The corpse on Jiang Lin's body erupted, also hovering in mid-air, confronting Zuo Ci.

Chapter [*] Cut your front teeth and slap your old face!

In the square, the unicorn corpse, the flying rat king and the snake demon Xiaobai have already fought with more than a hundred yellow turban warriors.

Each of these Yellow Turban warriors is like steel, and their strength is infinite. In this square, it is absolutely comparable to an army of ten thousand people.

Even the current big warlord, with a real gun and loaded military horses entering this place, may not be able to get any benefits.

But whether it is a unicorn corpse or a flying rat king, they are all corpse kings and demon kings in the world.

Although Xiaobai is weak, he is also a proper monster. Every time his huge snake tail entangles a yellow scarf warrior, he will throw it out like a cannonball. It didn't take long for a lot of potholes to appear on the ground.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin didn't bother to check the battle situation. If the corpse and the two demons wanted to wipe out the Yellow Turban warriors, it would be impossible without losing two layers of skin.

Compared to the Yellow Turban Warriors, Zuo Ci in front of him is the most terrifying big boss.

Jiang Lin's mind was completely focused, and the old stray hair in front of him was even more terrifying than the flying jerk that appeared in Shu.

Not only has one foot reached the level of flying stiffness and can fly into the sky, but what is even more terrifying is that he has the memory of his life, which is no longer an enlightened intelligence, but an extraordinary wisdom.

If a cultivator turns into a corpse and turns into a demon, it will be more terrifying than ordinary corpses and demons, not to mention that Zuo Ci was already a monk in the same echelon as Master Changmei before his death.

In the battle with Zuo Ci, Jiang Lin could not tolerate being careless.

Zuo Ci saw Jiang Lin's incarnation, and his face covered with fluff showed a look of shock. Although the corpse was extremely rare, Zuo Ci had not heard of it. What really shocked him was the emanation of Jiang Lin's body. The corpse emperor's aura.

Like him, Jiang Lin has the hope of reaching the level of a corpse.

"It's really a lost horse, how can you know it's not a blessing, you broke the old road, but you also gave the old a big gift."

Zuo Ci raised his head and smiled. His plan to become an immortal, which he had worked so hard to achieve for over a thousand years, was interrupted, and now he could only go on another path.

But this road is not easy to walk. Zuo Ci has not yet entered the level of flying zombie, and it will take many years to become a Taoist corpse.

But as long as he destroys Jianglin, drinks his blood and eats his flesh, he will surely be able to step over the other foot. After that, he will lie down and bury the immortal coffin and sleep for a hundred years, and he will become an immortal land immortal.

The corners of his mouth twitched, Zuo Ci rubbed his upper and lower fangs against each other, making an extremely unpleasant grinding sound.

Greed, arrogance, and ferocity, these words are the perfect words to describe Zuo Ci at this time.

How can the world think that the old Taoist man who played Cao Cao with a cup in the Three Kingdoms Pingshu has become like this now.

"Giving you a gift? You look down on your teeth too much, and you're not afraid of breaking your old, rotten teeth!"

"Okay, good, long eyebrows were planted in my hands back then, I see what kind of ability you stinky boy has."

After being called by Jiang Lin as "Old Miscellaneous Hair", Zuo Ci's eyes were full of black light, and his body rioted in the air, rushing towards Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin threw out the bone sword with one hand, and probed into his arms with the other, and the Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword also lit up.

The arms stretched softly, and the two cold light long swords were like the two edges of a sharp pair of scissors, twisting towards Zuo Ci who was pounced.

The two swords slashed on Zuo Ci's body, and the sparks splattered all over. With the sharpness of the Tianlong Divine Sword and the Bone Sword, they only cut through Zuo Ci's Taoist robe, tore through the corpse hair, and left behind on his skin. There was a slight bloodstain.

The defense is actually stronger than the flying zombie in Shu!

Jiang Lin was not too surprised by this. Zuo Ci had eaten many treasures in order to become an immortal. It would be strange if he cut his body with a single sword.

Zuo Ci wrapped his arms around him, like a tiger descending the mountain, and threw himself in front of Jiang Lin, only to be smashed by a yellow turban warrior who rolled his arms.

A yellow turban warrior with a body as hard as steel was torn into two pieces by Zuo Ci.

Zuo Ci pounced two more times, but Jiang Lin also dodged.

"Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword? So it's with you! And your spirituality hasn't diminished much, boy, you must have the ternary power mentioned by Longmei, hehe."

Seeing the treasure of Emei in Jiang Lin's hands, Zuo Ci stopped his attack. He smiled and stared at Jiang Lin with black eyes, exactly like a starving ghost looking at a table of delicious food.

"Want to eat me? Cut your front teeth!"

Jiang Lin did what he said, his body disappeared in an instant, and suddenly appeared in front of Zuo Ci.


The zheng bone sword collapsed, and Jiang Lin felt a numbness in his bones.

However, there was also a small gap in Zuo Ci's fangs, which made his entire gums go numb.

Although Jiang Lin is Mao Zong, he has a lot of supernatural abilities. Zuo Ci really didn't expect Jiang Lin to be able to teleport in a short distance, so he suffered a dull loss.

The loss is still a trivial matter. Jiang Lin chopped off his teeth, and the effect was almost the same as a slap in the face.

Jiang Lin disregarded the numbness in his body, his figure flashed again, and then he slapped Zuo Ci's face. After the slap, he slapped his ear again.

