, because they are not worthy!

If this guy is a little bit wiser, he can survive for a few days. If he is not wise, he will be kicked to death.

Now that Jiang Lin has come to Xiangxi, there is still the idea of ​​Dongyang Yaodao fighting the dragon veins.

But where is the pot, someone needs to lead the way.

The magician who was restrained by Jiang Lin was covered in beads of sweat the size of beans. Jiang Lin temporarily saved his life, but he still wanted to entertain this little Japan.

His wife and sister-in-law were both Miao girls, so Jiang Lin knew a little bit about the means of letting go, and the effect seemed to be quite good.

Chapter [*] Great harvest!

Taking a little Japan, Jiang Lin walked around the ruins of Chenjia Village. On this day, a strong explosion occurred in a radius of five miles, and mushroom clouds rose into the sky one after another.

Jiang Lin zoomed in on the air.

He wants to completely destroy the Evil Lin Bureau here, so as not to be used by others.

The ground was full of big pits, and Jiang Lin completely destroyed the Xie Lin Bureau.

The guy is really awesome.

After Jing Yuanying came out of the bronze mirror, she was shocked to the point of being speechless when she saw Jiang Lin's means.

As for the magician, his legs were weak.

He finally knew how Yamada Manta and the others died a few years ago.

They were all killed by the three-legged Golden Crow covered in flames.

This is more terrifying than dropping bombs from planes!

"There shouldn't be any more problems."

After ensuring that there will be no future troubles, Jiang Lin continued on the road.

After walking for a day, Jiang Lin arrived at the bank of the Xiang River.

"Ahh~ Young Master, this should be where the dragon's cave is located."

Jing Yuanying covered her mouth with her hands and kept yawning. She wanted to sleep for a few days and nights now.

"Okay, thanks for your hard work, go back to sleep."

Jiang Lin asked Jing Yuanying to go back to sleep in the bronze mirror. Now that the destination has arrived, he doesn't need Jing Yuanying to lead the way.

Looking at the magician behind him, Jiang Lin released the charm in his shadow. If this little Japan dared to run away, it would immediately go to the west.

Jiang Lin then jumped and jumped into the Xiangjiang River. It didn't take long for him to sink to the bottom of the river.

Good guy, the fluctuation of the enchantment.

Jiang Lin let go of his spiritual perception. Although there was nothing at the bottom of the river when he saw it with the naked eye, it was just a trick.

Taking out a medicine bottle from his arms, Jiang Lin dipped some dragon blood on his hands, and then condensed his spiritual power into his palms, slapped it on a water curtain, and then his figure suddenly disappeared under the water.

After entering the barrier, Jiang Lin was stunned by the sight in front of him.

Is it really Dragon Palace?

Although it is not big, it is like a fake Crystal Palace.

Moreover, the river is isolated from the outside, and the entire palace is similar to the buildings on the ground, but it is difficult to breathe here.

There must be something good in there!

As soon as he saw the style of this palace, Jiang Lin was sure that there were a lot of treasures inside.

"Bold, who dares to break into the Dragon Palace!"

What Jiang Lin did not expect was that although the Dragon Palace was small and complete, it even had shrimp soldiers and crab generals, yes, shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

The two shrimp demons and the three crab demons were all initially transformed into human shapes.

A poisonous dragon is a poisonous dragon, that is, it is more noble than the ordinary demon king and knows how to enjoy it.

Jiang Lin had copied the homes of many evil creatures. He had turned over the coffin of the Millennium Zombie King, and he had also visited the cave of the Eagle King, but compared with this poisonous dragon, it was not on the same level.

"Beer crayfish, steamed hairy crabs. Tsk tsk tsk..."

Jiang Lin licked his lips, these are all high-quality ingredients, top-quality seafood!

This is a good thing. It is estimated that the seven-star hotel in Dubai cannot eat such a good thing.

A few monsters have just reached the level of the big monster. It is estimated that they followed the poisonous dragon, got some good things, and transformed themselves in advance.

Jiang Lin didn't bother to pack up the ingredients at all, but Jiang Lin didn't kill them, otherwise they would be inconvenient to carry.

After subduing the Shrimp Soldier and Crab General, Jiang Lin walked into the palace. It didn't take long for a thousand-year-old bastard to emerge, with a turtle spirit similar in shape to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

This bastard was the butler of the poison dragon, and he shouted at Jiang Lin when he came up.

"Whether you are a ninja turtle or a turtle prime minister, in my opinion, it is a dish, Farewell My Concubine!"

Even if Turtle Jing made a rude remark, Jiang Lin was not annoyed, thinking about how many black-bone chickens he would need to make this dish.

It didn't take long for the turtle essence to become one of the ingredients for the seafood feast.

When he arrived at the place where Dulong rested, Jiang Lin found a lot of good things, such as seahorses, sea cucumbers, and puffer fish, all of which had a certain age.

In addition to the ingredients, various treasures for cultivation also opened Jiang Lin's eyes, a thousand-year-old sea snake urchin, three relics, a handful of sea pearls...

Jiang Lin could feel his heartbeat when he looked at the two sea pearls the size of an egg.

Mine, all mine!

Jiang Lin looted wildly in this small dragon palace, and he was not polite at all if he could take it. He even took away the bastard.

Come home full!

After getting ashore, Jiang Lin pulled an anchor chain found from the bottom of the river and lifted the underwater harvest up.

When the magician saw what Jiang Lin had pulled up, his eyes were as wide as a bull's eye.

When did China have so many monsters at the bottom of the river?

In the evening, Jiang Lin took the shrimp demon and the turtle spirit on the road. As for the box containing the treasures, he gave it to the magician to carry.

Two nights later, Jiang Lin returned to the place where he killed the poisonous dragon before.

"Master, Tom finds that following his master is the greatest happiness in a tiger's life."

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