So they were touched by Wang Cai one by one, because their evil thoughts were sucked away, Uncle Niu and the others suddenly felt that they were in a good mood, and their hearts were indescribably comfortable. color.

When other townspeople saw it, they lined up one after another, waiting for Wang Cai to "enlighten them".

Mao Xiaofang watched Wang Cai not far away, and always felt that this method of absorbing evil thoughts was a bit hard. He was worried that there would be problems with the townspeople, so he watched from the sidelines.

"Mustache, what are you looking at?"

"Miss Mei, I think Wangcai has changed so much recently, it's a little suspicious."

Hei Rose followed Mao Xiaofang's gaze and said, "There's something suspicious, you shouldn't be jealous of others. In fact, it's not bad. With one more person to help you kill demons and eliminate demons, you can't be empty. Come down and do something personal?"

Black Rose was coy, with the attitude of a little daughter, which made Mao Xiaofang get goosebumps all over.

Just at this time, a villager found him and asked him to help clean up the dirty things.

"I can't be empty, you see, I have a lot to do."

Mao Xiaofang immediately followed the person, for fear that Black Rose would stick to him again.

Chapter [*]: Dinghu Mountain, Tomb of Zuo Ci

"Hee hee, this mustache must be shy and always avoid me."

Black Rose pursed her lips and smiled, just like a peacock with an open screen, she wanted to eat Mao Xiaofang in one bite.

For several days, Hei Rose stepped up her offensive, making some rice cakes or sweet soup all day long and delivering them to Fuxitang. Mao Xiaofang wanted to make it clear to Hei Rose, but he didn't know how to speak.

Fortunately, someone from Luofu Mountain sent an invitation, and Mao Xiaofang left Fuxi Hall on the day he received the invitation. Even if it was Mid-Autumn Festival in a few days, he would not stay in Gantian Town.

"It's Mid-Autumn Festival again."

During the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion, Jiang Lin's family reunited and held a family banquet in the yard.

When Jiang Lin was moving, he specially asked a carpenter to make a large rotating dining table. Not to mention their family, even if Zhang Han, Jiu Shu and the four-eyed Taoist priest came, they could also sit down. .

Jiang Lin admires his wife while admiring the moon, and feels that life is really better than a fairy, but the only thing he regrets is that Axiu is not there.

If Axiu was taken over, Mao Xiaofang's face would definitely not look good.

During the mid-autumn festival, when he kidnapped and ran away the disciple that others hated the most, Mao Xiaofang was going to lose his temper.

At this moment, Axiu entered the yard with a bamboo basket on her back.

She is also the hostess of Li Yangju, but she has not been through the door for a while. She can go anywhere in a big house, and there is no need to report.

"Are you eating? Jiang...Husband, last year, Sister Tingting gave Fuxitang a lot of moon cakes. This year, I also made a lot of moon cakes for my sisters to try."

Seeing that there were no outsiders, Axiu blushed and changed her name to Jiang Lin's husband.

"Put it down, have you eaten yet?"

"I made and ate it myself. Master and the others went to Luofu Mountain two days ago. The Maoshan Southern Sect held its own Daoism conference on the Mid-Autumn Festival this year. Because I used to go out with Master a lot, and my cultivation level has surpassed that of my senior brother, I stayed here. In Fuxi Hall. I guess Master is annoyed by Hei Rose, even on August [*]th."

When he was in Chunlai Town, Jiang Lin held a small meeting on Daoism, which benefited many fellow Daoists a lot. Now Luofu Mountain is also doing the same.

Last time, Mao Xiaofang also gained a lot, so this time he brought two incompetent apprentices to the meeting, and he was able to avoid the entanglement of Black Rose.

Hello, you little hairy!

A few teachers and disciples went out, the big Mid-Autumn Festival, let my Xiuer celebrate the festival by herself.