The sound of slaps resounded throughout the square, and even the Flying Rat King and Xiaobai looked towards Jiang Lin.

"Old miscellaneous hair, want to eat me, chop your front teeth, slap your old face! Bite me?"

After Jiang Lin slapped and slapped, his figure suddenly retreated, standing ten meters away with a bright smile on his face.

Now he wanted to provoke Zuo Ci and take him to the dynamite pile and the formation outside.

Jiang Lin's attack with his sword just now was considered a test. According to his expectation, he would not be able to bring any substantial damage to Zuo Ci with the help of magic weapons and Taoism, or even his corpse and supernatural powers.

Zuo Ci's body defense was astonishing, but he should not have reached the point where he was reborn from a severed limb.

Therefore, Jiang Lin wanted to retain his own strength and use foreign objects to crippling this old man.

"I cut your front teeth for myself. I smoked your old face. I did it for Master Changmei and my wife, Li Yingqi. Don't you want to become a fairy, old man? It turns out that it's so cool to smoke a fairy's old face."

"It's nothing to say that the immortal's board is nothing. It's exciting to draw the immortal's old face, hehe, hehe."

Jiang Lin snarled with all his strength. The usual methods to provoke Zuo Ci didn't have much effect at all.

Zuo Ci has lived for so many years, and he is already an old man.

The most effective way is to humiliate him severely.

Sure enough, Zuo Ci's old face seemed to be suffering from stroke and hemiplegia.

"Bite me?"

Jiang Lin put the two swords on his back and spread out his hands, as if to say: I just like to see how you want to bite me but can't.

Chapter eight hundred and ninetieth hair loss


Zuo Ci was so angry that he was so angry that he screamed up to the sky. He couldn't help but get angry. His teeth were chopped off and his face was slapped. Who could keep his senses.

In particular, Jiang Lin deliberately made a rude look, and the gods and Buddhas could afford the fire of ignorance when they saw it.

The corpse roar echoed in the mountain, and the flying rat king not far away hugged his ears, and a humanized fear appeared on the face of the unicorn corpse.

With a "swipe" sound, Zuo Ci turned into an afterimage and shot at Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin's face was dignified. He not only had to guard against Zuo Ci's body, but also paid attention to whether Zuo Ci could run the Dao Fa.

"Quick fight!"

The Flying Mouse King said hello to Xiaobai. After following Jiang Lin for so many years, the Flying Mouse King is quite qualified as a pet. Sometimes Jiang Lin can guess what plans he has in his heart.

As soon as he thought of the traps set up outside, the Flying Rat King understood the key.

Fortunately, there is a trap, otherwise Lao Tzu will probably lose his arm and break his leg.

The Flying Rat King swept away the battle between Jiang Lin and Zuo Ci not far away, and felt fortunate in his heart that as long as a zombie of this level was given to him, it would definitely not be a simple shedding of skin, and he could lose half his life.


Jiang Lin punched Zuo Ci with a punch, and then his body shot backwards, knocking a house apart.

Even if Jiang Lin had the increase of the war pattern, he was completely suppressed and beaten against Zuo Ci, especially the angry Zuo Ci.

However, with his own abilities, Jiang Lin was even more slippery than a loach, and he didn't have much to hang on to.

Zuo Ci's eyes were filled with black energy, and he approached the ruins step by step. Every time he took a step, a spider web-like crack appeared on the ground.

"Give you a big gift bag!"

Jiang Lin suddenly jumped out of the ruins and threw out a pack of Exploding Flame Talismans and Flame Paper Cranes.

After sending a bunch of bombs, Jiang Lin found an inclined plane and squatted in the back. This time, he used the most serial bombs. It is conservatively estimated that killing zombie kings for several thousand years is enough.

A huge explosion sounded, and the pack of Exploding Flame Talismans and the Flame Paper Crane exploded together, with a power comparable to that of a high-explosive grenade.

Hearing an angry roar from the explosion, Jiang Lin saw Zuo Ci, who was charred in black, through the smoke and dust.

Teleport, step out, kick the face, step on the head!

This time Zuo Ci was even more miserable, his whole head sank into the ground, and Jiang Lin's soles kissed his head and face recklessly.


Jiang Lin rushed forward, punched the boulder at the exit, and jumped up the deep hole with the Flying Rat King.

"The old man wants to extract your soul to refine your soul!"

Zuo Ci's roar came from behind, and it was so broken.

The sole print on Zuo Ci's face, chasing after him wildly, soared up in the deep hole.

"Old miscellaneous hair, how does the sole of the shoe taste? I have your courier, so hurry up and sign for it."

While using the levitation ability, Jiang Lin threw stacks and stacks of thunder and lightning runes, explosive flame runes, and ice seal runes down below.

"As the saying goes, immortals caress my top, tie hair and grant longevity, old miscellaneous hair, I'm stepping on the top of immortals, shedding hair and granting longevity. I'm empowering you and helping you become an immortal."

"Haha, hair loss, hair loss. Everyone else is a barefoot fairy, he is a hair loss fairy."

The Flying Mouse King laughed. Zuo Ci had a head of crane hair, but it was blown up by the sun, and then rubbed by the sole of Jiang Lin's shoes, causing a lot of white hair to fall off.

Even if Zuo Ci really became an immortal in the future, he was still the most shabby immortal.

"I'm fucking you!"

Zuo Ci was so angry that he was so angry that he faced waves of blasting sun and thunder and lightning.


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