It seems that the water in Tantric is really not shallow.

If what Jiang Lin said is true, then the power struggle in the Potala Palace is really evident, and even Dase's reincarnation can get a fake one, so that he can be a marionette in the future.

"Captain Song, I'll go with you. I'm afraid that only the living Buddha Ningma knows the truth about the murder."

Jiang Lin left Fuxi Hall with Captain Song and went to the place where he clashed with Ningma Living Buddha.

The two left on their forefoot, and a group of lamas in black clothes and masks entered the Fuxi Hall with invisibility.

Although the actions of the black-clothed lamas were very secretive, after Jiang Lin's reminder, Mao Xiaofang had already paid attention and discovered these lamas.

However, these lamas were not lowly in cultivation. They mastered the stealth technique and knew a lot of magic to move in an instant. Mao Xiaofang also suffered a loss.

Little Xiami ran halfway, and was caught up by several black-clothed lamas. At a critical moment, Nyingma Rinpoche suddenly appeared, killed a few people, and then approached Little Xiami step by step.

"I'm not a soul boy, why do you want to kill me, knocking on the scriptures and reciting Buddha in vain, you murderous madman."

Xiao Xiami cursed loudly, hoping that it would spread and someone would come to rescue.

Ningma Rinpoche didn't argue, but with a gesture, a raging fire appeared around Xiao Xiami.

"Master Jiang, there is a fire behind you."

As soon as Captain Song spoke, Jiang Lin heard the faint voice of Xiao Xiami and hurried over.

When the two arrived at Xiao Xiami, they found that Ningma Living Buddha jumped and jumped into the sea of ​​​​fire.

"This murderer!"

Captain Song immediately took out his gun, but Jiang Lin stopped him and said, "I don't think he is the murderer of the murder in the town."

"In the past, you have already enlightened and understood life, old age, sickness and death. The relics I left behind after Nirvana can arouse your memories of past lives. I don't have much time. After you realize your previous life, the death of the first saint will also come to light. You must cleanse the devil. , with the orthodoxy."

After Ningma Living Buddha said these words, he sat cross-legged in the sea of ​​​​fire and set fire to burn his body. After a while, his flesh and bones were all turned into ashes, leaving only three fluorescent relics.

"Master Jiang, why did he kill himself? Isn't he the murderer of the child? How did he kill himself?"

Xiao Xiami was very confused about what happened, and he couldn't understand what Nyingma Living Buddha said.

"If you pick up the relics on the ground, you should know."

Xiao Xiami snorted, holding the three relics in the palm of his hand, the golden light shone, and some dusty memories gradually became clear in his mind.

"Master Jiang, Captain Song, Ningma Rinpoche was never a murderer, he just wanted to enlighten me. The murders in the town were all done by Phagpa and Atisha. As for the death of Luosang's parents , is also the murderous hand of Pasiba. He secretly committed adultery at the beginning) (Ji, I think Luosang should be his biological daughter. Although Luosang's parents don't know this secret, but just in case, Pasiba still Start."

After knowing the cause and effect, Xiao Xiami told Jiang Lin and Captain Song the truth, including the fire in the ancestral hall and the death of the spirit bird, all from the hands of Phasiba and Atisha.

The previous generation of Lama Dase was killed by Phagpa.

"It turns out that the truth is like this, you are the real reincarnated soul boy."

After Captain Song knew the facts, he was depressed and angry. They kept looking for the murderer, but they got the wrong target from beginning to end.

Nyingma Rinpoche didn't believe in outsiders at all, and he never explained it. In addition, Pasiba and the others were very secretive and coincidental. Even if the detective was here, they couldn't figure out what to do.

The three returned to Fuxi Hall, and Mao Xiaofang was quite astonished after telling the truth.

After all, in his heart, the impression of Atisha was quite good, but he didn't expect him to look away.

Eight hundred and sixtieth chapters Four Nobles and Eight Seals

"It's ashamed to say it. Living Buddha Nyingma did not do evil, but we hurt him again and again."

"Buddha of Infinite Life. You don't have to blame yourself too much, Master Mao. The Great Living Buddha Ningma is also worried that outsiders are not good for me and doesn't believe in others, so he has always kept his mouth shut. You are forgiven for misunderstanding him. The most important thing now is Tell the townspeople about their crimes, let the truth come out, and bring them to justice."

