"Don't touch it! This is mine, you want to see it, wait until I finish it!"

Daoist Ziyun is no longer as calm as before, holding the soul-suppressing sword, as if staring at a forbidden belt, and pushing away the surrounding Mage Xudu and Daoist Yishui.

"This material, the runes inside, the smoothness of the transmission of spiritual power... Why do you want me to see such a good spirit sword, why! Baby, baby!"

At this moment, Daoist Ziyun seems to be suffering from madness, just like the female gourmet in Zhou Xingchi's movie "God of Cookery", his thoughts are wandering in fantasy.

He imagined that he would kill the Quartet with the soul-suppressing sword here, kill ghosts when encountering ghosts, and eliminate demons when encountering demons, which is unmatched.

Daoist Master Yi Shui and the others also discovered that the spirit swords in Caiyi and Xiaoru's hands were not ordinary.

The demon bow and arrow in Ayan's hand and the ghost chessboard held by Jin Tianyi were also noticed by everyone.

"There are three swords like this in our family."

Xiaoru stretched out three fingers and smiled proudly at Daoist Ziyun and the others.

Jiang Lin promised them that this kind of spiritual sword, which is a treasure of the town, will be used by each of them in the future.

For Xiao Ru, this is more precious than any black pearl.

Three more? ? ?

Daoist Ziyun didn't stand still for a while, and his body swayed twice.

"Daoist Li Yang, are you Daoist Duobao?"

This time, Daoist Ziyun felt that he was still watching the sky, and the treasures around Jiang Lin were so outrageous!

Baby-level beautiful wife, baby-level demon king spirit beast and zombie king battle puppet, and baby-level magic weapon!

And there are so many of each kind!

"Master, can you..."

"Daoist Li Yang, can I also..."

Several Taoist priests and mages rubbed their hands one after another, and looked at Caiyi and Xiaoru with burning eyes.

Jiang Lin nodded, Caiyi and Xiaoru threw the Spirit Sword in their hands, and the Ice Soul Sword in Axiu's hand was also thrown by her.

"Look at yours, don't look at us!"

Daoist Ziyun saw the Soul-suppressing Sword, and he wanted to see the Ice Soul Sword, Yanlei Sword, and Demon-Bending Bows and Arrows, but Daoist Yishui and the others kicked them away.

"Watch together, watch together!"

However, after the Daoist Master Ziyun was kicked away, dozens of people swarmed up and grabbed a few magic tools.

Jiang Lin quickly pulled Bai Miner and the others away, these people are crazy, crazy!

Not only the spirit sword, but even the crossbow arrows in Fu Yuechi's hands were greeted by a group of people and snatched away.

This is not to mention, the two swords Tianji and Dijue on the back of the unicorn corpse were also snatched away.

Then they beat their chests and feet, their expressions were similar to Daoist Ziyun, and they went crazy.

"Husband, are they crazy?"

Seeing a group of people beating their chests and feet, Yue Mei's eyes widened, isn't it just a few pieces of broken copper and iron, as for this?

If Daoist Master Ziyun and the others knew that Yue Mei was evaluating a few instruments in this way, they would be able to smoke from the seven orifices.

"Sister Mei, you don't know something. For those who are not cultivators, these instruments may have no practical value, but for those who are cultivators, each of these instruments of my husband is priceless. One piece can even rejuvenate a fallen sect."

Ningshuang explained it to Yuemei, this kind of madness is hard to understand because it is not someone in the circle.

Mao Xiaofang looked at the comrades who were vying for the magic weapon, and was glad that he had seen it before, otherwise, even if he didn't go crazy, he would have joined the team of these people.

"Brother Dao, can we sell our relationship?"

Zhuge Kongping came to Jiang Lin with a thief look on his face. He touched the Yanlei Sword just now, and that feeling of domination and incomparability really made him feel like he was on top of the clouds.

"This kind of non-sale item, unless you exchange it for some treasures of the same level, or you don't need to talk about it. You can take a look at the copper sword in Master Mao's hand. I still have it at home."

Afterwards, Jiang Lin Fuer whispered to Zhuge Kongping: "For such a long-term partner, I will give you a [*]% discount, [*] oceans. The number is limited, first come first served."

Now that prices have begun to rise, Jiang Lin also needs to raise prices appropriately, and the [*]% discount is still [*] oceans.

Chapter [*] Corpse poison mutation!

Now the purchasing power of Ocean is gradually declining. Fortunately, Jiang Lin has already asked Uncle Ping to replace all the Ocean and silver notes at home with gold that cannot be easily changed.

Thirty thousand oceans?You might as well go grab it!

Zhuge Kongping almost roared, but he immediately thought that since the copper sword had found a buyer, it meant that the buyer felt it was worth it, so he went to Mao Xiaofang and asked him for the copper sword.