Jiang Lin greeted Mao Xiaofang in his heart. If Axiu hadn't come to deliver moon cakes, he would have been alone in the house.

However, it's funny enough that Mao Xiaofang's generation of masters was actually driven by Black Rose so that he didn't even dare to stay in the town during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"Come on, eat more, don't go back tonight."

Jiang Lin pulled Axiu to sit beside him, Axiu blushed, she really missed the smell on Jiang Lin's body.

Seeing Jiang Lin's aggressive eyes, Axiu gave him a sullen look, and then snuggled into Jiang Lin's arms.

When Ah Xiu was still vague about love, Jiang Lin took her body, so in Jiang Lin's view, he thought he was a big bad wolf who kidnapped Little Red Riding Hood.

For Axiu, he does have a special feeling.

After eating, Jiang Lin picked up A Xiuheng and entered the room.

Chen Yu and Ren Tingting also followed them consciously. On this kind of reunion day, it is definitely necessary to exercise after meals to enhance the relationship between husband and wife, and everyone has a share.

"Husband, you are really demanding."

The next day, the sun was getting high, Axiu woke up and patted Jiang Lin's chest lightly. Her face was still flushed red, and Jiang Lin was greedy for her freshness overnight.

"Let people get up. Master and the others should be back today. The sisters are all up."

"Sleep a little longer."

Axiu is officially married, and I don't know when it will be. Since Jiang Lin has abducted her, how can she let her go so easily, and then ask for it again.

At noon, Ah Xiucai broke free from Jiang Lin's clutches and fled back to Fuxi Hall.

"Uncle, Zhang Quan and the others are back."

Jiang Lin was accompanying his wife in the garden, and when he heard Uncle Ping's words, he immediately went to the front yard.

Zhang Quan and a few of his subordinates bowed their hands to him and said, "Engong, you will live up to your trust."

When Xiaobai saw Jiang Lin, he twisted his body and tried to climb to Jiang Lin's feet, but he lost the strength after moving twice.

Jiang Lin took a deep breath and calmed down a little. It seemed that there should be news from Zuo Ci's tomb.

Seeing that Xiaobai was injured, he squatted down and held Xiaobai in his hand, and asked, "What's wrong with it?"

Zhang Quan responded: "It's a long story, it should have been injured by the tomb's guardian formation."

Jiang Lin pointed at Xiaobai's [*]-inch position and sent a pure spiritual power into the snake's body. Then Jiang Lin handed Xiaobai to Uncle Ping and instructed: "Take some ganoderma lucidum, ginseng and some dragon meat for it. Impressed."

Dragon... dragon meat? ?

Zhang Quan even suspects that he heard it wrong, there really is dragon meat in this world?

However, it was inconvenient for him to ask more questions. Zhang Quan was in awe of the benefactor who had saved them twice and had an extremely high morality.

"Let's talk, what's the progress? Although you are for repaying your kindness, but since I let you do things, I will not reduce your benefits. You and your family don't talk about prolonging your life, but you will not get sick in the years to come. I can still guarantee it."

"Thank you Engong!"

Zhang Quan originally wanted to say that they were only for repayment, but after listening to Jiang Lin's words, he was no longer hypocritical.

Isn't it just prolonging life if you don't suffer from any disease all your life?

"We have traveled almost all over Guangdong in the past two years, consulted various documents, exchanged information, and finally found the tomb suspected of Zuo Ci in Dinghu Mountain, Zhaoqing, eastern Guangdong. I am [*]% sure that Zuo Ci's tomb is hidden there. "

"Dinghu Mountain?"

Jiang Lin suddenly thought of a poem recorded in an ancient book. The poem said: Cangwu looks east to Dinghu East, the Yellow Emperor flew up to the lake and the lake is empty.