Ba Siba's mind is not right, if he is allowed to return to the Potala Palace, I am afraid it will be very difficult to punish them with the law.

"Tomorrow I will ask my father to call the provincial capital and ask the provincial government to issue an order to stop Pasiba and the others."

Now that Ba Siba and the others are on their way, they have killed so many innocent people in the town, and they are sane, and Captain Song will never let them go.

Ningma Living Buddha was not the culprit, so Captain Song no longer worried that there would be a murder in the town, and was ready to go back and have a good rest, and contact his superiors tomorrow.

Mao Xiaofang asked Xiao Xiami to temporarily stay in Fuxi Hall. Although he suffered from the losses of the black-clothed lamas, as long as he sprinkled some lime powder in the yard, it would be nothing to worry about breaking their invisibility and instant flashing.

Now that the matter has been clarified, Jiang Lin's task has been completed, so he and Captain Song left Fuxi Hall all the way.

"What? Are you a soul boy? Liar! I've watched you grow up since I was a child. Don't I know how much you weigh? If you were a soul boy, wouldn't I be the queen?"

Black Rose moved to the guest room in Fuxi Hall, and after hearing Xiao Xiami say that she was a reincarnated soul boy, she looked at him like a fool.

"I don't know if you are the queen, but I'm a soul boy. If I'm not, am I free to find an identity for myself? What's so good about being a soul boy? In the eyes of outsiders, you can call the wind and call the rain in the Potala Palace. What's wrong, it's a pity that they couldn't see that the soul boy's parents were killed before he arrived at the Potala Palace, and he was chased and killed again and again, do you think I'm so stupid to call myself a soul boy?"

After recovering the memory of the previous life, Xiao Xiami felt more and more that his sister was really unbearable.

"you really are……"

Black Rose was stunned by what Xiao Xiami said, and then she thought of her bet on Zhou Yuan, and she thought about prosperity.

The little shrimp shook his head and went to sleep.

Early the next morning, Black Rose ran to Zhou Yuan's house and yelled at him for money. After that, the townspeople knew that Xiao Xi Mi was the real soul boy.

Some people didn't believe it, so they went to Mao Xiaofang for confirmation. After getting a response, they no longer doubted.

"Husband, are everyone in this town crazy?"

At dusk, Ren Zhuzhu and Jingjing followed Jiang Lin for a walk on the street. Jiang Lin received the payment from Captain Song and was going to buy some jewelry for his wives. When they walked out into the street, they found that many things were hung from the soul boy. The name, what soul boy apples, soul boy steamed buns, and they are also very expensive, ten times more expensive than usual.

What's even more outrageous is that even if the price has risen a lot, there are still many people lining up to buy it.

After asking a few hawkers, Jiang Lin found out that Xiao Xiami ate the apples over there in the morning and bought the steamed buns from another company, and then the prices of everything from these two companies went up.

The following small shops that were patronized by Xiao Xiami also followed suit.

"The soul boy apple, come and buy it, the apple that soul boy loves to eat, eat more blessings and longevity."

"Spiritual boy steamed bread, one is smart and smart, two are healthy and disease-free, and more can be used to control the house."

In addition to the shouts of these stalls, not far away, Hei Rose was screaming and wailing in her rice shop selling beautiful rice for the soul boy, and there was a long queue in front of the rice shop.

Even if the price of rice was twenty times more expensive, they would still buy it.

It's crazy.

Jiang Lin was quite ashamed, these townspeople really had money to burn.

"Master Jiang, I finally found you, Master Mao is injured, you go to Fuxi Hall to take a look, that Ba Siba doesn't know what magic he used, and sealed the entire Gantian Town, and now the townspeople can't enter or leave. "

Wednesday Yuan looked around and lowered his voice, otherwise it would definitely cause panic if the townspeople knew about this situation.

Seal up the whole town?

"Zhuzhu, Jingjing, you all go back first, I will go to Fuxi Hall to have a look."

Then Jiang Lin followed Zhou Yuan to Fuxi Hall, Mao Xiaofang clutched his chest, his face pale.

"Master Mao, why are you hurt so badly?"

