"You two, as soon as I'm not here, make trouble for me!"

After Mao Xiaofang returned from Chenjiacun, Axiu told the story that Achu went to collect ghosts and disturbed Jiang Lin.

This is their Fuxitang's commitment to Li Yangju's love. Even if Ah Chu begged again and again, Ah Xiu would say the same.

"Catch the ghost, catch the ghost, the compass is not turned on, catch the ass!"

Mao Xiaofang raised his eyebrows with anger. It's been so long, and his two apprentices still haven't made much progress.

It is estimated that Jiang Lin knew that these two incompetent guys used the unconsecrated compass to hunt ghosts, and he must be laughing at his master's teaching.

"It doesn't matter if the compass is not consecrated, even the grapefruit leaves can be forgotten, Ah Hai, as a senior brother, Ah Chu forgot, can you still forget? With the grapefruit leaves, Ah Xiu can cast spells to open the eyes, you will give it to me Lose such a person?"

Mao Xiaofang only taught A Hai and A Chu a lesson, but did not blame A Xiu at all, making the two senior brothers shout unfair.

Immediately, Mao Xiaofang took his three apprentices to Liyangju and thanked Jiang Lin. If it wasn't for Jiang Lin, these two apprentices would have suffered a great loss.

"Fellow Daoist, thank you very much, otherwise these two stinky boys will be in trouble, and even Axiu may be injured."

After Mao Xiaofang arrived at Li Yangju, he expressed his gratitude to Jiang Lin. Ah Hai and Ah Chu had thick skin, so he wasn't particularly worried, but Ah Xiu was a little weak.

Hearing what Mao Xiaofang said, Ah Hai and Ah Chu suddenly became unbalanced.

The uncle Jiang Lin was fond of their junior sister and protected her by raising ghosts. The master also regarded her as a precious disciple and was never strict.

So unfair!

"It's nothing, it's just a little effort."

Jiang Lin smiled, if Axiu didn't have the protection of the charm spirit, he would definitely say a few more words and let Ahai and Achu be punished.

Now Axiu, like his own wives, is protected by a ghost-level charm. Even if the average ghost king wants to be unfavorable to them, he may not be able to succeed.

A desperate charmer goes mad, even the ghost king can't get any benefit.

"Husband, what kind of troupe cultural exchange is going on in the Qingfeng Opera Troupe? We also want to study drama in the past."

At this time, Shu Ning and Ren Tingting took some leaflets and found Jiang Lin. They happened to be learning Cantonese opera and Peking opera by themselves these few days. Now that the troupe is doing this cultural exchange, they can learn both hands in the past, which is better than a few sisters. Dress up at home.

"You are also participating, we have already signed up."

When Ah Chu heard Shu Ning say that she was going to a theater, she immediately smiled. Although she no longer had any hope, it was not bad to be an ordinary friend.

And if there are a few beauties in the troupe, it will also be a feast for the eyes.

"If you like it, go for it."

Jiang Lin has no objection to this. He treats his wives more than pampering, and treats each of them as a baby.

"Sister Tingting, I'll go too."

Axiu ran over and took Ren Tingting's hand, and involuntarily looked at Jiang Lin, husband, you agree too, right?

My God, when my apprentice is going to study drama, I don't even ask about my master.

Mao Xiaofang was very speechless, but he was mentally prepared early in the morning, this Axiu would have to enter Jiang's house sooner or later.

The three apprentices all went to the opera troupe to learn opera, and Mao Xiaofang had no objection. He was also a disciple of Liyuan, and the class leader Ye called him senior when they met.

That night, because the hostess and maids of Li Yangju and the three apprentices of Fuxitang signed up for the special training class of the troupe, and the "murderer" had been found, the class leader Ye invited Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang to have dinner at Hexing Building.

"Senior Brother, Master Jiang, thanks to you Fuxi Hall, Brother Long was able to reconcile his injustice. And there are many people who participated in our special training class, which really solved our urgent need."

