Go up to two or three beautiful beauties, walk through the motions and show it, and the difficulties of the theater will not be solved.

Okay, you mao Xiaofang, I'm still going to watch your good show, you use me as a shield?

Can my wife perform on stage for other men? ?

What else did you say to let Ah Hai and the three go up to make up the number, Ah Xiu is also my wife!

The black line on Jiang Lin's head secretly scolded Mao Xiaofang for being shameless.

"Master Mao, it is estimated that they are still inexperienced. If there is that little butterfly supporting the scene, we will also go up to a few people in Li Yangju."

Jiang Lin deliberately played a word game, it is impossible for his wife to take the stage, and it is impossible for her whole life.Just find two maids who learn to play with Ren Tingting and the others.

Not only that, Jiang Lin had to pull Mao Xiaofang into the water.

Tonight, Mao Xiaofang, the noble concubine, was drunk, he was sure.

"Master Jiang, thank you so much, brother, you and others are the same, and they are willing to help."

Class Master Ye went to grind Mao Xiaofang again. In the end, Mao Xiaofang had no choice but to agree. Anyway, Jiang Lin's wives were all prettier than Hua Dan, so if someone wanted to sign an autograph or something, he would not go to him.

"Axiu, go to Li Yangju and call Chili and Ren Tingting."

Jiang Lin whispered a few words in Axiu's ear, and let her go to Liyangju to call someone.

It's great, there are beautiful women acting, and it's a feast for the eyes.

As soon as Ah Chu thought of his aunt and aunt taking the stage as a female actress, he was looking forward to it, and even Ah Hai thought about it.

Ten minutes later, Ren Tingting brought three or five maids to the backstage of the troupe.

"Master Jiang, which Madam Jiang are going to take the stage?"

The class leader Ye took out some oil paints and ink. The time was short, and he needed to explain the matter of coming to power immediately.

Jiang Lin instructed the maids behind him, "Xiaohua, Erni, cooperate with Class Master Ye, you will be rewarded when you behave well."

"Master Jiang, didn't you say it was your wife who came to power?"

Class Master Ye was stunned for a moment, how did Jiang Lin change his mind.

"I never said that my wife would be on stage. I only said that Li Yangju would also go up to a few people. How can my wife perform for others, and if she wants to perform, she will perform for me alone."

Jiang Lin shrugged and continued: "Besides, isn't there a little butterfly? Just let him perform a few scenes in a row."

Master Ye: "..."

Jiang Lin was very determined and had no room for negotiation, so he also pulled Axiu away.In the end, Class Master Ye had no choice but to work on his senior brother Xiao Butterfly. Fortunately, Li Yangju's maidservants had studied more seriously before, and the number of people was almost enough. Ah Hai and Ah Chu couldn't come to power at all. Class Master Ye didn't use them either.

"Husband, is there anything special about today's play? I think you are very interested."

Jiang Lin took Ren Tingting and the others to their seats. Chen Yu and Tian Ji were sitting beside him. Seeing Jiang Lin watching a good show, they couldn't help being curious.

"Guess who is today's Huadan?"


"Master Mao."

Jiang Lin told Chen Yu softly that Mao Xiaofang was the little butterfly, and made a group of wives cover their mouths.

For a time, they were more interested than Jiang Lin.

"Jiang Lin, is it true??"

Axiu was sitting not far from Jianglin. After knowing this, her jaw was about to drop.

"Don't make a sound, or your master will be embarrassed."

Jiang Lin made a gesture to Axiu, Axiu covered her mouth consciously, and couldn't wait to watch the next imperial concubine get drunk.

After a while, the music started, the stage reopened, and Mao Xiaofang appeared.

As soon as the beard is shaved and the costume is put on, Mao Xiaofang has really become an actress, and he already has pear orchard skills, so he attracted everyone's attention as soon as the performance started.

"it is good!"

Jiang Lin clapped his hands and applauded, making Mao Xiaofang's face flush with anger, and with the white oil powder on his face, he was also charming and moving for a while.

Mao Xiaofang was so angry that he knew that Jiang Lin only sent a few maids who had studied drama before, and not a single Mrs. Jiang.

What made him even more angry was that Axiu was also taken away by Jiang Lin, and she was not allowed to come on stage to make up the number.

He had already agreed to the leader of Ye, but Mao Xiaofang could not refuse any more, so he could only bite the bullet and play.

Although his face was painted and his beard shaved, he could deceive others, but he could never deceive Jiang Lin.

Women's clothing boss!Huadan Mao Xiaofang!

Jiang Lin laughed from ear to ear under the stage, tonight's show is a good-looking one!

Seeing Jiang Lin applauding from below, and even Ren Tingting and Axiu covering their mouths and laughing, Mao Xiaofang really felt that his fame was gone.

"What a beautiful actress!"

"Little butterfly, I love you."

"This Hua Dan acted really well."

Everyone in the audience gave their thumbs up, and A Hai and A Chu also applauded wildly. They never imagined that the Huadan Little Butterfly on the stage was their master!