"My injury is still a trivial matter. That Phagpa went back and came back. He and a group of lamas set up the Four Nobles and Eight Seals to block the entire Gantian Town. I heard the news and went to Phagpa to negotiate. He asked me to Hand over the small shrimp. I tried to break the barrier, but I was internally injured by the shock."

Mao Xiaofang took a mouthful of blood, and his face became much paler.

"Four Nobles and Eight Seals?"

Jiang Lin was shocked. This kind of barrier is a very powerful barrier of Tantric Buddhism. In history, when the Potala Palace was attacked by demons, it was used to surround the nearly [*] square meters of Potala Palace. Get up, cut off the evil outside, close the door to eliminate the demons and destroy the demons.

Unexpectedly, Phasiba was actually used in Gantian Town this time.

It seems that Ba Siba should already know that Xiao Xiami has realized the past, and in such a short period of time, they can block the entire Gantian Town, I am afraid they have already made sufficient preparations before they arrive.

If the identity of Xiao Xiami's soul boy is not revealed, they will support Luo Sang to rise to the top, otherwise after the truth is revealed, they will use the Four Nobles and Eight Seals to seal up Gantian Town, in order to blackmail the entire town.

"Hehe, the entire Gantian Town is blocked. It's such a big frame. I'll go and see how powerful this legendary tantric enchantment is."

"Master Jiang, I'll go with you. This time the safety of the town is up to you."

Seeing Jiang Lin's calm expression and strong confidence in his tone, Captain Song couldn't help but admire him.

The barrier that even Mao Xiaofang couldn't crack was nothing in Jiang Lin's eyes.

"By the way, Captain Song, is there any hanging river around Gantian Town?"

Jiang Lin thought for a moment, then asked Captain Song a question. If Ba Siba only blocked the town, it would not be a big deal. Now a town can basically be self-sufficient. keep blocked.

If you want to have other threats, it is nothing more than borrowing water and fire.

The terrain of Gantian Town is relatively low-lying, so it is obviously more convenient to use water.

When the flood came down, the townspeople could not get out, that is, there was no way to go to the sky and no way to go down to the ground.

Chapter [*]: The Terrifying Li Yangju

"A river hangs on the ground? Yes, there is a big river in Xishan, Master Jiang, why do you ask that?"

"I'm thinking that if Phagpa goes home in a state of madness, he may want to slaughter the town. Now the townspeople know that Xiao Xiami is the real reincarnated soul boy. If it spreads out, Phagpa will definitely not be at peace in the Potala Palace. He blocked Gantian Town, and I'm just making some guesses. You still don't have to go there, tell the townspeople about it, and be prepared to evacuate the people at all times. This is only one possibility, the other possibility is Ba Siba may also use fire to attack, you should plan ahead to prevent it from happening."

Slaughter town? ? ?

Captain Song shuddered involuntarily, and said with an ugly face: "He shouldn't be so crazy, right?"

"Don't be mad, can you beat more than a dozen innocent children to death and burn them to death?"

Jiang Lin looked at Captain Song with a skeptical IQ. Others have blocked your town and committed so many murders, why don't you think about the worst?

When Mao Xiaofang heard Jiang Lin's words, he immediately felt that the matter was no trivial matter. If the Xishan River swelled, or the dam was blown up, then Chentangguan would be flooded.

Although he wanted to go with Jiang Lin, he was injured and should not move too much.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, Jiang Lin came to the town entrance, and now the whole town has been surrounded by Fabu full of mantras, presided over by dozens of scattered lamas. fluctuations in the world.

"Master Jiang, you are here. It seems that Master Mao should have told you the situation. This seat has already promoted the Nine Heavens Profound Qi and sealed the entire Gantian Town. Whether Gantian Town is a blessing or a curse, it is in the hands of one person."

Ba Siba sat cross-legged outside the barrier. After seeing Jiang Lin, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was winning.

Atisha and the others behind him also looked at Jiang Lin as if they were looking at the fish on the sword.

Their plans were destroyed by Jiang Lin over and over again, and now they can finally look down on Jiang Lin with a condescending attitude.

Not only can they look down, but this time, with the help of the Four Nobles and Eight Seals, they can flood the entire town in two days by causing the river to surge.

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