The class leader Ye toasted Mao Xiaofang and Jiang Lin, and Mao Xiaofang said, "It's not my credit, it's just that the sky is full."

Ying Jintang on the side was also full of spring, and raised his glass: "Master Mao, no matter what, this time we can solve it safely, and our troupe can reopen. Come on, everyone!"

Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang also raised their glasses and drank wine or tea. Ying Jintang called another Xiao Wusheng over and said that he would like to hold him as a Xiao Wusheng, drinking glass after glass of wine, his face full of joy.

Although the reopening of the troupe is indeed a good thing, Ying Jintang's performance was a little abnormal, as if he had met a big happy event.

Mao Xiaofang and Jiang Lin both looked at Ying Jintang. They were not weak in terms of observation.

But the two didn't think much about it. Mao Xiaofang didn't think that the real murderer was Ying Jintang. Now that someone has become a scapegoat, Ying Jintang is of course happy.Jiang Lin, on the other hand, didn't want to pay attention to the tricks in it. He was a Taoist priest, and it didn't matter to him who the murderer was.

Halfway through the banquet, Mao Xiaofang went back first. After all, the haunting of the troupe was followed by their Fuxi Hall. Yi Xiaolong had already missed several chances to reincarnate, and Mao Xiaofang needed to send him to reincarnation first.

"Thank you Master Mao for helping me find the murderer. I have no worries here, and I have to trouble Master Mao to help me open the Yin Si road."

Yi Xiaolong was originally a professional, and he was very handy when he acted, but Mao Xiaofang didn't see any clues at all.

Even if Yi Xiaolong has become a serious ghost now, because he concealed it very well, he has been able to hide from Mao Xiaofang.

After that, Mao Xiaofang cast a spell in Fuxi Hall to open a passage leading to the underworld, and Yi Xiaolong also cooperated and walked down.

It didn't take long for Yi Xiaolong to appear in the Yizhuang Village in Gantian Town. He punched a few holes in the roof of the Yizhuang Village to let in the moonlight, and then he lifted the coffin board of the corpse.


Two black cats jumped out of Yi Xiaolong's arms. Not long after, the corpses in Yizhuang were all tricked and jumped into the town because they were fed mouse blood by Yi Xiaolong.

He pretended to be reincarnated in the underworld and used zombies to kill people. All Yi Xiaolong did was to prevent Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang from suspecting him.



The watchman and a few night owls in the town screamed. After they died, Yi Xiaolong appeared and sucked their souls into his body.

Chapter eight hundred and thirty seventh you are too late

Yi Xiaolong didn't swallow all the souls of the dead, and he still had to keep some of them. The presence of zombies in the town would definitely disturb Fuxitang and Liyangju, which means that some zombies would be killed.

Yi Xiaolong has swallowed a lot of the lonely ghosts around Gantian Town. If he wants to find them, it will take some effort, so he doesn't bother. There are so many living people in the town, and if one dies, he will have a soul to swallow. This is the quick and easy way.

Keep some corpses hidden, and when they become corpses, they can serve as free labor.

"Master Mao, there are zombies!"

Zhou Yuan patted the door of Fuxi Hall and woke Mao Xiaofang up, but A Hai and A Chu were both drunk because of the wine bar at night, so they couldn't join the ranks of killing the corpse at all. There were only Mao Xiaofang and A Xiu in Fuxi Hall. ,not enough people.

The zombies in the town have never sucked human blood, they are very eager for blood, and they are crazy, and the situation is urgent.

Jiang Lin slept soundly with Hei Yue in his room, but was disturbed by the zombie troubles.

Second uncle's, high fees and often disturbed sleep and nightlife, really shit.

When he came to the front yard, Jiang Lin found that Bai Rourou's master and apprentice were also there.

Bai Rourou forgot the time because she was studying the formation in the training room in the front yard. She still hasn't slept yet. After hearing the news of the zombies, she called Linglong and Hongdou over.

They eat and live for free in Liyangju, and now they have business, they also want to help Jiang Lin share some of the burden.