According to legend, Xuanyuan Huangdi, after defeating Chiyou and pacifying the Central Plains, once plucked copper from Shoushan Mountain and cast a tripod under Jingshan Mountain, where Dinghu Mountain was cast.After the ascension of the Yellow Emperor, the immortals often lived on the Tianhu Lake in Dinghu Mountain, ascended to the sky and entered the earth, and went in and out of impermanence.

Combined with Zuo Ci's ardent desire to become an immortal, it is very possible for him to place his tomb on Dinghu Mountain.

"But Dinghu Mountain is still a scenic spot today. If Zuo Ci's tomb was on the mountain, wouldn't it have been discovered long ago?"

"What Engong said is very true, but the fact is that Zuo Ci's tomb is not in the mountains at all, but in the water, at the bottom of the unfathomable Tianhu Lake on the top of Dinghu. The husband gave us a snake that can detect dragon energy, and we couldn't find a large tomb at the bottom of the lake. The snake was injured just now because it dived into the bottom of the lake and was injured by a mysterious force. "

After a pause, Zhang Quan hesitated for a while, and said, "Eunuch, it's not Zhang who talks too much, I observed the pattern around Tianhu, and it seems that it has become the legendary image of a blue dragon soaring into the sky. If there are immortals in it, maybe It has already emerged, and it will be immortal in a few days, but if it is not an immortal but a corpse..."

Speaking of which, Zhang Quan involuntarily snorted.

Chapter eight hundred and eighty second to kill the immortal

It seems to be over soon.

Although Zhang Quan does not practice Taoism, he is definitely an expert-level expert in tombs. Since he said that the pattern around Dinghu Mountain has become a phenomenon, it must be based on it.

From Jiang Lin's point of view, Zuo Ci can't become an immortal at all, and Jiang Lin has even seen the corpse of Zuo Ci's teacher Nan Hua Lao Xian. The teacher is still like this, not to mention his apprentice Zuo Ci.

To be immortal is simply delusional.

Therefore, Jiang Lin felt that the possibility of Zuo Ci's corpse transformation was very high.

If he wants to seize the immortal coffin, he will definitely conflict with Zuo Ci, so he will never allow Zuo Ci to become the second flying zombie.

One flying stiff requires Jiang Lin to do his best and use all means to deal with it, and another one will definitely cause an accident.

"Just stay in the guest room first, I'll prepare and leave tomorrow."

Jiang Lin instructed his servants to place Zhang Quan and the others, and went to the garden by himself.

"Husband, have you found Zuo Ci's tomb? I'll go with you."

"I'll go as well."

"And I."

Chen Yu, Bai Min'er, Caiyi and the others heard that Jiang Lin was going to visit Zuo Ci's tomb, and they all wanted to go together.

As cultivators, they were not unfamiliar with Zuo Ci's name, and Jiang Lin had also told them about the situation in Nanhua Xianfu, so they didn't need to think much to know that Zuo Ci's tomb must be troubled or even dangerous.

As for Zuo Ci's possibility of becoming a peerless corpse, Jiang Lin naturally didn't tell them.

"You stay at home, I'll just take the black-faced god and the mouse boy over there."

The last time they dealt with the Golden Armored Zombies, Chen Yu and the others almost had an accident, and this time Jiang Lin couldn't take them there anyway.

"Husband, Sister Yingqi and we are all a family. We also want her to wake up as soon as possible and do her best."

Bai Min'er didn't know what was wrong with her, but when Jiang Lin said she was leaving, she always felt a little uneasy.

"Just stay at home and don't go out if you have nothing to do."


"Okay, that's it."

Seeing Jiang Lin's resolute attitude, Chen Yu and the others stopped talking.Usually, Jiang Lin didn't object to what they asked for, but as long as Jiang Lin's attitude was firm, they would collectively obey.

Pampering his wife is the same as pampering his wife, but Jiang Lin still has great authority at home.

"Sister Ying Qi has been lying in the white jade coffin for many years. As soon as my husband heard the news of Zuo Ci's tomb, he rushed over there in a hurry."

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