The more than [*]-meter-long centipede body was directly blown into ten pieces, and it was immediately cooked by the sea of ​​​​fire.

There are also many dorsal shells and ventral shells swirls in the air.

What about the whole body carapace, what about the copper armor and iron shell, in the face of this powerful explosion, it will bloom.

"Master, the quality of this centipede is not good, so it probably won't be delicious..."

The colorful tiger king smelled a fragrant smell and kept smacking his mouth.

"Go, leave the inner alchemy with me, and clean up the relatively complete back shell and centipede feet."

Panlan Tiger King made a lot of efforts, and Jiang Lin would not reject his request as long as it was not excessive.

After completely eliminating the centipede spirit, Jiang Lin went to the two sisters, Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi.

"Miss Qingfeng, what are the plans of the two of you in the future? If you two want Mr. Fu to be buried in your hometown, I can help. Before leaving, Mr. didn't tell me about the dragon veins. I don't know if you have heard him mention it. Pass?"

Although Jiang Lin has guessed that the fire unicorn may be in both Hunan and Shu, with a high probability of being in Shu, this is also a guess, and it would be better if there is information to confirm it.

"My father didn't tell us, but there is a secret room in the house where some of my father's cherished things and manuscripts are kept. There may be some inside. We don't want my father to be buried in a foreign land. It's good that seniors are willing to help."

Fu Qingfeng wiped his tears and continued: "The Ma family caused my father's tragic death, and my sisters and I must take revenge. Beard, it's enough for our two sisters to take revenge. The Fu family is also being watched, so do you. Don't go back."

The bearded man and the others nodded. Since the Fu Qingfeng sisters wanted to kill the enemy, they no longer followed.

There are still many poisonous centipedes here, and the bearded man said goodbye and left the place.

"Senior, you really made the junior fall into the ground. I wonder if the junior can follow the senior, and the senior can give the junior some pointers or two on the way?"

A look of compliment appeared on the face of Zhiqiu Yiye, who was ashamed. Jiang Lin's cultivation and methods really surprised him, and he wanted to learn some skills from Jiang Lin.

"Guide? If you don't play the monkey show, you can deal with ordinary ghost kings and demon kings. You may not be able to take advantage of the heavenly master. Let me give you some pointers? Do you want to point to the monkey show?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, if he knew Qiu Yiye wasn't too addicted to drama, he wouldn't mind calling him, but this funny guy was not weak, it was entirely his own problem, he didn't bother to call him.

If Zhiqiu Yiye, Executing Ghosts and Eliminating Demons, strives to be simple and effective, it can make a difference. Even if it is to fight with people, the Yinshan Sect Heavenly Master he met before probably won't take much advantage in his hands.

Calling doesn't make much sense either.

Fu Yuechi, who was originally sad, sneered at Jiang Lin's words.

Zhiqiu Yiye really looks like a monkey showman, not quite like a Taoist priest.


Too hurt, goodbye!

Zhiqiu Yiye burrowed into the ground and disappeared, obviously he could just walk, but he still had to escape and play a monkey show before leaving.

"Senior, I'll leave my father's body to you. Yuechi, let's pack up our weapons and kill the enemy!"

"You don't need to bring weapons, just bring a pair of crossbow arrows for self-defense. Since the father and son of the Ma family can even sell the land that raised them, I will do it."

Seeing that the two sisters looked like they were going to fight with others, Jiang Lin waved his hand. Maybe the Ma family knew where the other demons were, so he killed them all along the way.

Chapter [*] Not worthy of being a man, isn't that easy?

"Even friends and homes can be betrayed, they are not worthy of being human! Killing them will be cheaper for them."

Fu Yuechi clenched his silver teeth tightly, wishing he could slash the Ma family and his son with a thousand swords.

"Senior is willing to take action, thank you very much."

Jiang Lin wanted to help the two sisters report the murder of their father, and they were all grateful.

After disposing of Fu Tianqiu's body, Jiang Lin and the two sisters set out on the road to northern Hunan. Their home was eight or nine hundred miles away.

Moreover, Jiang Lin chased a corpse and had to travel at night.

Jiang Lin shook the soul-killing bell and said to the two sisters beside him, "You guys should rest on the back of the tiger, especially Qingfeng. You were invaded by ghost poison before and you need to rest."

Resting on a tiger's back?

The two sisters looked at the gorgeous giant tiger beside Jiang Lin and did not dare to offend for a while.

"Come up, Tiger King's back is not something ordinary people can sit on."

Since the owner let the two girls rest on its back, the Tiger King Panlan was a little unhappy, but still came to the front of the two sisters.

The two girls got on the three broad tigers' backs and sat side by side.

So comfortable.

The back of Tiger King is more comfortable than the most advanced sofa, and it also has its own heating effect.

I don't know where to go after going home and burying my father?

Fu Tianqiu passed away, and Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi felt that although they still had a house, they no longer had a home.Not only the Japanese demons, but also Manchuria knew that their fathers knew the information about the dragon veins. Now that people are dead, they might become the targets of those people.

After their father was buried, the two sisters were not ready to stay in Xiangbei, but they were very at a loss as to where they could go.

The eyes of the two women fell on Jiang Lin's back invariably, and then they looked at each other again, blushing and bowing their heads.

Jiang Lin didn't walk very fast, he was also going to see if he could encounter any evil and collect some interest.

