"Heavenly Master? Isn't that the same as Ba Siba and Master Jiang?"

Not to mention how depressed Captain Song was. In the past, Lei Gang was able to catch bullets with his bare hands, but now he has made great progress in cultivation, which is really troublesome.

"Do you really think that Heavenly Master is a Chinese cabbage? Now is the era of the end of the law, and there is not enough spiritual energy."

Jiang Lin looked at Ah Hai and Captain Song in a speechless manner. Captain Song didn't even need to be a cultivator, but Ah Hai and Ah Chu had no common sense at all.

In the end of the Dharma era, there is a Celestial Master, I don't know how difficult it is.

Even with the aptitude of Uncle Ninth, he still obtained Lei Fa from the Shenxiao School, plus years of baby supplements, and after cultivating his mind during travel, he was fortunate enough to break through to become a Celestial Master.

If Mao Xiaofang had not been living in Gantian Town all the time, relying on the dragon veins and dragon energy, if he wanted to have such a cultivation level, he might have to wait until he was about the same age as Ninth Uncle.

Lei Gang was already crazy when he jumped off the cliff. If he didn't see him for a year or two, he would break through to become a Celestial Master when he came back, then Mao Xiaofang and the others could go to the southeast branch.

"Uncle Shi, you still need to cultivate for many years at night, haven't you also become a celestial master?"

"Can anyone compare to me?"

Jiang Lin glanced at the two juniors and looked suspicious of their IQ.

A Hai and A Chu: "..."

Can we still be good friends? This is really hurtful.

Mao Xiaofang rolled his eyes. Although Jiang Lin was right, he was too ignorant of the feelings of others.

Chapter [-] Is this a team to play disco?

Captain Song smiled awkwardly, saying that he didn't know much about Taoism.Then he said: "By the way, I heard Gensao say that after Lei Gang caught her daughter, he always mentioned Axiu's name."

Hearing what Captain Song said, Ah Hai muttered, "Junior sister betrayed my uncle before, so he won't come to kill Ah Xiu this time, right?"

"My dad won't kill me."

Axiu leaned against Jiang Lin's arms and cried, her father might want to kill her when he came back, but you can imagine how she felt.

While several people were talking, Zhou Yuan rushed in and shouted, "Captain, Lei Gang has captured another little girl, and now someone else appears in front of the Wenwu Temple."

"Why did you arrest someone again? You mustn't let him run away this time. Master Mao, Master Jiang, I'll ask you two. I'll take people to the temple to surround them."

Captain Song didn't even have time to drink the tea, so he acted immediately. Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang did not delay, and immediately set off to Wenwu Temple.

Before arriving at the temple, they found that Lei Gang was holding two windmills at the toy stall at the entrance of the temple, and several policemen were evacuating the surrounding townspeople, forming a vague siege.

Before Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang could make a move, Lei Gang found them both. As soon as he stomped the ground, Lei Gang jumped onto the stone lion in front of the temple, and then jumped onto the beam of the house. Go up to the attic of the temple that is [-] to [-] meters high.

Almost as fast as a swallow.

Jiang Lin threw his clothes back and was about to catch up, but Axiu begged, "Jiang Lin, can you take me with you? I persuade my father."


Jiang Lin grabbed Axiu's waist with one hand, jumped, reached the attic where Lei Gang had just climbed in a few blinks, and then chased in the direction Lei Gang was running.

"Wow, Shishu's Qinggong is even higher than Shishu's."

"And with Axiu."

A Hai and A Chu's eyes widened, Jiang Lin's ability was really powerful.

"Let's chase!"

"Master Mao, I have a way to make Lei Gang change his ways and turn him into a kind and good person."

Wang Cai came over from the crowd and came to Mao Xiaofang, wanting to help.

"Wangcai, I know you are very enthusiastic, but things are no small matter now. You stay here and help Zhou Yuan and the others maintain order."

Mao Xiaofang didn't take Wang Cai's words seriously, and chased Jiang Lin and Lei Gang with Captain Song and the others.

A few minutes later, Jiang Lin and Axiu came to a thatched hut on the mountainside, and Lei Gang had already entered it one step ahead of them.

"Father, come out, don't do things that hurt heaven and reason."

After Axiu landed, she shouted at the hut.

Lei Gang walked out holding a girl's hand. The girl saw Jiang Lin and shouted for help.

"Axiu, don't be afraid. Daddy is here, they won't let them hurt you. Come here, this is the toy that Daddy gave you."

Lei Gang shoved the windmill he brought into the girl's hand, then looked at Jiang Lin and Axiu, and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Father, I'm your daughter Axiu."

"Axiu? No, you're not my daughter. My daughter Axiu is clearly here. Don't pretend to be."

Lei Gang looked at Jiang Lin and Axiu defensively, protecting the girl behind him.

Jiang Lin took a look at Lei Gang and said, "Xiu'er, your father seems to be insane. He is insane. He doesn't even know you. He recognizes someone else's daughter as you."

"Nonsense! Ah Xiuming is here, don't I know my own daughter? You must be trying to take my daughter!"

Lei Gang didn't give Axiu a chance to explain, so he was about to leave with the girl in his arms.


Jiang Lin dodged in front of Lei Gang, and reached out to grab the little girl in the latter's arms.