Originally, if Shu Ning and Ren Tingting were on stage, it would be enough for them to have a match, and Mao Xiaofang to have a match. After all, the audience's eyes were full, but now that there are no beauties, one match is simply not enough.

"It's so beautiful, let's do it again!"

After a performance, Jiang Lin shouted loudly, and then the audience also responded, claiming that he was not addicted to it.

Daoyou, you are so kind!

Mao Xiaofang looked at Jiang Lin with a harmless smile on the stage, his face turned pale.

Jiang Lin pretended not to see it and continued to do things.

Originally, when Mao Xiaofang injured Axiu, he was a little unhappy. Later, he had to let his wife make an appearance on the stage, so don't blame him for watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

As a result, Mao Xiaofang and Class Master Ye performed three games in a row. First, the imperial concubine was drunk, then Mu Guiying recruited relatives, and finally, they met at Broken Bridge. They played the story of Xu Xian and Bai Niangzi.

Mao Xiaofang contracted the roles of Yang Yuhuan, Mu Guiying and Bai Suzhen by himself.

Beautiful explosion!

After the performance, everyone in the audience stood up and applauded, with thunderous applause.

"A Hai, A Chu, don't hurry up and ask Xiao Butterfly for an autograph. Your master knows her, and you will definitely get the autograph."

Fellow Daoist, you are too much!

When Mao Xiaofang heard Jiang Lin's arrogance, he was so frightened that he hurried back to the backstage.

"Yes, autograph!"

"Little Butterfly, I want your autograph!"

Zhou Zhou Yuan, several young people, and A Hai A Chu immediately ran to the backstage. Mao Xiaofang went back to the backstage. He didn't dare to delay for a moment.

Chapter eight hundred and forty-five spirit birds on the tree, six animals restless

Fortunately, with the help of the class leader Ye who blocked Zhou Yuan and the others, Mao Xiaofang had time to escape. Otherwise, he would not know how to meet people in Gantian Town if he was recognized.

When you meet someone, you are called Little Butterfly, Concubine Mao, or Lady Mao?

Fellow Daoist, you are so disrespectful!

On the way back to Fuxitang, Mao Xiaofang greeted Jiang Lin in his heart.

Jiang Lin made it clear that he was watching his good show.

Don't you just suggest your wife to perform on stage? If you don't want to do it, forget it and settle the account with me. You're cruel!

Mao Xiaofang was depressed, and he had no bad intentions, so he was beaten by Jiang Lin, the wife-protecting madman.

"Husband, Master Mao's skills are so superb, it's really eye-opening."

"It just refreshed our understanding of him."

"I didn't expect Master Mao to have such a charming side."

Jiang Lin and his wives went out of the theater, and Ren Tingting and the others started chatting.

The scenes tonight were really interesting.

"Okay, if it wasn't for him wanting you to come on stage and become Hua Dan, I wouldn't follow along. Go back and talk about this, or else others will find out, Master Mao probably wouldn't dare to go out."

Jiang Lin asked his wives to stop the discussion. If anyone heard him, the image of Mao Xiaofang's generation of masters would be completely ruined.

Seeing that there were no outsiders around, Axiu gave Jiang Lin a hug and a sweet kiss, and said softly, "Husband, I'll go back first."

"Okay, I'll go back and ask the cat to give you some wound medicine. Don't leave scars on burns. Go back and see your master Hua Dan."

Jiang Lin rubbed Axiu's hair. If he hadn't worried that Mao Xiaofang would go wild, he would have gone to Fuxi Hall to see it.

When Ah Xiu returned to Fuxi Hall, Ah Hai and Ah Chu were still discussing the content of the three scenes, and they also said that Little Butterfly's true appearance should be a great beauty.

Not long after, Mao Xiaofang came out of the inner hall, still covering his mouth. He had shaved off his beard before, and now he can only top it with a fake beard brought from the troupe.

"Master, you missed a good show tonight, that little butterfly, I don't know how beautiful it is."

"Yes, Master, it's so beautiful."

Ah Hai and Ah Chu told Mao Xiaofang about the little butterfly in the theater, while Ah Xiu laughed and said nothing.

Mao Xiaofang glared at her deliberately, daring to reveal the slightest rumor, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat!

The next day, the troupe leader Ye and the rest of the troupe left Gantian Town with the He Tianxian troupe, and the matter of the troupe was over.

"Huh? Isn't this a parrot?"

Half a month later, Shu Ning brought a camera from the newspaper office to the vicinity of the Dragon Vein Tree in Zhenkou.

After she and Jiang Lin got married, she took a break for a while, and now she has returned to her own newspaper office to engage in journalism.

This morning, the townspeople went to the Dragon Vein Tree to pay their respects, but found a strange white bird resembling a parrot sitting on the tree, and there were many chickens, ducks, geese, pigs and dogs around, all circling near the Dragon Vein Tree.

When Shu Ning heard the news, he rushed here.

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