"Ah, fellow Daoist Bai, why are you here? I haven't slept. It's easy to get crow's feet when you stay up late."

Jiang Lin yawned and made a joke with Bai Rou Rou, since someone attacked him, he would just take a nap on the tiger's back.

Jiang Lin said casually, but Bai Rourou was so frightened that she immediately took out a small mirror and looked at the corner of her eyes at the moonlight.

No crow's feet!People are taking good care of it.

Bai Rourou gave Jiang Lin a blank look, and if she mentioned anything related to her age, she would lose her temper.

When Linglong and Hongdou saw that Bai Rourou was so concerned about her appearance, they couldn't help pursing their lips and chuckling, and together they squeezed their budding master together.

"Master Jiang, three sisters-in-law, there are a lot of zombies outside, it's not too late to flirt with the zombies."

Zhou Zhou Yuan was so anxious that his head was sweating, how could Jiang Lin and Bai Rou Rou still be flirting with each other, but as soon as the words came out, Bai Rou Rou's face flushed with embarrassment.

Jiang Lin whistled at the colorful tiger king, then climbed up and went back to sleep without responding to Zhou Yuan's words.

Is this the default?

Seeing that Jiang Lin didn't explain her relationship with them, Bai Rourou's face turned even redder.

In fact, Jiang Lin was too lazy to talk anymore.

"There is a compass in the shop, you take it with you, and I sleep."

Since the last time the zombies in Cixi's tomb came out, the compass had almost no role in searching. Jiang Lin improved the method of finding the corpse according to the situation in Gantian Town.

After Bai Rourou brought the compass, she followed Zhou Yuan into the town.

"Master Mao!"

Ten minutes later, Zhou Yuan and the others happened to meet Mao Xiaofang and Axiu on a street. They were dealing with a dozen zombies.

Seeing this, Bai Rourou let out a coquettish drink, and shot more than ten lotus gold needles from her hand, which just blocked the corpse energy in the zombie's body, preventing it from moving.

The three of them rushed towards several zombies with their peach wood swords. As long as the sword pierced the heart of the zombies, they could completely kill them.

These zombies are only at the level of purple stiffness, which is very easy to kill, plus they have been blocked from action, just go up and collect people.

Humph, this is the lotus golden needle of our sect. Although it is not directly used to deal with zombies, it is much more effective than other methods.

Bai Rourou was very satisfied with her performance. Compared with Mao Xiaofang and Axiu, they were much more efficient at killing corpses.

It has to be said that the Lotus Golden Needle practiced by Bai Rou Rou has a very good effect against corpses. Even if it becomes a fine zombie, the whole body is not a monolithic body. It is much safer for a Taoist priest to use a peach wood sword or a bronze sword for hand-to-hand combat.

It seems that this lotus golden needle can be passed on to Chili and the others.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin nodded, preparing to make a few sets of lotus gold needles for Chen Yu and Bai Min'er.

As for the few zombies that were restrained by Bai Rourou, Jiang Lin didn't move. Since Bai Rourou and the others wanted to show off and help themselves, it was a good intention, so he didn't bother to brush them away.

In less than half a minute, six or seven zombies were killed by the three of them, and the rest were eliminated by Mao Xiaofang and Axiu.

"Come up, remove the corpse early, and go back to rest early. You are wasting your time."

Jiang Lin asked Bai Rourou and the others to get on the back of the tiger, otherwise, he didn't know when the corpse would be finished.

Too much delay?

The three Bai Rourou master and apprentice looked stunned, this is already very fast, okay!

No matter how weak the zombies are, they are still zombies. This is a necessary time, okay!

Although they knew that Jiang Lin had a profound cultivation base, when the three of them heard this, they all felt that Jiang Lin was a little unreasonable.


Axiu let out an anger. Mao Xiaofang was her master after all. Saying this, her master doesn't want to lose face?

"I'm sorry, Master Mao, don't get me wrong, I'm not targeting you, I'm talking about my fellow comrades alive... it's too slow."

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