Lei Gang turned around, raised his arm and punched Jiang Lin in the palm of his hand, but Jiang Lin had nothing to do, but Lei Gang himself was shocked to the point of retreating.

"You really are here to rob my daughter!"

Lei Gang shouted angrily, and shook out a large piece of crystal powder from his sleeve and sprinkled it on Jiang Lin, who was rushing up, and even Axiu on the side was affected.

Seeing that the crystal powder was highly poisonous, Jiang Lin immediately turned around and landed in front of Axiu. The yin and yang flames in his body rushed out together, burning the crystal powder to ashes.

After such a delay, Lei Gang was [-] meters away.

"Xiu'er, your father doesn't recognize you anymore. If you don't go there, I will save the child. As for your father, I won't do anything serious."

After wiping the tears from Axiu's face, Jiang Lin went after Lei Gang.

It didn't take long for Mao Xiaofang and Captain Song to arrive at the hut, and Axiu told Mao Xiaofang about the situation.

"What do you mean, senior brother is unconscious? Don't worry about it for now, let's catch up quickly, I'm afraid it will take some effort for fellow Daoist to save people."

Mao Xiaofang, Captain Song and others set out to the top of the mountain together.

When everyone caught up with Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin and Lei Gang were fighting on the edge of the cliff. Lei Gang couldn't help but add a little strength to hold the girl's hand. The little girl couldn't breathe and bit Lei Gang's wrist.

Lei Gang felt pain in his wrist, and subconsciously threw the girl out of his arms and fell off the cliff.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin jumped up immediately, grabbing the cliff with one hand and the little girl with the other.


When Axiu saw Jiang Lin jump off such a high cliff, her mind went blank for a while.Then she didn't care about anything, jumped off the cliff with a leap, and was about to die for love.

The incident was beyond everyone's expectations. Mao Xiaofang was stunned on the spot. The cliff was not low at all. If he jumped like this, where would he survive?

Jiang Lin rescued the little girl at the foot of the cliff. When he saw Axiu falling, he immediately extended his arms, first wrapped around the little girl in his arms, then quickly stretched out, grabbed Axiu with his hand, and pulled her to the ground. in front of you.

"Jiang Lin, you..."

"Silly girl, did your man die by jumping off a cliff?"

Jiang Lin said this sentence, and couldn't bear to blame Axiu for being reckless. After all, this woman chose to abandon everything for her love after mistaking him for an accident.

Then Jiang Lin asked Axiu to hug him and hang it on him, freeing up his hands and throwing the little girl up.

As a result, just after the little girl was sent up, Wang Cai fell again.

It turned out that Wang Cai saw his only friend commit suicide by jumping off a cliff, and immediately rushed to the edge of the cliff. He was relieved when he saw the girl flying up, Jiang Lin and Axiu were fine.

On the other hand, Lei Gang's attention was all on the girl who flew up, and Wang Cai wanted to make a sneak attack to drain the evil energy from Lei Gang.

However, compared with Lei Gang, Wang Cai is like a baby to a big man. Even a sneak attack can't work.

"Fellow Daoist! Axiu!"

In just a few seconds, three people fell off the cliff one after another. Mao Xiaofang took three steps and two steps, and jumped to the edge of the cliff, but at this time a little girl flew up and bumped into him.

Mao Xiaofang was stunned for a moment. After catching it, he immediately threw it behind him. Lei Gang wanted to grab his "daughter" back, but he caught it and slammed it into Mao Xiaofang's chest.

Mao Xiaofang stumbled, the rocks under his feet loosened, and he also slid down the cliff.

"Second uncle's! I want to ask you, is jumping off a cliff fun? Is it fun!"

On the mountain wall, Jiang Lin almost uttered foul language, even if the little girl fell, he could understand Axiu's love, but as soon as he reached out to grab Wang Cai, Mao Xiaofang also came down.

Is this a team playing dance?

Chapter Eight hundred and seventy-ninth, what is the redemption of death?

Now Jiang Lin is digging at the rock with his left hand, and Axiu is hanging on his body like a koala in an indecent posture. With his right hand, he grabs the back of a prosperous prosperous man like Wang Bayoushui, stretches out with one foot, and catches Mao Xiaofang .

Another person would not be able to intercept four people who fell off the cliff like this juggling.

Who is free to jump off the cliff!

Mao Xiaofang rolled his eyes in anger. He was beaten down by Lei Gang himself, because Jiang Lin threw the child up and hit him.

Otherwise, even if he lost to Lei Gang, he would not have been knocked off the cliff.

But Mao Xiaofang didn't dare to speak now. If he fell from here, it would definitely become a puddle of meat sauce.


On the cliff, after A Hai and A Chu took the girl, they rushed towards Lei Gang like crazy.

"The two boys are not Lei Gang's opponents, Master Mao, you go up first."

Jiang Lin's legs hooked Mao Xiaofang, he lifted him hard, and threw him back.

After Mao Xiaofang went up, the two apprentices found that the master was fine, so they dispelled the idea of ​​dying with Lei Gang, and the three master and apprentice dealt with Lei Gang together.

"Go up!"

Jiang Lin's subordinates exerted their strength, and Wang Cai was also thrown up and flew back to the top of the cliff. It happened that Lei Gang and Mao Xiaofang's master and apprentice were entangled, and the place where Wang Cai fell was where Lei Gang stood.

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