The bull-headed ghost he met before was snatched by Zhiqiu Yiye, and the four big centipede monsters were destroyed by the colorful tiger king again.

Although the Banlan Tiger King was his pet, the evil spirits he killed had nothing to do with his master.

Otherwise, Jiang Lin would have slept at home long ago and let the two pets go out to run errands.

Unfortunately, he did not encounter any monsters and ghosts along the way. After half a month, the three came to Xiangbei.

Because the Ma's house was not far away, Jiang Lin went there first. If he didn't make the way back, he didn't bother to go again.

"Dead mangy dog, it still wants to bite me, barking all day long, I'll kill you!"

On this day, Jiang Lin and the two girls came to the door of Ma's house and saw a young man in luxurious clothes throwing stones at a mangy dog ​​from a distance.

"And you, a dead pig, smells so bad, you have to be slaughtered and eaten during the New Year."

The young man pointed to the pigsty next to the house on the opposite side. There was an old sow rubbing against the wall.

"Sister, it's Ma Chong."

After Fu Yuechi saw the young man, Jun's face was full of evil spirits.

Ma Chong turned around and saw Jiang Lin and the two sisters behind him.

"Master Dao. Since Master Dao is here, he must have obtained the information he wants from Fu Tianqiu. Quick, please come in. My father is inside, and the information that Master Dao wants to check has been found. If you want to know any more information , you can ask my father."

Ma Chong immediately greeted Jiang Lin with a flattering face. He saw Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi gnashing their teeth at him, and Jiang Lin had an extraordinary temperament, similar to the Japanese magicians who had dealt with them before, and even thought that Jiang Lin was also a magician. .


Jiang Lin and the three were stunned for a moment, but after thinking about the information in Ma Chong's words, they understood what was going on.

Jiang Lin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Before Fu Qingfeng and the others recognized him as an Oriental demon, they were mistaken when they came here.

Just as Fu Yuechi was about to have a seizure, Jiang Lin waved to him. Since Ma Chong admitted that he was wrong, he would not deny it for the time being, to see what those demons wanted to know apart from the dragon veins.

"Master Dao, these two are our two flowers in northern Hunan, but because of their good martial arts and strong temperament, I didn't expect to be docile and obedient by Master Dao."

Ma Chong looked at Jiang Lin with the kind of expression on his face that every man understands.

"You talk too much, what about the information you checked?"

Jiang Lin's eyes turned cold, and he glared at Ma Chong, who immediately obeyed and did not dare to make a sound.

Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi were blushing, but they didn't say anything. The two sisters were very careful, otherwise they wouldn't be able to lead someone thousands of miles to save their father. They knew that Jiang Lin should want to know what the Ma family and his son had checked.

Ma rushed into the house, and after telling his father, the old man Ma had no doubts. This old man used to be an official in the Qing Dynasty, and his eyesight was still a little bit. Jiang Lin and the previous magicians were not ordinary people.

"Master Dao, I have heard about the tomb robber who you asked me to inquire about. In recent years, there is Zhang Quan who has been in the limelight and is known as the little tomb king in the tomb robber world. If Master Dao can invite this person, it is estimated that The place to prove the Tao may not need to break through."

After all the servants were screened out, Old Man Ma started talking about the information he had checked, and then he added some worthless news.

In the end, he even asked Jiang Lin for a reward.

I really don't know how to be embarrassed. Jiang Lin felt embarrassed for Kangxi and Qianlong after listening to Old Man Ma's remarks.

Their last descendants, in order to still be emperors, even willing to share the treasures hidden by Cixi and the wealth in the legendary imperial mausoleum with the Japanese.

In order to continue to be the emperor, even if it is a puppet emperor, the tomb of the ancestors can be digged.Beer!

"Zhang Quan..."

Jiang Lin frowned, as if he had heard this name somewhere.correct!Renjia Town where Ren Zhuzhu is located!

When Jiang Lin went to deal with Ren Tiantang, he found a smoldering fire in an ancient tomb, and by the way rescued a few tomb robbers, the leader of which was Zhang Quan.

Most of them are the same person. I didn't expect that after so many years, that Zhang Quan actually became the little tomb king in the tomb robber world.

"Are there any other clues to investigate?"

"Master Dao, let me check these."

It turns out that this information is of no value.

Jiang Lin turned his head and asked the two girls, "Qingfeng, Yuechi, they want a reward, what is the reward?"

"Wolf-hearted and dog-lung, reward them for death!"

"A beast not worthy of being a human at all, the reward of death is too precious!"

Seeing Jiang Lin finished asking the information, the two sisters broke out completely.

what's the situation?

The Ma family's father and son were stunned in place, and after realizing that they had made a mistake, they wanted to call someone.

But they found themselves speechless. Jiang Lin bounced two stones, hitting the throats and knees of both of them.

"Well~ That's right, death is considered a reward for them."

"Senior, don't you kill them? We don't have any torture tools?"

Although it is cheap to kill the Ma family and their sons with one knife, it is absolutely impossible not to let them die.

"It's not easy to be human, isn't it?"

Jiang Lin smiled and flashed in front of the Ma family and his son, his face turned indigo blue, completely transformed into a zombie appearance.

The souls of the two fathers and sons were so frightened that they were completely scared away from their bodies, and they were held in Jiang Lin's hands.

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