A few days ago, after Zhuge Kongping and the others arrived at Li Yangju, they just sat down in the shop, and Zhang Quan brought back the news, so they have not seen Liyangjuli's instruments and materials. over.

"Although it can't compare to those few, this is a good sword!"

Zhuge Kongping learned from Daoist Ziyun and stroked the body of the copper sword. This copper sword followed Mao Xiaofang to slay demons and demons, and it already had a weak spirituality.

"Cough, chasing after the ordinary zombie king, there should be no problem."

Mao Xiaofang was still under the care of Jiang Lin when he bought this copper sword, and now of course he has to help Jiang Lin sell it.

purchase!Go back and buy it!

The red copper sword was not even warm in Zhuge Kongping's hands, and was also borrowed.

"Master Mao, you bought this sword from Daoist Li Yang."

The copper sword was in the hands of Daoist Ziyun, and he heard Mao Xiaofang saying that chasing the zombie king would not be a problem, and he observed it carefully for a while.

Also a good sword!

"Yes, I was busy for a year or two before I bought it. Daoist Li Yang has a better quality than this one. Those pieces are of the treasure level of the town school, not something ordinary people can get. My copper sword is almost the same. That's enough."

The red copper sword that Mao Xiaofang bought for him was very precious. It was much stronger than his previous peach wood sword.

Daoist Ziyun returned the copper sword, still thinking about the soul-suppressing sword in his heart, and looking at the few magical tools that were snatched away by the madness, his face was full of pain.

Too bad!

In addition, Jiang Lin said that it was not for sale, but one of them could be sold, but it cost [*] million yuan, and they were even more heartbroken.

"Isn't it only two million, the poor man will make money when he goes back, and the three of you will work overtime for me in the future!"

Master Congzhen seemed to be crazy, his eyes were red, and he yelled at the three apprentices.

"Amitabha, monks shouldn't shake their hearts for these foreign objects. When I go back, give me more money for sesame oil!"

"Go back to catch the corpse a few more times, and the poor Taoist also needs a copper sword!"

After Daoist Master Zhen and Daoist Ziyun both decided to solve the corpse problem here, they went back to move bricks and went to Liyangju to buy these good things.

"Cough, poor Daoist Li Yangju has all kinds of magic tools, and there are a lot of rare materials. You can take a look at this matter."

After everyone returned the Soul-suppressing Sword, Jiang Lin took the opportunity to advertise a wave of advertisements. With these town-sect treasures, even if the quality of other instruments is not as good, where can they be?

must go!

Ransack Li Yang's residence of Daoist Li Yang!


Because noon had not yet passed, everyone present was not nervous, even Jiang Lin and the others were in a relaxed state.

At this moment, a scream suddenly came out not far away, attracting everyone's attention.

A little Taoist priest who was closest to Zhenkou Street lay on the ground and was bitten by a vicious dog while dragging him into the town.

Not so much a vicious dog, but a zombie dog.

It has no hair on its body, and its dark red ribs are exposed.

After screaming a few times, the little Taoist priest was silent again.

When Shu Ning saw this scene, she screamed in fright. She had seen zombies, and her vision developed resistance, but this bloody zombie dog made her jump onto Jiang Lin's body.

"call out!"

Jiang Lin shot out a yang finger, which pierced the zombie dog's head. The disgusting zombie dog snorted twice before falling to the ground and didn't move.

"Senior brother!"

A young man screamed out and was about to run over to save his junior brother, but Jiang Lin wrapped his waist with a yin fire whip.

"He is helpless, everyone on the alert!"

As soon as Jiang Lin finished speaking, a dozen zombie dogs and zombie cats appeared on the street.

"Daoist Li Yang, this... what's going on?"

"I don't know. I have never encountered this situation before. But I guess it should be that the corpse venom has mutated and can infect these animals."



A dozen zombie cats and zombie dogs screamed in unison and rushed towards the town entrance.



Jiang Lin fired with ten fingers, while Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi shot forward with the crossbow arrows in their hands.

Yang Zhiqi and short arrows shot together, killing the zombie animals that came running one by one.

What a strong spiritual beam, what a strong crossbow!

Everyone was not too surprised when they saw Jiang Lin's Yang Zhiqi. After all, it was Jiang Lin's famous stunt, but the crossbow arrow was different. Sisters Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi were both ordinary people, so they could give these corpses to evil spirits. shot?

good stuff!

"Jerry, let all the rats in town escape!"

When the situation became more serious, the corpse poison mutated and could infect some animals. Jiang Lin immediately ordered the rats in the town to evacuate.

Zombie cats and zombie dogs are nothing. If zombie mice appear, it will be over.

"Yes, mouse!"

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